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Briefly explain five (5) importance of Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) from
Sarawak Energy Berhad (SEB) Company towards Sarawak Energy towards their

Five importance of Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) from Sarawak Energy

Berhad (SEB) Company towards Sarawak Energy towards their stakeholders is to continue
the effort further by reaching out to the wider community and working in partnership
with relevant parties to bring wider societal impact. Generally, corporate social
responsibility means active involvement of the private sector through participation or
contribution to the community which aims to improve the welfare of society. In this case, the
corporate sector can play a role in various areas of education, health, environment and
economy. In summary this responsibility if implemented in good faith and fair would give a
thousand and one useful to society.

As a normal human being would never be grateful enough but on top of what has been
obtained. With CSR, makes social responsibility is something that is more open and not
target one group only. This is due to a corporate sector that carry out this responsibility only
on those who can bring profit to the company alone and not to those in need.

The existence of a sense of responsibility to the community that has become the
backbone of business, consumers should be fostered at every level of the corporate
organization. If, on the basis of sincere it will be more sustainable and more equitable. Their
implementation should also be more variety in terms of time and place. Many companies
have corporate social responsibility but rather focuses on the place and the same time each

Secondly, to ensure local youth are ready for employment opportunities brought
by the Baleh HEP. In addition to create jobs for local residents, the company must took the
initiative to send the staff for training to improve their skills. Most of the SEB’s CSR are
focus to the youth development because they believe that youth are the future to the economy
and country. This also can make the youth is easy to find the job when they have skill that the
company wanted in the market.

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Next, the importance of Corporate Social Responsibilities is being absorbed into

internship programmes after training and also undergo coaching on soft skills to
prepare them in the job market. Sarawak energy has begun providing skills training for
them at local training institutions like Institut Kemahiran Belia Negara and Institut Latihan
Perindustrian. With initiatives like this it will actually help students and schools from many
angles, including increasing student knowledge related to current issues, creating the habit of
reading and also can improve English proficiency among students. While the form of support
and help given to companies local universities also like working with the university to
contribute in terms of receiving assistance from students who will make industrial training in
their companies. Where usually the company more focused on students who majored in
engineering and accounting. To provide industrial training to students in Sarawak students
can raise the name of a company.

This is because with the Industrial Training students in a particular organization will
be more skilled in the conduct of an employee after being given information and guidance on
a work by skilled workers. Students pursuing the Industrial Training will be done in the
exercise of a right to be given exposure. Students will also be more knowledgeable and
understand about things related to their field of study after attending lessons in practice.

In conclusion, the local communities from Sarawak are more encouraged to try to
practice every knowledge thus learn new things. This allows employers to view their own
existing competencies while undergoing training and will strengthen the internal capabilities
of the various aspects of the student.

Other than that, Corporate Social Responsibilities also can include the provision
of amenities like clean water and electricity supply and also from programmes in
education, youth development, entrepreneurship, capacity building, culture and
heritage, environment management and conservation and corporate charity project.
Health is an issue that is important and healthy individuals can play an effective role in the
development of society and the state. Therefore, it is not quite the taste of corporate social
responsibility only on the purely educational aspect, but also the upgrading of public health is
one thing that is so significant. The emphasis on environmental protection should not be set

Clean and comfortable environment that reflects the basic livelihood of the people of
a country. How to boost the national economy if the environmental aspects are ignored? State

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dirty and unsafe not only scare foreign tourists to come visit but will also restrict foreign
investors' interest to invest in the Sarawak and also our country. When tourists and investors
do not dare to come to this country, it is not surprising that one day Malaysia will suffer
serious economic depravity. The private sector, especially those directly affected by the
environment required to be more sensitive when conducting their business. Matters related to
the surrounding environment should be taken seriously. The implementation of policies
relating to the environment that has been created has helped to avoid contamination of nature
as this issue is seen as very serious in the country's booming development towards a more
modern and charity project.

Apart from the activities organized by the health, daily diet is also an important factor
that needs to be emphasized. Poor diet coupled with dumping 'fast food' in the market
resulted in the Malaysian and also Sarawak society prone to chronic diseases such as heart
disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and so on. And since then, the company has established
Cosway organic farm that supplies vegetables and organic meats can be purchased at a low
price compared to the market. As a society, think wisely to seize this opportunity should. The
benefits that come from corporate social responsibility like this allows us to adopt a healthy
lifestyle with a better and more effective.

Lastly, from Corporate Social Responsibilities, SEB also can continues to offer
scholarships to bright students and contribute to the Bakun Charitable Trust to be
utilised to support the education needs of thee Penans. Despite the omission of a people
age, it can be returned to education requires consistent awareness among young people.
Government also recognizes the Penan are key to the development of a change in thinking on
the subject. The Penan potentially be developed if the commitment is given to improve their
achievement in the field of education. Races are often exploited by some western NGOs in an
effort to topple the government should be brought into the mainstream of national
development to prevent unscrupulous people inside and outside the country, giving a negative
image of them. Agree or not, it is argued dropout in primary education at the pre-school is
seen as the greatest obstacle to the progress of education Penan children. Most of the Penan
children, especially in the interior of Baram had never set foot in early education centers.
Therefore, it causes these groups lag behind their peers from other communities when
entering the year.

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In addition to preserving the culture and customs of the local community also
emphasized education for the Penan. They are honoured to contribute towards the education
of the future brighter for children Penan. Other than that, the overall incentive of RM50, 000
from the Education Fund to a total of 266 Belaga Penan students based on the number of days
of their attendance to school and hopes to encourage more children to school and Penan
continue to provide educational support to the children involved in the future.

Question 2

Briefly explain with example Four (4) impacts on Corporate Social Responsibilities towards
Sarawak Energy Bhd (SEB)’s business operations.

Four impacts Corporate Social Responsibilities towards Sarawak Energy Bhd (SEB)’s
business operations is firstly, Corporate Social Responsibilities implementation by
corporate organizational give impact and the impact is of either directly or indirectly to
the organization itself. For example, the positive response from users of Corporate Social
Responsibilities efforts by the organization to produce an increase in sales of goods and
service. Corporate Social Responsibilities initiatives could also open up new markets,
especially in countries building. Companies that managed to find a way to deal with the
poorest people in the world have assist in reducing poverty while improving the economy of
these countries.

Among the companies that frequently carry out its social responsibility is Faiza Rice
Company in collaboration with Media Prima Berhad. Both these companies have
implemented a program that is named with you. With Program is a community outreach
programs that help the poor. They move from one place to another throughout the
country to help the poor. This issue TV3 program received rave reviews since it was first
introduced in 2005.Program screened at 9.30pm, Wednesday is expected to give rise to self-
reflection and self-awareness fellowmen to help the poor.

Among the company's corporate social responsibility for the benefit of scale and
potentially improve the way companies implement social responsibility is different. This is
because each company has different scale and they need to implement social responsibility in
accordance with the company's ability and Corporate social responsibility goes a long way in
creating a positive word of mouth for the organization on the whole. Doing something for

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your society, stake holders, customers would not only take your business to a higher level but
also ensure long term growth and success.

Corporate social responsibility plays a crucial role in making your brand popular not
only among your competitors but also media, other organizations and most importantly
people who are your direct customers. People develop a positive feeling for a brand which
takes the initiative of educating poor children, planting more trees for a greener environment,
bringing electricity to a village, providing employment to people and so on. You really do not
have to invest much in corporate social responsibility activities. Do not undertake CSR
activities only to gain publicity but because you believe in the cause. There are many
organizations which tap remote villages, some of which are even unheard as an initiative of
corporate social responsibility.d hard calculated.

In addition, corporate social responsibility can also improve the company's

image. This is because when a company is socially responsible. for example such as
Samsung company that not only donate to the tsunami victims in Balik Pulau, Pulau Pinang
but the company sent some of their staff to help tsunami victims who have been traumatized
by the incident that occurred on December 26, 2004 was.

Activities carried out has caused not only the public but also corporate members have
a positive attitude toward the electronics company from Korea. They argued that the
company Samsung is concerned and willing to help people in distress. Improved company
image easier for companies to do a variety of activities such as the promotion of their
products. This is due to brand their products are popular because of their noble activities.

The term corporate social responsibility gives a chance to all the employees of an
organization to contribute towards the society, environment, and country. We all live for
ourselves but trust me living for others and doing something for them is a different feeling
altogether. Bringing a smile to people’s life just because your organization has pledged to
educate the poor children of a particular village not only gives a sense of inner satisfaction
but also pride and contentment. One should never forget the importance of society and
environment in our lives. It is indeed high time when we also start thinking about people
around us who are less privileged and fortunate than us. [ CITATION Imp \l 17417 ]

Lastly, there are various problems that forced the company is facing when
implementing CSR. Among the aspects that the company might have a problem is the
risk. Risk management is a key aspect in most of the corporate strategy. This is because the

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higher risk was calculated to be taken, the higher the returns earned the company.
Implementation of social responsibility will improve the company's image and attract the
attention of not only the public but also from the government, media, and creditors.

Any little mistake you make is as wrong to calculate the benefits and value that needs
to be donated. This led to the long-built reputation will be destroyed in an instant. In addition,
they will also be condemned and as allegations of corruption and scandal on suspicion of
misusing money donations.


(n.d.). Retrieved from Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility:

(n.d.). Retrieved from latihan industri:


Magazine, F. W. (november, 2015). Retrieved from The importance of corporate social responsibility:

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