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Name : Dian Anjani

Matriks Number : JP20057

Section A- B
1. True
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. True
6. True
7. True
8. True
9. True
10. True
11. C
12. D
13. B
14. E
15. D
16. E
17. E
18. E
19. E
20. A
Section C

Company Customer Product/Service Market Philosophy

Mercedez-Benz User Luxury Vehicle All around Through them transparent
Vehicle the world atmosphere,
premium auto inventory,
and individualized
customer care, they
create the luxury
shopping experience that
them customers truly
Nike Athlete Sport Equipment s(like All around They creating ground-
shoes, bag, etc) the world breaking sport innovation,
by making them products
more sustainably,
by building a creative and
diverse global team and
by making a positive
impact in
communities where they
live and work.
Name : Dian Anjani
Matriks Number : JP20057

a. Apple.Inc has a clear strategy and set of goals. Apple, Inc. defined their strategy and goals in
their last annual report as the following: The Company is committed to bringing the best user
experience to its customers through its innovative hardware, software, peripherals, and
services. The Company’s business strategy leverages its unique ability to design and develop
its own operating systems, hardware, application software, and services to provide its
customers new products and solutions with superior ease-of-use, seamless integration, and
innovative design
b. - Apple In Always keep their marketing and their product simple
- It always avoid Price Wars by Emphasizing their Unique Value Proposition
- Apple has created a customer experience that goes far beyond the actual purchase
in a retail store. They no longer even need to be in charge of a huge part of their
content marketing since their target market is doing it for them



No Case Score
1 Focus on effective operation and cost saving initiative (achieved 2.9% 1
2 Shareholders/public confident on CIB performance superior quality 4
3 Good relation with local authority of 12%. 4
4 Superior quality management (product are certified by JAKIM that are 4
5 They have fully support from human resources in supporting their 2
6 Strong financial performance (performing very well in comparison with their 4
7 They have unique taste that other company not have. 4
8 They have their own premises. 3
9 Intense competition with top brand cookies products like Famous Amos, 3
Seng, Chipsmore and any new cookies brand.
10 They have fully support from human resources in supporting their 1
11 Government encourages export activity to balance the deficit payments. 4
12 Online advertising expenditures increased 10%. 2
13 Disposable income among citizens grew 7% in 2020. 2
14 High bargaining power of customer. 3
Total 41

b. Shareholders/public confident on CIB performance superior quality management. It makes

A company's stock price reflects investor perception of its ability to earn and grow its profits in
the future. If shareholders are happy, and the company is doing well, as reflected by its share
price, the management would likely remain and receive increases in compensation.
Name : Dian Anjani
Matriks Number : JP20057

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