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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Cotabato
Danlag, Tampakan, South Cotabato



Mathematics can be a difficult subject for Junior High school students to grasp. The abstract nature of the
concept often makes it challenging to explain to young learners. Teaching elementary math is much easier with the
help of a variety of teaching tools that help make mathematical concepts more concrete and demonstrate to
students how they will use math in their everyday lives
A number line is a simple, affordable and incredibly valuable mathematical teaching tool. When students begin to
learn math, they develop number sense. Number sense is the understanding of what numbers are and how they
relate to each other. A student who knows that six is a larger number than four has a basic concept of number sense.
Number lines provide students with a concrete representation of the number system. When students first begin
counting or start to learn the basic operations of addition and subtraction, number lines can help them compare the
values of numbers as well as remember the order of the digits.

When developing early math skills, students must learn basic mathematics formulas.. By practicing different
basic mathematical formulas, teachers can ensure that their students can quickly recall the basic mathematics facts
needed when they move on to more advanced mathematical concepts in higher grades.

Manipulative that help students figure out simple or complex math problems. Teachers commonly use
brightly colored plastic or wooden blocks as manipulative. When students first see an problem, the concept is
foreign to them. It can be difficult for them to visualize a situation in which a quantity is added to another quantity.
Through the aid of manipulative, teachers can demonstrate how the concept works. If a student is trying to
determine what the problem is all about is, he can easily solve the problem by taking two examples of manipulatives.

Story problems allow students to see how they will use mathematical concepts in class in real life. Learning
how to add, subtract, multiply and divide is only half the battle. The skills are nearly useless if students cannot apply
them to real-life situations. By integrating story problems into daily lessons, teachers can effectively ensure that their
students understand how to use math in everyday life. Also, story problems help students understand the relevance
of math. Through story problems, students can begin to see that the concepts they are learning are not only useful in
school, but that they have inherent value due to real-world applications.
Teachers who are teaching Mathematics
Grade Name Position Years in Teaching Mathematics

7,9,10 Romeo G. Daton Teacher-I 3

8 Loraine Mae F. Raňises Teacher- I 2

Activities Undertaken
Preparation of teacher made test for every Quarter
Conducted review and joined Math Quiz Bee
Constructed intervention materials and related activities in teaching Mathematics

Accomplishment Result

GRADE ENROLLMENT 1st Quarter 2nd

Male Female Total
7 25 29 54 84.32 85.28
8 30 27 57 80.10 81.21
9 25 22 47 85.41 85.52
10 17 15 32 86.72 87.44

Problem Encountered
 How can I provide enrichment within the classroom to students who are ready to think more deeply about
 How can I provide Slow Learners the Appropriate Remedial Activity without compromising the quality
time of instruction for other learners?
 How can issues regarding lack of references be addressed.

 Focus on presenting lessons through significant types of problem solving
 Have students record their ideas, strategies, and questions. These could be a spiral notebook that the student
keep or a binder. Students could also write their responses to Writing/ Reasoning prompts.
 Differentiation can happen during the main discussion by talking about the concepts at various levels and
modeling strategies for kids. Other ideas include: modifying Math Boxes, supplying games that hit more difficult
skills, and doing the Enrichment activities for each lesson."
 Employ Role playing, Simulation, Pear Tutoring and Learning Barkada during activities.
 Provide ample visual and teaching devices and various problem- solving that will enable to develop critical
 Thinking and logical Reasoning.

Teaching Mathematics is an important vehicle for educating students for life by promoting interest,
developing common sense and the power to discriminate. In particular, it is an approach which encourages flexibility,
the ability to respond to unexpected situations or situations that do not have an immediate solution, and helps to
develop perseverance in the face of failure. A problem-solving approach can provide a vehicle for students to
construct their own ideas about mathematics and to take responsibility for their own learning. While these are all
important mathematics skills, they are also important life skills and help to expose pupils to a values education that is
essential to their holistic development.

Prepared by:


Mathematics Coordinator

Noted by:

Teacher In-charge

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