Educ - 201 - Learning of The Week#6

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Reaction Paper No. 6

Name: Rudolph Prudence S. Pailago Date: June 18, 2021
Course: MAED-SPED - Area 3 Time: 8:00am-12:00nn

Title of the Topic: Psychological Basis of Education

A. The three (3) most significant learning that I got

are the following: psychology covers a wide range in education, behaviorist who
study behind gives clearer answers which are useful today and lastly it educates
teachers to better understand the learners. These three essential learning I’ve got
briefly explain how these basis adds on who am I today. When I first encountered this
topics way back, I was amazed on how a person behaves, thinks and develops
principles which reflects on his actions. Questions arising on “why is this thing
happening to a person?” for instance will give an answer for certain causes and effects
thru studying behaviors. Furthermore, it also covers learning theories which explains
that children learn on their own way. We teachers cannot dictate a kid that he/she must
work this way rather we support, develop and keep their learning burning.

B. These learnings are value to me personally because

i am also a learner. I thought that learning will stop once you graduate but I was
wrong. It is a continuous process and it will never stop. Every developmental stages in
our life requires learning and if you quit you’ll find your learnings fading and you’ll forget
what you think ordinary yet essential. It is our advantage that we are aware of how to
handle our own behavior because that results on how your response to a stimulus. This
serves that all the knowing and all the study conducted by the behaviorist and theories
can be seen authentically. And that learning is a process meaning it comes with a
stages and it can be modified time to time.

C. I would like to react or comment on the topic

the types of learning theories. I admire how these people come together as one
and come up with an amazing idea which can be seen as true and valuable. The
different learning theories open up the way to find which learning suit best for our
learners and letting them experience the real fun in acquiring knowledge. Based on
experience, I’ve found out that you alone, without this theories, teaching will be dull.
This gives us the chance or the idea on how to respond certain causes of behavior and
how to be ready the next time or all the time.
D. Additional Discoveries, insights, questions

Time to time and any generation, the psychology’s branches, school and major
learning theories will be useful and indispensable. Because of its weight and the
information, it holds, it will be present all throughout. But who will hold to its weight?
Who will conduct on what this information tries to comply? Of course, it is part of our
calling. I think, everything is founded to give us the purpose on how to handle
everything easily. You cannot pour from an empty cup that is why as much as possible,
gather and grow the learning you’ve learned one at a time and let them bloomed in their
own pace.

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