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Evidence: The time is now

Record an audio file of yourself answering the following questions. Use the examples as
models of the grammar and vocabulary you have to use.

1. Why are you studying English? (List and explain at least 4 reasons.)


I’m studying English because I finally decided that if I want to improve my

professional profile becoming bilingual is essential.

1. In what ways are you going to benefit from this learning?


Being competent in English is going to increase the opportunities of landing a more

satisfying and better-paid job. We live in an international open market and English is the
most important language.


Evidence: Lifelong learner

In this evidence, you have to describe in a video one of your most successful learning
experiences. It can be something as simple as frying an egg or as complicated as
designing a rocket. You can use pictures and diagrams if you feel they add to your
For your presentation, you have to answer the following questions. Recycle some of the
vocabulary you have learned during this Learning Activity. The example below the
questions illustrates the grammar and vocabulary your instructor expects you to use.
1. What did you learn?
2. Why did you decide to learn it?
3. How did you learn it?
4. When did you learn it?
“I decided to learn how to type well about seven years ago. I remember seeing the
secretaries at school typing without seeing the keyboard. They had memorized the
keyboard. It was like magic to me. I had always thought it was too hard, but one day I
took the initiative and turned into my goal for the month. One month for learning how to
type is something attainable, I thought. I went online and browsed through different
websites offering courses for free. I read some reviews and choose one…”


Evidence: Life from a wheelchair

About 1 in every 100 people is handicapped and uses a wheelchair. Therefore, there
are about 80 million people in wheelchairs in the world. That is twice the population of
Colombia! But what is it like to live in a wheelchair?
Watch the video “Perfectly abled life on campus with a disability” in the next link:
After you watch the video answer the following questions. Use any voice recording
software to record your answers and send the file as evidence.
Use mixed conditional sentences (at least 4 examples), the idioms, vocabulary and
ideas about flexibility and adaptability studied in this learning activity (at least 8 words
from the vocabulary). Remember to use connectors and punctuation.
 What does Ashley do for a living?
 How does her condition affect her daily activities and how does she deal with it?
 What is her attitude towards life? Does she feel disabled from certain activities?
 How would your life be different if you were handicapped and had to use a
wheelchair? What would be different for you? (Use mixed conditionals in the answer).
 How do you react when you have to interact with a handicapped person?
 How can you contribute to improve the life of handicapped people?


Evidence: Making a change

Record a video in which you are going to talk about your life in three minutes


Evidence: Consolidation activity

The person I admire the most

A. What to do?

Write a biography of the person you admire the most. This person can be, for
example, a public figure, a celebrity, a politician, a world leader or someone close to
you, a relative.

B. How to do it?

You need to carry out some research in order to collect the necessary information for
writing the biography. If the person chosen is a public figure, you can surf the web in
order to get the details you are going to include. On the contrary, if the person chose
is someone you know personally, you can set up an interview in order to ask the
person the questions you may have about his / her life.

Here is an outline we suggest following for writing the biography. We have chosen
Charles Darwin (public figure), an influential scientist of the nineteenth century, as
example for the outline.

Suggested outline
1. Early life and education.
2. Voyage of the Beagle.
3. Darwin's evolutionary theory.
4. Overwork, illness, and marriage.
5. Natural selection.
6. Geology books, barnacles, evolutionary research.
7. Publication of the theory of natural selection.
8. Responses to publication.
9. Descent of man, sexual selection, and botany.
10. Death and funeral.

Stage 2: My admiration for…

A. What to do?

In this section, you will record a tape or video in which you orally present the person
you chose in Section 1. For this part of the evidence you need to present the
biography as well as explain and illustrate the reasons why you admire this person.

B. How to do it?
Record an audio or a video in the device of your preference. Before start the
recording, you need to organize the information you are going to introduce. Your
presentation has to include the following aspects:

1. An introduction.
2. A description of the biography.
3. Arguments and illustrations supporting your admiration for this person.
4. A conclusion.
5. Sources (In the event you consulted any articles, the web, journals, etc.)

During the presentation you need to include the appropriate signpost language for oral
presentations and also some of the vocabulary related to responsibility and


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