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Department of Electrical Engineering

EE365L: Communication Systems

Course Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Zubair Dated: 25th May, 2021

Lab Instructors: Tawahaa Ahmed

Semester: 6th
Asif Ali

Class: BSEE-18 Session: Spring-2021

Lab 7. Amplitude Modulation using NI USRP

Lab Obtained
Name Roll No Marks VIVA(5) Marks
(10) (15)
Muhammad Hamza BSEE18078

Checked on: _______________________________

Signature: _______________________________
Student Lab Report

Q # 1 Set the transmitter to generate a message consisting of three tones starting at 1 kHz with a 1
kHz spacing. Set the modulation index to   1. Run the transmitter and then the receiver.
Stop the receiver and then stop the transmitter. Zoom in on the power spectrum so that you
can clearly see the components in the vicinity of 100 kHz. Take a screen shot of your power
spectrum graph. [Marks = 3]
Q # 2 Change the modulation index to   0.5 and capture a new power spectrum. Take another
screenshot of your power spectrum graph. How many dB below the carrier are your sideband
components now? [Marks = 2]

By changing the modulation index to 0.5, the power spectrum graph keeps its dB unchanged.
Q # 3 Add a lowpass filter to your receiver such that the filter output is proportional to D, Run the
transmitter and receiver, and measure the value of D,. Increase the gain of the receiver to 20
dB and repeat the measurement of D. Is the change in D consistent with a 20 dB change in
receiver gain? [Marks = 2]

After adding a low-pass filter, the value of D right after it is 0.004. After increasing the gain to 20dB,

the value of D becomes 0.33. We see that the value of D remains consistent with this change in the

gain of the receiver.

Q # 4 Add a snap short or the transmitter. gvi file and explain it. [Marks = 1.5]

The signal is transmitted from the NI USRP open Tx session and pass through the configuration
block for the initial check.
After that, it is fed to a basic Multitone block where several other input parameters are added.
The output o the block is passed through Quick Scale 1D and then fed to the MATLAB module.
The specific operations are performed on the signal inside the MATLAB block based on the code.
One of the outputs from the MATLAB block moves into the baseband signal graph and the rest
move into the NI USRP Write Tx Data (CDB) block that writes data onto the specific channel.
At the end, the NI USRP closes the session and the Simpler Error Handler blocks are used to close
the process.
Q # 5 Add a snap short or the receiver. gvi file and explain it. [Marks = 1.5]

At first, the signal is received at the NI USRP Open Tx session block and then passed through the
Configuration block for rechecking the initial conditions that were set on the transmitter side.
Then it is passed through the NI USRP Initiate block and then moves into the loop that starts the
Rx acquisition.
In the loop, the signal is fed to the NI USRP Fetch Rx Data (CDB WDT) that fetches the data into a
waveform data type.
One of the outputs moves into the FFT power spectrum which is then used to plot the power spectrum
graph. The rest of the outputs pass through the bandpass filter (Chebyshev (CDB)).
Then the absolute value of the signal is passed through the lowpass filter (Butterworth (DBL)).
After this, the signal is shown on the baseband output. At the end of the receiver side, three blocks of
the NI USRP, Abort, the NI USRP close session and the Simple Error Handler are used to halt the
overall procedure.
Assessment Rubrics
EE365L: Communication Systems – Lab __
Method: Lab reports and instructor observation during lab sessions

Outcome Assessed:
a. Ability to conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (P).
b. Ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams (A).
c. Ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice (P).

Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Does not meet

Performance Marks
(4-5) (3-2) expectation (1)

Selects relevant Needs guidance to Incapable of

equipment to the select relevant selecting relevant
experiment, develops equipment to the equipment to
setup diagrams of experiment and to conduct the
1. Realization of equipment develop equipment experiment,
Experiment [a, c] connections or wiring. connection or wiring equipment
diagrams. connection or wiring
diagrams are

Actively engages and Cooperates with other Distracts or

cooperates with other group members in a discourages other
group members in an reasonable manner. group members
2. Teamwork [b] effective manner. from conducting the

Does proper Calibrates equipment, Unable to calibrate

calibration of examines equipment appropriate
equipment, carefully moving parts, and equipment, and
examines equipment operates the equipment equipment operation
3. Conducting moving parts, and with minor error. is substantially
Experiment [a, c] ensures smooth wrong.
operation and process.

Respectfully and Observes safety rules Disregards safety

carefully observes and procedures with rules and
4. Laboratory safety rules and minor deviation. procedures.
Safety Rules [a] procedures
Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Does not meet
Performance Marks
(5-4) (3-2) expectation (1)
Plans data collection to Plans data collection Does not know how to
achieve experimental to achieve plan data collection to
5. Data objectives, and experimental achieve experimental
conducts an orderly objectives, and goals; data collected is
Collection [a]
and a complete data collects complete data incomplete and
collection. with minor error. contain errors.

Accurately conducts Conducts simple Unable to conduct

simple computations computations and simple statistical
and statistical analysis statistical analysis analysis on collected
using collected data; using collected data data; no attempt to
correlates with minor error; correlate experimental
experimental results to reasonably correlates results with known
6. Data Analysis known theoretical experimental results to theoretical values;
[a] values; accounts for known theoretical incapable of
measurement errors values; attempts to explaining
and parameters that account for measurement errors or
affect experimental measurement errors parameters that affect
results. and parameters that the experimental
affect experimental results.
Uses computer to Uses computer to Does not know how to
7. Computer collect and analyze collect and analyze use computer to collect
Use [a] data effectively. data with minor error. and analyze data.


Lab Engineer:

Tawahaa Ahmed



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