Tài liệu ôn thi 12A6 Day …-Dop: 4/6/2021 Revision (Language focus - Practice tests) I.Language focus

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Tài liệu ôn thi 12A6

Day …- Dop: 4/6/2021 REVISION

(Language focus – Practice tests)
I.Language focus

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Test 33
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from
the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1. A. failed B. reached C. absorbed D. solved
Question 2. A. flat B. lane C. pain D. face
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in
the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3. A. study B. achieve C. employ D. contain
Question 4. A. musician B. sympathy C. quality D. principle
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 5 Some candidates failed the oral examination because they didn't have enough .
A. confide B. confidence C. confident D. confidently
Question 6. Garvin is a new computer application to see whether it works.
A. looking after B. putting on C. trying out D. turning up
Question 7. It is argued that governments’ role is crucial in reducing the environmental damage, while others
an emphasis on individuals’ attempt.
A. take B. strike C. put D. make
Question 8. We are going to build a fence around the field with a(n) to breeding sheep and cattle.
A. goal B. outlook C. reason D. view
Question 9. All the inhabitants in the area have been asked to______ at home if the storm returns.
A. settle B. dwell C. remain D. occupy
Question 10. I'm not sure what is causing the problem, but I'm determined to get to the _____ of it.

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A. ground B. tune C. bottom D. end
Question 11. The Joneses have invited you to Australia this summer , ?
A. have they B. hasn’t he C. haven’t they D. didn’t he
Question 12. Ian hadn’t been working at the company long when he _______ a manager
A. made B. was making C. was made D. has made
Question 13. The hotter it is, _____ I feel.
A. The more and more miserable B. the more miserable C. the most miserable D. more miserable
Question 14. It’s the first time she has enjoyed such a______cake.
A. tasty chocolate Christmas B. chocolate Christmas tasty
C. Christmas tasty chocolate D. tasty Christmas chocolate
Question 15. She hurt herself while she______hide-and-seek with her friends.
A. is playing B. had played C. played D. was playing
Question 16. He said that_______not winning the competition it was still a good experience.
A. although B. despite C. because of D. because
Question 17. We will have paid off our non-performing loan______for another one from the bank.
A. once we had applied B. as soon as we will apply C. by the time we applied D. before we apply
Question 18. ____ all the light bulbs in her house with LED lights, she saved a lot of money on her electricity bills
A. To replace B. Have replaced C. Having been replaced D. Having replaced
Question 19. In England, schooling is compulsory______all children from the age of 5 to 16.
A. with B. for C. to D. over
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 20. The old man was too feeble to sit down at his table and write his letter, so his nephew wrote down
what he wanted to say.
A. tired B. weak C. blind D. timid
Question 21. Everyone is aware of preserving the environment because it is seriously polluted.
A. displaying B. cooking C. conserving D. seasoning
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 22. Poverty in many African countries increases the likelihood that people poach animals to earn their
A. chance B. prospect C. possibility D. improbability
Question 23. You can't sit on the fence any longer - you have to decide whose side you're on
A. be decisive B. be uncertain C. be uncommitted D. be irresolute
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best completes each of the
following exchanges.
Question 24. Jack and David are talking at the school canteen.
Jack: “Can I get you a soda?” David: “_________.”
A. That would be nice B. I hope so C. I’m sorry, I can’t D. I’m glad you like it
Question 25. Tracy and Roger have just finished their dinner in a local restaurant.
Tracy: “This restaurant is awful!” Roger: “______. The food is stale and the waiters are impolite.”
A. What a surprise B. That would be fun C. I agree with you entirely D. Yes, I don’t think so
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word
that best fits each of the numbered blanks
“A healthy mind lives in a healthy body” is a saying (26)______is believed to have often been used by the
ancient Greeks. Thousands of years later, the same idea still applies. According to health experts, it’s advisable to
drink eight to ten glasses of water every day. (27)______, water itself is not enough; a balanced diet is essential,
A healthy body naturally is the result of doing exercise. Many people, however, do not like gyms and object
to going there for different reasons. Some, for instance, say that aerobic sessions are too difficult to follow while (28)
______claim that gyms are just too expensive. Many people also claim that they have difficulty in finding time to
exercise due to their (29)______lifestyle, but the truth is that everyone can make a little time every now and then.
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Regardless of the way people choose to exercise, it is important to remember that there’s no point in doing it only
for a short period of time.
Last but not least, having a positive attitude and doing away with negative (30)______contributes to one’s
well-being. In short, following this simple advice surely helps in having a healthy mind and body.
(Adapted from “Use of English B2 for All Exams” by E. Moutsou)
Question 26. A. where B. when C. who D. that
Question 27. A. However B. Therefore C. Although D. Despite
Question 28. A. others B. another C. much D. every
Question 29. A. hectic B. comfortable C. tedious D. restless
Question 30. A. opinions B. beliefs C. notions D. thoughts
409-Read the following and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions
Currently, the biggest threat to Australia sea lion colonies are gillnets, which are invisible, thin mesh
nets suspended in the water. Gillnets are used by commercial fisheries to capture sharks. However,
Australian sea lions also get snagged in the mesh of gillnets and drown. The only solution to accidental gillnet
deaths and other fishery-related deaths of sea lions is to close the areas where sea lions forage for food out
at sea and prevent fishing with gillnets in those areas.
Australian Marine Conservation Society (AMCS) worked with the government, scientists and the fishing
industry to come up with a solution to ensure sea lion colonies were protected, only brought about by the
support of the Australian public.
The distribution of Australia sea lion colonies in South Australia overlaps with a fishery managed by the
Federal Government agency, the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA). Due to the
proximity between the fishery and sea lion colonies, fishing was killing a high number of sea lions.
The areas of sea directly around sea lion breeding colonies are closed to gillnet fishing, and now, every
fishing boat that fishes anywhere near sea lion colonies has to have cameras on board to monitor what is
beingcaught. This means that if a sea lion gets killed, it now gets reported to AFMA. And when a sea lion
does get killed, further areas are closed to all gillnet fishing to ensure sea lion colonies do not decline even
This means that through the activity of AMCS, our wonderful supporters and other environmental
organisations, potentially hundreds of vulnerable Australian sea lions have been protected from drowning in
this fishery.
Question 31. Which of the following best serves as the title for the article?
A. Australia Sea Lion Colonies and Gillnets B. How to Use Gillnets to Catch Sea Lions
C. Threats to Australian Sea Lions D. Australian Fishing Industry
Question 32. How to solve the problem of accidental gillnet deaths of sea lions, according to the passage?
A.Allow commercial fisheries to capture sharks only
B.Use gillnets to take care of sea lions when they are weak
C.Close the areas where sea lions forage for food and stop using gillnets
D.Increase the distance between the fishery and sea lion colonies
Question 33. The word “breeding” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to .
A. offspring B. fishing C. fishery D. sea
Question 34. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT mentioned as someone who protects
Australian sea lions?
A. AMCS B. fishers C. supporters D. environmental organisations
Question 35. The word “that” in paragraph 5 refers to .
A. gillnet fishing B. fishing boat C. sea lion colonies D. cameras
Read the following and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions
The recession has brought about an abrupt change of mood on university campuses up and down the country.
A five-year boom in the graduate job market has been stopped in its tracks and salary expectations. No wonder

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only one in five of 16,000 final year students questioned for a survey by High Flyers Research said that they
expected to get a job for which they are qualified by the time they graduate.
Despite the gloom, the financial case for going to university remains compelling. International surveys
continue to show the salary premium enjoyed by UK graduates over those who choose not to go to university as
among the highest in the world. In the post-recession world, a university degree is likely to be even more of an
advantage to job-seekers than before.
But choosing the right degree course and the right university will also be more important than ever. This
does not necessarily mean that students should go only for job-related degrees, but it will put a premium on
marketable skills. And it may mean that more universities can be expected to follow the lead of Liverpool John
Moores University, which puts all of its undergraduates through a World of Work (WoW) course designed to give
them the problem-solving and communication skills they’ll need at work.
The Times Good University Guide 2010, published by HarperCollins, offers a wealth of essential
information to help candidates to navigate the maze of university choice, as well as advice on students’ life. It is
the most authoritative guide to universities in the UK and is an essential and comprehensive tool for students and
The online version of the Guide allows students and parents to create their own individual university
rankings and to compare the strengths and weaknesses of different institutions by sorting universities according to
one of the eight criteria - from student satisfaction to research quality and degree results. The table sees Oxford
maintain its leadership, despite coming below Cambridge in most of the subject tables. Cambridge has the better
record on student satisfaction, research, entry standards, completion and graduate destinations, but Oxford’s lead in
staffing levels, degree classifications and particularly in spending on libraries and other student facilities makes the
(Adapted from “Reading for IELTS” by Els Van Geyte)
Question 36. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A.The guidelines for students and parents to choose the right university
B.High possibilities for UK undergraduates to get a job for which they are qualified
C.The relationship between the current economic situation and university campuses
D.The comparison of UK graduates’ salaries with those of people without qualifications
Question 37. The word “boom” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to .
A. a sudden decrease B. a gradual growth C. a growing imbalance D. a period of success
Question 38. More universities can be expected .
A. to attract more students B. to reduce the number of job-related degrees
C. to increase their marketable skills D. to teach some skills necessary at the workplace
Question 39. The word “compelling” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to .
A. inevitable B. fascinating C. impossible D. pessimistic
Question 40. The word “It” in paragraph 4 refers to .
A. the maze of university choice B. essential information
C. HarperCollins D. the Times Good University Guide 2010
Question 41. Which of the following is NOT true, according to the passage?
A.One in five students in a survey hoped to work in a field which they are qualified for.
B.Oxford stands behind Cambridge in all of the criteria.
C.Choosing the right university will be more important than ever.
D.The students surveyed by High Flyers Research were all final year students.
Question 42. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 2?
A.There is a gap in earning between UK graduates and the people without degrees.
B.Having a university degree is no longer as important to job seekers as in the past.
C.The number of UK people without university degrees is among the highest in the world.
D.UK graduates feel more satisfied with their salary than the people with no degrees.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in
each of the following questions.
Question 43. Officials made a similar case on Monday, saying offshore wind deployment will create 44,000 new
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jobs directly in the offshore wind sector.
Question 44. Our research shows that employees are almost all industrial and want to do a good job
Question 45. The library at the university is new and has taken her name from the wife of the first president of the
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of
sentences in the following questions.
Question 46. He works on the night shift. He can’t go to my party.
A.As long as he hadn’t worked on the night shift, he could go to my party.
B.If only he worked on the night shift, he could go to my party.
C.I wish he didn’t work on the night shift and could go to my party.
D.If he works on the night shift, he can go to my party.
Question 47. He started working in the World Bank. That was right after he had graduated from university.
A.No sooner had he started working in the World Bank than he graduated from university.
B.Hardly had he started working in the World Bank when he graduated from university.
C.No sooner had he graduated from university than he started working in the World Bank.
D.Before he graduated from university, he had started working in the World Bank.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each
of the following questions.
Question 48. We haven’t been to the concert for two years.
A. We never used to go to the concert. B. We last went to the concert two years ago.
C. We didn’t go to the concert two years ago. D. We are used to going to the concert.
Question 49. You are not allowed to take photos in the museum.
A. You may take photos in the museum. B. You should take photos in the museum.
C. You mustn’t take photos in the museum. D. You needn’t take photos in the museum.
Question 50. Mr. Brown said to me, " Please, look after my suitcase for about half an hour "
Mr. Brown politely advised me to look after his suitcase for about half an hour.
Mr. Brown politely reminded me to look after his suitcase for about half an hour.
Mr. Brown politely promised me to look after his suitcase for about half an hour.
Mr. Brown politely asked me to look after his suitcase for about half an hour.

Test 35
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from
the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1. A. imprisoned B. pointed C. shouted D. surrounded
Question 2. A. farm B. favor C. harm D. marble
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in
the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3. A. answer B. survive C. travel D. visit
Question 4. A. national B. beautiful C. specific D. humorous
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 5.______the weatherman’s forecast of rain for tomorrow, they will go camping.
A. Although B. Despite C. Because of D. Because
Question 6. Susan will have practised a lot____ herself in the music contest.
A. until she enrolled B. after she had enrolled C. before she enrolls D. as soon as she will enroll
Question 7. She knew she was in trouble, so she______a story about going to the movies with her friends.
A. made up B. found out C. thought of D. took up
Question 8. The guidelines require that companies ______ an effort to engender a culture of ethical compliance.
A. make B. do C. take D. get
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Question 9. The more water he drinks, ______ he becomes.
A.The more thirsty B. more and more thirsty C. the thirstiest D. the thirstier
Question 10. He could dig in his _____ and fight stubbornly for what he believed to be right.
A. legs B. fingers C.feet D. heels
Question 11. I am not sure that David is telling the truth, but I am giving him the of the doubt.
A. drawback B. advantage C. disadvantage D. benefit
Question 12.______, the room needed some bright lights.
A. Painted in dark colors B. To be painted in dark colors
C. They painted in dark colors D. Having painted in dark colors
Question 13. She was yesterday bailed for three weeks on drink-driving ______.
A. offend B. offensive C. offences D. offensively
Question 14. The pandemic circulated three times in 18 months in the of commercial air travel.
A. absence B. name C. abundance D. eyes
Question 15. Tourists shouldn't leave litter on the beach, ?
A. can they B. have they C. did they D. should they
Question 16. The pipeline ______ to transport oil across Alaska to ports on the coast.
A.constructed B. constructing C. was constructed D. construct
Question 17. Many things make it difficult _____ women to reach the top in US business.
A. for B. with C. of D. to
Question 18. The sword was made of a material.
A. purple strange metallic B. strange purple metallic C. metallic strange purple D. purple metallic strange
Question 19. We the roof for Mrs. Smith, an elderly childless woman, when it poured with rain.
A. were mending B. have mended C. mended D. mends
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 20. So engrossed in his writing was the young writer that he barely noticed the passing of time.
A. delighted B. frustrated C. involved D. detached
Question 21. It is compulsory for all motorcyclists to wear helmets when they travel on the roads.
A. perfunctory B. desirable C. rational D. mandatory
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 22. There have been significant changes in women's lives since the women's liberation movement.
A. controlled B. sudden C. unimportant D. natural
Question 23. We have to come clean about what we did before Joe gets punished for our crime.
A. conceal B. admit C. reveal D. explain
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best completes each of the
following exchanges.
Question 24. Tom and Tony are talking on the way home after school.
Tom: “Why don’t we go swimming?” Tony: “ . It’s too hot here.”
A. Sorry. I’ve got to go. B. How lovely it is! C. Don’t do that. D. That sounds great.
Question 25. Nam and Mai are talking about gender equality in employment.
Mai: “Do you think married women shouldn’t pursue a career?”
Nam: “ . Doing housework only is tiring and boring.”
A. I don’t think so B. That’s for sure C. Keep up the good work! D. It’s not a walk in the park
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in
each of the following questions.
Question 27. Today's students also appear more formerly dressed and conservative-looking these days.
Question 28. An octopus has three hearts to pump blood throughout their body.
Question 29. Hand sanitiser category surges 16 times in 2020 compared to 2019 while the hand
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wash category grew 1.5 times.
Read the following and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions ..
Pop music from South Korea (K-pop) has become very popular around the world. In 2012, the South Korean
artist Psy received the most views ever on YouTube with his song Gangnam Style. In the past few years, the
Korean boy band BTS has had considerable success in America and Europe. They became the first K-pop band
had a number one on the US music charts. The (30) of K-pop has caused major record labels to put
more money into Korean acts. The world's biggest music label, Universal Music Group, has said it will join a live-
streaming platform set up by Korea's major record labels.
(31) Korean pop group, the girl band BLACKPINK, is also set to become popular worldwide. Universal
has teamed up with their label, YG Entertainment. The chairman of YG said: "We will work (32)
with the biggest music company, Universal Music Group, globally for the successful global debut and
promotion of BLACKPINK. (33) , we will do our best to help other YG artists to break through into the North
American and European markets."
(Adapted from https://breakingnewsenglish.com/2103/210313-k-pop.html)
Question 29. A. that B. whom C. which D. whose
Question 30. A. fame B. popularity C. population D. preference
Question 31. A. Another B. Other C. The other D. Others
Question 32. A. considerably B. neatly C. strongly D. closely
Question 33. A. In addition B. Although C. Nevertheless D. Therefore
Read the following text and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer
to each of the questions.
Living things like plants, animals, and people need energy to survive and grow. People eat food for energy,
but most plants use energy that they get from sunlight. When you look at plants such as a tree, flower, or grass,
what do you see? You might notice their stems, trunks, branches, leaves, roots, or flowers, but how do they grow?
What are they made from? How did the plant make those parts?
Different environments could be oceans, forests, deserts, or cities. Each environment also has its own
climate, which is partially based on how much sun and rain an area receives every year.
Since only certain plants grow in hot, cool, wet, or dry climates, each environment is made up of different types of
plant life. A desert may grow palm trees and cacti, while a forest may grow tall pines or oak trees. In order for a
plant to grow, it needs three very important puzzle pieces: water, carbon dioxide, and light. Plants use their roots to
take in water from the ground. They use their leaves to take in sunlight and carbon dioxide from the air.
Plants use these three puzzle pieces to make their own food in a process called photosynthesis. Using the
energy from the sun, plants convert water and carbon dioxide into sugar. This sugar feeds the plant’s growth from
a seedling into an adult. In the process, the plant releases oxygen into the air. Another important piece to the
growth of many plants is soil. Using their roots, plants take in nutrients from the soil that helps them grow. Giving
a plant a spot in clean soil is important to make sure it doesn’t absorb anything harmful from the dirt.
Plants make their food from carbon dioxide, water and light. They use this food to grow stems, trunks, roots,
branches, leaves, and flowers. Now when you look at a tree, flower, or even a blade of grass, you can see all the
pieces of the plant and how the entire puzzle fits together.
(Adapted from: “http://portersciencerosepark.weebly.com”)
Question 34. What is the best title of the passage?
A. how plants grow B. sunlight and water C. energy sources D. nutrients in soil
Question 35. According to the passage, where can we find cacti?
A. in the deserts B. in the forests C. in the oceans D. in the cities
Question 36. The word “absorb” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to .
A. use something B. take something in C. go under something D. put something out
Question 37. The word “They” in paragraph 3 refers to .
A. Puzzle pieces B. Plants C. Roots D. Oak trees
Question 38. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a necessary element for plants to grow?
A. carbon dioxide B. water C. light D. roots

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Read the following and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions
If you go back far enough, everything lived in the sea. At various points in evolutionary history, enterprising
individuals within many different animal groups moved out onto the land, sometimes even to the most parched
deserts, taking their own private seawater with them in blood and cellular fluids. In addition to the reptiles, birds,
mammals and insects which we see all around us, other groups that have succeeded out of water include scorpions,
snails, crustaceans such as woodlice and land crabs, millipedes and centipedes, spiders and various worms. And we
mustn’t forget the plants, without whose prior invasion of the land, none of the other migrations could have
Moving from water to land involved a major redesign of every aspect of life, including breathing and
reproduction. Nevertheless, a good number of thoroughgoing land animals later turned around, abandoned their
hard-earned terrestrial re-tooling, and returned to the water again. Seals have only gone part way back. They show
us what the intermediates might have been like, on the way to extreme cases such as whales and dugongs. Whales
(including the small whales we call dolphins) and dugongs, with their close cousins, the manatees, ceased to be
land creatures altogether and reverted to the full marine habits of their remote ancestors. They don’t even come
ashore to breed. They do, however, still breathe air, having never developed anything equivalent to the gills of
their earlier marine incarnation. Turtles went back to the sea a very long time ago and, like all vertebrate returnees
to the water, they breathe air. However, they are, in one respect, less fully given back to the water than whales or
dugongs, for turtles still lay their eggs on beaches.
There is evidence that all modern turtles are descended from a terrestrial ancestor which lived before most
of the dinosaurs. There are two key fossils called Proganochelys quenstedti and Palaeochersis talampayensis
dating from early dinosaur times, which appear to be close to the ancestry of all modern turtles and tortoises. You
might wonder how we can tell whether fossil animals lived in land or in water, especially if only fragments are
found. Sometimes it’s obvious. Ichthyosaurs were reptilian contemporaries of the dinosaurs, with fins and
streamlined bodies. The fossils look like dolphins and they surely lived like dolphins, in the water. With
turtles it is a little less obvious. One way to tell is by measuring the bones of their forelimbs.
(Adapted from Cambridge English
Question 39. Which of the following best serves as the main idea for the passage?
A.The evidence of the time marine animals moved to land.
B.The relationship between terrestrial species and marine creatures.
C.The reasons why species had to change their living place.
D.The evolution of marine species in changing places to live.
Question 40. According to the first paragraph, reptiles, birds, mammals and insects .
A.were the ones living on the marine organisms
B.moved to deserts to find feeding grounds
C.left the water at the same time as scorpions, snails and crustaceans.
D.are the species whose ancestors succeeded in moving from water to land.
Question 41. The word “ceased” in paragraph 2 mostly means .
A. stopped happening or existing B. got familiar C. began to happen or exist D. decided to become
Question 42. The word “incarnation” in paragraph 2 could be best replaced by .
A. ancestor B. embodiment C. evolution D. natural selection
Question 43. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
A.Seals are able to live on land and in the water.
B.Some terrestrial habits remained when the species reverted to water life.
C.Apart from breathing and breeding, marine species were expected to change nothing to live on land.
D.Ichthyosaurs might have resembled dolphins.
Question 44. What does the word “they” in the last paragraph refer to?
A. dinosaurs B. fins and streamlined bodies C. ichthyosaurs D. dolphins
Question 45. It can be inferred from the last passage that .
A.the body features of the fossil animals help scientists to distinguish the terrestrial and marine species.
B.turtles’ ancestors and dinosaurs became extinct contemporarily.
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C.it’s clear to determine the living places of all species through the fragments found.
D.the fossils of turtles and tortoises might have similar appearances to dolphins.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of
sentences in the following questions.
Question 46. He wants to play games. He has to do his homework.
A.He wishes he didn’t have to do his homework and could play games.
B.He wishes he hadn’t had to do his homework and could play games.
C.Unless he had to do his homework, he couldn’t play games.
D.Provided he had done his homework, he can’t play games.
Question 47. Barry and Sonia made up their mind to move to a bigger house. It was after the birth of their second
child a few months ago.
A.As soon as Barry and Sonia decided to move to a bigger house, they had the second child a few months ago.
B.Only after the birth of the second child a few months ago did Barry and Sonia decide to move to a bigger house.
C.It was until Barry and Sonia moved to a bigger house a few months ago that they decided to have a second child.
D.No sooner had Barry and Sonia decided to move to a bigger house a few months ago than they had the second
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each
of the following questions.
Question 48. The last time I talked to Rose was three years ago.
A. I didn’t talk to Rose three years ago. B. I have talked to Rose for three years.
C. I hadn’t talked to Rose for three years. D. I haven’t talked to Rose for three years.
Question 49. “You copied your friend’s paper in the exam.” The teacher said to Nam.
A.The teacher insisted Nam on copying his friend’s paper in the exam.
B.The teacher prevented Nam from copying his friend’s paper in the exam.
C.The teacher advised Nam to copy his friend’s paper in the exam.
D.The teacher accused Nam of copying his friend’s paper in the exam.
Question 50. She is not allowed to meet her children until the operation has finished.
A.She may not meet her children until the operation has finished.
B.She shouldn’t meet her children until the operation has finished.
C.She needn’t meet her children until the operation has finished.
D.She mustn’t meet her children until the operation has finished.

10 by thaonguyenphuong@

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