RDSO Drawing For Steel Channel Sleepers

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Page 125 of 141 East Ceatral Railay CHAPTER-Xt Office of the Chiet Administrative Officer (Con) Mabcedruzhat. Patna ~ 800 004 ‘Tender No. 36 of 2008-09 (Single) SPEICAL CONDITIONS AND SPECIFIAITONS FOR STEEL CHANNEL SLEFPERS 10. Details of relevant drawings The following drawings aed specifications shull be followed for various items to be fabricated manfachired S] Description of tems Drawing wo. “Material specification N. | Steel Channel sleeper RESO: Dig No. TS:2002 E2S0R(Fed10 Wi 1 RDSOBIGI Ra | RDSOMB/636 | H2:Alt2) | MS Caned Bearing Flae| RDSO% Dip NoRDSOM= [IRS T5965 For 8G running ail Grooved Ruibber Pad Tomm thick for running rail, TRS specification for 10” wn he grooved rubber pad (Provisional) 999 ‘Annular Cap) — [ RDSO's Deg No RDSOFT-515H 1S.2062-2006 F 250 AB eh 5 [Sicele Ceil spring washers | RDSO’DreNoT-1077 | 15:3063-1972 for running ri. ‘Tapered split pins Assadi ‘SQ-Head Bolis & Nuis for | RDSO' Dig. No T3164 | IRS T-10-1968 urd eile Tapered washer for guard | RDSO’ Dig No ROSOAS | 152062-2000 E5078, ail, 5462. Tapered wacker for guard | RDSO’DigNo, ROSOT- | 1520522005 E250A73 ail 2 Ehisiomaric pad 225mm | RDSOs Dip Na TRS specaioa Tor 205m Tick thick RDSOMIGSORE Nylon socd reinforced Elasoneris pid RDSOBIGSCAAI2 | (Provsioah-1988 NoRDSOMACRP alee See ee | TT [MS ClipgOuenior BG | RDSO% Dre No ROSOT. 15 2052-7005 FT50AH 1 ‘uaning Rail $197 noha st TE | MS Cliiaentor BG ] DSOs Dip No. ROSOT-SI9E | 1S7082-7006 E5087 rung al TS” ["T" Head Bois & Nurs for | RDSO’ Dee NoRDSOT: TRS T=10-1968 8G mining ail ia a TH [Sam thick pate washer or TSTOSRIO0S BOAT 3G runing rail | TS] Hook Bois TRDSO.Die No ROSO/AMLGN@| 15:2052.2006 E150 AB uma (a2) 15 ee sao shequered plate. ‘All fitings and fixtures shall be procured ffom RDSO approved sources as cireulated under RDSO’s eter no, CF/EF Policy dt. 13/396 as amended upto date. Mis list is only indicaive All the fittings and Fixtures 20 ry forthe channel sleepers and thei fixing will be cupped and fied by the contractor. Fabrieation. Workmanship shall generally comply with current IRS specification Ne.B1-79 with latest conection/amendments thereof unles oben se specified in special conditions oft or as specially directed by the Engineer in wine ‘The Contracior shall submit test cerifcates for Chciical, Metallurgical & structural propenies conforming to appeoprate standards of all see! material sed for fabrications. Al structural sce! shall be fice foun mst. scales laminator cracks. issue and other srface defers 1), SNTHWAITE BURNA JESSOP 24 22 30 Page 126 of 141 ‘The workinanship and finish shall be equal 1o the hest general practice in modern structural shops The greatest accuracy shall be observed tat inthe minufacrue of every part of the work all siar part shall be strictly intr-changeable NOTES: ‘8) Only weldable steet conforming 1 1S:2062/2006 Grade-B Steel fasion welding qualiy shall be sed for fabrication of Sicel Channels Sleepers bb) No Re-rolled Stel sould be used. ©) Steel should be procured only from SAIL or TISCO or such reputed steel mannficnrers only The source of steel should be got approved bythe Railway ) In support of purchase, copy of vouchers ae fobs submitted, Following specifications shai he follawed: a) Indian Railway Stee! Bridse Code as corrected up to dae, b) Indian Railway welded Bridge Code 1972 ©) Indian Railway Schedule of dimension for Brod Guage-1939 (Reprinted in Metric unite in 1973), 4) 15:2062-1992, Steel for enera structural purpose ©) Indian Railway Specification B-1, 1979: Fabrication and erection of Stee! Girder Bris. 1 IPSH-S ferrivers 2) 12158-1962: Rivets for General purposes (Below hy RS H-19, Zorbolts and nue, i) 1S: 102-1962, Ready Mixed Paint, Brushing Red Lead, Noo seting priming. j). 18:2339-1967 : Aluminium pains for General purposes in dval conrainer k) IS: 123-1963 : Ready mixed paints, brushing. finishing Semi-aloss for General vurpotes Indian Standard Colours Red Oxide 1) -BS.S.916 and/or 15:1963-1967 : Block Hexagonal Bolts/Nuts ee, black Hexagonal Bolts Nuts and Jock Nuts (6 to 39m) and black Hexaeonal Screws (dia 610 24m). m)_1S:800-1084, 1) 1S:1148-1973 ; Hot Rolled Sicct Rivet Bars for srvctutal purposes. ©) 18:2062-1973 : Steel grade-"B" for welded structures. The tenderer shall maintain 2 master steel tape of approved make for which he has obiained a cenificate of aceuracy from the National 2ram diameter). Laboratory. 1) ISR15-1974 : Classification coating of covered clecuodes foc metal are welding of structural steel @ _35:817-1992 ; Manna for metal are welding 1) 1882241970 : Code of procedure for inspection of welds 5) 1S:2620-1985 : Recommended practice for bot dip Galvanising of Iron & Stee 1) 1S:2623-1986 - Method for testing uniformity of coating of zinc coated articles. ‘up. 15:6386-1978 : Recommended practice for metal spraying for protection of Iron Steel ‘YP 3S: 5905-1989 : Sprayed alumiaivin aud zinc coming on Iron & Stee! 1w) 1S:4690.1968 : Refined secondary are grade SZM 98.5 minimum cootents 98.5% in corrosion resistant used for Galvanisine X)_1S:1148-1973 : Hot forged rivets for stuctual purpose Rolled materials before bein Inid off or worked, must be made straieht if straightening or Aatening is necessary. it stall be done by method that well not damage the material. Sharp kinks and bends shall be rejerted, TOLING Holes for rivets and bolts shal be drilled 10 conform to Clause 10 of 1S:7215, All boles, except 35 Stated here under shall be drilled to the required size or sub-punched 2m. less in diameters and reamed thereafter tothe required size. Thickness of the materiale for sub-panching shall Bot be greater than 16mm. All matching bokes for rivets or bolts shall register with each other so that a gauge of 0.8mm less in dimer than the holes can pass freely through the members assembled for veting or bolting in the direction a! right angle to such members. All punching and sub-punchine Shall be cleared and accurate and al! deiling shall be free from butns. No holes sh be made by Gas Cutting process. WELDING : General nd ter 4 32 33 34 Page 127 of 14i ‘The welding and welded work shall geneslly conform to IRS welded bridge code and subject to farther specifications given in the followin: parasraphs, : All weldings, to the maxinwra extent possible, should be dane either by fully automatic or semi= automatic process, Manual cial arc welline may be done only by welder possessing competency cenifcate sued by Govt. Recognised Agency/lnsite duly certified by AEN'XEN All welding work stall be donc in shops and the layout aad sequence of operation shall be so arranged 2 to eliminate distortion and shrinkoge stress. The parts to be welded shall be properly assembled and held finnly in postion by mu=ans of Jigs and fixtures prior to and durine welding. ELECTRODES All Electrodes shall be Kepi under dry couditions. Any electrode with pars ofits flux coating broken away or otherwise damagod shall be rejected Any electrode older than six months from the date of manufactures or older than the date of expiry as specified by manufacturer should not be ‘used. Welding Electredes 1 be uscd im the work should conform) fo RDSC approved firw and quali: only ‘The Electrodes to be used should be No. SIG oF 10 SWG of class B-1 & B-2 of mild steel for atc oF any of te following fms of repue M/s Advani Ocikon Ltd. Mant. Mis Diffusion Engineering Ll. Nogpu Mis. Valency Compound Service, Abemed Nae ‘Mis. Modi Arc Bletrods. Modi Nagar Mis, D&G Secberoa .indare. Mis EWAC Alloys Lid. Muna. Me Weld Craft Pr Lx. Turku Read PREPARATION OF JOINTS ‘The edge shal be prepared wth an aomtically controled flame cuting torch correctly 1 the size 0d dimeasion ofthe sroove preserbed inthe desizn and shop drawing “The welding surfaces sal! be smooth, uniform and fee fom fre tears orches or any otker defects which may adversely effect welding aod shall be fee of loose seale, slag mst, grease, paint. tooisture or any other foreign materi WELDING PROCEDURES The welding procedwe shal be arranged by tbe conacor 1 suit the details of the joims 2s indicated on the drawing and the position a1 which welding has to be camied out. Working procedure shall cover the fllowine~ 2) Type and sive of Electrodes. ) Carret and fr sutomatic welding ae Voltage © Length of un for Electode, or for automatic welding sped of travel Number and rangement of rus is mult rua welding “e) Position and set wp of pars. 4) Preparation and setup of pars. 2) Welding sequence. 1) Preorpost heating i) Any other relevant information. ‘The welding procedure shall beso arranged thatthe distortion and shrinkage stress are reduced to2 ‘minimum andthe welds meet requirement and quality specified, hereunder. ‘Any weld found defective stall be cut by using either chipping hammer oF gouging torch ‘mane that adjacent material is not injured in any way. Fusion faces and surrounding surface within SOmam of welds shall be fee from all mill scale and free from oil paiat or any substances wich ight effcct the quality of the welds and impede the qualitvprogress of weldias. They shall be fe from isrcgularity. which interfere with the deposition of specified sizeof weld or be the cauce of defect ASSEMBLY FOR WELDING: Before taking up mass production of any 1ype of sleeper the produetion of 20 sleepers shall be taken Lup and the dimensions thereafter stall be checked by means of a tet track 13 Miss, long assembled atthe Workshop. The rails for linking ofthe sieet rack shall be made available free of charge by Railway ata point convenient to the Railvays which should be returned to Railway afler its use is Enbdres "nec examine sums e550" const Yo 10) w

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