Business Plan: Project: The Jams Tuition Centre By: Jazib Khan Roll: IM-114 Section: C Submitted To: Dr. Mehmood Hasan

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Roll: IM-114
Section: C
Submitted to: Dr. Mehmood Hasan
Table of Contents

• Executive Summary


• Project Description


• Vision and Scope


• SWOT Analysis


• Marketing


• Human Resource Management


• Finance


Problem / Need Solution Unique Value Competitive Customer Segments

Proposition Advantage

• Quality education Designing an The faculty has Affordable fees ✓ Intermediate students
for our students. education system good education
• Affordable price which is background.
for parents affordable for
parents and also
provides quality

Key Metrics Channels

• Good faculty. • Marketing in

• Career a digital
counseling world.
facility • Involvement
in my
• Paid

Cost Structure Revenue Streams

• Monthly Rent of Space • Tuition Fees

• Utility Bills
• Maintenance Cost
Executive Summary
Education is one of the most important factor which helps in
establishing a civilized society. Education plays an important role in the upbringing of any
society. It paves way for a productive society benefiting both people as well as the country.
Lack of education has contributed largely to the growing difference between the first world
countries and the third world countries. Every developed country had put education as the first
brick in their goal of achieving a prosperous and strong country. There is not a single example,
that one could find throughout the entire history of mankind, in one’s quest to identify a nation
which made its mark in the history without having education as its strongest pillar.

It is said that need is the mother of invention. However, one fact

that is often overlooked is that any invention requires education as its base. Education is not
just restricted to learning books only but it covers a wider spectrum. Knowledge is the greatest
asset coming out of education. Without knowledge and complete command over something
the inventors of the past wouldn’t have succeeded in their inventions. Education still remains
the strongest pillar while building any society, nation or a country.
Project Description
The project that I want to pursue is to launch a Tuition centre which will
provide quality education to students belonging from lower and middle class. The mentioned
idea first clicked my mind while I was doing my Intermediate. I was somewhat discomforted by
the sight of seeing so many tuition centres in my city yet our education system remained
flawed. By having a deeper look in the system I got one aspect which could be the reason of this
system being the way it is. I realized soon that the way these tuition centres run is very much
one dimensional and have very little scope of getting better.

Now the question is that how would I make my tuition centre better and
different to the majority of those existing already. After examining their system I picked up two
points which I thought are essential in making my idea practically feasible. The first and the
most important thing in my opinion is to have a tuition centre being ‘Education oriented ‘ and
not ‘Result oriented’. Elaborating this concept further ,I believe in providing quality education
and not something which will only help the students to get good marks in their papers.

The second point which I considered would help in pursuing my dream is to

make this project affordable for everyone. The reason I want to target the lower and middle
class is that I think these two classes comprise the majority of our country’s population. I know
this will create a sense of discrimination towards the upper class. However, I will counter this
argument with the help of some facts. My country has a population of over 220 million and out
of this 60% are below the age of 25 (according to a research). This means that there exists a
large no. of people potentially in the category of ‘student’. The no. is growing every year which
means the country needs more educational institutes to accommodate this young population.
There is also a growing trend among the upper and elite class of the country to make their
children do CIE or other International education systems. They do not have the trust in the
country’s local education system and I do not blame them one bit for this. Our country is
ranked among the bottom five countries out of a total of 130 countries ranked according to the
education system they provide (according to a report by World Economic Forum).

The drawback for the lower and middle class is that foreign education
systems are very expensive for them. They are forced to have the local education which hinders
their ability to compete internationally. Restricting to my province, Sind, the situation is even
worse. Sind’s education system is the worst among the 4 provinces of Pakistan. The no. of
students which do their intermediate each year from Karachi board is approximately 50000.
When they enter their phase of getting admission into university they are met with some
serious competition. Unfortunately, we do not have enough high quality institutes to
accommodate all these students. The students with good background of school and college
have a higher chance to get admitted into these universities which leaves some of the more
talented but financially unequipped students failing to pursue higher education. These students
are then left with very few options and some them get so disappointed that they decide to
leave education. This is a big loss for any country because it is unable to make use of a fine
resource due to the flaws in the system.

My project targets this set of students so that they could find ways of
exploring new opportunities and could help in making a bright future for themselves and the
country. We will give scholarships to students who have done exceptionally in their academics
previously but are unable to study further due to financial issues.

I will have two partners in this project who also happen to be my colleagues
and who share the same vision as mine. We have the gone through the same experience during
our time of study so we have the insight knowledge of the difficulties that students face and we
could provide a better suggestion about overcoming them.

Other information about the project

• Location:
The tuition centre will be located in Shadman town,North Karachi

House no. A-654 ,lane 12 ,Shadman town Block 1,Karachi

• Business partners:
Jazib Khan

Arsalan Khan

Mesum Abbas

• Qualification of the Teaching Staff:

1. Jazib Khan(B.E from NED University in Industrial Manufacturing)

2. Arsalan Khan(B.E from NUST in Mechanical Engineering)

3. Mesum Abbas(M.S from GIK in Chemical Engineering)

• Proposed name :
The JAMS Institute
Vision and Scope
Initially, our plan is to provide tuitions of 3 subjects- Math, Physics and
Chemistry. It will also be an experiment and a learning curve for us because we are new to this
environment. We have chosen these subjects specifically because these are the subjects that I
had to study during my Intermediate and I know how important it is for a student to have a grip
over these subjects to be able to get admission into a reputable institute. We have a plan of
implementing our proposed system completely first, then we will look to expand and innovate
a few things.

Our vision is to provide an institute for students where they get every
facility to help them achieve their goals. The students will have a facility of saved lectures so
that they could revisit the previous lectures in case they missed any lecture or want to
understand a particular topic again. This facility is very rare in the other tution centres and I
always thought this could ease down the tension for students who had no other way of
revisiting those lectures missed .

Another area where i would like to set a benchmark for others is the
Testing system. I would ensure that my institute designs a testing system that will examine
students to the fullest. This idea stems from an observation of mine regarding other institutes. I
noticed that these tuition centres including the one in which i studied myself, are more keen on
having the big namesin the market to teach in their institute but they do not focus on having a
strong examination system which will ensure that even those students who are weak in studies
will somehow be forced to improve and work hard. I will make sure that i engage the parents as
well and keep them updated regularly regarding their child's progress so that the student feels
that he would not be able to fool his parents and he will have a fear in his mind which will
motivate him to work hard.

Once this system gets to hold its feet ,we will further expand it on a larger
scale and will increase the no. of subjects and disciples offered, we will have a larger pool of
teachers . Once this system gets established amd we are able to remove every thorn in its way
we will try to make it online as well so that students from other cities of Pakistan will aslo be
able to be a part of this institute.I have plans to engage reputable career counciling institutes to
hold a session once a year for our students so that they could be guided in the right way and
have answers about their future. It will give students the right direction to work towards and
they would know exactly what effort they require to achieve their desirable goal.

My aim is to make this project the best known institute of Pakistan where
everyone associated to it feels proud of being its part . My biggest wish is that the students
from my institute should be able to compete with students from anywhere around Pakistan and
they would no longer feel that they can not admission in any particular institute.

SWOT Analysis
Strengths :

• It will be affordable for many

• Faculty has a strong education background

• It will provide scholarships

Weaknesses :

• It is an unknown commodity

• People might be reluctant initially

Opportunities :

• An innovation in the market

• Will set a benchmark for competitors which will result in an overall improvement

• To unearth talented students who can not afford quality education

Threats :

• Competitors will try to defame

• Students may not be able to adopt the system initially

Now comes the most important part. No matter how good a product is ,if it is
not marketed properly and made it known to the consumers it becomes useless. Looking at our
target market we have plans of marketing our product.

• Schools:
We will distribute pamflets outside the schools premises. The schools that we plan to target
are schools where lower and middle class students are in majority.
• Online pubicity:
The most common and effective way of marketing these days is the online marketing and
we are going to make maximum use of it . Facebook pages is an option as well as giving ads on
facebook and instagram.

• Newspaper:
One of the most common and wide marketing strategy is advertisement through
newspaper. In Pakistan different newspaper offer classified and display advertisements. We will
advertise our product in leading newspapers of the country.

Human Resource Management

Since we plan to have a smallscale setup at first, so
we won't be needing much of a staff early on. However ,the no. of staff will gradually increase
as we expand our work.

We will be needing a receptionist who will be

responsible for all computer work such as data of the students, class timings, exam results,
informing the parents and answering any queries to the visitors.

A security guard is a must due to the clumsy

situation of our city. We care for our students so we will make sure that they are safe in our
institute and they do not encounter any bad experience.

The no. of teachers will be three at the start, one for

each subject. Subjects will be taught by the three of us.

One man will be needed to distribute the pamphlets in

schools and other purposes.

Employee Salary

Receptionist 30000

Security Guard 17000

Service boy 10000

Generating finance was a tough task. Fortunately, our startup does not require big
finance so we are able to invest some of it by ourselves through our savings. But it is not
enough to fulfil all the finance ,therefore my partner came up with an idea of availing the Prime
Minister Youth scheme which is very beneficial to young people like us who are planning to
start their own setup.

Another option was to ask the ORIC Institute of NED University for help. They provide
funds if you come with an impressive business plan.

After obtaining our required finance we would calculate all our expenses and startup
cost for the first 3 years and see how much we will be able to grow in 3 years time.


• 1st Yearly revenue

Student FEE for 1 subject/ month 1500

Avg. no. of students/month 160

Total revenue per year(student fee * avg. 1500*160*12=PKR 2880000

no. of students*12)

• 2nd Yearly revenue

Student FEE for 1 subject/ month 1500

Avg. no. of students/month 200

Total revenue per year(student fee * avg. 1500*200*12=PKR 3600000

no. of students*12)

• 3rd Yearly revenue

Student FEE for 1 subject/ month 1500

Avg. no. of students/month 220

Total revenue per year(student fee * avg. 1500*220*12=PKR 3960000
no. of students*12)



1st year 2880000-


2nd year 3600000-


3rd year 3960000-


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