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Materials and Structures (2021)54:98 (0123456789().,-volV)
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Estimating service life of reinforced concrete structures

with binders containing silica fume and metakaolin
under chloride environment: durability indicators
and probabilistic assessment
Gustavo Bosel Wally . Fábio Costa Magalhães . Félix Krolow Sell Junior .
Fernando Ritiéle Teixeira . Mauro de Vasconcellos Real

Received: 23 July 2020 / Accepted: 30 March 2021

Ó RILEM 2021

Abstract Pozzolanic additions, especially high parameters involved in the process of chloride pene-
reactive pozzolans, such as silica fume and metakao- tration into concrete, a probabilistic assessment is
lin, currently stand out as the main alternatives for performed using Monte Carlo Simulation with Impor-
increasing the mechanical strength and resistance to tance Sampling. These calculations indicate that the
the penetration of deleterious agents in concrete. Thus, use of silica fume and metakaolin generates significant
the use of these materials will result in a longer service improvements in the durability-related properties of
life of reinforced concrete structures exposed to concrete. When comparing mineral additions at equal
aggressive environments. In this paper, the influence levels, the most satisfactory results were obtained
of silica fume and metakaolin on aspects related to the when using silica fume. Based on the obtained results,
durability and service life of concretes subject to the importance of a performance-based approach is
chloride penetration is evaluated. Through the evalu- discussed and verified instead of the prescriptive
ation of durability indicators, a performance-based approach. The results indicate that concretes that
approach is used in the analysis of the durability follow the same prescriptive parameters may present
potential of the produced concrete. In order to cover different behaviors when evaluated from the perspec-
the variability that can be assumed by the model tive of durability.

G. B. Wally (&) F. K. Sell Junior  F. R. Teixeira

Structural Models and Testing Laboratory (LEME), Graduate Program in Materials Science and Engineering
Graduate Program in Civil Engineering (PPGEC), Federal (PPGCEM), Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel),
University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, Pelotas, Brazil
Brazil e-mail:
F. R. Teixeira
F. C. Magalhães e-mail:
Structures and Building Materials Laboratory (LEMCC),
Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Sul (IFRS),
Rio Grande, Brazil

F. C. Magalhães  M. de Vasconcellos Real

Graduate Program in Ocean Engineering (PPGEO),
Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG), Rio Grande,
98 Page 2 of 16 Materials and Structures (2021)54:98

Keywords Concrete durability  Performance-based resulting in a substantial increase in the capacity of

approach  Probabilistic assessment  Silica fume  concrete to retard the chloride penetration since the
Metakaolin interaction between aluminates and chloride ions leads
to the formation of Friedel’s salt (3CaOAl2O3CaCl2-
10H2O), which will reduce the content of free
chlorides participating in the corrosion initiation
1 Introduction process [13, 14]. Gruber et al. [15] point out that the
use of 12% of metakaolin as a replacement for cement
The use of pozzolanic materials is currently one of the can reduce the penetration of chlorides in concrete by
most common practices in the quest to provide greater up to 60%. Furthermore, because it is a primary
durability and service life to reinforced concrete product and not a by-product, metakaolin can be
structures, especially when exposed to aggressive produced according to demand and in a way that the
environments. Pozzolans work mainly in the refine- desired properties are met.
ment of the pore structure of concrete, providing The increased use of the most diverse types of
greater mechanical strength and less penetrability to additions in concrete admixtures has highlighted the
harmful agents [1–3]. Two of the main pozzolans used need for approaches based on the desired performance
in concrete are silica fume (SF) and metakaolin (MK). of the material in terms of durability, especially in
This is because these materials have high reactivity severe aggressive environments. Performance-based
and, therefore, significantly increase the compressive approaches are favorable because the prescriptive
strength of concrete and its resistance to the penetra- approach traditionally adopted in durability design is
tion of aggressive agents even when used in small limited to stipulating parameters such as minimum
quantities [4, 5]. cement content, minimum compressive strength, and
SF is a by-product of the production of ferrosilicon maximum w/b ratio. These limits, although they tend
alloys or metallic silicon, generated from the reduction to affect the durability-related properties, do not
of high purity quartz, which normally has a SiO2 establish well-defined conditions for the concrete to
content between 85 and 90% [6, 7]. The particles of be durable. In a performance-based approach, critical
silica fume are mostly amorphous and ultrafine, with properties related to concrete durability, called dura-
an average size between 0.1 and 0.5 lm, correspond- bility indicators, are evaluated—such as permeability
ing to approximately one-hundredth of the average and diffusivity. In addition to providing information
size of a cement particle. Due to its high content of about the characteristics related to relevant durability
silicon dioxide, high fineness, and consequent large properties of the material and allowing a quantitative
surface area, SF is a chemically reactive pozzolan. comparison of the durability potential of two or more
Due to the formation of calcium silicate hydrates concretes, the values obtained from the durability
(CSH), resulting from the reaction between SiO2 and indicators may ideally also be used as an input
Ca(OH)2, and the filler effect generated by the fine parameter in service life prediction models [16–20].
particles of silica fume, its use in a concrete mixture Additionally to the importance of assessing the
can considerably reduce the probability of rebar characteristics of a concrete mix from durability
corrosion in reinforced concrete structures [4, 8]. indicators, it is also widely reported in the literature
Bagheri et al. [9] highlight that the replacement of [21–25] that the uncertainties and nonlinearities
2.5% of cement by silica fume reduces the diffusivity present in the process of chloride penetration into
of concrete by approximately 50%. concrete cause purely deterministic models to show
MK, in turn, is obtained from the calcination of the results inconsistent with reality. In this sense, proba-
kaolinite processed at temperatures between 500 and bilistic models, which consider the inherent variability
800 °C, being highly amorphous and showing high of the parameters involved in the transport process,
pozzolanic activity. This material normally has a SiO2 stand out as a way to better assess the studied
content between 50 and 55%, Al2O3 between 40 and phenomena. Gjørv [26] highlights that in recent years
45%, and may also contain, among others, small there has been an accelerated development of models
amounts of MgO, CaO, and TiO2 [10–12]. Due to its and procedures aimed at the design and analysis of the
high aluminate content, metakaolin is capable of structural service life based on probabilities. Yu et al.
Materials and Structures (2021)54:98 Page 3 of 16 98

[27], in turn, point out that the Monte Carlo Simulation [34]), natural quartz sand, gravel, silica fume,
(MCS) method has been widely used in carrying out metakaolin, potable water, and a polyfunctional addi-
probabilistic analyses. However, to reduce the vari- tive were used.
ability of the results obtained and the number of The cement used has a content of pozzolanic
simulations necessary for a good representation of the addition (fly ash) between 6 and 14% in its original
assessed phenomenon, sampling techniques have been mixture. Thus, this will compromise the analysis of the
studied and applied to the MCS [28]. The basic idea of exclusive action of silica fume or metakaolin. Never-
the Monte Carlo with Importance Sampling is to theless, this cement was chosen because it is the most
concentrate the distribution of sampling points in the easily found in the local market, being the cement
region of the highest importance, that is, in the area generally used in local structural works and presenting
that presents the most significant contribution to the superior performance to Portland cement without
occurrence of failures, rather than spreading them additions regarding durability in marine environ-
evenly over all possible values [29]. More information ments. The cement used has a Blaine specific surface
about the Monte Carlo Simulation and importance area equal to 4893.00 cm2/g and specific gravity equal
sampling techniques can be obtained from Melchers to 3.00 g/cm3.
and Beck [28], Haldar and Mahadevan [29], and Ang The characteristics of the aggregates used are
and Tang [30]. presented in Table 1.
This paper presents an experimental evaluation of SF and MK were characterized by energy-disper-
concrete mixes produced with partial replacement of sive X-ray (EDX) and laser granulometry techniques.
Portland cement by silica fume and metakaolin. The The characteristics of these materials are shown in
substitution levels adopted were 5, 10, and 20%, by Table 2.
mass of cement, for each of the mineral additions. The
results obtained from the rapid chloride penetrability 2.2 Mix design and sample preparation
test (RCP), standardized by ASTM C1202 [31], the
bulk diffusion test (BDT), described in ASTM C1556 The mix design was performed using the methodology
[32], and the rapid chloride migration test (RCM), presented by IPT/EPUSP [38]. The w/b ratio was set
performed according to NT Build 492 [33], were taken at 0.45, and the concrete slump at 100 ± 10 mm. It
as durability indicators. The correlations between the should be noted that the w/b ratio adopted (= 0.45) is
diffusivities obtained through the migration (RCM) the maximum value prescribed by the Brazilian
and diffusion (BDT) tests are also analyzed. From the NBR 6118 [39] for structures exposed to splash zones
diffusivity of the concretes measured experimentally, a (exposure class IV). When necessary, the polyfunc-
probabilistic service life assessment of structures made tional additive was used to increase the workability of
with these concretes was carried out. The numerical the material. Table 3 shows the material consumption
evaluation was performed using the chloride penetra- in each concrete mix.
tion model presented by Gjørv [26] associated with It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the
Monte Carlo Simulation with Importance Sampling. use of some pozzolans in high levels (such as 20% of
The importance of a performance-based approach for SF, for example), strongly affects other properties of
assessing the quality of concrete using durability the concrete, being able, for example, to promote
indicators and the use of these indicators as input autogenous shrinkage and early-age cracking,
parameters in models for predicting the service life of demanding care during concrete curing, as observed
structures is evaluated and discussed. by several authors, such as Shekarchi et al. [40] and
Imam et al. [41]; however, this study does not aim to
evaluate the technical feasibility of high levels of SF
2 Methodology and MK in large concrete plants. The analysis of these
levels is restricted to a laboratory evaluation of its
2.1 Materials influence on aspects related to the chloride penetration
in concrete.
For the production of the concretes, Brazilian Portland The casting and curing of the specimens were
cement CP II Z-40 (according to Brazilian NBR 16697 carried out according to the Brazilian NBR 5738 [42].
98 Page 4 of 16 Materials and Structures (2021)54:98

Table 1 Physical characterization of the aggregates used

Parameter Fine sand Medium sand Coarse aggregate

Fineness modulus 1.64a 2.42a 6.71a

a a
Maximum diameter (mm) 2.40 2.40 12.50a
3 b b
Bulk specific gravity (g/cm ) 2.67 2.65 1.46c
a b c
NBR NM 248 [35], NBR NM 52 [36], NBR NM 53 [37]

Table 2 Physical and chemical characterization of silica fume Cylindrical specimens with dimensions /
and metakaolin 100 mm 9 200 mm were molded. After demolding,
Parameter Results the specimens were submitted to submerged curing
until the age of 120 days; thereupon, the proposed
Silica fume Metakaolin
tests were carried out. Although it is unusual in
Specific gravity (g/cm3) 2.22 2.53 common practice at the construction site to apply this
Specific surface área (cm2/g) 26,118.79 28,168.56 curing period, the use of this long period is aimed to
SiO2 88.320 41.150 ensure the occurrence of a large part of the pozzolanic
K2O 6.140 2.330 reactions.
CaO 4.350 0.082 In order to obtain samples having the dimensions
Fe2O3 0.680 16.610 recommended in ASTM C1202 [31],
MnO 0.390 0.370 ASTM C1556 [32], and NT Build 492 [33], the
Cu2O 0.053 – original cylindrical specimens had to be cut. In the
Rb2O 0.040 – bulk diffusion test, samples with dimensions /
SrO 0.032 0.021 100 mm 9 100 mm were used, while for the migra-
Al2O3 – 35.570 tion tests, samples with dimensions /
TiO2 – 2.840 100 mm 9 50 mm were taken. It should be noted
ZrO2 – 0.590 that only the central parts of the original specimens
Nb2O5 – 0.190 were used to obtain the samples, thus disregarding the
V2O3 – 0.140
cover zones of the specimen.
ZnO – 0.067
To avoid the use of samples that presented very
Ga2O3 – 0.042
different gravel and paste contents, the mortar content
of the samples obtained was determined. For this, an
adaptation of ASTM E562 [43] was used, as proposed

Table 3 Material Mix w/b ratio Material consumption (kg/m3)

consumption of the
investigated concrete mixes Cement SF MK Fine sand Medium sand Coarse aggregate

R 45 0.45 400.00 0.00 0.00 128.00 512.00 960.00

SF 5 0.45 380.00 20.00 0.00 128.00 512.00 960.00
SF 10 0.45 360.00 40.00 0.00 128.00 512.00 960.00
SF 20 0.45 320.00 80.00 0.00 128.00 512.00 960.00
MK 5 0.45 380.00 0.00 20.00 128.00 512.00 960.00
MK 10 0.45 360.00 0.00 40.00 128.00 512.00 960.00
MK 20 0.45 320.00 0.00 80.00 128.00 512.00 960.00
Materials and Structures (2021)54:98 Page 5 of 16 98

by Ribeiro [44]. Through this methodology, it is 2.3 Physical and mechanical characteristics
possible to estimate the relative quantity of a deter- of concretes
mined phase by overlaying a mesh on the sample and
quantifying the nodes that appear in the evaluated Initially, aiming to obtain data about the physical and
phase. Nodes located on the transition zone are mechanical characteristics of the concretes, the tests
assigned 0.5 points, while nodes positioned on the on compressive strength and capillary water absorp-
analyzed phase receive 1 point. Finally, the phase tion were carried out, following the codes NBR 5739
percentage in the sample is obtained by the relation- [45] and RILEM CPC11.2 [46], respectively. Both
ship between the number of points and the total knots tests were carried out 126 days after casting the
of the mesh used. Figure 1 schematically presents this concretes. In each test, three specimens having
methodology. dimensions / 100 mm x 200 mm from each mix
Before conducting chloride penetration tests, the were used. The specimens intended for the capillary
samples intended for these tests were saturated in water absorption test were previously dried, as
calcium hydroxide solution. Although recommended by RILEM CPC11.2 [46].
ASTM C1202 [31] and NT Build 492 [33] indicate Bjegović et al. [47] highlight that the results on
that sample saturation must be performed using a capillary absorption obtained by
vacuum chamber, the saturation in calcium hydroxide RILEM CPC11.2 [46] are often expressed as a func-
solution is indicated by ASTM C1556 [32] and, tion of t by analogy, for example, with the capillary
similarly, aims at ensuring that no chloride penetration action of water in an ideal cylindrical pore, which can
occurs into concrete through capillary absorption. be expressed approximately by Eq. 1.
When removing the samples from the calcium pffi
hydroxide solution, there may be residual lime on mðtÞ ¼ Sc t ð1Þ
the sample surface. When in contact with air, this lime where mðtÞ is the increase in the mass of the specimen
may react and form a calcium carbonate layer on the (g), due to capillary absorption after an exposure time
sample surface, interfering with the results obtained, t, and Sc is the absorption coefficient (or sorptivity).
as also discussed by ASTM C1556 [32]. To avoid this
carbonation process, the samples were cleaned and 2.4 Rapid chloride penetrability test (RCP)
rinsed with tap water after being removed from the
calcium hydroxide solution. The rapid chloride penetrability test (RCP) was
performed according to ASTM C1202 [31]. Four
samples of dimensions / 100 mm x 50 mm from
each concrete mix were evaluated at the age of
126 days. Although it does not directly provide values
for the diffusion coefficients of a concrete, this is a
highly accelerated test, lasting 6 h, which makes it
possible to infer about the penetrability of chlorides in
concrete. One of the major criticisms imposed on this
method [48], however, refers to the fact that the
voltage indicated in the code (60 V) is extremely high,
possibly resulting in overheating of the system and
consequent damage to the accuracy of the data
obtained. Thus, it was decided to apply a lower
voltage (30 V), and subsequently, the current values
measured in the electrical circuit were corrected using
Ohm’s Law.
During the 6 h duration of the test, current flow
Fig. 1 Methodology used for determining the percentage of readings were taken every 30 min. After this period,
mortar in the samples used in chloride penetration tests
(Adapted from Ribeiro [44])
98 Page 6 of 16 Materials and Structures (2021)54:98

the total electrical charge passed is calculated accord- (m), Da is the apparent diffusion coefficient (m2/s),
ing to Eq. 2. and t is the exposure time1 (s).
Q ¼ 900ðI0 þ 2I30 þ 2I60 þ . . . þ 2I330 þ I360 Þ ð2Þ
2.6 Rapid chloride migration test (RCM)
where Q is the total charge passed (C), I 0 is the current
measured immediately after applying the voltage (A), The non-steady-state migration coefficient (Dnssm ) was
and I t is the current measured t minutes after the start determined using the rapid chloride migration test
of test (A). (RCM), initially proposed by Tang [49] and standard-
ized by NT Build 492 [32]. Four samples of dimen-
2.5 Bulk diffusion test (BDT) sions / 100 mm x 50 mm from each concrete mix
were evaluated at the age of 126 days. Tang and Sør-
Through the bulk diffusion test (BDT), standardized ensen [50] highlight that this method has high preci-
by ASTM C1556 [32], the apparent diffusion coeffi- sion in determining the migration coefficient of
cient (Da ) of the concretes was determined. Among concrete, in addition to being fast, lasting between 6
the test methods used in this study, this is the one that and 96 h, simple and with results that have a good
tends to better represent the behavior of concrete when correlation with the results obtained in diffusion tests.
exposed to marine environments, especially in sub- Initially, the samples were subjected to an exter-
merged zones. However, it is necessary to pay nally applied voltage of 30 V, which was adjusted
attention to the fact that it is necessary for the according to the current initially measured. Eventu-
concretes to be immersed in a saline solution for at ally, the applied voltage could vary between 10 and
least 35 days, thus making it difficult to assess the 60 V. The temperature of the anodic solution was also
diffusivity of the concretes at an early age. measured at the beginning and the end of the
To perform the test, three samples of / 100 mm 9 procedure. After being subjected to ionic migration,
100 mm from each concrete mix were used. The test the samples were diametrically broken, and 0.1 M
started 126 days after concrete casting. Thereupon, all AgNO3 solution was sprayed on the split concrete
samples were continually submerged for 112 days in a surface to reveal the depth of chloride ion penetration.
saline solution with a concentration of 165 g of NaCl Lastly, the Dnssm was calculated using the formu-
per liter of water and at a temperature of 23 ± 2 8C. lation presented in Eq. 4.
After the immersion period, at the age of 238 days, the
0; 0239ð273 þ T ÞL
samples were dried in the air, at a controlled temper- Dnssm ¼
ðU  2Þt
ature of 23 ± 2 8C, for 24 h. For the determination of rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi! ð4Þ
the chloride profile, 1 g of concrete powder was ð273 þ T ÞLxD
xD  0; 0238
extracted by drilling from each 7 subsequent depth U2
intervals up to a depth of 20 mm. The determination of
chloride content was carried out through potentiom- In Eq. 4, Dnssm is the non-steady-state migration
etry using a silver/silver chloride electrode, with an coefficient (1012 m2 =s), U is the absolute value of
accuracy of 0.01%. From the established chloride the applied voltage (V), T is the average value of the
profile, Da can be determined by adjusting Eq. 3 to the initial and final temperatures in the anolyte solution
chloride content values measured by non-linear (°C), L is the thickness of the sample (mm), xD is the
regression using the least-squares method. average value of the chloride penetration depths (mm),
  and t is the test duration (h).
C ðx; tÞ ¼ CS  ðCS  Ci Þerf pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð3Þ
4Da t 2.7 Probabilistic service life assessment
where C ð x; tÞ is the chloride content at depth x after the
time t (%), C S is the chloride content at the concrete The chloride penetration model presented by Gjørv
surface (%), determined via linear regression, Ci is the [26] was used to assess the service life of concrete
initial chloride content (%), erf is the Gauss error structures. This model is based on the analytical
function, x is the middle depth of the extraction layer
In this case, t = 112 days was introduced.
Materials and Structures (2021)54:98 Page 7 of 16 98

solution of Fick’s Second Law of Diffusion and was The probability of corrosion initiation was evalu-
developed from improvements to the model initially ated for concrete structures having an average cover
proposed by the European project DuraCrete [51]. depth of 40, 50, 60, and 70 mm. The cases with 40 and
Besides, this model was widely used in probabilistic 50 mm cover depth refer to the requirements indicated
service life assessments of structures exposed to harsh by the Brazilian NBR 6118 [39] for marine exposure
marine environments and underwater infrastructure. classes III and IV, respectively. The values of 60 and
The model is presented in Eq. 5. 70 mm come from case studies presented by the
" !# developers of the probabilistic model [26] for Norwe-
xc gian harbor structures. For all evaluated xc , the cover
C ðx; tÞ ¼ CS 1  erf pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð5Þ
2 DðtÞt depth variability presented by Magalhães et al. [53]
was used. The D0 values adopted are those determined
where Cð x; tÞ is the chloride content at depth xc after
experimentally using the methodology described by
time t (%), C S is the chloride content at the concrete
NT Build 492 [33]. The CS presented by Guimar-
surface (%), erf is the Gauss error function, and DðtÞ is
ães [54] was taken, which was obtained in a harbor
the concrete chloride diffusion coefficient given by
structure in the city of Rio Grande, southern Brazil,
Eq. 6, adopted by Gjørv [26] based on the study
and the temperature considered refers to the annual
presented by Tang and Gulikers [52].
average during 2018 in this same city. Furthermore,
"   0 1a # a the age at which D0 was measured was adopted for
D0 t0 1a t t0
DðtÞ ¼ 1þ  ke ð6Þ parameter t0 (i.e. 126 days). The values adopted for
1a t t t
each input parameter are shown in Table 4.
where D0 is the diffusion coefficient at the reference The Monte Carlo Simulation with Importance
time t0 (m2 =s), t0 is the age of concrete at the time of Sampling was used to determine the Pf . In an adaptive
first chloride exposure (years), a represents the Monte Carlo Importance Sampling Technique, the
concrete aging factor, and ke is a parameter that takes point of failure x is iteratively searched so that these
the effect of temperature into account (Eq. 7). two conditions, namely Gð xÞ ¼ 0 and maximum
   f X ð xÞ; are simultaneously satisfied. The point of
EA 1 1 failure, or design point, is a combination of values of
ke ¼ exp  ð7Þ
R 293 273 þ T the basic random variables X, that satisfies the limit
state function Gð xÞ ¼ 0. This point also has the
where exp is the exponential function, EA is the
highest value of the joint probability density function
activation energy for the chloride diffusion (kJ/mol), R
f X ð xÞ over the curve Gð xÞ ¼ 0.
is the gas constant (J/(mol  K)), and T is the
In this study, two hundred updates of the point of
temperature (8C).
failure were performed, with 1000 simulations being
The criterion for initiating corrosion of steel
performed for each update. This number proved to be
reinforcement can be defined as Eq. 8.
sufficient for the statistical convergence of the results.
C ðx; tÞ ¼ CCR ð8Þ
where Cð x; tÞ is the chloride content at depth xc after
3 Results and discussions
time t (%), and C CR is the critical chloride content (%).
As a consequence, the limit state function Gðx; tÞ
3.1 Physical and mechanical characteristics
for the rebar depassivation can be written as shown in
of concretes
Eq. 9.
Gðx; tÞ ¼ CCR  Cðx; tÞ ð9Þ The results obtained in the tests of compressive
strength and water absorption by capillarity are
Finally, the Pf can be calculated as Eq. 10.
presented in Table 5 and Fig. 2. It is emphasized that
Pf ¼ PðGðx; tÞ  0Þ ð10Þ the results presented refer to the average value
obtained from the analysis of three specimens.
where Pf is the probability of failure, i.e. the
probability of reinforcement corrosion initiation.
98 Page 8 of 16 Materials and Structures (2021)54:98

Table 4 Random variables Parameter Unit Distribution type Mean Coefficient of Variation (CV) Reference
used in the probabilistic
assessment D0 m2 /s Normal Dnssm 0.10 [33]
t0 days Deterministic 126 – This study
xc mm Normal 40.00 0.10 [39, 53]
60.00 [26, 53]
CS %a Lognormal 2.07 0.23 [54]
T 8C Normal 18.00 0.20 [55]
By mass of cement; bfor
a – Normal 0.43b 0.20 [56]
concrete without mineral
admixtures; cfor concrete 0.50c [56]
containing metakaolin; dfor 0.55d [40]
concrete containing silica C CR %a Normal 0.40 0.15 [57]

It can be seen, based on the data presented in should be noted that, at the end of the test, the use of
Table 5 and Fig. 2, that, in general, silica fume and 5% of silica fume generated a 10% reduction in
metakaolin increased the compressive strength and capillary absorption. The SF 10 and SF 20 mixes, in
reduced the rate of capillary water absorption of the turn, provided reductions of, on average, 12.17% and
evaluated concretes. These improvements occur due to 20.87% compared to the reference concrete, respec-
the pozzolanic reaction between Ca(OH)2 from tively. MK, in turn, only provided the concrete with
cement hydration and SiO2 present in silica fume less capillary absorption when used in the 20%
and metakaolin, providing the formation of secondary content. Even so, this reduction was quite small and
CSH. In addition, SF and MK act as fillers, making the less than that obtained with the use of 5% of SF.
paste more homogeneous and modifying the concrete However, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact
microstructure. When comparing the two pozzolans at that the use of mineral additions promotes a reduction
equal levels, the best results were obtained when using in the pore diameters of the concrete, which may cause
silica fume. The superior performance of concretes a higher suction of water and increase the values
with silica fume compared to those with metakaolin in obtained in the water absorption test, as also observed
terms of compressive strength was also observed by by Teodoro [59]. When this occurs, as in the case of
Meddah et al. [58]. the MK 5 and MK 10 mixes, it does not necessarily
When analyzing the results obtained in the water mean that the concrete is more porous or permeable, as
absorption test, it is highlighted that the use of SF the test result may be expressing a greater water
proved to be beneficial for all the evaluated levels. It suction capacity due to the resistance of the smaller
diameter capillaries.
It should also be noted that the variations in the
Table 5 Compressive strength and sorptivity of concretes average values of compressive strength presented by
pffiffiffi the concretes R 45, MK 5, MK 10, and SF 5 are less
Mix Compressive strength [MPa] Sorptivity [g= h
than 1 MPa. This difference is small when the degree
R 45 63.22 12.37 of precision of the test in question is analyzed, and the
SF 5 63.46 10.70 simple variation between specimens of the same mix
SF 10 70.88 10.59 may be higher than this value.
SF 20 74.51 9.35
MK 5 62.86 12.55 3.2 Rapid chloride penetrability test (RCP)
MK 10 63.55 12.88
MK 20 66.99 11.68 The average electrical charges passed (Q, expressed in
Coulombs) through the concrete samples during the
duration of the test standardized by
Materials and Structures (2021)54:98 Page 9 of 16 98

Fig. 2 Water absorption by capillarity of the evaluated concrete: a influence of silica fume; b influence of metakaolin

ASTM C1202 [31] are presented in Table 6. It is When evaluating the influence of the type of
noteworthy that, according to the methodology of mineral addition used, it appears that the best results
classification of the concretes as for the penetrability were obtained when using silica fume. However, this
of chlorides proposed by this standard, all evaluated differs from the results presented by Poon et al. [4],
concretes are qualified as ‘‘very low’’ penetrability who also evaluated concretes with silica fume and
(100 C \ Q \ 1000 C). metakaolin using the rapid chloride penetrability test.
Unlike the water absorption test, the RCP-test This difference was more accentuated when compar-
results in a parameter more directly related to the ing concretes with a substitution content equal to 5%,
movement of chloride ions inside the concrete. Thus, with the Q presented by the SF 5 being 99.89 C lower
the RCP results tend to represent better the penetra- than the Q measured in the MK 5 concrete.
bility and the durability potential of the evaluated
concrete. 3.3 Bulk diffusion test (BDT)
Note that the SF again improved the concrete.
Although the SF 5 mixture provides a good reduction Figure 3 presents the chloride profiles obtained from
in electrical charge passed (355.3 C), it is noteworthy the samples extracted from the specimens submitted to
that the 10% content reduced the chloride penetrability the bulk diffusion test according to
of concrete by less than half when compared to the ASTM C1556 [32]. It should be noted that each
reference mix. The metakaolin, which had slight chloride profile shown in Fig. 3 refers to the average
variations considering the reference mixture when obtained based on three profiles of each concrete mix.
assessing the compressive strength and the absorption These profiles are necessary for the calculation of Da .
of water by capillarity, provided concrete with signif- The values of Da , in turn, are presented in Table 7. In
icant improvements in terms of chloride penetrability. addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that
For this property, the use of MK in the content of 5% this test started 126 days after the concrete casting and
implied a reduction of the charge passed by 29.72%. that the samples were immersed in a NaCl solution for
another 112 days.
Since the standard that governs this method does
Table 6 Chloride penetrability of concretes not present any classification of chloride penetrability
Mix Total charge passed [C]
in concretes based on the diffusion coefficient, the
classification proposed by Nilsson et al. [60] was used.
R 45 859.44 It is stressed again that the results obtained in the
SF 5 504.14 immersion test are those that best represent the real
SF 10 387.54 conditions of exposure of the concrete to marine
SF 20 377.94 environments, especially in submerged zones. How-
MK 5 604.02 ever, in order to obtain chloride profiles with a
MK 10 477.63 penetration depth that would allow a satisfactory
MK 20 402.45 evaluation, 112 days of immersion were necessary.
Thus, although this method presents results that are
quite consistent with real exposure situations, the long
98 Page 10 of 16 Materials and Structures (2021)54:98

Fig. 3 Chloride profile of concretes: a influence of silica fume; b influence of metakaolin

Table 7 Apparent Mix Apparent diffusion coefficient (Da ) Resistance to chloride penetration [60]
diffusion coefficient of [1012 m2 =s]
R 45 3.23 Very high
SF 5 2.85
SF 10 1.91 Extremely high
SF 20 1.81
Extremely high: Da \ MK 5 3.15 Very high
2.5 1012 m2 =s;
MK 10 2.13 Extremely high
Very high: 2.5 1012 m2 =s
MK 20 1.80
\ Da \ 5 1012 m2 =s

test duration and costs make the bulk diffusion test less It is known that pozzolanic materials when used as
attractive to be used as a method for assessing the a partial replacement of Portland cement in concrete,
quality of concrete at its early age. act through their physical and chemical effects. The
notable reduction in the diffusivity generated by SF
3.4 Rapid chloride migration test (RCM) and MK may, therefore, be related to changes in the
porous structure of the concrete due to the filler effect,
The non-steady-state migration coefficients (Dnssm ) through which the particles of silica fume or
obtained through the test procedure standardized by metakaolin create physical barriers that impose diffi-
NT Build 492 [33] are presented in Table 8. Again, the culties in the entry of ions in concrete, as pointed out
classification proposed by Nilsson et al. [60] was used by Wild et al. [2], and to the increase in the resistivity
to determine the level of resistance of concretes to the of the concrete and, consequently, greater difficulty in
penetration of chlorides. the electrical conduction of the ions.
It is noted that, initially, the use of mineral Also noteworthy is the notable difference in
additions, with various contents, provided concrete migration coefficient between the mixes R 45, MK
with resistance to chloride penetration classified as 5, MK 10, and SF 5. These concretes, as previously
‘‘extremely high’’. However, even if they have discussed, present very similar compressive strengths,
obtained the same classification, one must pay atten- with variations below 1 MPa. However, analyzing the
tion to the Dnssm value of each concrete, since this is an Dnssm values obtained by mixtures R 45 and MK 10,
input parameter of the service life prediction model for example, a reduction of 66.2% is perceived.
used in this study and frequently used in other models The importance of using performance-based
described in the literature. Thus, even though two or approaches and durability indicators in durability
more concretes have the same classification regarding design and quality control of reinforced concrete
diffusivity according to the results of the rapid structures is confirmed by these facts, since concretes
chloride migration test, the variation between the that follow the same prescriptive parameters (w/b
diffusion coefficients can lead to significantly differ- ratio, compressive strength, and binder content) can
ent service life predictions. show significantly different behaviors when their
Materials and Structures (2021)54:98 Page 11 of 16 98

Table 8 Non-steady-state migration coefficient of concretes

Mix Non-steady-state migration coefficient (Dnssm ) Resistance to chloride penetration [60]
[1012 m2 =s]

R 45 2.84 Very high

SF 5 1.40 Extremely high
SF 10 0.90
SF 20 0.27
MK 5 2.14
MK 10 0.96
MK 20 0.62

Extremely high: Da \ 2.5 1012 m2 =s;

Very high: 2.5 1012 m2 =s \ Da \ 5 1012 m2 =s

Fig. 4 Summary of the diffusion coefficients obtained through

the two test methods used Fig. 5 Correlation between the diffusion coefficients obtained
durability-related properties are evaluated. However,
that it is necessary to realize that the values obtained higher in the concretes, which have a higher resistance
for durability indicators in laboratory cast con- to the ingress of chloride ions, such as the SF 20.
crete (labcrete) will be different from those taken in When analyzing the classification of concretes in
samples extracted from the structure (realcrete) and, terms of their resistance to the penetration of chlo-
still, both will be different from the real capacity of the rides, it is observed that only the SF 5 and MK 5
executed concrete to resist the penetration of harmful obtained different classifications due to the method-
agents, as highlighted by Wally et al. [61]. ology used.
Figure 4 summarizes the results obtained from the It can be seen from Fig. 5, that the rapid chloride
two methodologies for determining the diffusion and migration test has a good correlation with the diffusion
migration coefficient of concretes. In Fig. 5, the test (R2 = 0.8772). This good correlation was also
correlation between these results is evaluated. observed by Tang and Sørensen [50] and Castellote
Based on Fig. 4, it is noted that the diffusivity and Andrade [62]. It is noteworthy that the method
obtained through the migration test standardized by presented by NT Build 492 [33] requires less equip-
NT Build 492 [33] is considerably lower than those ment and demands less time than the methodology
obtained in the bulk diffusion test [32]. This is an standardized by ASTM C1556 [32], being, therefore,
expected result that has been observed by other an adequate test for the quality control of concrete
authors [62]. It is also verified that the difference regarding durability. Due to the good correlation
between the diffusion coefficients was smaller in the R between the results presented by both methods
45 concrete, which has higher penetrability, and observed in this paper and other publications available
98 Page 12 of 16 Materials and Structures (2021)54:98

in the literature [50, 62], the Dnssm values were used in which can generate economic, structural, and archi-
the probabilistic assessment performed. However, it is tectural benefits to the building, requires previous
necessary to pay attention to the fact that when the experiences with the use of durability indicators as a
diffusion coefficient is determined through such an methodology of evaluating durability-related proper-
accelerated test, the behavior of the concrete may be ties of concrete and as an input parameter in service
different from what occurs under normal conditions in life prediction models.
the field. Therefore, the value of Dnssm should be taken
as a index that reflects the resistance to the penetration
of ions and the general durability properties of the 4 Conclusions
concrete, similarly to the compressive strength eval-
uated at the first ages of the concrete, which is also a The evaluation of the service life of concretes
simple index, reflecting general mechanical properties containing silica fume and metakaolin as partial
of concrete. replacement of Portland cement through durability
indicators and using a probabilistic method led to the
3.5 Probabilistic service life assessment following main conclusions:
The use of silica fume and metakaolin led to
The results of the probabilistic service life assessment improvements in the properties of concretes as deter-
of the evaluated concretes are presented in Fig. 6. For mined by laboratory tests. Although in some cases the
this analysis, the values presented in Table 4 were variations in compressive strengths due to the use of
adopted, and Monte Carlo Simulation with Importance pozzolans have not been significant, the notable re-
Sampling was used. It is reiterated that the results ductions obtained in the diffusion coefficient of
obtained experimentally in the test standardized by NT concretes stand out, which presented reductions of
Build 492 [33] (Dnssm ) were taken as the reference up to 90% when using mineral additions. When
diffusion coefficient D0 in the chloride penetration compared in the same replacement content, the most
model presented in Eqs. 5–7. satisfactory results were obtained when using silica
In general, it appears that the use of mineral fume;
additions will significantly reduce the predicted prob- The migration test standardized by NT Build 492
ability of corrosion occurring at all ages and cover [33] is a good alternative for the rapid determination of
depths evaluated. These results are directly linked to concrete diffusivity. This method presents results that
the diffusion coefficients of each concrete since this is have a reasonable correlation with the values obtained
the main parameter related to the characteristics of the through the bulk diffusion test, besides being simple
concrete considered in the penetration model used. and fast. The bulk diffusion test, in turn, despite being
Evaluating the results obtained for cover depths of the method that best represents the real situation of
40 and 50 mm, the importance of a performance-based concrete exposure to chloride ions, demands an
approach for concrete durability is again highlighted. extended test period, making it difficult to use in the
It is noteworthy, for example, that the Pf is approx- quality control of concrete;
imately 18% at 25 years considering the concrete R 45 The evaluation of concrete characteristics from
and 50 mm of cover depth. However, when 5% of performance-based approaches is of great importance
silica fume is used, even if the cover depth is reduced in the durability design and the evaluation of the
to 40 mm, the probability of corrosion is predicted to service life of reinforced concrete structures. It was
reach approximately 2% at the age of 25 years and inferred in this study that concretes that follow the
approximately 10% at the age of 50 years. same prescriptive mix design parameters and that
It should also be noted that at the age of 100 years, present compressive strengths with variations below
for the reference concrete Pf reaches approximately 1 MPa can present significantly different behaviors
53% if xc = 60 mm is used and approximately 31% if when evaluated under the perspective of durability in
70 mm cover depth is taken; if MK 10 concrete is chloride environments, with reductions of 53% in RCP
considered, both percentages are less than 1%. How- and 90% when Dnssm is determined. Thus, it is noted
ever, this type of consideration and decision-making, that the compressive strength has reduced accuracy in
evaluating properties related to the chloride
Materials and Structures (2021)54:98 Page 13 of 16 98

Fig. 6 Results obtained in the probabilistic service life assessment

penetration in concrete and, therefore, it is not an for concretes when exposed to chloride penetration.
adequate durability indicator for structures exposed to Thus, the importance of the quality control of the
severe aggressive environments. produced concrete through durability indicators is
The evaluation of the service life of reinforced corroborated. For example, for a reinforced concrete
concrete structures based on probability is of funda- structure with a cover depth of 50 mm, at the age of
mental importance since the variability of the param- 100 years, for R 45 concrete, a probability of corro-
eters involved in the process of chloride penetration sion initiation of roughly 78% will be predicted.
into concrete causes significant variations in the However, considering the same cover depth and age,
behavior of the probability of failure. As is well- for the MK 10 mix, a probability of about 4%, and for
known, due to numerous parameters involved in the the SF 10 mix, a probability of only 2% will be
model, the values of service life obtained from expected.
probabilistic assessments should not be taken as
definitive numbers but rather as a basis for compar- Acknowledgements This study was financed in part by the
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nı́vel
ative evaluation of the behavior of a concrete structure
Superior—Brasil (CAPES)—Finance Code 001. The author
throughout its service life and for making decisions M. de V. Real thanks the Conselho Nacional de
about maintenance; Desenvolvimento Cientı́fico e Tecnológico (CNPq) for the
As a consequence of the variations in the diffusion research grant (Process 304211/2018-4).
coefficient values and other model parameters, notably
the concrete aging factor, different Pf were obtained
98 Page 14 of 16 Materials and Structures (2021)54:98

Declarations 12. Siddique R, Klaus J (2009) Influence of metakaolin on the

properties of mortar and concrete: a review. Appl Clay Sci
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no 43:392–400.
conflict of interest. 13. Caceres DPE, Romano RCO, John VM, Cincotto MA
(2018) Chemical shrinkage of cementitious pastes with
metakaolin incorporation (in Spanish). Ambiente Con-
struı́do 18:327–339.
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