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VIETNAM (3rd file)

IV. READ ( HS viết từ vựng vào vở và trả lời câu hỏi bài đọc trong Sgk)

- seaside /ˈsiːsaɪd/(n): bờ biển

- resort /rɪˈzɔːt/(n): vùng, khu nghỉ mát
-sight /sait/(n) phong cảnh
- oceanic /ˌəʊʃiˈænɪk/(a): thuộc về đại dương
- institute /ˈɪnstɪtjuːt/(n): học viện, viện nghiên cứu
- giant /ˈdʒaɪənt/(a): to lớn, khổng lồ
- buddha /ˈbʊdə/(n): Phật
- offshore /ˌɒfˈʃɔː(r)/(n): ngoài khơi
- island /ˈaɪlənd/(n): hòn đảo
- accommodation /əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃn/(n): chỗ ở

- arrival /əˈraɪvl/(n): khi đến

- departure /dɪˈpɑːtʃə(r)/(n): việc khởi hành

- destination /ˌdestɪˈneɪʃn/(n): nơi đến
- eternal /ɪˈtɜːnl/(n): vĩnh cửu

- waterfall /ˈwɔːtərfɔːl/(n): thác nước

- mountainous /ˈmaʊntənəs/(adj): thuộc về miền núi
- tribe /traɪb/(n): bộ tộc, bộ lạc
- tribal /traɪbl/(adj): thuộc về bộ tộc, bộ lạc
- slope /sləʊp/(n): sườn, dốc
- jungle stream /ˈdʒʌŋɡl - striːm/(n): suối trong rừng
- recognize /ˈrekəɡnaɪz/(v): nhận ra, công nhận
- UNESCO: tổ chức Giáo dục, Khoa học và Văn hóa liên hiệp quốc
- heritage /ˈherɪtɪdʒ/(n): di sản
- magnificent /mæɡˈnɪfɪsnt/(n): lộng lẫy, đầy ấn tượng
- cave /keɪv/(n): cái hang
- limestone /ˈlaɪmstəʊn/(n): đá vôi
- harbour /ˈhɑːbə(r)/ (n): cảng
1. Check (✓) the topics mentioned in the brochures about the resorts. (hs
đánh dấu tick vào SGK)

  Nha Trang Da Lat Sa Pa Ha Long Bay


flights to Ha Noi        

hotels         2.

local transport        


mountain slopes        



sand beaches        

tourist attractions        

types of food        



World Heritage        

Answer. Where should these people go? (hs đánh dấu tick vào SGK)
These people want to spend their corning summer vacation in Viet Nam. Help them find
a suitable place. Check (✓) the boxes.

  Nha Trang Da Lat Sa Pa Ha Long Bay Nha Rong Harbor

a. Andrew studies tribes          

around the world. He likes

b. Mary loves Viet Nam          

and she wants to travel
by train to see as much of
the country as possible.
She also wants to visit an
oceanic institute in Viet

c. John is interested in the          

history of Viet Nam. He
wants to visit the place
where President Ho Chi
Minh left Viet Nam in

d. Joane likes swimming          

and sunbathing. She has
been to Viet Nam twice
and she has visited Nha
Trang already.

e. Donna is a florist. She          

has a flower shop in Los
Angeles. She is thinking of
importing flowers from
Viet Nam

Vocabulary Exercises
Accommodation: chỗ ở Accommodate:
Cung cấp chỗ ở
Center/ centre: Central:thuộc về Centrally: ở trung
hoặc ở trung tâm tâm.
Trung tâm
Fortune: vận may Fortunate: may Fortunately: may
mắn mắn
Unfortunate: Unfortunately:
không may mắn không may mắn
Information: thông tin Inform: báo cho Informative: nhiều
biết thông tin
Magnificence: sự hoành Magnificent: Magnificently:
tráng hoành tráng hoành tráng
Mountain: núi Mountainous: có
nhiều núi
Mountaineer: người leo
Mountaineering: môn
leo núi
Photo/ photograph: Photograph: Photogenic:
chụp ảnh
Bức ảnh chụp (người ăn ảnh)
Photography: ngành
nhiếp ảnh
Photographer: người
chụp ảnh

EXERCISE 1: Complete the sentence with the correct form of the word in
Example: My grandfather is over 80, but he is still very active . (act)
1. We had a four-day vacation in that Coastal town. __________ , it rained hard
almost every day. (fortunate)
2. You can get all _________ you need on the Internet, (inform)
3. That region in the North of the country is very _________ . (mountain)
4. ‘Does the price of the holiday include __________ ?’ I asked the tourist officer
5. I was amazed by the ____________ of the scenery. (maginificent)
6. The hotel is located in the _________district of the city. (center)
7. My hobbies are traveling and ___________. (photo)
8. He was _________ in having some good friends to help him. (fortune)
9. The new hotel can __________600 guests at a time. (accommodation) with six nice
chairs around. (center)
10. The table was placed _________ with six nice chairs around. (center)
11. This dictionary is a little too expensive for me, but it is extremely _________.
12. I think you are very _______. You look very nice in these photos. (photo)
EXERCISE 2: Complete each sentence with a word or phrase in the box. You can
use each word or phrase only once.

1. ‘Could you please tell me the way to the post office?’ ‘Turn right at the
intersection, and it’s ___________
2. This photo is so blurred that I cannot __________anyone in it.
3. ‘Is there any __________ left on the next flight to Hanoi?’ I asked the clerk.
4. Traveling around the town is a part of my ________ life.
5. This shop has lots of___________ goods for to choose from.
6. This place will be developed into a tourist ___________ .
7. They __________ decided to get married after having known each other for three
8. From the beach, there is a magnificent view of the bay and the __________ islands.

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