10th Class - Biology-1 Mark Questions - MCQ-2021 EM

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(Biological Science)


Answer all the questions.
Each question carry 1 Mark
Each question having 4 options A,B,C and D.
Choose the right answer and put it in the bracket, opposite to the question.

1. The digestive juice which contain No Enzymes ( )

A) Pancreatic juice B) Bile juice
C) Gastric juice D) Intestinal juice
2. The vitamin related to Blood clotting ( )
A) Retinol B) Calciferol
C) Phylloquinone D) Tocoferol
3. What is the importance of KOH, in the Carbon dioxide is necessary for Photosynthesis
experiment ( )
A) Releases Carbon dioxide B) absorbs water
C) absorbs light D) absorbs Carbon dioxide
4. Splitting of water molecule in the presence of light and chlorophyll is called as ( )
A) Light water reaction B) Dark water reaction
C) Photolysis D) Electrolysis
5. In Paramoecium food is ingested through --------------------( )
A) cytostome B) Mouth
C) Body surface D) Food vacuole
6. Cuscuta plant absorbs food through ---------------------( )
A) Root B) stem
C) Flowers D) Haustoria
7. Choose the correct option ( )
A) Heart beat is less than pulse rate B) Heart beat is more than pulse rate
C) Heart beat is equal to the pulse rate D) There is no relation to the Heart beat and pulse rate
8. The enzyme present in the saliva is –----------( )
A) Pepsin B) Pepsin
C) Ptyalin D) Lipase
9. Digested food is absorbed in to blood by ----- ( )
A) Villi B) Liver
C) Pancreas D) Stomach
10. Cellular respiration takes place in –--- ( )
A) Mitochondria B) Chloroplast
C) Nucleus D) Endoplasmic reticulum

11. Identify the given diagram ( )

A) Kidney B) Nephron
C) Lungs D) Heart

12. --------------------------------is called as flight and fight hormone ( )

A) Testosterone B) Adrenalin
C) Estrogen D) Thyroxine
13. Surgical method of birth control in females is ---------------------------- ( )
A) Vasectomy B) Copper – T
C) Tubectomy D) Cap
14. Cerebrum and diencephalan are the parts of ------------- ( )
A) Fore brain B) Mid brain
C) hind brain D) Spinal cord

15. Plant growing towards light( )

A) Geotropism B) Hydrotropism
C) Phototropism D) Chemotropism

9. Identify the part marked with “A” in the given picture ( )

A Nasal cavity B) Larynx
C) Pharynx D) Alveoli

Identify the given diagram ( )

A) Afferent neuron B) Efferent neuron

C) Association Nerve D) reflex arc

17. A plant is kept in dark for 48 hours in an experiment, in order to

A) Remove chlorophyll from leaves B) Remove starch from leaves
C) Remove CO 2 from leaves D) Remove water from leaves

18. Plants which possesses respiratory roots.

A) Xerophytes B) Mangroves
C) Hydrophytes D) Mesophytes.

19. Aim of this experiment is

A) CO2 is essential to photosynthesis B) water is essential to photosynthesis

C) Sunlight is essential to photosynthesis D) Oxygen is released in photosynthesis.

20. Aim of this experiment is

A) CO2 is released in respiration B) O2 is released in respiration

C) CO2 is absorbed in respiration D) O2 is absorbed in respiration.

21. Identify the picture ................

A) Respiratory roots
B) fungal colony
C) Deforested area
D) sapling plantation.

22. Identify the disease present in picture

A) kwashiorkor B)Marasmus
C) Obesity D) pellagra.
23. Which is the best food to prevent eye diseases?
A) Leafy vegetables B) carrot
C) A and B D) Chicken only
24. The term cardiac refers to which organ in the body ( )
A) Heart B) kidney
C) Lungs D) Blood and Lymph
25. Which of the following is the correct path of urine excretion in our body ( )
A) Kidney, urethra, bladder, ureters B) Urethra, bladder, ureters, kidney
C) Kidney, ureters, bladder, urethra D) Kidney, bladder, ureters, urethra.

26. The liquid used in the process of dialysis is ( )

A) Paraffin B) Janus green

C) Plasma D) Dialyzing fluid

27. What is the secondary metabolite produced from the plant given in
the picture? ( )

A) Gums B) Tannins
C) Resins D) latex

28. Identify the process of diagram

A) Single circulation B) multiple Circulation
C) Double Circulation D) Lymphatic system

29. Which is the best food to prevent heart diseases?

A) Vegetables, Low calorie diet B) High calorie diet with proteins
C) Non vegetarian food with fats D) Costly processed food

30. This is not an example for tropic movements ( )

A) Plant response to light B) Plant response to water
C) Plant response to Chemicals D) Response to touch in Touch me not plant.
31. Why testis are located outside the abdominal cavity ( )
A) to maintain low temperature B) to maintain high temperature
C) to give scope to the intestine D) no place in the abdominal cavity
32. What will happen to the potted plant kept near window in the room ( )
A) Grows towards light. B) Grows towards inside the room
C) Growth direction is indefinite D) does not grow properly.
33. Choose the correct order? ( )
A) Gametes, fertilization, zygote
B) Fertilization, zygote, gametes.
C) Fertilization, gametes. Zygote
D) zygote, gametes, Fertilization,
34. Identify the given picture ( )

a) Cutting
b) layering
c) Grafting
d) Tissue culture

35. Identify the diagram

A) Snake B) Tadpole larva
C) Sperm cell D) Gills in the fish

36.The process of transmission of traits/ characters to offspring from parents is called

A) Inheritance B) Mutations.
C) Diversity D) Variations.

37. What is the phenotypic ratio in F2 generation of monohybrid cross, according to Mendel’s
A) 1:2:1 B) 3:1
B) C) 9:3:3:1 D) 4:0
38. If, homozygous Yellow colored seeds and Green colored seeds are the parents, what is the
progeny in the F1 generation?
A) All green seeded plants B) some yellow and some Green seeded plants.
C) All yellow seeded plants D) Mixed color seeded plants.

39.Who had given the animal in the picture as an example for his principle?

A) Mendel B) Darwin C) Lamarck D) Weisman

40. Who is responsible for the sex determination in human beings?

A) Mother B) Father C) Both D) Grand parents
41. . If we take jogging, running for some distance we feel muscular pain. The reason is-----( )

A) Accumulation of ATP B) Accumulation CO2

C) Accumulation of Lactic acid D) Blood clotting
42. End products of Anaerobic respiration ( )
A) Lactic acid + Energy B) Ethanol + CO2 + Energy
C) A or B D) CO2 + H 2 O + Energy
43. Gaseous excahange in plants takes place through-----------( )
A) Through out the stems B) Through out the leaves
C) Stomata and lenti cells D) Specialized organs in plant
44. Doctors measure the blood pressure (B.P.) with a device called-----------( )
A) Stadiometer B) sphygmomanometer
C) Thermometer D) Stethoscope
45. The normal diastolic pressure in human beings --------------------( )
A) 120 B) 80
C) 100 D) 98

46. -----------------flows in Pulmonary valves ( )

A) Oxygenated blood B) De oxygenated blood
C) Mixed blood D) Lymph

47. ESRD (End Stage Renal Disease) related to ( )

A) Heart B) Lungs
C) Kidney D) Brain

48. Edema caused by --------( )

A) Blood clotting B) accumulation of Lymph
C) Allergy due to chemicals D) Heart failure

49. Open circulatory system present in ( )

A) Protozoans B) Cnidarians
C) Platyhelmenthes D) Arthropods

50. The scientific name of present (modern) man is ( )

A) Homo habilus B) Home erectus
C) Homo Neanderthalensis D) Homo sapiens

Pesara Prabhakar Reddy

M.Sc,M.Ed, M.Phil
SRG Biological Science

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