Section II #7 Dural Sinuses

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The dura mater (or the extreme mother) has changed reflections and it isolates the mind to
become primary compartments. A dura mater has 2 layers which are the meningeal or the
internal layer, and the endosteal layer otherwise called the external periosteal. DVS meet blood
to drench into the jugular veins at the lower part of the skull from the calvarium, meninges and
the brain.

Tributaries of the Dural Venous Sinuses

The following are the significant gatherings of veins that interface with the DVS;

Meningeal veins

The meningeal veins communicate to frame the plexus in the endosteal layer of the dura and the
plexus additionally shapes in the possible space between the meningeal veins and the periosteum
of the inward table of the calvarium. Meningeal veins peregrinate between the Dural sinuses
inside and the pterygoid plexus while getting away from the skull. Close by the diploic veins,
they converge into the sidelong venous lacunae into the DVS.
Emissary veins

The Emissary veins are intermittently found in the parasagittal highlight of the SSS and close to
the sigmoid sinus. They are located at the limit among of the extracranial DVS, veins, meningeal
veins, and the diploic veins.

Diploic veins

Situated in the diploe, these endothelial-lined, enormous, meager walled, venous lakes interface
the inside meningeal veins and DVS with extracranial veins. They are amassed in the cancellous
bones. The front facing vein imparting between the supraorbital vein and the SSS, and the
foremost transient diploic vein keeping an eye on the sphenoparietal sinus are a couple examples.

The 4 significant anastomotic veins are:

1. Vein of Trolard
2. Vein of Labbe
3. Vein of Rolando
4. Sylvius (Sylvian) vein

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