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Az iskola Az osztály A tanuló A tanuló

kódja: kódja: kódja: neme:

Kompetenciaalapú mérés – 2009/2010.

ANGOL NYELV – 9. évfolyam
A változat
Az MFFPPTI nem járul hozzá a feladatok
Az iskola bélyegzője: Az osztály betűjele:
részben vagy egészben történő üzleti célú
felhasználásához! Tanév végi osztályzat angol nyelvből:

1. Read the following interview. Write the letter of the reporter’s question (A-K) on the line before the answer
(1-9). There is one extra question you do not need to use. There is an example (0) at the beginning.
0) ____F______
I started when I was eight. My mother was a teacher, so she wanted to start an athletics club for girls in my school,
and I took up running as well.
1) ____________
No! I was awful when I started! But thanks to my parents, I didn’t give up.
2) ____________
My parents, definitely. They were both teachers, so they taught me discipline, and were always there to support me.
3) ____________
Since I had been such a terrible runner as a kid, always finishing behind the others, I felt happy when I became
faster. I loved that I wasn’t coming in last! So, I guess my motivation was to stay at the front, because I knew too
well what it was like coming in last.
4) ____________
Fantastic. From that first January back home, and then for nine months, I was on the cover of national magazines
every week: Time, Newsweek.
5) ____________
Before the race, I went over my race technique. While I was actually running, I only focused on what was happening
around me, but I couldn’t let that affect my race. I had to run my own race.
6) ____________
Yes, Sydney was the first Olympics that I attended as a spectator, and then Athens. In Athens, though, I didn’t
watch much athletics because I wanted to see other sports like table tennis, and men’s volleyball.
7) ____________
It was the best of all the Olympics I’ve been to. The location was perfect, the people were relaxed and fun, the food
was great, and the atmosphere was the best of all the games I’ve attended.
8) ____________
Determination, being focused, and being able to get along with people. Even in running, which is considered an
individual sport, it’s important to get along with others because you have to like and respect your coach - that’s key.
9) ____________
Never give up. If I can make it, anyone can. I was a horrible runner, I nearly gave up, but because of my mom I
continued to run. You can be whatever you want to be.

A) When you started running, did you realize that you were going to be great? 1.
B) What did you think of the 2004 Olympics in Athens?
C) What are some characteristics of an Olympian? 2.
D) Do you actually watch the Olympics? Do you attend them? 3.
E) What was your motivation to work so hard and do such tiring practices? 4.
F) When and why did you start doing athletics?
G) What was it like to come home after your first Olympics? 5.
H) What was your proudest moment? 6.
I) What thoughts went through your mind during a race?
J) What advice would you give athletes?
K) Who were your main influences when growing up? 8.
MFFPPTI Angol nyelv – 9. évfolyam A/2

2. Read the following text from an online forum on the Internet. Six sentences are missing. Fill the gaps (10-15)
from the list (A-H). Write the letters on the lines next to the numbers (10-15) as in the example (0). There is
an extra sentence you do not need to use.

Skippy the Hamster

A few months ago I visited my friends Philip and Rina. When I arrived at their house, though, I realised I was not
visiting just them. (0) ___C___
Skippy is a Syrian Hamster. (10) ______ They are covered with beautiful golden-brown hair, with a large white "belt"
from chest to waist.
When Rina and Philip bought Skippy from the pet shop, they thought it was a male hamster. But some weeks later,
they came home to find Skippy with seven babies in the cage. (11) _____ Thank goodness they had not given her a
boy's name.
Seven babies seem to be quite a lot, but it is very important for hamsters to have a large number of babies.
(12) ______ Therefore, if they did not have a lot of little ones, hamsters as a group would soon die out. This is true
of other small creatures as well, like mice and rabbits.
I first had a look at Skippy's little ones a week or so after they were born. (13) _____ They really didn't do much
other than eat from their mother's breast. A week later, however, the little hamsters had some hair, even though
there was still a lot of pink skin to be seen. By the time they were about four weeks old, they were completely
covered in fur (other than their nose, tail, and paws). (14) ______
Rina and Philip gave six of the babies away to friends, but they kept one, a boy named Niko, for themselves.
(15) ______ I love watching them run on their treadmills, stuff food into the pouches of their cheeks, or stand on
their hind legs in an attempt to get out of their cages. Studying and caring for hamsters can teach us a great deal
about biology, responsibility and, of course, cuteness.

A) And they were nearly as big as their mom. E) Also known as Golden Hamsters, these types of 10.
hamsters are small and furry.
B) They discovered that it was actually a girl. F) They were tiny, blind (eyes shut) and hairless.
C) They had a third party living with them, a hamster G) Hamsters generally live only for two to two and a 12.
called Skippy. half years. 13.
D) She plays a lot in her cage. H) I like visiting Skippy and Niko very much. 14.
3. Match the following words and definitions. Write the letter of the definition (A-K) on the line next to each
word (16-24). There is an extra definition you do not need to use. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

0) a boat __F___ 20) cheap ______

16) a fork ______ 21) ill ______
17) sights ______ 22) to hurry ______
18) accommodation ______ 23) to pay ______
19) a wedding ______ 24) trainers ______

A) a person whose job is to look after sick people in a hospital

B) give money for something
C) not in good health, not well
D) do something quickly because there is not much time 17.
E) a place for somebody to live or stay 18.
F) a small vehicle that is used for travelling across water 19.
G) a marriage ceremony and often a meal and a party that follows it 20.
H) places of interest that are often visited by tourists
I) a small metal object with a handle that you use for lifting food to your mouth when you eat
J) shoes that you wear for doing sport 22.
K) costs little money 23.
MFFPPTI Angol nyelv – 9. évfolyam A/3

4. Match the passages below with the books they describe. Write the letter of the book title (A-H) on the line
next to the description (25-30). There is one extra title you do not need to use. There is an example (0) at the

0) A fully illustrated encyclopaedia for children to learn about themselves, their world and
beyond. Stimulating, popular topics such as sport, animals and space, are organised into
sensible, easy-to-use sections. ___D___
25) This book is a fascinating collection of Irish stories with nice illustrations. _______
26) This book includes rhymes about running, jumping, throwing and more. _______
27) This unusual 200-page book is not a colouring book. Instead, it gives children the
opportunity to draw, paint and tell stories. _______
28) Readers of this book will learn about some amazing practices used in medicine past and
present. It also includes alternative therapies and major discoveries that changed medical
practice. _______
29) This book takes you on a trip around the globe through desperate deserts, stormy weather
and earth-shattering earthquakes. You’ll find out what happens when a volcano turns nasty or
whether you’d survive at the frozen poles. _______
30) This book is suitable for very young children. It presents alphabets in beautiful 25.
photographs, ranging from Abby’s apple to Zack’s zebra. _______
A) Fantastic Football E) My First ABC 27.
B) Tales From Old Ireland F) Squiggles: A Creativity Book 28.
C) Horrible Geography of the World G) Would You Believe …? Medical Marvels 29.
D) The Ultimate Book of Knowledge H) Good Sports (Poetry for Kids Who Love Sports) 30.
5. Where can you see the following signs and labels? Underline the correct answer. There is an example (0) at
the beginning.
0) Not for children under 3
A) in a museum B) in a restaurant C) on a toy
31) Keep off the grass
A) at a bus stop B) in a park C) in a supermarket
32) Silence, please!
A) in a forest B) in a swimming-pool C) in a library
33) Do not touch the paintings
A) at an art gallery B) in a paint shop C) in the street
34) Take one tablet daily
A) on a bar of chocolate B) on a bottle of medicine C) in a furniture shop
35) To Platforms 8,9,10
A) at a taxi rank B) at a railway station C) at an airport
36) For dry skin 31.
A) on a packet of salt B) on a bar of chocolate C) on a bottle of body lotion 32.
37) Keep refrigerated 33.
A) on a CD B) on pre-packaged meat C) on a fridge 34.
38) Emergency vehicles only 35.
A) on a public telephone B) at a hotel reception C) at a car park 36.
39) Helps prevent tooth decay 37.
A) on a tube of toothpaste B) on a packet of crisps C) on a carton of milk 38.
MFFPPTI Angol nyelv – 9. évfolyam A/4

6. Read the following letter of invitation. 9 words are missing. Choose from the list below and write one word
in each gap (40-48). There are five extra words you do not need to use. There is an example (0) at the
Dear Jane,
I’ve got great news. I want to (0)_invite____ you to my birthday party (40)____________ Saturday, 24th
May at 3 o’clock.
If the weather is nice, it will (41)____________ a garden party. We’re (42)____________ to cook steaks,
sausages and hamburgers. (43)____________ will be a huge ice-cream cake as well.
We’ve got a swimming-pool in (44)____________ backyard, so you can (45)____________ a swim after
the meal. So don’t (46)____________ to bring your swimming costume.
You can stay the night at my house if the party finishes late.
I’m (47) ____________ we’ll have a great time. I (48)____________ you can come. 40.
Bye for now,
Sue 42.

be hope sure 44.

do invite their 45.
forget it then 46.
going on there 47.
have our want 48.
7. You have found the following advertisement on the Internet and decided to take part in the competition:

WRITE AND WIN Write a composition of about 100 words.

Have you ever had a dream holiday you will never Include the following points:
forget? Would you like to share your experiences Where, how and with whom you travelled
with others? What the place was like
Write about your holiday and win two concert What you did there
tickets. What plans you have for your next holiday

.................................................................................................................................................................. 51.
.................................................................................................................................................................. 52.
Az iskola Az osztály A tanuló A tanuló
kódja: kódja: kódja: neme:

Kompetenciaalapú mérés – 2009/2010.

ANGOL NYELV – 9. évfolyam
B változat
Az MFFPPTI nem járul hozzá a feladatok
Az iskola bélyegzője: Az osztály betűjele:
részben vagy egészben történő üzleti célú
felhasználásához! Tanév végi osztályzat angol nyelvből:

1. Match the following words and definitions. Write the letter of the definition (A-K) on the line next to each
word (1-9). There is an extra definition you do not need to use. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

0) a boat __F___ 5) accommodation ______

1) a wedding ______ 6) ill ______
2) to pay ______ 7) to hurry ______
3) cheap ______ 8) sights ______
4) a fork ______ 9) trainers ______

A) a person whose job is to look after sick people in a hospital

B) give money for something 1.
C) a place for somebody to live or stay 2.
D) do something quickly because there is not much time 3.
E) not in good health, not well 4.
F) a small vehicle that is used for travelling across water
G) shoes that you wear for doing sport
H) places of interest that are often visited by tourists 6.
I) a small metal object with a handle that you use for lifting food to your mouth when you eat 7.
J) a marriage ceremony and often a meal and a party that follows it 8.
K) costs little money 9.
2. Read the following letter of invitation. 9 words are missing. Choose from the list below and write one word
in each gap (10-18). There are five extra words you do not need to use. There is an example (0) at the
Dear Jane,
I’ve got great news. I want to (0)_invite____ you to my birthday party (10)____________ Saturday, 24th
May at 3 o’clock.
If the weather is nice, it will (11)____________ a garden party. We’re (12)____________ to cook steaks,
sausages and hamburgers. (13)____________ will be a huge ice-cream cake as well.
We’ve got a swimming-pool in (14)____________ backyard, so you can (15)____________ a swim after
the meal. So don’t (16)____________ to bring your swimming costume.
You can stay the night at my house if the party finishes late. 10.
I’m (17) ____________ we’ll have a great time. I (18)____________ you can come.
Bye for now,
Sue 12.
be hope sure
do invite their
forget it then
going on there 16.
have our want 17.
MFFPPTI Angol nyelv – 9. évfolyam B/2

3. Read the following interview. Write the letter of the reporter’s question (A-K) on the line before the answer
(19-27). There is one extra question you do not need to use. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

0) ____F______
I started when I was eight. My mother was a teacher, so she wanted to start an athletics club for girls in my school,
and I took up running as well.
19) ____________
No! I was awful when I started! But thanks to my parents, I didn’t give up.
20) ____________
My parents, definitely. They were both teachers, so they taught me discipline, and were always there to support me.
21) ____________
Since I had been such a terrible runner as a kid, always finishing behind the others, I felt happy when I became
faster. I loved that I wasn’t coming in last! So, I guess my motivation was to stay at the front, because I knew too
well what it was like coming in last.
22) ____________
Fantastic. From that first January back home, and then for nine months, I was on the cover of national magazines
every week: Time, Newsweek.
23) ____________
Before the race, I went over my race technique. While I was actually running, I only focused on what was happening
around me, but I couldn’t let that affect my race. I had to run my own race.
24) ____________
Yes, Sydney was the first Olympics that I attended as a spectator, and then Athens. In Athens, though, I didn’t
watch much athletics because I wanted to see other sports like table tennis, and men’s volleyball.
25) ____________
It was the best of all the Olympics I’ve been to. The location was perfect, the people were relaxed and fun, the food
was great, and the atmosphere was the best of all the games I’ve attended.
26) ____________
Determination, being focused, and being able to get along with people. Even in running, which is considered an
individual sport, it’s important to get along with others because you have to like and respect your coach - that’s key.
27) ____________
Never give up. If I can make it, anyone can. I was a horrible runner, I nearly gave up, but because of my mom I
continued to run. You can be whatever you want to be.

A) When you started running, did you realize that you were going to be great?
B) Who were your main influences when growing up?
C) What was your proudest moment? 19.
D) Do you actually watch the Olympics? Do you attend them?
E) What was your motivation to work so hard and do such tiring practices? 20.
F) When and why did you start doing athletics? 21.
G) What was it like to come home after your first Olympics?
H) What are some characteristics of an Olympian?
I) What thoughts went through your mind during a race? 23.
J) What did you think of the 2004 Olympics in Athens? 24.
K) What advice would you give athletes?
MFFPPTI Angol nyelv – 9. évfolyam B/3

4. Where can you see the following signs and labels? Underline the correct answer. There is an example (0) at
the beginning.
0) Not for children under 3
A) in a museum B) in a restaurant C) on a toy
28) Keep off the grass
A) in a park B) at a bus stop C) in a supermarket
29) Silence, please!
A) in a forest B) in a swimming-pool C) in a library
30) Do not touch the paintings
A) in a paint shop B) at an art gallery C) in the street
31) Take one tablet daily
A) on a bar of chocolate B) in a furniture shop C) on a bottle of medicine
32) To Platforms 8,9,10
A) at a railway station B) at a taxi rank C) at an airport 28.
33) For dry skin 29.
A) on a packet of salt B) on a bar of chocolate C) on a bottle of body lotion 30.
34) Keep refrigerated 31.
A) on a CD B) on pre-packaged meat C) on a fridge 32.
35) Emergency vehicles only
A) at a car park B) at a hotel reception C) on a public telephone
36) Helps prevent tooth decay
A on a carton of milk B) on a packet of crisps C) ) on a tube of toothpaste 35.
5. Read the following text from an online forum on the Internet. Six sentences are missing. Fill the gaps (37-42)
from the list (A-H). Write the letters on the lines next to the numbers (37-42) as in the example (0). There is
an extra sentence you do not need to use.
Skippy the Hamster
A few months ago I visited my friends Philip and Rina. When I arrived at their house, though, I realised I was not
visiting just them. (0) ___C___
Skippy is a Syrian Hamster. (37) ______ They are covered with beautiful golden-brown hair, with a large white "belt"
from chest to waist.
When Rina and Philip bought Skippy from the pet shop, they thought it was a male hamster. But some weeks later,
they came home to find Skippy with seven babies in the cage. (38) _____ Thank goodness they had not given her a
boy's name.
Seven babies seem to be quite a lot, but it is very important for hamsters to have a large number of babies.
(39) ______ Therefore, if they did not have a lot of little ones, hamsters as a group would soon die out. This is true
of other small creatures as well, like mice and rabbits.
I first had a look at Skippy's little ones a week or so after they were born. (40) _____ They really didn't do much
other than eat from their mother's breast. A week later, however, the little hamsters had some hair, even though
there was still a lot of pink skin to be seen. By the time they were about four weeks old, they were completely
covered in fur (other than their nose, tail, and paws). (41) ______
Rina and Philip gave six of the babies away to friends, but they kept one, a boy named Niko, for themselves.
(42) ______ I love watching them run on their treadmills, stuff food into the pouches of their cheeks, or stand on
their hind legs in an attempt to get out of their cages. Studying and caring for hamsters can teach us a great deal
about biology, responsibility and, of course, cuteness.
A) And they were nearly as big as their mom. E) Hamsters generally live only for two to two and a
half years. 38.
B) I like visiting Skippy and Niko very much. F) She plays a lot in her cage. 39.
C) They had a third party living with them, a hamster G) Also known as Golden Hamsters, these types of 40.
called Skippy. hamsters are small and furry. 41.
D) They were tiny, blind (eyes shut) and hairless. H) They discovered that it was actually a girl.
MFFPPTI Angol nyelv – 9. évfolyam B/4

6. Match the passages below with the books they describe. Write the letter of the book title (A-H) on the line
next to the description (43-48). There is one extra title you do not need to use. There is an example (0) at the
0) A fully illustrated encyclopaedia for children to learn about themselves, their world and
beyond. Stimulating, popular topics such as sport, animals and space, are organised into
sensible, easy-to-use sections. ___D___
43) This book includes rhymes about running, jumping, throwing and more. _______
44) This book is a fascinating collection of Irish stories with nice illustrations. _______
45) This unusual 200-page book is not a colouring book. Instead, it gives children the
opportunity to draw, paint and tell stories. _______
46) This book takes you on a trip around the globe through desperate deserts, stormy weather
and earth-shattering earthquakes. You’ll find out what happens when a volcano turns nasty or
whether you’d survive at the frozen poles. _______
47) Readers of this book will learn about some amazing practices used in medicine past and
present. It also includes alternative therapies and major discoveries that changed medical
practice. _______
48) This book is suitable for very young children. It presents alphabets in beautiful 43.
photographs, ranging from Abby’s apple to Zack’s zebra. _______ 44.
A) Fantastic Football E) Horrible Geography of the World 45.
B) Squiggles: A Creativity Book F) Tales From Old Ireland 46.
C) My First ABC G) Good Sports (Poetry for Kids Who Love Sports) 47.
D) The Ultimate Book of Knowledge H) Would You Believe …? Medical Marvels
7. You have found the following advertisement on the Internet and decided to take part in the competition:

WRITE AND WIN Write a composition of about 100 words.

Have you ever had a dream holiday you will never Include the following points:
forget? Would you like to share your experiences Where, how and with whom you travelled
with others? What the place was like
Write about your holiday and win two concert What you did there
tickets. What plans you have for your next holiday

.................................................................................................................................................................. 49.
.................................................................................................................................................................. 50.
.................................................................................................................................................................. 51.

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