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I. Direction: Read and understand the questions carefully.

Write the letter of the correct answer

1. Which of the following factors in selecting the site is considered as the life – blood of vegetable production?
a. Topography b. Sunlight c. Water d. Soil
2. Access to sunlight plays a significant role in producing vegetable crops. How long the crops should be exposed to
direct sunlight every day?
a. 3 – 5 hours b. 4 – 6 hours c. 2 – 4 hours d. 6 – 7 hours
3. Which of the following is not a consideration when taking soil samples for soil analysis?
a. Slope of the area c. Past lime and fertilizer application
b. Cropping history d. Frequency of irrigation
4. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of good soil?
a. Has good aeration c. Has high water holding capacity
b. Has plenty of minerals d. Contains large amount of clay making the soil compact
5. What is the best topography suited for vegetable production?
a. Hilly b. Level c. Sloping d. Slightly Sloping
6. Which of the following refers to the proportion of sand, silt, and clay particles that comprise a particular soil sample?
a. Soil b. Soil profile c. Soil texture d. Soil structure
7. The type of soil directly affects the growth and development of vegetable crops. What types of soil are best for
growing vegetables?
a. Clay – loam b. Sandy – loam c. Silty – clay d. Sandy – clay
8. Which of the following is not a reason why we consider accessibility to road and transportation as one of the
important factors in selecting the site?
a. Vegetables are harvested anytime c. Vegetables are best liked when they are fresh
b. Vegetables are highly perishable d. Products are transported without much damage
9. Why is soil analysis important?
a. To describe the type of soil c. To identify the crops to be planted
b. To know how to apply fertilizers d. To determine the rate and kind of fertilizers to be applied
10. The following statements tell how to collect composite soil samples from each sampling area. Choose from the
choices the correct procedure in taking soil samples.
1. Place the bar of soil (representing a one spot soil sample) in a pail or any
suitable clean container.
2. Using a spade or shovel, dig a pit to a depth of 20 – 30 centimeters.
3. From one vertical side of the pit, take a slice of soil 2 – 3 cm thick with a single downward thrust of the
spade. Using a knife or a trowel, trim the slice of soil on both sides to a bar 3 – 4 cm width.
4. Clear the soil surface of litter and vegetation before digging a pit.

a. 4,3,1,2 b. 1,3,2,4 c. 4,2,3,1 d. 2,4,3,1

II. Identify the following equipments

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