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DOHS, Mohakhali, Dhaka Cantonment

Ramadan Holiday Home Work
Class: Std. VIII (Int’l)
S Name Home Work
L of the
1. Bangla পাঠ্য বই: সাহিত্য কহিকা
১। সু খী মানু ষ
২। বাাংলা ভাষার জন্মকথা
৩। তৈলচিত্রের ভূ ৈ
৪। প্রাথথী
৫। বঙ্গভূ চমর প্রচৈ
৬। নারী
*** গদ্য এবাং কচবৈা খুব ভাত্রলাভাত্রব পড়ত্রব।
*** গদ্য এবাং কচবৈার সব শব্দাথথ চশখত্রব।
01. Translate the following sentences into Bangla.
a) Let me congratulate you on getting such a brilliant result.
b) You have to wait until the red light change to green.
c) The play wasn’t as good as the one we saw last night.
d) I am likely to be late this evening.
e) They have never agreed with one another.
f) Are you excited about going on holiday next week.
g) Doctors are never known by their full name.
h) He held me up by almost an hour and a half.
i) Why does your sister dislike reading novels?
j) Looking back, I don’t think we are any worse off.

02. নিচের লেখাটি বাাংোয় অিু বাদ কর।

In the early nineteenth century it was not very easy for people from India to come to England.
Most Bengalis who came were housekeepers and servants. British officials brought these
people back with them on their return from India.
Bangladeshis started to come to England as crew for ships and labour for factories after
World War II. After the independence of Bangladesh, these immigrants began to increase in
number, along with other foreign nationals. Bangladeshis generally had limited access to
education. Although young Bangladeshis are doing well in their jobs in various offices
nowadays, often women who did not attend school still do not think of doing work outside
the home - they prefer to stay at home to look after their families.

Nowadays, Bangladeshi restaurant owners are playing a significant role in the British
economy. Not only that, they have changed the eating habits of English people considerably.

03. নিচের লেখাটি বাাংোয় অিু বাদ কর।

সম্প্রতি একজন প্রবাসীর সঙ্গে তিামার বন্ধুত্ব হঙ্গেঙ্গে। শীঘ্রই তস তিামার বাতিঙ্গি তকেু তিঙ্গনর জনয প্রথমবাঙ্গরর মঙ্গিা তবিাঙ্গি আসঙ্গব।
এ বযপাঙ্গর িার কাঙ্গে একটি তিঠি তেখ। এঙ্গি তনঙ্গির তবষেগুঙ্গো অবশযই উঙ্গেখ করঙ্গব:
→ তিামার বাতির সংতিপ্ত বর্ণনা
→ তিামাঙ্গির এোকার আঙ্গশপাঙ্গশ িশণনীে কী কী আঙ্গে
→ এখাঙ্গন িার অবস্থানকাঙ্গে তিনটি তবঙ্গনািনমূেক তিোকোঙ্গপর প্রস্তাব
→ বন্ধুঙ্গক তিনটি প্রাসতেক প্রশ্ন
তিঠিঙ্গি তকাঙ্গনা ঠিকানা তেখার প্রঙ্গোজন তনই।

04. আিু মানিক ১২০ শচে রেিা লেচখা।

তিামার সাপ্তাতহক েু টির তিন
▪ বাতির কাজকমণ
▪ পতরবার
▪ সামাতজক কাজকমণ
▪ গি শুিবার
2. Eng Vlll A B Holiday HW ‘21(Language- Grammar Portion)
A. Rewrite the sentences and use the verbs in positive forms
(can, may, must or negative forms (cannot, must not, need not)
Example: Read this book!
You must read this book.

1. Maybe she will return tonight.

She return tonight.

2. Don't stand up!

You stand up!

3. I'm sure they will finish it in a minute.

They finish it in a minute.

4. There is no need to answer the letter.

You answer the letter.

5. Please, do it for me.

you do it for me?

6. I'd like to see your children.

I see your children?

7. I am not good at football.

I play football.

8. Do your homework!

You do your homework.

9. Let's take a taxi.

We take taxi.

10.It's not necessary to get up early.

You get up early.

B. Rewrite the following sentences after adding the given adverb in an
appropriate place.

1. I have understood her. (never)

2. My girlfriend forgot my birthday. (completely)

3. He got dressed. (quickly)

4. He got dressed. (in a hurry)

5. She realized her mistake. (at once)

6. We are invited to parties at the weekends. (often)

7. She has done everything – she has been a soldier. (even)

8. I have finished painting the house. (almost)

9. Could you switch the light? (off)

10. We go to our native place in summer. (usually)

C. Choose the right answers.

1. Nancy does her homework every day

2. Nancy is doing her homework at the
3. They are writing a letter.
4. She speaks Chinese very well .
5. He has a big car.
6. The proposal has been examined today.
7. She tried to help him.
8. It is healthy to laugh at problems.
9. Finding the gates widely open, the thief went
10.He had his car cleaned.
D. Put the verb into the gerund or the infinitive:
1) She delayed

(get) out of bed.


2) He demanded

(speak) to the manager.

3) I offered

4) I miss

(go) to the beach.

5) We postponed

6) I'd hate

(arrive) too late.

7) She admitted

(steal) the money.

8) I chose

(work) here.
9) She waited

(buy) a drink.
10) I really appreciate

(be) on holiday.
11) I couldn't help

(laugh) .
12) It seems

(be) raining.
13) I considered

(move) to Spain.
14) They practised

15) Finally I managed

(finish) the work.

16) I really can't stand

(wait) for the bus.

17) Unfortunately, we can't afford

(buy) a new car this year.

18) She risked

(be) late.
19) I'd love

(come) with you.
20) I prepared

(go) on holiday.

E. Fill in the correct participle form. (Present Participle, Past

Participle or Perfect Participle)

1. He was sitting in an armchair a magazine.

2. in the company for many years, he knew everyone and
3. The cup with milk stood on the table.
4. each other for ages, they had a lot to talk about.
5. into a rich family, she got everything she wished for.
6. the child of poor people, he often went to bed hungry.
7. his words, he apologised.
8. Well , we are very proud of you.
9. the car, he went to a restaurant.
10. the film a dozen times, she knew the dialogues by

3. Eng Macbeth :
Lit Read the following texts and write who said to whom in which context: marks :2.5
a) Again he thought he heard a voice which cried, “Sleep no more: Macbeth cloth murder
sleep, the innocent sleep, that nourishes life.” Still it cried, “Sleep no more,” to all the
house. “Glamis hath murdered sleep, and therefore Cawdor shall sleep no more.
Macbeth shall sleep no more.” Pg: 146
b) “Then live, Macduff! cried the king; “what need I fear of thee? but yet I will make
assurance doubly sure. Thou shalt not live; that I may tell pale-hearted Fear it lies, and
sleep in spite of thunder.” Pg:149
c) “Sweet bodements! good!” cried Macbeth, “who can unfix the forest, and move it from
its earth-bound roots? I see I shall live the usual period of man’s life, and not be cut off
by a violent death. But my heart throbs to know one thing. Tell me, if your art can tell
so much, if Banquo’s issue shall ever reign in this kingdom?”pg: 150
d) “Liar and slave!” cried Macbeth, “if thou speakest false, thou shalt hang alive upon the
next tree, till famine end thee. If thy tale be true, I care not if thou cost as much by

e) “Thou losest thy labour, Macduff. As easily thou mayest impress the air with thy
sword, as make me vulnerable. I bear a charmed life, which must not yield to one of
woman born.”

Hamlet , Prince of Denmark:

Answer the following questions in short :
(a) What was the unworthy conduct of his mother that left Hamlet so melancholy?
(b) How did Hamlet appear in the court after the uncertain death of his father King Hamlet
(c) What was that troubled Hamlet the most ?
(d) What did the ghost of Hamlet’s father tell him, when they were alone?
(e) What was Hamlet’s solemn resolution when the ghost had vanished and he was left
alone ?

4. Math-1 Book: Ordinary Level Mathematics

Exercise Topic Number
7.1 a, b Simple and Compound 1-10
7.2 a, b Simple and Compound 1-5
1. Maths - 1 Ex: (6.1ab, 6.2ab, 6.3ab)
Book: Ordinary level Book.

Math-I: Book: Extended Mathematics

Number :
Pg-17-19 Ex:16[1-30], Ex:17[1-18]

Math-2 Book: Further Pure Mathematics, Ali Datoo

Exercise Topic Number
1 Ch: 5; Sequences and 1-4
2 Ch: 5; Sequences and 1-7
3 Ch: 5; Sequences and 1-8
2. Maths-2, Sequence Ex: 3, 4, 5
Book: F. P Mathematics (9-1).
Math-II : Further Pure Mathematics [Edexcel]

5. Physics Q.1 (January 2019 P1)



(Total for question 3=9 marks)



(Total for question 5=12 marks)

6. Book Exercise:
Ex : 1,2,3 (Page 60)
Ex: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (Page 84)
Ex: 2 (Page 136)

7. Biology [Co-ordination and Chemical coordination]

1. Name the two systems which help to co-ordinate the body's actions.

2 Name the two structures which make up the central nervous system.

3 (a) The nerve fibres which carry impulses from the sense organs to the
central nervous system are called ….. A ….. fibres.
(b) The nerve fibres which carry impulses from the central nervous system
to the glands and muscles are called ….. B ….. fibres.

4 Complete the passage below, selecting the appropriate words from the list
A neurone (nerve cell) consists of a ….. A ….. containing a nucleus
surrounded by ….. B ….. Branching filaments, called ….. C ….., extend from
the cell surface and make ….. D ….., with other neurones. In ….. E ….. and …..
F ….. neurones, one of the filaments is
very long and is called ,,,,, G …..
(sensory, nerve fibre, cell body, impulses, dendrons, dendrites, motor, contact,
axons, synapses, cytoplasm )

5. What do mean by synapse? Explain synapse with diagram.

6 Which one of the following best explains how we can tell which part of the
body a sensory
nerve impulse comes from?
(a) Impulses from each part of the body are different.
(b) Each part of the body is connected to its own region of the brain.
(c) Sensations of touch, heat, light etc. are carried by nerve fibres to the
(d) We learn from experience where the impulses come from.

(not to same scale)

7 A transverse section through the spinal

cord is examined under the high power of
the microscope. Part of it looks like diagram
A and part looks like diagram B. Which is
grey matter and which is white matter?
Give reasons for your decision.

8 Give three examples of reflex actions.

9. Complete the passage below, selecting the most appropriate words from
the list below.
In a spinal reflex a …..A … stimulated to produce a nerve impulse which
in a ….. B ….. fibre to the ….. C ….. Here, the nerve fibre makes a …..D ….. with
relay (association) …… E …..which transmits the impulse to a ….. F ….. fibre.
This fibre conducts the impulse to an …..G ….. organ such as muscle.
(effector, tendon, sensory, sense organ, motor, nerve, brain, spinal cord,
synapse, neurone)

10. In a reflex knee-jerk, what is (a) the receptor, (b) the effector?

11. Match the following structures and functions of the brain.

(a) Cerebellum. (i) Memory and reasoning.
(b) Medulla. (ii) Balance and muscular co-ordination.
(c) Cerebral hemisphere (iii) Control of heart beat and breathing.
(d) Mid-brain. (iv) Eye movements.

12 In the table below, enter some general points of contrast between the
nervous and.
endocrine systems.

Nervous system Endocrine system
Speed of
Route of
Area affected
Duration of

13. Which one of the following statements about adrenaline is correct?

(a) It increases heart rate and increases release of glucose from the liver.
(b) It increases heart rate and reduces release of glucose from the liver.
(c) It reduces heart rate and increases release of glucose from the liver.
(d) It reduces heart rate and reduces release of glucose from the liver.

14. Name the two hormones produced by the pancreas and say (a) in what
(b) in what way, they adjust the glucose concentration in the blood.

15. Name the hormones produced by (a) the testes, (b) the ovaries.

16. (a) Name the condition and

(b) describe the effects of the failure of the pancreas to produce sufficient-
(c) How is this condition treated? .

17. The pituitary gland produces several hormones, including ADH, FSH, LH
and TSH. Give the full name of each of these hormones and say briefly what
each one does.

Breathig and Gas exchange

1. (a) Energy is obtained from food by a process called

(b) The intake of oxygen and output of carbon dioxide at a respiratory
surface is called
………………………………………..…..….. (B)…………….…………………………….
(c) The process of renewing air in the lungs is
(d) Which of the processes A-C are included in the term ‘breathing’?

2. Name, in the correct order, the structures that incoming air would pass
through between
the nasal cavity and the alveolus.

3. What is the function of the rings of cartilage in the respiratory passages?

4. Using the words 'cilia' and 'mucus', describe, very briefly, how the body gets
rid of dust
which enters the lungs.

5. Which of the following is correct?

When we inhale
(a) our intercostal muscles contract and our ribs move down
(b) our diaphragm muscles contract and the ribs move up
(c) our diaphragm muscles contract and the ribs move down
(d) our intercostal muscles contract and the diaphragm muscles relax.

6. In what two ways will the composition of blood coming from the pulmonary
artery differ
from that going to the pulmonary vein?

7. The percentage of oxygen absorbed from the air in the lungs is always about
the same, so how
can the oxygen supply to the blood be increased during vigorous activity?

8. Inhaled air contains about 21 % oxygen. What is the approximate

percentage concentration of oxygen in exhaled air?

9. Write down symbolic and word equation of aerobic and anaerobic


10. State four characteristics of an efficient respiratory surface.

11. What process causes oxygen to pass from the alveoli into the lung

12. Which of the following diseases are unlikely to be caused by smoking:

(a) lung cancer, (b) tuberculosis, (c) bronchitis, (d) colds, (e) heart attacks?

8. BGS Chap: 3 ( write the answer of the following Questions)
1. What is cultural development?
2. How cultural changes bring development?
3. Explain any two characteristics of cultural development
4. What is art? Explain briefly two types of art.
5. Make a list of visual arts which have important role to develop Bangalee
culture and development

Chap -4
1. What is Archaeology?
2. Mention the name of some archaeological sites of Dhaka city.
3. Write down the importance of Sonargaon.
4. Make a list archaeological items kept in national museum .
** Read the chapter properly for MCQ, FB

** Read Chap 3 & 4 properly

** Make 5 MCQ from each Chapter. (With answer)
9. Econom
Chapter Case Study
1 Production Possibility Curve
3 AL’s Big Burger
4 Demand and Advertisement
4 Global Demand for Cars
5 Fothergill & Sons
s Chapter Case Study
Acct Exercise: 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 (Journal/ Ledger/ Trial Balance)
11 ICT
. 1. What is utility software? Explain the types of software.
2. what is system software ? Give example.
3. What is operating system? Explain Single-user operating system and Network
operating system.
4. The four tasks performed by Operating system are Memory management,
Resource management, security and print spooling.
Explain them.
5.What is application software? Give example.

6. What is the main difference between bitmap image and vector graphics.
7. Write the features of graphic editors include.
8. Write the features of photo editors include.
9. What is control application? Where are they used for?
10. What is software licensing? Explain its two types free of open-source and
11. What are the reasons that updates to software are released by software
12. Learn all subject vocabulary


1. What is memory? How many types of memory?
2. Write the differences between RAM & ROM
3. What is the impact of having more RAM in your computer?
4. Explain the types of ROM.
5. Explain the term processor. How the speed is measured in processor?
6. Learn all subject vocabulary.
12 Religion 1. What is Iman ? Describe the pillars of Iman.
2. What is Nifaq? Describe the consequences of Nifaq according to the light of
Quran and Hadith.
3. What is Asmaul Husna? Describe the significance of Asmaul Husna.
4. Describe the condition for Zakat being obligatory.
5. Describe the role of Hajj in establishing equity and world fraternity.
6. Narrate the teachings of Qurbani to become dedicated in real life.
7. What is Tajwid ? Describe The importance of it according to the light of Holy
Quran and Hadith.
8. What is Tilwate-e -Nazira? Write the manner of reciting the Holy Quran?
9. Write the background, meaning, explanation and moral teachings of Sura Al-
10. Write the background, meaning, explanation and moral teachings of Sura Al-


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