Curriculum Vitae Relawan

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Curriculum Vitae Relawan

Curriculum Vitae of Volunteers

Nama Panjang
Rizki Subagja
Full Name

Tanggal Lahir
Date of Birth DD/MM/YYYY 13/09/1999

Pendidikan Hanya cantumkan pendidikan terakhir Anda.

Please provide only your current education level.

Institusi/Institution SMK MedikaCom Bandung

Jurusan/Major Farmasi

Tahun/Year 2014-2017

Pengalaman Profesional Cantumkan pengalaman profesional Anda dalam 3 tahun terakhir.

Please provide your professional experience in the last 3 years.
Professional Experience

1. Pkl PT Tanabe Indonesia (agustus 2016- November 2016)

2. Klinik Harapan sehat bandung (juni 2017- april 2018)
3. PT. Kimia Farma (outsorcing) (April 2018- April 2019)
4. PT. BioFarma (persero) April 2020- April 2021
Curriculum Vitae Relawan
Curriculum Vitae of Volunteers

Pengalaman Organisasi Cantumkan pengalaman organisasi Anda dalam 3 tahun terakhir.

Please provide your organizational experience in the last 3 years.
Organizational Experience

1. Karang trauna kelurahan pasirluyu

Great communication and Gunakan tanda koma (,) untuk menambahkan keterampilan dalam kolom.
interpersonal skills, Excellent Use comma (,) to separate skills you provided.
organizational and
multitasking skills, Great time
management skills

Bahasa Asing
B.inggris sedikit hafal
Foreign Language(s)
Able to speak english

Software Editing
Editing Software
Curriculum Vitae Relawan
Curriculum Vitae of Volunteers

Mampu mengoperasikan Microsoft Office, Canva,

PicsArt, Microsoft Excel, Google form, etc.

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