Essay Clear Connections in Action

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Hiking options in North Carolina range nearly one thousand miles total.

Mounting the mountains

to try your abilities, seeing stunning mountain flower explosions, or maybe anything in between

are all equally compelling reasons to lace up your boots.

As a person (modifying phrase) who lives in Charlotte, North Carolina, I like to take hikes in the

mountains. I like to take hikes and to look at the fall leaves (parallel structure).This

(demonstrative pronoun) is something that is popular among tourists. Few (indefinite pronoun)

bring as much tourist dollars into our (possessive pronoun) area as do these two things. After

all, who ( interrogative pronoun) doesn't like mountains or Fall leaves?

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I myself (intensive pronoun) like to go hiking at Chimney Rock State Park. Chimney Rock was

initially acquired by the Morse family for public enjoyment. Though there are six trails in the
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park, explore all and take advantage of your ability to enjoy different scenery. A one leads to

Hickory Nut Drop, which falls around 404 feet to the lake below In the 1991 film, The Last of the
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Mohicans, the Mohicans, he and other locations were used as backdrops. In order to reach the
vi y re

famous rock in the park, climb nearly 500 steps of the Outcroppings Trail. Now yourself

(reflexive pronoun) can have the opportunity to get 360-degree views of the city.
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