English EXAM Muntean Liviu AAG-2

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Student’s Name:
Date: 07.07.2021

1.Read the following article. Some sentences have been removed from the text. Choose
from sentences A-G the one which fits each gap (1-6). There is one sentence which you do
not need to use.

I have been asked what I think about the idea of Investing in People. The best answer I can give
is that I think that what it tries to achieve – basically making the link between business
improvement and focusing on the needs of the people who work for an organization – is great.
My problem is with organizations that subscribe to it as a way to help them get better, when they
don’t bother to understand where they went wrong in the first place. (1 G) I am sure that there
are managers out there who don’t know any better, and assume that to manage they simply need
to put pressure on their people to perform. But people don’t demonstrate high performance
because they are told to. They do it because they see they need to do it, and make the choice to
do so. (2B) Such managers may tell themselves they can put a tick in the way we care about
people box. But simply putting ticks in the boxes is no good if it doesn’t reflect reality. (3 E) So
far, so good. But one of the objectives – making successful sales calls – manifested itself in the
metric Number of potential customers seen in one day. The sales people obviously focused their
efforts on going from one customer’s office to another, and not on closing deals. (4 C) Another
company wanted to improve the speed with which it was able to introduce new products.
Competition was beating it to the market place, and consequently the company was losing
market share. (5 F) This was a relatively easy task, especially since the time spent testing the
products was cut in half to accomplish the time reduction. The result was new products were
introduced in less time than those of the competition – but soon rejected by customers for poor
quality. Good intent, reckless implementation. A third company I know is trying hard to help
employees see that they have some control over their future. The company instituted a
programme with a title like Creating our own future or something like that. A good idea; get the
people involved in the future of the company. But instead of the employees becoming motivated
to contribute, they saw it as a hollow exercise on the part of the senior management who, in the
past, had paid little attention to anything other than getting the job done so they could report
great earnings. (6 D)
A And when the programme was over, the company was able to say they had done it – it
had invested in its people and life was now good.
B They do it because they are connected to the business goals and they see how their
contributions can help achieve them.
C Instead of the employees becoming more effective, they focused on getting the boxes
ticked. Good intent; poor thinking.
D The programme was a big tick in the box effort, but that was all it was in the minds of
the people that it was designed for.
E I know of a company that was so concerned that its people were doing the right thing
that it put in place a series of metrics to measure their effectiveness.
F Senior management sent out the message to reduce the time spent in getting products
into customers’ hands, with the explanation that they couldn’t afford delays.
G They need to ask what explicit and implicit policies and procedures they have in place
that prevent their people from being able to do the right thing for the right reasons.


1.For each blank (1-7) think of a word that best fits in the context. Use only one word in
each space:
(1 Recently) the global economy has (2 been) increasingly competitive, companies are finding
that they must be (3 more) flexible with customers to maintain and (4 uphold) sales. Being able
to offer international customers (5 attractive) financing terms is (6 usually) an important part of
any sales package. Since payment in other countries involves elements of uncertainty that are (7
unlike) those faced with domestic companies, credit risk becomes more of an obstacle.

2.For each blank (8-11) decide which of the options A, B, C or D is best. Only one answer is
correct and there is always one correct answer.
Key Person Insurance
In addition to a business continuation plan that outlines how the company will (8)C operations if
a key person dies, falls ill or leaves, some companies may wish to buy key person insurance.
This type of (9)C is usually life insurance that names the corporation as a (10) A if an essential
person dies or is disabled.
Malpractice Insurance
Some licensed professionals need protection (11) B payments as the result of bodily injury or
property damage, medical expenses, the cost of defending lawsuits, investigations and
settlements, and bonds or judgments required during an appeal procedure.

8 A retain B preserve C maintain D keep

9 A extension B coverage C liability D risk
10 A beneficiary B benefit C recipient D receiver
11 A for B against C of D to

3. In each of the following sentences (12-14) there are four parts underlined and lettered A,
B, C and D. For each sentence fiind the underlined part A or B or C or D that makes the
sentence INCORRECT. Only ONE answer is possible for each sentence. THERE IS
ALWAYS ONE possible answer.
(12) (A) Gender discrimination can cause many negative e ffects on victims and businesses. (B)
According to TNS Research Surveys, 68% of women surveyed believe (C) gender
discrimination exist in the workplace. (D)Federal law protects women and other minorities
from discrimination in the work place.

(13) (A) The Equal Pay Act of 1963 ended the practice of paying men more than women (B)
when performing the same jobs and duties. (C) In 1964, the Civil Rights Act extended this
protection to other minorities. (D) Despite this protections, many women still feel gender-
based discrimination is a problem in some businesses.

(14) (A) Victims of gender discrimination lose (B) motivation and moral necessary to
perform their jobs effectively. (C) According to a report written by Jodi L. Jacobson of the
WorldWatch Institute, (D) gender bias also leads to a loss in productivity.

4. Starting from the word in CAPITAL LETTERS at the end of each sentence (15-20),
derive another word that best fits in the context of that sentence indicated by a blank space
( __ ).

Many of us buy life insurance, because we 15. LOVE

want to make sure our (15) loved ones remain
(16) financially secure after we die. For those 16.FINANCIAL
interested in estate planning, cash (17) 17.ACCUMULATE
accumulation, wealth transfer and estate tax
liquidity, life (18)insurance can be a tool to 18. INSURE
achieve those goals as well. There are many
(19) choices when it comes to life insurance. 19. CHOOSE

Your boss at work has asked you for ways to improve the overall wellness of your colleagues.
He has asked you to:
 come up with a proposal with recommendations for what and how to encourage people
to improve their health.
 provide reasons to support your recommendations.
Other companies have encouraged employees to eat right, sleep well, exercise regularly,
socialize with friends and family and take holidays.
You may use these suggestions in your proposal sent to your boss, but feel free to incorporate
Everyone knows that a healthy and organized lifestyle is hard to achieve for the
average person, but at the point where that person manages to achieve a good lifestyle, life
becomes a lot easier. The main things about a good and healthy lifestyle is sleeping well and
also trying to eat as healthy as possible.
First of all, eating healthy is not that hard for many people, but for the average
worker is not that easy to achieve. Today`s people from the working class can all agree that
the main reason why they can`t keep a healthy diet is the lack of time. Working people
start their job in the morning and finish it in the late afternoon, not being able to properly
prepare themselves any kind of meals. Because of this time schedule, they usually end up
ordering something for when they get back home or just simply eat something quick not
worrying about the healthy factor. This problem has a very simple solution. The workplace
can simply provide their workers an eating enviorment, where they can eat in peace their
food from home. A much better idea would be to provide the workers healthy alternatives,
for example to provide them with fruits at lunch time.
Another problem that causes people to avoid a healthy lifestyle is sleep. The sleeping
part is not mainly a problem that needs to be solved by a company, but there can be
something done. For many companies from the 21th century, the working schedule has
been more and more flexible, giving the people the chance to start work whenever they can.
This chance to start work at a specific hour chosen by the workers, gives the working class
the chance to adjust their schedule in such a manner to get their proper sleep time.
As a last argument I would say a very important factor in having a healthy lifestyle
is doing any kind of sport. The main solution that a lot of companies use is providing their
customers free gym subscriptions, allowing their workers to do some exercise without
having to worry about their financial problem.
At last, if these problems can be solved, our workplace would be a lot better and no
doubt our workers would feel much better during their work shifts. Having a healthy
lifestyle makes people be more productive and also gives them will to keep on working.

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