Which of The Two Options A or B Would Be A Suitable Introduction For The Topic?

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Which of the two options A or B would be a suitable introduction for the topic?


Young people spend too much time on their mobile phones. Do you agree?

A. I use my mobile phone for just about everything. However, what I mostly use it for is chatting
with my friends. If I couldn’t do that, I would be very upset.

B. Teenagers use their phones for just about everything. They play games, watch videos and keep in
touch with their friends and families. The phone has become an essential part of their lives.


What would you do if you won a million dollars in the lottery? Fortune or misfortune?

A. I have never played the lottery. My parents sometimes buy tickets at Christmastime or when they
travel. But no one in my family has ever won a million dollars.

B. The general assumption is that winning the lottery will solve all your problems and make life
easy. However, I sometimes wonder if that is actually true. If the occasion to win a million dollars
every presented itself, I would certainly celebrate, but I would also be cautious and not let the
money change my life too much.


Your family has decided to get a new pet. What animal makes the best family pet and which animal
will you choose?

A. A dog, a cat, a bird, a horse? What a decision! In order to choose, my family has made a list of
the pros and cons of several different animals. We love them all, but the following criteria has
helped us make our choice.

B. My 15-year-old dog died last year and everyone in my family cried. We were all so sad. I am 14,
so I don’t remember a time when we didn’t have Rover. He was the best pet a family can have.


High school students should wear uniforms to school. Do you agree?

A. When I was at primary school, everyone had to wear a uniform. It wasn’t a beautiful uniform,
but it was comfortable and I always knew what I was going to wear the next day. My family saved a
lot of money on clothes, so in the summer I could buy trendy outits for the holidays.
B. Teenagers express themselves through the clothes they wear. When they go to high school, they
feel the need to relate to others by dressing in a certain way. By making students all wear the same
uniform, perhaps they lose their indivuality and do not feel accepted as the person they really are.

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