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Values, Tradition & Heritage

Sense of Place & Signature Architecture
Sustainability, People & the Planet
Cities of the Future & Outstanding Infrastructure
Baukultur, Liveability & "Built Happiness"
Responsible Team Players
Ethical Practice
Appropriate solutions for local contexts
Katwijk Undeground Parking, Flood Protection (The Netherland)
Architect: Royal Haskoning DHV
Photo: Luuk Kramer
The Countries of Europe boast a rich mix of culture and architecture, tradition and innovation.
This diversity also applies to European architects who realise distinctive, unique and exceptional designs.
For centuries European Architects From a deeply rooted social interest European
have influenced the development of Architects build for humans and realise
architecture. architecture that is beneficial and relevant to

“ Values,
& Heritage „
Thanks to their curiosity, diversity and
eagerness for new discoveries they
“ Baukultur,
Liveability & "Built
Happiness" „
With a well designed built environment as a base
have created well-known structures that Europeans have high life expectancy and are
showcase cultural identity. But it’s not only well represented in the World Happiness Index.
about history and tradition : Modernity was Architecture form Europe is an economic, but also a
Domkyrkoforum, Lund (Sweden)
basically invented in Europe in the 20th cultural activity that improves the Quality of Life with
Clonakilty Materplan Streetscape
Architect: Carmen Izquierdo Arkitektkontor century. Architect: Cork Council respect for local tradition. European Architects design
Photo: Ake E:son Lindman Architects Department (IRE)
Photo: Cork Council functional and sustainable living conditions that
Architects Department
contribute to health, well-being and social resilience.

Educated with the ability to

Cultural – Educational Complex Kajzerica, Zagreb (Croatia) travel, listen and value diversity,
Architects: Sangrad + AVP
European Architects create

“ “ „
Photo: Sandro Lendler
Sense European cities are world-class; Responsible awareness and responsibility
of Place & with policy makers, authorities

full of culture and quality of life. Team Players
Signature European architects realise dis- and professionals.
Architecture tinctive and exceptional designs Within a pluralist and tolerant
that contribute to the Sense of Europe, students and professionals
Place. can travel freely. They can work
Think of a great city and you might think of Europe. European and judge independently and professionally. Used to working
Urbanists have made the cities unique places in which to live, work collaboratively, European Architects are sensitive to recognise the
and recreate. Architecture has given a sense of place and recognition added value that different stakeholders and a variety of experiences
to European cities, many of which are listed as UNESCO World and skills bring to architectural projects.
Heritage sites today. Akershus Universtitetsygehus (Norway), Architect: C.F.Møller Architects, Photo: C.F.Møller Architects

European Architects are united by common European Architects recognise the impact
goals to make the world a better place. of design decisions for inhabitants, users,
construction workers and producers of

For decades European buildings have boasted

“ „
Sustainability, building materials.

the highest sustainability standards that contribute Ethical
People & to quality of life, biodiversity and a healthy climate. In Europe the architect is an independent
the Planet European Architectural Designs are ever more professional of public trust who practices with
energy efficient and enable the re-use of building fairness and integrity. Starting with safety and
materials. European Technology developed well-being on the construction site, the designs
Passiv Haus and Plus Energy Houses and entire respect the rule of law, but also personal freedom
Skocjanski Zatok Nature Reserve (Slovenia)
Architect: Ravnikar Potokar Architectural Office Sustainable European cities receive Green Office building (Austria)
Architect: Baumschlager Eberle
and human dignity.
Photo: Miran Kambic
Capital Awards. Photo:a rchphoto, inc.
© Baumschlager Eberle Architekten

With a long tradition of urban European Architects practice

planning European Architects in small and flexible offices

“ Cities of
the Future &
add architectural quality to living,
working and recreation.
“ „ Appropriate
that offer services and deliver
appropriate solutions.

solutions for local
Outstanding European Architects contribute to European Architects operate on
Infrastructure the future of mankind by designing various scales and deliver solutions
sustainable metropoles and that are appropriate for the needs of
connecting people and goods with client, context and society. European
sustainable mobility solutions. Architects are expert practitioners
For European Architects who take up their social and sustainable in connecting tradition and innovation. Innovative approaches are
responsibility cities, are more than just big plans, but flexible designs applied to new projects and transformations. The ability to adopt
built upon an understanding of the given qualities of a place and the a ‘less is more’approach to design ensures – a commitment to
dynamics of expected and unexpected future developments. increase intrinsic quality, but not growth for its own sake.
European Solidarity Centre, Gdansk (Poland), Architect: Wojliech Targowski/Fort, Photo: Wojciech Kryński Center for Traditional Music Bahrein, Architect: OFFICE Kersten Geers, David Van Severen (BE), Photo: Bas Princen
To contact our
Member Organisations,
visit our website
or scan Co-funded by the
the QR code. Creative Europe Programme
of the European Union
The European Commission support for the production of
this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the
contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and
the Commission cannot be held responsi¬ble for any use
which may be made of the information contained therein.

Cover: Elbiphilarmonie, Hamburg (Germany)

Architect: Herzog & de Meuron
Photo: Thies Rätzke


ARCHITECTS’ COUNCIL OF EUROPE Rue Paul Emile Janson 29 Tel. : +32 (0) 2 543 11 40 : @Ace_Cae
CONSEIL DES ARCHITECTES D’EUROPE B-1050 Brussels Fax : +32 (0) 2 543 11 41 : @ArchitectsEU

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