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PE Instructor
Bangus St., Corner Apahap St., NBBS, City of Navotas

Course Title PE2: Fundamentals of Rhythmic Activities

Name of Faculty JAN JUSTIN A. MANDAP

Module Number 6 of 10
Lesson Title Introduction to Social Dances
Week number Six

Intended Learning At the end of the module, the students should be

Outcomes: able to:
1. Define and discuss the meaning of ballroom or social
2. Appreciate and analyze the benefits of social dance
into one’s life.
3. Become familiar with the proper grooming and
etiquette in dancing.
4. Understand the principles underlying leading and
following in ballroom dancing.
5. Interpret and demonstrate different dance
holds/positions in ballroom dancing.
6. Differentiate and classify the characteristics of
different styles of ballroom dance.
7. Develop good rapport, trust and self-confidence in
demonstrating danceholds/positions with partner.

Learning and Teaching Support Materials

1. Guided Questions
2. Reflections
3. Video Lessons



Social dancing is partner dancing that is informal, relaxed, and danced

for the enjoyment of the partners - rather than to meet the criteria of a dance
school or an audience. Social dancing is danced for enjoyment, socialization,
recreation and health. It is usually done to inroduce people with one another
during a formal and social gathering or to welcome a guest to a social
gathering. The test for social dancing success is how much the dance partners
have enjoyed the dance - not how they have danced in the eyes of others or
how "correctly" theyhave danced. Many of the social dances like polka and
mazurka started as folk dance while some deliberately designed for its purpose,
such as the waltz, regoudon and polonaise (nimor 2006).Social dancing has no
standardized teaching or learning curriculum.
Social dance teachers teach steps and techniques they have come to
prefer or what they hunch their students will prefer. The steps and techniques
taught by one instructor can vary considerably from those taught by someone
else. Social dancing is also dynamic. The types of social dances and styles
change with the times. Most group dances were originally ceremonial rites
grouped around the 3 basic aspects of human existence: food supply, sexual
impulse, and relationship with the spirit.Social dancing is different for
American ballroom dancing which is sometimes called social ballroom dancing.
Ballroom dancing is meant to be danced in ballrooms, and social
dancing is suited for dancing on small or crowded floors, such as dance floors
found in restaurants and pubs. If ballroom dancers wish to use their dancing
skills in social dance environments, they do need to change and adapt their
style and steps.

➢ Amalgamation – combination of two or more patterns or movements.

➢ Ball Change–is a transfer of weight from the ball of one foot to the other
➢ Basic Figure – is a standardized step pattern, which together with other
patterns constitute the basics of a dance.
➢ Chasse - is composed of three changes of weight with a close on the
second and may be performed sideward or forward.
➢ Choreography – The art of creating dances or compilation of steps,
patterns and movements, which make up the dance or a dance routine.
➢ Close – is to move the free foot next to supporting foot with one change of
➢ Combination – is a group of consecutive patterns and choreography. It
is similar to amalgamation but it sometimes involves a slightly more
advanced set patterns.
➢ Continuity Movement– the continous passing of the test from one step
to the next.
➢ Contrary Body Movement - is the action of turning the opposite hip and
shoulder toward the direction of the moving leg. It is used to begin all
turning movements.
➢ Cuban Motion–is a discreet but expressive hip movement achieved by
bending and straightening the knees with carefully timed weight transfer.
➢ Dance Sports – is the official name given to cometitive ballroom dancing.
➢ Figure– is a standardized step pattern that, together with the other
patterns constitute the dance.
➢ Grapevine – is a combination of step, cross-over, step and close (moving
➢ Hip Motion – is a very general term to mean any type of hip movement
used in Latin Dancing.
➢ Leading–is effective communication of intended actions by the leader
through the use of the leader’s own body movements and through one or
more physical or visual connections to the followers.
➢ Line of Dancing – is a type of non-partner dancing where everyone
starts in the line and learns a set of patterns that repeats over and over
again through the music.
➢ Natural Turn – is any dance pattern that turns to the right.
➢ Progressive Dance – is a dance in which couples move along the line of
direction around the dance floor, as opposed to a spot dance.
➢ Step – is frequently used to mean the same as figure or pattern.
➢ Variation – is a varied or more advanced pattern than the corresponding
basic figure, which still contains the same main elements.

Visit the and search the

following videos for your additional learning!

Ballroom Dance Holds/ Positions

The table below shows some ballroom dance holds/positions shared in
common by most ballroom dances.
Watch the videos and examine the illustrations below then write your own brief
guide/description or step by step instruction on how the given dance position/holds may be
performed in the corresponding boxes below. Try to be creative to earn more points

Dance Holds/ Positions Guide/ Description

Reading and Online Resources
other References •

Prepared by: JAN JUSTIN A. MANDAP PE Instructor

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