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THE SHIELD OF ATHENA by David Scoville and R.J.


Contact: David M. Scoville 84 Colorado Ave. Morgantown, WV 26501 304-685-6038



A storm rages across the sea. The waves toss a small boat dangerously close to a rocky, inhospitable island. In the boat a RAIN-SOAKED MAN clings to a broken mast, his clothes in tatters. He is tossed overboard. The man struggles onto a stone pier, half drowned. EXT. MONASTERY - NIGHT The man stumbles along a stone road lined with olive trees. He comes an to ancient temple built into the hill. A newlymounted cross soars high over the roof. A CLOAKED FIGURE bearing a crossbow emerges from the entrance. The man collapses. The figure rushes to his side. They speak in Greek. CLOAKED FIGURE You have it? RAIN-SOAKED MAN Here. The man holds out a small pouch. CLOAKED FIGURE Is she far behind? RAIN-SOAKED MAN The storm keeps her at bay. CLOAKED FIGURE We must hurry. The man rolls over revealing a gaping wound in his belly. He grabs the figure's hand and places the pouch in it. RAIN-SOAKED MAN Too late for me. Hide it. Quickly!



The man dies. The figure stands. He empties the pouch into his hand. Inside is a bronze disk, a small plate or a large coin. Etched on the disk is a hideous woman: massive fangs and snakes for hair. EXT. AEGEAN SEA - 2010 MORNING The face blends into a similar image on a stoneware plate. PORTIA (O.S.) Pull! A hand grabs the plate and hurls it out over the ocean. A gunshot. The plate explodes. EXT. SEAHORSE MORNING A moderate-sized sailing yacht anchored in a small, sleepy town somewhere along the Aegean Sea. A young British woman, PORTIA, reloads a long barreled shotgun. A swarthy young man, Dimitri, lounges like a cat against a table piled with pottery, a drink in one hand. With his free hand he grabs a large vase as Portia snaps the shotgun closed. PORTIA Pull! Dimitri hurls the vase out over the sea. Portia fires. The vase explodes. A few feet away, a small, nervous young man, SAM, sits on the deck with a computer in his lap examining one of the pots. SAM Okay, I'm pretty sure none of these are authentic. PORTIA They're just cheap knockoffs for naive tourists. They deserve their fate. Pull! Dimitri tosses a plate into the air. Portia fires. The plate explodes. Sam flinches at the gunfire.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA PORTIA You're on Spring Break Samuel. You really should relax. She offers the shotgun. PORTIA Try a round. SAM Are you kidding? I thanks.


A beautiful young woman resembling Dimitri, OLYMPIA, looks timidly up from a large book. OLYMPIA Shouldn't you wait to fire that until we are at sea? Portia snaps the gun closed in response. DIMITRI Sis has a point, lover. PORTIA We can't leave without Jay now can we? I'm hoping that the one gun salute will get his lackadaisical derrire back here. Pull! Dimitri tosses a huge vase into the air. Portia hits it close to the deck. Terracotta shards shower them. Sam huddles over his computer. Dimitri doesn't flinch but covers his drink as the shrapnel assaults him. DIMITRI And just where is Jay? SAM Don't know.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA DIMITRI Aren't you college buddies supposed to watch out for each other when abroad? SAM Come on dude, I'm not his mom. Besides, he was dragged away by some hot local. Was I supposed to, like, follow him and make a porno? Olympia looks up from her book, disgusted. SAM He's probably face down in an alley, with no money, a missing kidney, and a big fat Greek hangover. PORTIA One can only hope. Pull! INT. SIRENA'S BEDROOM - MORNING


Close up of a disheveled young American lying face down in bed: JAY. A gun blasts in the distance. Jay's eyes snap open in response. He mumbles into his pillow. SIRENA (O.S.) What was that? Jay rolls over. JAY Are we being attacked? The view widens to reveal a striking woman, SIRENA, on the bed next to Jay. They both wear only sheets. The rustic bedroom is in total disarray. Sunlight streams through an open doorway leading to a balcony. Another gunshot.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA SIRENA It's pretty far off. Probably at the harbor. JAY Portia. Jay sits up quickly, clutches his head and collapses back onto his pillow. SIRENA A jealous lover? JAY Worse. Family. Jay hunts for his pants. SIRENA You're leaving? JAY It's my cousin's boat. And she will leave without me. SIRENA Let her leave! You are mine now. JAY Look, last night was really... (Confused) it was, right? I mean I was...we were...weren't we? Wait, who are you again? SIRENA Sirena. JAY Right, Sirena. SIRENA But you must not leave. I am not yet done with you.


THE SHIELD OF ATHENA Sirena pulls Jay down. She presses close to him. JAY You aren't? SIRENA But if your heart says go... She gently caresses his chest. Her hand slides down his torso. Lower, lower... JAY My heart says...I guess I could stay a while longer... A loud crash outside the bedroom. A man shouts in Greek. SIRENA (annoyed) Oh no. JAY Oh no what!? SIRENA It's Eduardo. JAY Who's Eduardo? Someone bangs on the door. More shouting. JAY You never told me you had an Eduardo! The bedroom door bursts open revealing EDUARDO, a musclebound man wielding a baseball bat. He bellows and flails his arms. Sirena shouts back. They argue in Greek. Jay dives for his pants. JAY Hey look man, I didn't even know you existed. Can't we just...




Eduardo rushes Jay. Jay manages to grab his pants before running out to the balcony. He trips on the bed sheets and falls over the edge. EXT. VILLAGE MORNING A family of three having breakfast on their terrace. Jay falls from above and smashes onto the table. The family stares in shock. TWO MEN run around the building shouting. Jay rolls off the ruined table. JAY Aw come on! More Eduardos?! He takes off running, pants in hand. EXT. SEAHORSE MORNING - VIEWED THROUGH CAMCORDER Close up of Sam's face. SAM Okay guys. In-your-face Spring Break journal entry number three. Here is irrefutable proof that I am spending spring break on the Aegean Sea with extremely hot women. Close up of Portia on the deck, cleaning her shotgun. SAM (O.S.) Case in point: Portia Branston... Portia hefts her shotgun, and gives the camera a threatening look. The camera moves abruptly to Olympia in a deckchair. SAM Second case in point: Olympia, the beautiful stow-away... Dimitri takes a protective stance, blocking Olympia form the camera.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA JAY (O.S.) Portia!!!!!! The camera swivels towards town, and zooms in on Jay, pantless, sprinting down the street. PORTIA (O.S.) About bloody time. Three men emerge behind Jay, in hot pursuit. JAY Staaaaart The Boooooaaaat!!! EXT. SEAHORSE - CONTINUOUS SAM Um, maybe you should start up the Seahorse? PORTIA One thing at a time Samuel. Let me just put old Percival away and then... Jay leaps up on deck. JAY Portia, we need to leave right now! PORTIA Well it'll take a few moments but we'll be off as s.. JAY No time! Hold these!


Jay throws his pants at Portia and runs to the far side of the ship. JAY Catch up!

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA VIEWED THROUGH CAMCORDER Jay dives overboard. PORTIA (O.S.) Where are you going? Jay swims out to sea. JAY That way! DIMITRI (O.S.) Portia, dear, the locals are approaching. EXT. SEAHORSE - CONTINUOUS Portia looks where Dimitri is pointing. Three angry men stand on the dock hollering. PORTIA What are they saying? OLYMPIA They aren't making much sense. They keep going on about curses. PORTIA Tell them they will have their own curse to deal with if they don't back away from my boat!


Portia raises the shotgun. Before Olympia can explain, the men back off. PORTIA I suppose it is about time we shoved off.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA EXT. SEAHORSE LATER The Seahorse at sea, Dimitri at the helm, Portia lounges next to him. Jay emerges from below. JAY So, what's it going to take for you to forget this little adventure? PORTIA O, it's not me you need to worry about. Portia gestures to Sam and Olympia huddled around Sam's computer. JAY Oh, Crap! PORTIA I believe he's making you quite the celebrity. Up and running are we Sam!


Jay marches to the computer. Olympia casts him a disgusted glance and returns to her deck chair. JAY Sam! You Tube!? Really!? PORTIA You can give him a good thrashing later. We've a storm coming. A bad one, from the looks of it. A dark, ominous cloud stretches out at the horizon. PORTIA Dimitri, how much farther until the next stop? Dimitri stares off past her, hypnotized.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA PORTIA Darling? Hello? Dimitri shakes himself back to reality. DIMITRI I see an island right there. That could be our next stop. Dimitri points to a rocky, inhospitable Island. PORTIA I should never have chosen my tour guide based on looks. (To the group) Ladies and Gentlemen, it looks like we're going to make an unexpected stop! Jay, do try to keep your clothes on this time. EXT. MYSTERIOUS ISLAND - EVENING Storm clouds cover the sky. The Seahorse, secured to the stone remnants of a pier, is tossed by the waves. The crew exits a lifeboat. Jay drags the boat onto the beach. An ancient stone road leads into the hills. Olympia notices a vulture in a tree, watching. Flash of lightning. For a split second the vulture has a weathered human face. Olympia freaks. She screams and backs away from it. Dimitri catches her. She points to the vulture. OLYMPIA WHAT IS THAT THING? Jay, Portia and Sam spot the vulture and relax. JAY We call them buzzards in normal land.


THE SHIELD OF ATHENA OLYMPIA But its face!? JAY They ain't purty, but they ain't THAT bad. OLYMPIA Dimi?


Dimitri watches the vulture, a guarded look on his face. Does he see something? Is he just worried about his sister? DIMITRI Just a vulture. Come on. Dimitri wraps his arm around Olympia and steers her up the path. The others follow, disturbed. Jay makes a cuckoo sign to Sam. Portia slaps Jays hand. The vulture watches the crew disappear into the foliage. EXT. MONASTERY EVENING The crew follows a worn stone path through an olive grove. Olympia is still clearly distraught. OLYMPIA was not a vulture! Its an old woman... JAY Alright Loopy Limpy, it's time to get off the acid trip. Dimitri whirls on Jay. DIMITRI Leave my sister alone! Portia jumps between the two.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA PORTIA Enough of this nonsense. SAM Check it out. Sam Points to an ancient temple built into the hillside. The wind rocks a weathered cross on the roof. PORTIA Well, that's a might bit better than burnt out ruins.


Olympia rushes to the heavy wooden door. She lifts the brass knocker and knocks. The door creaks open to reveal a displeased and suspicious Monk. The monk speaks curtly in Greek and begins to shut the door. Olympia steps forward and puts her hand on the door. She looks the monk directly in the eyes. He pauses. She says breathless words in Greek. The monk hesitates, then opens the door. He speaks, again in Greek. DIMITRI He says we may enter. JAY (to Olympia) What did you say to him? OLYMPIA I asked for sanctuary. INT. MONASTERY HALLWAY - EVENING The monk leads the crew down a winding stone hallway. Wall sconces illuminate the way. He continues to speak. DIMITRI He says this place used to be a temple of Athena. But it is now a monastery. He is the only monk left to care for it.



Jay stands just inside a small monastic cell. There is a tiny window, a cot, and a chamber pot. The storm rages outside. The monk and the rest of the crew are just outside the cell. DIMITRI He reminds you not to leave your cell under any circumstances and bids you good night. JAY Well tell Saint Grumpy thank... The monk shuts the door. JAY for your hospitality. Man, I'm giving this guy the worst possible rating on Hotels Dot Com. Jay flings himself on the cot. He winces in discomfort. LATER Jay, asleep. The wind howls outside his window. Thunder crashes. He startles awake. He has to pee. He spots the chamberpot. LATER Jay, looking quite disgusted, holds a full chamberpot. He tries to open the ancient window, it's jammed shut. JAY You've got to be kidding. INT. MONASTERY HALLWAYS NIGHT Jay creeps into the hall, chamberpot in hand. The door next to him opens. Olympia backs out with a flashlight. She whirls, spotting him.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA OLYMPIA What are you doing out here? Jay glances at Olympia, at his chamberpot. He shoves the chamberpot back in his cell. JAY I need some air. What are YOU doing? OLYMPIA I...the same as you. I...don't like enclosed spaces. JAY Well then, we can find some air together. OLYMPIA I'll be fine on my own.


Olympia starts down the hallway. Jay hustles next to her. OLYMPIA Do you mind? JAY Who else in gonna protect me from the creeeepy vultures. Olympia huffs and ups her pace. Jay keeps in step. Jay pulls a flask from his pocket. He takes a sip and offers it to Olympia. JAY Ouzo? OLYMPIA You are just like the boys Dimitri warned me about: lazy, rude, with only one thing on your mind.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA JAY Come on, if you think I'm bad you need to get out more. OLYMPIA I...have been ill. For a very long time. This is my first vacation. Olympia halts, staring at an ornate door. Jay continues past, oblivious. He takes another sip. JAY Well then you really need to make up for lost time. (apologetic) And by the way, about that vulture...


Jay backsteps to Olympia. Olympia tries the door: locked. She pulls two pins from her pocket and kneels by the lock. JAY ...but you can pick locks? OLYMPIA My foster parents used to lock me in my suite. To keep me safe. Dimitri taught me to pick the lock so I could go to the garden and watch the stars at night. JAY They used to...that's messed up. A soft Click Olympia pushes the door open. INT. SAM'S CELL NIGHT Sam lies restless on the cot. Fluttering outside his window. He goes to the window and opens the shutters. Lightning illuminates the vulture in a nearby tree, watching.



The walls are lined with old books. Thick carpets cover the floor. Olympia gazes around the room, searching. OLYMPIA Can you feel it? Jay wanders the room. His foot catches. He trips loudly. OLYMPIA How much ouzo have you had? JAY 'M not drunk. There's something under this rug. Jay lifts up the rug to reveal a trap door. The latch is covered with a wax seal. Olympia stares at it, hypnotized. INT. SAM'S CELL NIGHT Sam watches as a second vulture lands on the tree. He fumbles for his camcorder. He switches on nightvision. INT. STUDY - NIGHT Olympia breaks the seal. INT. DARKENED ROOM NIGHT A woman, EURYALE, lies in a massive bed, obscured by the shadows. In the grips of a violent dream, she calls out. INT. TREASURE CHAMBER NIGHT Olympia climbs down a ladder. The room is littered with ancient Greek artifacts: pottery, bronze weapons and shields, even clothing. There are several statues. The largest is of Athena. Jay stumbles down the ladder, landing in a heap.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA JAY Okay maybe a little drunk. Jay gazes in awe at the artifacts. JAY This is wild! These monks sure know how to hoard their treasure.


Olympia goes straight for the Athena statue, searching. She notices an alcove in the back. She reaches in and draws out a small, metal box. It has a similar wax seal. She opens it. INT. DARKENED ROOM NIGHT Euryale bolts upright in bed, her eyes wide with shock. She is drenched in sweat. INT. SAM'S CELL NIGHT Sam raises the camcorder to the window. VIEWED THROUGH CAMCORDER Two harpies sit in the tree, glaring at Sam. They are haggard beasts, with the heads and torsos of ancient women, and the wings and lower bodies of vultures. INT. SAM'S CELL CONTINUOUS Sam drops his Camcorder, and shouts in shock. INT. TREASURE CHAMBER NIGHT Olympia reaches inside the box. She pulls out a bronze disk. The grotesque face of a woman is etched upon it. Olympia stares at it, captivated. Jay looks over her shoulder. JAY Whoa. Aren't you nasty.



Footsteps from above. Olympia tries to replace the coin. She fumbles, dropping them both. Jay grabs them. He quickly pockets the coin, then closes and replaces the box just as the monk appears in the trap door holding a shotgun. INT. STUDY NIGHT The monk lines Jay and Olympia up against the wall. He raves at them. Jay sways, his face a greenish hue. OLYMPIA He wants to know if we have taken anything. Olympia addresses the monk in Greek. JAY What are you saying saying? OLYMPIA I'm asking him not to kill us. JAY ...Right...good. The monk pats down Olympia. Jay looks more and more ill. As the monk reaches him, he vomits on the monk's feet. EXT. MONASTERY NIGHT The door to the monastery opens. The monk tosses Olympia and Jay out. Jay trips over a metal seal similar to the wax ones in the treasure room. INT. DARKENED ROOM NIGHT Euryale lunges out of bed. She rushes to a pair of French doors and throws them open, to stare out at the night sky. INT. SAM'S CELL NIGHT The vultures/harpies erupt into flight. The door bursts open. Lightning flashes. The monks stands in the doorway.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA EXT. MONASTERY - NIGHT The Monk shoves Portia, Dimitri, and Sam out the door. Olympia rushes to Dimitri. He glares at Jay over her shoulder, angry and confused. The wind is deafening. PORTIA Just what the hell did you two do!? SAM (panicked) They're out here! They're... they're...


PORTIA Calm Down Samuel! SAM Olympia was right! They're not birds. They're not vultures! They're like...women...freaking bird women! PORTIA I'm sure it was just the storm! A hideous shriek rings on the howling winds. The clouds burst. A torrential downpour. The wind picks up even more. PORTIA To the Seahorse! Quickly now! The drenched crew stumbles down the road, as fast as they can travel in the heavy winds. INT. DARKENED ROOM NIGHT A MAN next to Euryale. EURYALE Ready my boat at once.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA EXT. SEAHORSE NIGHT The ship tossed mercilessly by the storm. EXT. SEAHORSE MORNING


Beautiful, sunny. The Seahorse is littered with debris from the storm. Portia examines the torn mainsail. Sam lunges across the deck to vomit over the railing. Jay sprawls on the deck, a hand over his throbbing head. OLYMPIA (O.S.) You saw it too Dimi, I know you did! Dimitri storms on deck, Olympia hot on his heels. PORTIA O bloody hell. Olympia rushes to Sam's side. OLYMPIA Sam, when we left the monastery, you said you saw it, the bird...thing. Tell them. Sam fumbles with his camcorder. SAM ...I...I s...saw... Sam vomits over the railing again. Portia wheels on Olympia. PORTIA If you can't keep your delusions to yourself, kindly go below. You're giving us all a headache. OLYMPIA I am trying to warn you!

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA Jay sighs and sits up, rubbing his head. He glances out toward the island. PORTIA A monk with a shotgun is enough of a monster. We don't need any illusory ones to worry about! Jay stands, his eyes fixed on the sky. Dimitri stares at Jay, distracted, confused. OLYMPIA You feel it don't you? Dimitri jerks his head back to Olympia. DIMITRI What? I feel nothing. OLYMPIA You DO feel it, in your HEART. Dimitri looks back at Jay, a hand to his heart. Jay snatches Sam's camcorder. VIEWED THROUGH CAMCORDER Three specks in the sky. SEAHORSE PORTIA I'm the captain of a bloody floating asylum. OLYMPIA When we were in the monas.. PORTIA Oh shut up! DIMITRI Don't speak to my sister like that!


THE SHIELD OF ATHENA VIEWED THROUGH CAMCORDER The view zooms in on the specks: three hideous harpies. Getting closer. JAY (O.S.) Guys? SEAHORSE Jay slams the camcorder in Sam's hands. PORTIA Seeing as how she wasn't even invited on this trip I can speak to her however I bloody well please. JAY Guys!? DIMITRI You invite me, you invite my sister. PORTIA Shall I invite her into my bed as well? JAY GUYS! Furious, Dimitri snatches a bottle of ouzo from a deck table. He takes a long drink. PORTIA O brilliant! Let's all have a round of drinks. Dimitri raises the bottle in mock salute to Portia. JAY INCOMING!!!


THE SHIELD OF ATHENA Jay drops to the ground. A harpy swoops past Dimitri, grabbing his ouzo. The other two dive-bomb the deck. One harpy pounces on Jay, searching for something. JAY What the...! The and and the


harpy with the ouzo pauses to chug the bottle. Olympia Dimitri make for the cabin. A harpy lands in their path shrieks. Sam dives into the lifeboat and hides under boat cover. His arm pops out, holding the camcorder. JAY Get off! Get off! Get off!

Jay grabs a corner of the sail and wraps it around the harpy. The harpy facing Olympia and Dimitri leaps into the air. It grabs Olympia by the hair and drags her away from the cabin. Olympia screams. Portia dives past them to go below. DIMITRI Olympia! Dimitri runs after his sister. The first harpy finishes the ouzo. She takes to the air and tackles Jay. The harpy he trapped frees herself from the sail. Both harpies grab Jay. They pull at him and search his clothes, lifting him off the ground. Jay headbutts one of the harpies. It drops him. Gunshot. The harpies scream. Portia stands by the cabin entrance with her shotgun. All three harpies take flight. Portia gets off a second shot, grazing one of the them. They disappear over the island. PORTIA Is everyone all right? JAY No! We aren't all right! What the hell were those...?



Jay staggers to his feet only to double over and vomit over the ship's railing. Olympia is in tears. Dimitri is with her, stunned. Sam pokes his head out of the lifeboat. SAM Is it safe? PORTIA Come on out, Samuel. Sam climbs out of the lifeboat. OLYMPIA Now do you believe? DIMITRI It was some type of vulture. OLYMPIA Did you see their faces? How many vultures have human faces? Not to mention their... JAY Boobs! They had boobs. DIMITRI You are delusional. JAY Dude, they were right in my face! The vultures had saggy old boobs! DIMITRI We were panicked. SAM I have proof. Sam holds up his Camcorder. CUT TO:



A jumbled view of the attack. The harpies are a blur of motion. Finally one comes into clear view. The image pauses. SAM (O.S.) There! EXT. SEAHORSE CONTINUOUS The crew gathered around Sam's camcorder. JAY See, I told you it had boobs! DIMITRI It's just not possible. JAY It is freakin' possible! It's right there. PORTIA Jay is right. We all saw them. Sam has them on camera. We better start believing in them. JAY Yeah! what the hell were they? SAM Harpies...At least I think they were harpies. Weren't harpies like nasty bird women sent by Zeus to steal some guy's food. JAY Okay, so they're Herpes. SAM Harpies. JAY Harpies. Where did they come from?

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA They all look toward the Island. JAY Great. Psycho monk has herpes. SAM Harpies. JAY Whatever. PORTIA We need to fix the sail in case they return. SAM (terrified) They're gonna come back? PORTIA They were looking for something.


Portia looks at Jay. Olympia looks at Jay. Dimitri looks at Jay. Sam, confused looks at Jay. JAY What? PORTIA They were quite taken with you weren't they? JAY Must be my cologne. PORTIA What were they looking for? Jay starts to say something, then shrugs in guilty defeat.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA EXT. EURYALE'S YACHT DAY Euryale at the railing of a large yacht. A dangerous looking man, GREGOR, approaches her. EURYALE We are close Gregor. Very close. GREGOR Shall I wake your sister? EURYALE No, I will handle this. I know where she is, should I need her talents. INT. SEAHORSE DAY


The crew in the main cabin. The coin sits on a small desk. SAM You robbed psycho-monk? JAY I guess I did. I was kinda drunk. PORTIA No doubt. SAM Who is she supposed to be? DIMITRI AND OLYMPIA (simultaneously) Medusa. SAM You're sure? DIMITRI Pretty sure.



Olympia, entranced, reaches for the coin. Portia stands up and snatches it. PORTIA I don't care if it's Queen Victoria. We have to return it. OLYMPIA What? Why? PORTIA Well, the Harpies are three very good reasons. SAM Yeah, take it back. Let the monk deal with the harpies. DIMITRI Maybe the monk sent the harpies. PORTIA All the more reason to return the it. Now I need to stay here and oversee the repairs to the sail. JAY I'll go. PORTIA Quite fitting, since you got us into this mess. OLYMPIA (abruptly) Me too. Portia looks at Olympia suspiciously. OLYMPIA He'll need a translator. PORTIA Well that settles it.



Olympia reaches for the coin. Jay pockets it before she can reach it. They head for the deck. Jay stops in the doorway. JAY Here's hoping the monk is in the mood to talk. I don't feel like getting shot today. EXT. MYSTERIOUS ISLAND DAY Jay and Olympia hike up the road to the monastery. Jay sets the pace, Olympia drags behind. OLYMPIA Why are you so certain the monk should have this coin? JAY Why are you so certain he shouldn't? OLYMPIA We don't know who he is. How is it he came by all that treasure? JAY He's a monk. I'm sure it's all legit. OLYMPIA What kind of monk pulls a gun on a bunch of kids? He could be a smuggler. Perhaps he deals on the black market in antiquities. Do you really want to return to him more stolen goods? Jay stops walking. He turns to face Olympia.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA JAY I don't care if he's the son of Lucifer, and he's selling treasure so he can buy orphans to fuel his death furnace. All I know is that freaking bird-women came out of the sky and attacked us because we had a tiny metal portrait of the ugliest woman I have ever seen. If he wants miss beauty's happy coin, he is welcome to it! I for one would like to go the rest of my life without worrying if saggy chested hag-turkeys are going to dive bomb my face! Jay turns on his heel and stalks up the road. OLYMPIA Coward! Jay spins around. JAY I prefer Survivalist. It sounds a lot cooler. Olympia huffs and hurries to catch up. EXT. SEAHORSE DAY


The remainder of the crew are busy repairing the ship. Sam looks up from his work for a moment. Something catches his eye. He grabs his camcorder. EXT. SEA DAY - VIEWED THROUGH CAMCORDER A modern yacht anchored off the coast of the Island, several figures on deck. SAM (O.S.) Guys. We have company.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA EXT. SEAHORSE - CONTINUOUS. Portia grabs camcorder. PORTIA Another ship. What are the odds? DIMITRI More Harpies? PORTIA No. More humans. EXT. SEA DAY - VIEWED THROUGH CAMCORDER


Several people get onto a lifeboat. A flash of metal under one's arm: a gun. EXT. SEAHORSE CONTINUOUS Portia snaps into action. She disappears below. She emerges on deck with her shotgun. PORTIA Let's take a walk, Samuel. DIMITRI I will go as well. PORTIA No, no. I need someone here who knows how to sail. We might need to leave in a hurry. SAM But.. PORTIA We'll be fine. And bring your camera, just in case.



Jay and Olympia reach the monastery, EURYALE steps out from the olive trees. Mature but ageless, she radiates strength and confidence. EURYALE Good day, children. JAY Um..Hi? EURYALE I believe you have something of mine. JAY We do? OLYMPIA Who the hell are you? Gregor steps out of the olive trees to stand behind Euryale. He has bodyguard/thug written all over him. EURYALE You may call me Euryale. You have something that does not belong to you. A large coin perhaps? JAY We just happen to have... Jay reaches for the coin. Olympia grabs his arm. OLYMPIA What we have belongs to the monk and this monastery. JAY It does? OLYMPIA Yes.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA EURYALE Ah, but I have already discussed the matter with the kind monk. He saw fit to return the heirloom to me. OLYMPIA We came to give the coin to the monk and that is what we are going to do. JAY Olympia... EURYALE Is that so? JAY If the nice lady wants the coin, she can have it. Jay pulls out the coin and holds it up. JAY Is this the c... Olympia grabs the coin from Jay's hand. OLYMPIA Where is the monk? EURYALE What? OLYMPIA If the monk is so willing to give you the coin, then where is he? Let him tell us to give you the coin. EURYALE You are getting tiresome, child.




Euryale snaps her fingers and nods back toward the monastery. Gregor goes inside. He and another THUG drag the monk out at gunpoint. JAY Oh, Crap. EXT. ISLAND CONTINUOUS Portia and Sam creep through the olive trees to a rocky outcropping above the monastery. They watch as the monk is dragged out. SAM O man! This is not good. This is so not good. PORTIA Keep you wits about you Samuel. SAM They've got a gun to that guy's head! PORTIA If they meant to kill him, they would have already. SAM You don't know that! PORTIA Samuel! SAM Okay. I'm calm. PORTIA Good. Take this. Portia hands Sam the shotgun. He recoils from it.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA SAM Are you crazy? I can't shoot that thing. PORTIA Sure you can. You just squeeze the trigger, it does the rest. Portia stalks down toward the monastery. SAM Where are you going? PORTIA I am going to get our friends out of this if things turn ugly. SAM What do you want me to do. PORTIA Create a distraction. But only when you see me act. And Samuel? SAM Yes? PORTIA For God's sake, don't actually point that at anyone. EXT. MONASTERY CONTINUOUS EURYALE I am running out of patience, child. JAY Olympia, this isn't funny. Give her the coin. EURYALE Gregor, shoot the monk in the foot.




Gregor pulls a pistol from a shoulder holster. He aims it at the monk's foot. OLYMPIA Wait!! Gregor hesitates. EURYALE Ah, so you can be reasonable. OLYMPIA Take your filthy coin! Olympia hurls the coin right into Euryale's face. Euryale recoils. The coin bounces to the ground. The monk dives, snatching it. Portia erupts from the olive trees, holding a piece of firewood. She clubs Gregor in the head. He drops to the ground. PORTIA Run! Thug off, into deep takes aim on Portia. The monk shoves him. The gun goes but misses. Euryale kicks the monk over and stares his eyes. He drops the coin. Euryale's eyes glow a green.

The Monk turns to stone. Olympia screams. Thug points the gun at Jay and Olympia. Euryale grabs Portia and stares into her eyes. SAM No!!!!! The shotgun fires. Sam comes screaming from his hiding place. Thug tries to take cover. Sam fires a second time. The shot misses Thug, but grazes Jay's leg. JAY Aaaah! Sam?!

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA Jay grabs the empty shotgun from Sam and clubs Thug. He shoves Euryale, breaking the spell. Jay grabs Portia. JAY Sam, Help!


Jay and Sam pull a stunned Portia away. Olympia grabs the coin before running down the road with the others. EXT. SEAHORSE DAY Dimitri lounges on the deck with a bottle of ouzo. The sail is mended. JAY (O.S.) Dimitri! OLYMPIA (O.S.) Dimi! Dimitri looks to the shore. EXT. ISLAND DAY Jay, Olympia, Sam, and Portia hobble to the boat in a panic. JAY Start the boat! OLYMPIA Start the boat! SAM Hurry! EXT. SEAHORSE DAY Dimitri helps the crew aboard. Portia is still stunned. DIMITRI What happened?

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA SAM Bad! Eyes! Monk! Stone! DIMITRI What? JAY Later. Let's just get the hell out of here. DIMITRI You've been shot! JAY Friendly fire. Now come on!


Dimitri examines Portia. Sam and Olympia stand stunned by the railing. DIMITRI What is wrong with her. JAY Later. Come on guys, move it! SAM What should we... JAY You and Olympia take Portia below. Dimitri, raise the mainsail! They all hesitate. JAY Now guys! Go! They scramble to action. Jay secures the lifeboat and limps to the wheel. The Seahorse backs away from the Island. Olympia emerges from below. She stares out at the receding Island. Dimitri joins her. DIMITRI What happened?

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA Olympia starts to speak, but is unable. DIMITRI At least you got rid of the coin. Olympia doesn't answer. DIMITRI You still have it don't you? Olympia looks at Dimitri guiltily. JAY (calling from the wheel) Guys! We need to talk. EXT. SEAHORSE LATER


Jay, Dimitri, and Olympia at the wheel. Olympia tends Jay's wounded leg. JAY Ouch! Careful! DIMITRI She just turned him to stone? Like..magic? Poof! A statue? JAY I know, it's a little crazy. DIMITRI A little? OLYMPIA But it's true, Dimi. It happened. Just as the harpies happened. Sam quietly emerges from below, unnoticed.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA JAY There's only one thing I wanna know. What the hell is going on, and who is this crazy old chick? SAM I have a theory. All heads turn to Sam. SAM You said her name was Euryale. That's the name of one the Gorgons in ancient mythology. They were great beast-women with fangs and brass hands. They could turn people to stone. The most famous one, Medusa was beheaded by Perseus. Her head was given to Athena, who placed it on a shield. I think the coin is the shield of Athena, or part of it. Euryale wants her sister's head back. Dimitri whistles. Jay gapes. JAY Uh, hello professor. Who are you and what are you doing in Sam's body? DIMITRI How do you know all this? SAM know...I was gonna minor in ancient....I've been studying....I just googled the name Euryale. JAY What about the Herpes? SAM Harpies.


THE SHIELD OF ATHENA JAY Whatever. SAM I don't know where they fit in. DIMITRI But why do we still have the coin? OLYMPIA I...It..She was so wicked, Dimi! She would have turned us all to stone the second she had it! DIMITRI If it is the head of her sister, she has reason to claim it. If it were my head, wouldn't you want it returned? OLYMPIA I.. JAY Well, its too late for that. Big mama Gorgon will probably shoot first the next time she sees us. We need to figure out what to do with this thing. SAM Toss it overboard. OLYMPIA No! JAY She's right. If we do get caught, I want something to keep us alive. We need answers...




Jay and Sam huddle around Sam's computer. Portia is asleep on the bed, Olympia sits next to her. OLYMPIA She sleeps so heavily. JAY So long as she's breathing. SAM Well, there isn't much more info on the shield of Athena. OLYMPIA Perhaps we can find an expert, someone who might know what isn't on the Internet. Sam types intently. SAM We have experts all over the globe; Cambridge, Harvard, Stanford. How far do we want to travel? JAY Local. As local as possible. Like a couple hundred yards local. SAM Well, there is this guy. Doctor Theophilus. It says he lives on Syros. Is that close by? Olympia walks over to a table loaded with charts. She consults the top one for a moment. OLYMPIA Quite close. If we had some wind we could be there by the morning.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA JAY Well then, Dr. Cacophonous... SAM ...Theophilus. JAY ...Thubopalus it is. SAM But this guy looks like real nut. He's written a bunch of books about real life origins of myths. The academic community thinks he's a joke. OLYMPIA Why? Many legends start out as actual events, then get exaggerated over time. SAM Yeah, but this guy doesn't think there's been much exaggerating. Apparently he thinks the gods were real, and walked around messing with mortals. A real wacko. JAY Sam, an ancient mythological shemonster is after us because we have the severed head of Medusa. I think this guy is just the kind of wacko we need. Dimitri appears in the doorway. DIMITRI We have company. EXT. SEAHORSE DAY The crew on deck. There is no wind. Euryale's yacht approaches in the distance.


THE SHIELD OF ATHENA JAY Crap! SAM That's a bit of an understatement. OLYMPIA What do we do? JAY Crap! DIMITRI I'll start the engine, but without the wind, we won't be able to keep ahead of them for long. JAY Son of a....Crap! Dimitri runs to the wheel. OLYMPIA She's catching up! JAY Okay, Okay...uh, Sam. go plot out a course to Professors Island. SAM But I don't know how... JAY Figure it out! We need to know how to get there, and we need to know now. You can do this Sam. Sam runs below deck. Jay turns to Olympia. JAY Go see if you can wake Portia. We need to get into her safe.


THE SHIELD OF ATHENA OLYMPIA But why? JAY That's where she keeps her shotgun shells. Olympia turns to leave. JAY Olympia! Jay steps close to her. He gently holds her shoulders. JAY Do you still have the coin? Olympia shrugs him off. OLYMPIA She can't have it! JAY I just need to use it to get them off our ass. I won't give it to them. Trust me. Olympia hesitates, then hands Jay the coin. She heads to the main cabin. At the door she stops and turns to Jay. OLYMPIA You promise? JAY Trust me.


Olympia disappears into the cabin. Jay joins Dimitri by the wheel. DIMITRI You're going to give them the coin aren't you.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA JAY Damn right I am. Euryale's yacht is now close enough that figures can be seen on the deck. Jay steps out from the wheel house and holds the coin out over the sea. JAY (shouting to the other boat) Slow down or I'll drop your little coin in...... Gunshots ring out. Bullets smash into the deck at Jay's feet. He kicks over a deck table and ducks behind it. JAY Are they crazy!? DIMITRI Perhaps they have scuba gear? OLYMPIA (from the cabin doorway) She won't wake up! JAY Crap! DIMITRI Plan B? JAY I'm thinking!


Jay scans the deck for ideas. He spots a bottle of ouzo. He lunges for it. More gunfire. He dives behind the table. JAY What's the proof on this crap? DIMITRI Around 80 proof...wait! No! Not the ouzo!

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA JAY Sorry man. Olympia! Tell Sam to look up Molotov Cocktails! INT. SEAHORSE DAY Sam is at the desk, rifling through the pile of charts. Olympia is in the doorway. OLYMPIA Jay wants you to.. SAM I heard, I heard! Gimme a sec! Sam turns to the computer, muttering to himself. EXT. SEAHORSE DAY


Euryale's yacht is closing in. More gunfire. Jay is pinned behind the table. DIMITRI We are running out of gas! JAY Shut up and drive! Olympia, tell Sam to hurry! INT. SEAHORSE DAY OLYMPIA Sam, Jay says to.. SAM I can hear him just fine. Okay, I got it. (Shouting) How many do you need!?

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA EXT. SEAHORSE DAY JAY As many as you can make! Hell, use all of it! DIMITRI What!? JAY It's hard to get drunk when you're dead. INT. SEAHORSE DAY


Olympia pulls out a case of ouzo. She opens the bottles frantically. Sam tears the bedsheets into strips of fabric. He shoves them into several bottles. Olympia puts the bottles into a crate and runs to the cabin door. EXT. SEAHORSE DAY Olympia emerges in the cabin doorway. OLYMPIA Incoming! She slides the crate of cocktails across the deck to Jay. Jay picks up the first bottle and stares at it. JAY Uh...Crap! Fire! We need Fire!! INT. SEAHORSE DAY Olympia lunges back into the cabin. OLYMPIA We need fire! Sam searches the room. He finds a lighter.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA SAM Ha! Fire! He tosses the lighter to Olympia. She runs out the door. EXT. SEAHORSE DAY Olympia tosses the lighter at Jay. OLYMPIA Fire! JAY Wha...ah!


The lighter hits Jay. He fumbles to catch it. It hits the deck and slides out past the table. He dives out and grabs it. Bullets tear into the deck, just missing him. Jay takes cover behind the table. JAY A little warning next time! OLYMPIA Sorry! Dimitri dives behind the table to join Jay. JAY Whoa? Who's steering the boat? DIMITRI I lashed the wheel. We'll be out of gas soon anyway. The faster we light these bombs the better. Dimitri and Jay each grab a cocktail. Dimitri lights the fuse on each. JAY On three. Dimitri pets the bottle lovingly.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA DIMITRI Farewell, my dear. JAY One. Two. Three!


Jay and Dimitri stand and hurl their cocktails at Euryale's yacht. Jay's cocktail smashes on the side of the boat. Dimitri's lands on the deck. The thugs take cover before firing again. Jay and Dimitri duck down. JAY Nice shot! Jay reaches for another cocktail. JAY Barkeep, another round please! INT. SEAHORSE DAY Olympia pulls out another crate of Ouzo. Sam is at his computer. SAM Wait! Sam rushes to the refrigerator. OLYMPIA What are you doing? Sam pulls out a dozen eggs. SAM Making these bombs a lot worse. EXT. SEAHORSE DAY OLYMPIA Incoming! She slides the next batch to Jay.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA JAY Keep 'em coming! DIMITRI They are catching us!


Jay peeks over the table. Euryale's yacht is almost right next to the Seahorse. There are three GUNMEN on the deck. Two of them prepare to board. JAY No, no, no, no! Dimitri lights two more cocktails. They hurl them at the gunmen. Jay's flies wide. Dimitri's bursts right at the thugs' feet. Fire and putrid gas explode around them. DIMITRI What was in those? JAY Who cares! Light some more! Dimitri shoves the lighter in Jay's hand. DIMITRI Your aim is appalling. You light, I'll throw. INT. SEAHORSE DAY Sam jumps up from his computer. He searches around the room. SAM Ah....we need...ah..turpentine, paint thinner...Motor oil! Motor oil! Go, go! Olympia runs farther below. SAM And tar, if you can find it!



Euryale's yacht has closed with the Seahorse. One of the thugs leaps over onto the Seahorse. Jay runs out of hiding and clubs him with an unlit cocktail. The thug falls overboard. Dimitri hurls another cocktail at the gunmen as they open fire on Jay. Jay dives back behind the table. DIMITRI We're running out! JAY Sam! Olympia! We need more goodies! Now! Olympia appears in the doorway with a crate of cocktails. She slides them to Jay. Jay grabs and lights one. He hands it to Dimitri. Dimitri stands and hurls the cocktail. It erupts as a viscous flaming ooze. One of the gunmen is caught on fire. He leaps overboard. Jay stands up. JAY What was in that one? DIMITRI Who cares. Light another. Jay and Dimitri both hurl a cocktail. They cover a large portion of the yacht in flame and choking smoke. They toss another round. The gunfire stops. The remaining gunman is choking. DIMITRI Well done. But without any wind, we can only stay ahead of them while we still have gas. JAY How much gas do we have left. The engine sputters and dies.



Jay looks around and picks the untainted bottle of ouzo. He runs to the railing away from Euryale's yacht. DIMITRI Just what are you doing? JAY I'm gonna try to buy us some wind. DIMITRI Ah, yes you're....wait, what? JAY (to the sea) Poseidon! I...ah..offer you this most fine bottle of spirits. Please grant us wind to fill our sails....oh great...Steward of the Sea! Jay hurls the ouzo out into the sea. DIMITRI Have you gone mad?! That was the last bottle. Ah! Dimitri lights another cocktail. He hurls it at the yacht. DIMITRI Ridiculous American! Our last bottle, and you threw it out to sea? How is that supposed to help us? The wind suddenly fills the Seahorse's sails. The Seahorse pulls away from the flaming, smoke-ridden yacht. Dimitri stands, stunned. JAY Ha, ha! Adios you old hag!



Jay is answered by a few more gunshots. They take cover. Euryale is visible from the top of the yacht. Dimitri hurls one last cocktail. It smashes against the bow. Sam and Olympia emerge from below. SAM Is it over? JAY It's over my boy! Plot a course for...err...whatchamacallit Island. SAM Syros. JAY Sosos! Here we go! DIMITRI Unbelievable. SAM What? DIMITRI The OLYMPIA Yes, very fortunate. JAY Let's get this ship back in one piece guys. If Portia wakes up to this mess, we won't have to worry about any angry demigods. Sam goes below. Jay and Olympia start cleaning up. Dimitri just stands still. DIMITRI We've all gone mad.



Portia and Dimitri sitting up in bed. Jay enters from above. JAY Well it's about time you woke up. I'm sick of being in charge. PORTIA Seems you did well, from what Dimitri tells me. JAY It was a group effort. How are you feeling? PORTIA Like I imagine you feel after a night of binge drinking. DIMITRI Hungry? PORTIA Ravenous. Dimitri rummages through the fridge. JAY Do you remember what happened? PORTIA Only too well. When she looked at me...I could hear her in my head, laughing. Then she...spread, everywhere. My whole body cramped up. My God, it hurt like bloody hell. Then everything went black. I woke up here. I trust there were no embarrassing photos taken of me while I was out. JAY Not a one...unfortunately.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA PORTIA Good then. Ah! Dimitri hands her a plate with sandwiches and chips. DIMITRI I'll make some tea. PORTIA Darling, I rescind every coarse word I've ever uttered about you. Portia devours the food. Jay puts a hand on her shoulder and steps out of the cabin. EXT. SEAHORSE NIGHT


Jay exits the cabin, sees Olympia at the bow, and joins her. OLYMPIA Is she alright? JAY Seems to be. She's a little more subdued than usual, but I'm sure she'll be feeling all prim and superior by morning. OLYMPIA She will. Dimi will take good care of her. JAY I don't think she needs a Don Juan right now. She needs a nurse. OLYMPIA Dimi takes good care of what is important to him. JAY Like you?

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA OLYMPIA Like me. JAY You two are pretty close. I guess that's usual for twins. OLYMPIA We are closer than most. When we were born there were... complications. I should not have lived. JAY But here you are. OLYMPIA It was Dimi, somehow. Even as an infant he gave me strength. He still does. I always feel stronger when he is near. You must think I am mad. JAY After the past few days? I saw a guy get turned into a lawn ornament. I'll believe just about anything now. OLYMPIA I believe I owe you an apology. JAY You do? OLYMPIA When I called you a coward, I was.. JAY Correct. Though I still prefer survivalist. OLYMPIA I was angry. But, you surprised me.


THE SHIELD OF ATHENA JAY I am full of surprises. OLYMPIA Oh are you. How intriguing. JAY You can never tell what I might do next. OLYMPIA I think I have a pretty good idea. JAY Oh? Well then... As Jay leans in to kiss Olympia, Sam suddenly appears between them. SAM Its midnight. Your turn to steer. JAY You. Must. Be. Joking. SAM Look, Cap, I'm just following your orders. You said you'd take the wheel at midnight. Here it is way past midnight. Jay looks at his watch. JAY It twelve 'o three. SAM It's your turn.


Jay glances at Olympia, then stalks off to the wheel. Sam leans towards Olympia.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA SAM (as awkwardly as possible) know it's...really...night...time... OLYMPIA I need to sleep.


Olympia leaves Sam for the cabin. Sam, crestfallen, turns to the sea. EXT. SEA NIGHT The Seahorse from a few hundred yards away. The moonlight dimly illuminates a woman in the water. She watches the ship sail by. She dives, disappearing into the depths. A serpentine tail splashes out of the water. EXT. SEAHORSE DAY The Seahorse harbored at a small port town. The crew gather on deck, preparing to disembark. Dimitri and Jay are already off the ship. PORTIA You boys know where you're going? DIMITRI More or less. We'll ask for directions. PORTIA Do be careful. JAY Yes, old professors are such a dangerous breed. PORTIA You never know. JAY I guess you don't.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA Jay and Dimitri walk to town. Olympia begins to follow. Portia stops her. PORTIA Not so fast. OLYMPIA Excuse me? PORTIA You and Sam need to stay on the boat while I get supplies. OLYMPIA I am not some simpleton crew member, and you are not my captain. PORTIA Until this is mess is dealt with I most certainly am. I want you safe and out of trouble. Now are you going to stay here willingly or do I have to tie you up? OLYMPIA You wouldn't dare!


Portia glares at Olympia. Olympia glares back. Something in here eyes? Portia breaks the stare, unnerved. PORTIA Just...stay put. And stay sharp. I have a feeling we may need yet another hasty departure. EXT. SYROS DAY Jay and Dimitri maneuver a winding city street. They come to a dilapidated old building. Jay knocks on the door. It opens just enough for the occupant to peek out. DIMITRI Doctor Theophilus?



The door slams shut. Dimitri knocks on the door again. It opens a little further, revealing DR. THEOPHILUS, a wizened old man. He gazes suspiciously at Dimitri, growls something in Greek, and slams the door. JAY Nice fellow. What did he say? DIMITRI That he would have no visitors. JAY I thought that was what he said. Jay knocks on the door more aggressively. JAY Doctor, we need to talk to you. It's urgent! do you say urgent in Greek? Dimitri opens his mouth to speak when the door cracks open again. The old man glares at Jay. THEOPHILUS I don't care how urgent your business is! JAY Oh good, you speak English. THEOPHILUS Leave me and my door alone! Theophilus tries to shut the door again. Jay shoves his foot in the way. The door slams on Jay's foot. JAY Agh! Theophilus slams the door on Jay's foot repeatedly.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA THEOPHILUS Would you get your wretched foot out of my door! JAY Doctor, we really need to talk to you. THEOPHILUS No! No autographs! No quotes for your intertubeweb video mockeries! Leave me be! Dimitri, kicks the door in, knocking Theophilus back. DIMITRI Doctor, we have the Shield of Athena. THEOPHILUS You what? Jay limps into the room, and pulls the coin out of his pocket. Theophilus stares at it in amazement. THEOPHILUS Great Zeus! Why didn't you say so in the first place? Come in come in. Would you like some tea? EXT. SEAHORSE DAY Sam lounges on deck. Olympia paces impatiently. OLYMPIA I am going to shore! SAM But Portia.. OLYMPIA Is not my captain. Nor is she my mother. I wish to go ashore, and I will do so!


THE SHIELD OF ATHENA SAM But... OLYMPIA Besides, Portia's Greek is appalling. She will need a translator. SAM Well, maybe I should.. OLYMPIA No. Stay with the boat. I can find my way. Olympia exits the boat. Sam is left alone. INT. THEOPHILUS'S HOUSE DAY


Jay and Dimitri are at an ancient table, each with a cup of tea. The table is loaded with old tomes. There are shelves all about the room overloaded with ancient books and artifacts. Theophilus examines the coin. THEOPHILUS Unbelievable! And you say you actually saw a living Gorgon. What did she look like? JAY Like a pissed off old woman. Look Doc we need answers, and fast. I'll bet that lady is still looking for us. THEOPHILUS Oh, I am quite sure she is. DIMITRI But why? If this is Medusa's head then she is clearly dead.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA JAY Maybe old Euryale's crazy sentimental. THEOPHILUS Or perhaps Medusa is not as dead as we think. Theophilus goes to a bookshelf, scans the titles. THEOPHILUS The common myths say that of the three sisters, only Medusa was mortal.


He pulls an old tome from the wall and flops it down on the table. He thumbs through the pages. JAY Wait. There are three of them? THEOPHILUS Indeed. Medusa, Euryale, Stheno. He opens the book to a picture of three wicked monsters. THEOPHILUS As I was saying, only Medusa was mortal. It was Perseus who beheaded.. JAY Killed her and gave the head to Athena. Yeah we know.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA THEOPHILUS Beheaded yes, killed...perhaps not. I have found an account claiming that the three sisters shared a single mortal heart. Only by destroying the heart could the sisters be slain. If Medusa did not possess the heart, perhaps Euryale believes her sister can be revived. DIMITRI But how would we know if Medusa had this mortal heart or not? JAY Because Euryale is still up and kicking. Right Doc? If you get the heart, all three would be dead. THEOPHILUS That seems to be the most logical assumption, yes. DIMITRI So if one is alive, then her sister, this Stheno would be alive as well. But we have seen no sign of her. EXT. SYROS DAY


Olympia walks along a deserted street. The buildings lining the street are closed up, the windows shuttered. A small pack of children rushes past her. They knock feverishly at one of the doors. The door opens, the children rush inside. A frightened woman glances out. Olympia calls to her in Greek. The woman slams the door. An OLD WOMAN approaches Olympia from behind. OLD WOMAN Are you lost, my child? Olympia startles, and turns around.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA OLYMPIA What? Oh, yes. I'm sorry. I am looking for my friends. A young.. OLD WOMAN English girl, yes? OLYMPIA did you... OLD WOMAN She just came past this way. Follow me. The old woman leads Olympia down a dark, dead-end alley. OLYMPIA Are you sure she went this way? The old woman laughs quietly. Her hair writhes. Snakes sprout from her head. She turns a haggard reptilian face toward Olympia and lunges. Olympia screams. EXT. SEAHORSE DAY


Sam on deck. He looks up at a large flock of birds coming ashore from the sea. One of them dips down far enough to reveal itself to be a harpy. SAM Oh man, not good. EXT. MARKETPLACE DAY Portia at a small kiosk in a back alley of the marketplace, a crate of supplies at her feet. She holds an ancient revolver, and shakes her head at the man in the kiosk. PORTIA No, no. That price is unacceptable. Look at this thing. It must be from World War One. I'll give you....

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA A harpy's scream interrupts her. She looks to the sky. PORTIA I'll take it! She slams some bills into the merchant's hands. INT. THEOPHILUS'S HOUSE DAY A knock at the door. THEOPHILUS Eh? More visitors? I will send them away at once. Theophilus heads to the door. JAY Wait Doc, maybe you should...


Theophilus opens the door a crack. A cloaked and hunched old woman is visible in the doorway. Theophilus addresses her in Greek. She answers in a squawky voice. DIMITRI That voice sounds familiar. THEOPHILUS Eh? She says she knows you two. JAY Wait! Doc shut the door! Now! The old lady bursts into the room. She sheds the cloak, revealing the wings of a harpy. She leaps for the coin. JAY No! Jay grabs the teapot from the table and smashes it into the harpy, stunning it. Dimitri grabs the coin. Another harpy leaps into the room.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA DIMITRI Doctor. You should come with us!


Jay grabs a fire poker. He uses it to keep the other harpy at bay. JAY Dimitri? DIMITRI Now, Doctor! THEOPHILUS One moment! Theophilus grabs a bag from behind his door. He shoves books from his table into the bag. THEOPHILUS We may need these. JAY Guys? Dimitri grabs a chair. He slams the harpy back into a corner. It lets out an ear piercing shriek. More shrieks answer in the distance. JAY Must go now! DIMITRI Doctor? THEOPHILUS Yes, yes! Dimitri grabs the doctor's arm and leads him out of the house. Jay swats at the harpy and follows them out, slamming the door shut.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA EXT. SYROS DAY Jay, Dimitri, and Theophilus run through the streets. THEOPHILUS But what were... DIMITRI Harpies! THEOPHILUS You never said anything about harpies! Fascinating! JAY Yeah, they're just swell! Let's just hope they can't open doors. DIMITRI We have more to worry about than the two in the house! Dimitri points to the sky. An entire flock of harpies heads straight for them. THEOPHILUS Great Zeus! JAY Run! Now! The three take off running. THEOPHILUS But they were never so numerous in the legends. JAY Well, now you know what they've been doing over the past millennium. Come on!


THE SHIELD OF ATHENA The three round a corner. The road opens into a large, crowded square. In the square are Euryale and two of her thugs. JAY Whoa!


Jay slams to a halt. Dimitri and Theophilus run into him, almost knocking him over. Jay shoves them back around the corner before they are spotted. JAY You've gotta be kidding me! DIMITRI Jay, What... JAY Big momma Gorgon. Dimitri peers around the corner. He quickly turns back. THEOPHILUS Euryale? Here? I must... Theophilus tries to look around the corner. Jay and Dimitri both restrain him. JAY Easy, Doc. You'll get your chance soon enough. Dimitri, the coin. DIMITRI What are you planning? Dimitri hands Jay the coin. JAY I'm gonna kill two birds with one...coin. Just get ready to run. Jay holds the coin up and runs back up the road toward the harpies. He starts waving his arms.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA JAY Hey! Hag-turkeys! I've got your lovely Precious! Come and get it! The lead harpy spots Jay and dives in his direction. The entire flock follows with alarming speed. JAY Uh... Jay runs back to Dimitri and the Doctor. DIMITRI Did it work? JAY Too good. Run. Jay runs past them, straight for Euryale. THEOPHILUS Is he mad? DIMITRI Most certainly.


Jay screams and rushes Euryale and her thugs, waving the fire poker over his head. The thugs hesitate before drawing their guns. Jay shoves past them. The harpies, in hot pursuit, slam into the thugs. Euryale, enraged, turns one of the lead harpies to stone. It plummets to the ground and shatters. Dimitri and Theophilus give the entire scene a wide berth. They catch up to Jay on the far side of the square. THEOPHILUS Well done! DIMITRI It is not done yet. Keep moving.



The center of the square is pure chaos. The thugs open fire on the flock. The majority continue their pursuit of Jay and the coin. Villagers run screaming in every direction. EXT. SEAHORSE DAY Portia climbs aboard. Sam takes the crate from her. PORTIA Where is Olympia? SAM She didn't find you? PORTIA She left the boat? SAM She went to help.. PORTIA I told her to stay on board. SAM Yeah well.. PORTIA Bloody hell! Are we at least ready to leave? SAM Yup! PORTIA Good. We'll make a mariner of you yet. Here. Portia hands him the old revolver, and a box of ammo. PORTIA The best I could do.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA SAM What? You're not serious. PORTIA You'll do fine. Just remember to aim away from your friends. EXT. SYROS DAY Jay, Dimitri, and Theophilus make it to the harbor, the harpies close behind them. THEOPHILUS Sea water! JAY What? THEOPHILUS Immerse the coin in sea water. It might confuse the harpies. JAY I'll try anything once.


Dimitri grabs a bucket from a stunned fisherman. He dips it into the water and hands it to Jay. DIMITRI Here! Jay dunks the coin into the bucket of water. The harpies immediately disperse. They raid the whole harbor. Villagers run panicked in every direction. The foremost harpies continue toward Jay. JAY Well that worked....sort of. While running for the Seahorse, Dimitri runs right into Olympia. DIMITRI Watch out! W....Sis?

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA OLYMPIA Ah, Dimitri. I was looking for you.


Jay grabs Olympia's hand and starts pulling her toward the Seahorse. JAY Let's save the touching family reunion for later. Olympia lets Jay lead her on. Dimitri stands stunned for a second before following, Theophilus is at his side. Jay reaches the Seahorse and pushes Olympia up ahead of him. A harpy swoops down and grabs her. Sam appears over the railing and fires the revolver point blank into the harpy's chest. It screams and splashes into the sea. SAM Yeah! Take that you...thing! O wow, I just did that! JAY Take the bucket! Jay hands the bucket to Sam and shoves Olympia onto the boat. JAY Get it below! SAM Aye aye! A harpy swoops at Theophilus as he climbs aboard. Jay swats it with the fire poker. Theophilus and Sam run to the cabin. Another harpy flies at Olympia. She catches it by the throat, crushes its windpipe, and hurls it into the sea. The others are too occupied to notice. Finally, Dimitri flops on deck. JAY All Aboard!



Portia backs the boat out of the harbor. Dimitri rushes to Olympia. DIMITRI Are you all right? OLYMPIA Of course I'm... Another Harpy dive-bombs the siblings, knocking them apart. Dimitri wrestles with it. Jay hands him the poker. Dimitri skewers the harpy. Sam emerges from below. SAM Jay! The Doctor needs lead! JAY What? Sam pauses to shoot an approaching harpy. SAM (to harpy) SHAZAAAM! (to Jay) To hide the coin in. He says he needs to surround it in lead! JAY The safe! Jay runs to Portia at the wheel. JAY Portia! I need the combination for your safe! PORTIA Whatever for. I have all the ammunition out of it. One moment.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA Portia grabs the shotgun one-handed. She fires twice, hitting each time, all the while steering the boat. Both harpies fall into the sea. She sets the gun down. JAY We need to hide the coin in it. PORTIA Very well. Thirteen, twenty-six, three, forty-five. Jay runs to the cabin. INT. SEAHORSE DAY Jay enters the cabin to find Theophilus cornered by a Harpy. Jay tackles the harpy. JAY There's a safe beside the fridge!


The doctor fumbles about and finds the safe. Jay wraps his legs around the harpy to pin its wings. JAY The combo is thirteen, twenty six, three, yagh! The harpy shoves a crooked claw in Jay's mouth. THEOPHILUS Thirteen, twenty six, isn't opening! JAY One more......Forty Five! THEOPHILUS Ha! It opens! Theophilus crams the bucket into the safe and slams the door shut. He grabs a blanket and covers the Harpy. The two wrestle it outside.



Jay and Theophilus toss the ensnared harpy out to sea. The battle on the deck has come to a close. Harpies still shriek in the distance. Sam empties his pistol at the closest ones. SAM Yeah, you flying hoes! Come on back! I'll pump your saggy tits so full of lead you'll sink to the sea floor! Jay puts a hand on Sam's shoulder. JAY Whoa Sam. Down a notch or two. PORTIA Is everyone alright? DIMITRI More or less. PORTIA Very good. Then I believe introductions are in order. JAY Ah, yes. Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present the renowned Doctor Theophilus. PORTIA Doctor welcome to the Seahorse. THEOPHILUS Ah, thank you? JAY Good call on the sea water. DIMITRI Yes, how did you know?

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA THEOPHILUS Well, the harpies are creatures of air...I supposed that the sea water would diffuse their connection to the artifact. SAM Maybe that's why they didn't attack us until after the storm. THEOPHILUS I also guessed that, since you were mariners, Poseidon might favor you over the Harpies. PORTIA So you just guessed. THEOPHILUS An educated guess, but yes. PORTIA Touch. DIMITRI Jay, How did you know the harpies weren't working for the Gorgon? JAY An educated guess? SAM You have to be educated for that. DIMITRI But if the Harpies are not with the Gorgons, why are they so interested in the coin. THEOPHILUS Perhaps they are the coin's guardians.


THE SHIELD OF ATHENA JAY Fine, fine. So long as the Bucket o' Sea keeps them away, I don't care what their intentions are. Now what's the safe for? THEOPHILUS You have two creatures tracking your coin. The water is to befuddle the harpies, the lead is to confuse the Gorgon. PORTIA Will it work? THEOPHILUS Only temporarily. It will only dull the pull of the coin. We must take it to a place of power. DIMITRI Such as? THEOPHILUS I believe I know of a place, in Athens. Yes, Athens. PORTIA Athens it is. Sam be so kind to show the good doctor to the spare cabin.


As the crew disperses, Dimitri slides up next to Olympia. DIMITRI It was lucky you rejoined us when you did. OLYMPIA Quite. DIMITRI Where had you gone?

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA OLYMPIA I...went to join...Sam. I got lost. When I heard those awful creatures screaming, I retraced my steps to the harbor. DIMITRI And that is all? OLYMPIA That is all. What is wrong with you Dimitri? Were you harmed by the Harpies? A blow to the head? Dimitri stares at Olympia for a long moment. OLYMPIA Dimi? Dimitri snaps out of his daze. DIMITRI No, I am fine. I'll go take the wheel. Portia needs to plot our course. OLYMPIA Of course.


Dimitri goes to the wheel, glancing back at Olympia. Olympia gazes out across the sea. A brief malevolent smile crosses her face. EXT. SEAHORSE NIGHT Jay is alone at the wheel. Sam comes up from the cabin. JAY It's about time. I hate steering this thing. SAM Jay, can you keep steering for a while?

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA JAY What? No, man. It's your turn. SAM's Olympia's turn to guard the safe. This is my chance. JAY She is so not in to you. SAM That was before I saved her life today. JAY So you think one brief moment of playing Dirty Harry versus the Death Pigeons is going to make her jump into your pants. SAM Well, yeah. Maybe. I have to try. JAY What about Portia? You've wanted to be stranded on a boat with her since sixth grade. SAM She's with Dimitri, the Greek God of Pleasing-the-Ladies. I can't compete with that. JAY So Olympia is the next best thing? SAM The past two days I have never been more scared. And I've never felt more's too short ya know...It's time I took a chance on something... Besides, it's not like YOU'RE into her.


THE SHIELD OF ATHENA Jay pauses, thinking. JAY Half of your watch. Any longer and I'm gonna bust in on you two love birds with your camcorder. SAM You wouldn't! JAY Go on, get wooing. INT. SEAHORSE NIGHT Sam steps into the dimly lit cabin. Olympia huddles over the safe, trying the combination. SAM Ah...hey.


Olympia whirls, her eyes wide. She sees Sam, and relaxes. OLYMPIA Sam, you startled me. SAM What were you doing? OLYMPIA Just making sure it is secure. SAM Shouldn't mess with it. OLYMPIA I just wanted to take a look. SAM With Euryale still hunting us... OLYMPIA What are YOU doing here?

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA Olympia takes a slow step towards Sam. SAM Well..I..just.. OLYMPIA Thought you might help me endure the long hours of my watch?


A few steps closer, Olympia exaggerates each step, swaying her hips. OLYMPIA I saw how you battled the harpies today. So brave. So noble. Olympia presses her body up against Sam, her face an inch from his. OLYMPIA So hot. SAM Yeah? OLYMPIA Oh yes. With you so close, it's hard to keep my mind on guarding that old trinket. SAM I'm sure it's safe. OLYMPIA Just one peek to make sure. Then you will have my undivided attention. Only, I don't remember the combo. Do you? SAM I don't think we should.. Olympia presses even closer. She whispers into Sam's ear.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA OLYMPIA One peek, then I am yours. SAM thirteentwentysixthreefortyfive. OLYMPIA Well done.


Olympia pulls back to look into Sam's eyes. Her eyes take on an eerie green glow. EXT. SEAHORSE NIGHT Olympia emerges on deck. She stretches, satisfied. JAY Where's Sam? Olympia walks slowly toward Jay. OLYMPIA He is sleeping. JAY Well wake his ass up. He's supposed to be steering. OLYMPIA I offered to finish his watch. JAY Then who's guarding the safe? OLYMPIA Sam is of course. JAY But you said he.. OLYMPIA sleeping right next to it.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA Olympia is only a few feet from Jay. He eyes her suspiciously. JAY What's in your hand? OLYMPIA The truth is that I wanted to be alone with you. JAY To finish our conversation? OLYMPIA To...yes. JAY About our engagement? OLYMPIA Of course, my love.


Olympia leans in to kiss him. He shoves her, looking away. JAY Everybody on Deck! Back off Euryale! OLYMPIA Oh, I am not Euryale. Olympia's hair writhes. Snakes sprout from her head. OLYMPIA I am much worse than my sister! JAY Guys!!! OLYMPIA/STHENO I was going to let you go so peacefully. Now I'm going to pull your guts out through your mouth!



Olympia/Stheno whirls to find Dimitri standing behind her. OLYMPIA/STHENO Hello, dear brother. DIMITRI WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH HER!? Olympia/Stheno's skin drys and cracks, taking on a scaly texture. Her hands stretch into massive claws. STHENO I'll take you too her, pretty boy! Stheno grows larger and more monstrous. She grabs Dimitri by the leg, lifting him off the ground. Her grip tears into his leg. Gunshot. Stheno's arm erupts in blood. She drops Dimitri. Portia stands with the revolver. Theophilus, trembling, is behind her with the shotgun. PORTIA Kindly leave my boyfriend the hell alone. STHENO You cannot harm me. PORTIA Correction. I cannot kill you. But I bet I can make you hurt like bloody hell. Stheno roars and rushes Portia. Portia gets off a few rounds before Stheno swats the gun out of her hands. Theophilus stands frozen, the shotgun forgotten.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA Jay bolts to Theophilus and pries the shotgun from his hands. Stheno's eyes glow a sickly green. She glares at Portia. Portia looks away, trembling. PORTIA Not again!


Jay blasts Stheno with the shotgun, knocking her back. He lets loose with the other barrel. Stheno shrieks. Jay charges, holding the gun like a club. Stheno dives overboard. Jay slumps against the deck rail. THEOPHILUS ...Fascinating... Jay surveys the deck. Someone is missing. JAY Sam! Jay bolts below. INT. SEAHORSE DAWN Jay gravely examines the statue of Sam. Dimitri and Theophilus linger by the door, watching him. THEOPHILUS There is hope, you know. JAY That what, we'll find a good home for him in a hedge maze? THEOPHILUS That he can be restored. It is their blood. Jay casts Theophilus a confused glance.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA THEOPHILUS According to legend, the blood of the gorgons had potent properties. Blood from one side of their bodies had the potential to give life, while blood from the other could take it. JAY Which side gives life? THEOPHILUS That I do not know. But it means there is a chance to restore your friend, yes? JAY You mean the only way to bring Sam back is to bleed the bitch who stoned him in the first place? THEOPHILUS Essentially, yes. DIMITRI What of my sister? THEOPHILUS We don't know what.. DIMITRI She is alive. They have her. I know it! If anything happens to her... JAY We're gonna find her Dimitri. And we're gonna bring her back, her and Sam, no matter what. A stomp from the deck above.


THE SHIELD OF ATHENA EXT. SEAHORSE DAWN Portia on deck, stomping. The crew emerges from below. Portia points to the sky. PORTIA It seems they've found us. A small dark cloud approaches the Seahorse. The distinct cries of harpies can be heard. JAY We don't even have your coin you saggy old chicken-Mcbitches! THEOPHILUS The time while Stheno was on deck. The coin was out of the seawater. PORTIA But that was hours ago. THEOPHILUS Perhaps Stheno has not surfaced yet. Once she does, the harpies should fly straight for the coin. JAY Doc! You're brilliant! THEOPHILUS Oh? JAY We can follow the harpies! They'll lead us right to the Gorgons! PORTIA We couldn't possibly keep up with the harpies. Even with the best winds. JAY Catch one!


THE SHIELD OF ATHENA PORTIA Excuse me? JAY Catch one of the harpies. We can use it as a compass. PORTIA Dear cousin, it just might work. JAY We better get organized fast. That cloud of boobs and feathers is hauling ass. Portia runs to several coils of rope. PORTIA Well then, let's hop to it! She ties a lasso. PORTIA We aren't going to get more then a few tries at this. Portia passes out the lassos. The Harpies are fast approaching. The crew scatter on the deck. DIMITRI Does anyone now how to use these? PORTIA No time for lessons! Here they come!


The entire flock circles the Seahorse. The sound of their cries is deafening. Portia and Dimitri throw their lassos. They fall short. DIMITRI They are too far away!

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA PORTIA What are they doing? THEOPHILUS Trying to pick up the trail! JAY Well, do we have a plan B? PORTIA Patience! One of the harpies separates from the crowd. It gives a distinctly different cry, then heads off away from the Seahorse. The others follow, flying directly overhead. PORTIA Now! Everyone throws their lassos. Theophilus manages to snag one. THEOPHILUS Ha! I have one! The harpy jerks the rope right out of Theophilus' hands. Jay throws his rope down. JAY Crap! Jay climbs the mast. PORTIA Jay, what are you doing!? JAY Improvising!


As Jay nears the top of the mast several harpies fly right past him.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA JAY This is crazy, this is crazy, this is crazy!


Jay leaps out on top of one of the harpies. It tries to stay alight, but Jay is too heavy. They both plummet to the deck. INT. GORGON SHIP BEDROOM MORNING Olympia in the dark on her side. Her hands are cuffed behind her. Her feet are tied together. Her eyes snap open. She looks around the room, a small bedroom: bed, a chair, a small desk. Footsteps. The door opens. A silhouette in the doorway. EURYALE Greetings child. Euryale flicks the lights on. She takes a seat across from the bed. Gregor lingers in the doorway. EURYALE I don't believe those restraints are necessary. Gregor? Gregor removes Olympia's handcuffs. He draws a knife and deftly cuts her leg restraints. He returns to the door. EURYALE There my child. Much better yes? OLYMPIA I'm not your child you old hag! EURYALE Ah, but you are my child. Several generations removed, of course. And I will expect you to show more respect when speaking to your ancestor.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA OLYMPIA What? You're lying! EURYALE Now, now. Denial does not become you. Why do you think I didn't simply turn you to stone back at the monastery. I must thank you. I have been hoping that one of my line would be able to sense my sister. You see, we are all connected in one way or another. And you went straight for her. You must be very talented. To find her when I have searched for so many many years. OLYMPIA I don't know what you're talking about! EURYALE Oh no? Then what was it led you to that curious speck of an Island hm? Olympia looks away. EURYALE Perhaps your precious Dimitri led the way, yes? OLYMPIA How do you... EURYALE You think I don't look after my own? I know all about you and your brother. Your...peculiar medical condition. OLYMPIA Then why are you doing this?


THE SHIELD OF ATHENA EURYALE Because you have the head of my sister! I would see her restored! You would do the same for your dear brother. OLYMPIA I would not! EURYALE Denial yet again. It does you no good. Know thyself, little monster.


Another thug comes to the doorway and whispers to Gregor. GREGOR Your sister has returned, mistress. EURYALE I thought I felt her. Was she successful? GREGOR She was. She was wounded. Euryale rises to leave. She stops at the doorway. EURYALE We will talk again my child, and soon. I have a very special task for you. An honor, really. Euryale leaves. The door is shut and locked behind her. Olympia listens at the door. She searches the desk for several paper clips and returns to the door. She picks the lock, and peers out, then exits the room. Voices down the hall. She heads toward them. A sliver of light from another room. The door is ajar. Olympia peeks inside. She barely contains a scream. Inside are Euryale and Stheno. Stheno, still in her monstrous form, digs buckshot from several bloody wounds. She hurls the shot, angrily.



She points to an ornate box on a table. Euryale opens the box. She gently removes the coin. Her eyes brim with tears. EURYALE After all the countless years. At last you shall be whole again. She kisses the coin. EURYALE We shall be whole again. Does it hurt? STHENO Like hell! Euryale draws a small knife and cuts her right palm. She smears the blood on Stheno's side. The bullet holes close. STHENO The heart! EURYALE Patience, sister. STHENO You've had it long enough! EURYALE You are still week. STHENO Hera's tits! It's my turn. EURYALE Remember the plan?

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA STHENO It can wait! We can't empty our veins until we reach the Island anyway. Let me hold it until then.


Euryale traces a finger across her left breast. She sinks her fingers into her own flesh. Olympia sucks in air noisily. A hand grabs her shoulder. Gregor shoves her into the room. GREGOR She was spying, mistress. STHENO Little bitch! EURYALE Welcome child. Euryale reaches deep into her own chest. Both her eyes and Stheno's eyes glow a deep green. They stare menacingly at Olympia. Olympia screams. EXT. SEAHORSE DAY Olympia's scream blends into the shriek of the captured harpy, tethered to the bow of the Seahorse by a long rope, pulling it taut. Everyone is on deck, Portia steering. JAY She's turning left...ah..port! Like...fifteen degrees. PORTIA Fifteen to port! How much longer can she keep this up? JAY Oh, I'm sure the old bird has plenty of piss and vinegar left. Wouldn't you say Doc?

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA THEOPHILUS What..oh, yes. They are supposedly rather relentless. JAY And you're sure this blood thing will work on Sam. THEOPHILUS Well, no. That's the problem with myths and legends. One must sift through all the tales to the truth beneath them. DIMITRI Ah!


Dimitri falls to the deck, clutching his chest. Jay runs to his side. Dimitri shrugs him off. DIMITRI I am fine! JAY You don't look fine. THEOPHILUS Maybe you should.. DIMITRI I said I am fine. Dimitri stands, his face pale. DIMITRI I am just worried. For my sister. PORTIA Land Ho! Portia points to a tiny island off the port bow. JAY What island is that?

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA THEOPHILUS I have no idea. I know this area fairly well. I don't think it should be there. PORTIA Jay, be a dear and reel in our blood hound. Let's see what we're heading into shall we? EXT. MEDUSA ISLAND DAY - VIEWED THROUGH CAMCORDER


The Island rises rough and jagged out of the sea. Euryale's yacht lies anchored off shore. DIMITRI (O.S.) Well, that is her boat, but I don't see anybody on board. EXT. SEAHORSE CONTINUOUS Portia, Dimitri and Theophilus on deck. Jay, in the background, wrestles with the bound harpy. PORTIA There will be guards, of course. THEOPHILUS Perhaps you should circle the island. Drop anchor out of sight. JAY We must be close! The harpy kicks Jay in the stomach. JAY She's really worked up! The harpy knocks Jay over leaps, trying to take flight. Her wings are bound too tightly. She flops down on Jay. THEOPHILUS Should we let her go?

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA PORTIA Not yet. We might need her still. JAY Um, help? PORTIA Raise the anchor, Dimitri, let's get around this Island. Theophilus finally helps Jay subdue the harpy. EXT. MEDUSA ISLAND DAY


A single thug stands guard at a cave entrance. The entrance is ornately carved. The open field in front of the cave is littered with age worn statues. Bodies of harpies are strewn among them. The crew surveys the scene from behind the ruins of several horse statues. Jay and Dimitri wrestle with a large writhing sack. THEOPHILUS So many bodies. JAY (nodding to the sack) I'm actually feeling sorry for Mrs. Butterball here. DIMITRI Well? PORTIA All right, release her. Jay and Dimitri release the harpy. She leaps into the air, screaming. She flies straight for the cave. The thug fires on the harpy. Dimitri, shotgun in hand, rushes the thug. He clubs the thug in the head, knocking him unconscious. Jay kneels down, taking the thug's pistol.



The tunnel ends at a huge set of double doors, left half open. The crew peers into the chamber beyond. INT. CAVERN TEMPLE - CONTINUOUS A huge cavern. To one side a large cage crammed with angry harpies. In the center, Euryale and Stheno huddle near a headless statue on a large dais, Gregor and another Thug, nearby. Olympia slumps in a pair of shackles against the far wall. PORTIA Well, here we are. Now what? JAY I'm thinking. DIMITRI We must hurry! JAY Give me a sec. DIMITRI But Olympia... PORTIA Won't get out of this at all if we get ourselves killed. Wait just a moment longer. JAY Okay, I have an idea... Euryale draws a long wicked dagger. Olympia stirs. She calls out. DIMITRI Sister! Dimitri steps around the door and shoots the first thug. He runs to Olympia.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA JAY So much for a plan.


Gregor draws his gun. Portia runs out and kicks the gun out of his hand. Stheno makes for Dimitri. Euryale stabs her right hand and flings blood upon the floor. The blood boils and smokes, sprouting serpentine shapes. THEOPHILUS That is the side! The right side gives life! JAY Good. Wait here. And be ready. Doctor Theophilus holds up an empty sports bottle. Jay runs for the harpy cage. Dimitri shoots one of Olympia's shackles out of the wall. He reloads. Stheno swats him across the room. Portia draws her pistol and aims it at Gregor. PORTIA Don't move! Gregor puts his hands up. Behind him rears one of the blood serpents: a massive, five-headed beast. Portia lowers her gun and dives out of the way as it strikes. PORTIA You never mentioned that, Doctor! Thug sits up. His shirt is in tatters revealing a Kevlar vest underneath. Two more blood serpents, smaller than the hydra, attack, enveloping him. Jay reaches the harpy cage. JAY I hope you ladies realize we're on your side now. He raises his pistol and smashes the lock. Harpies burst into the air. Euryale slashes her own wrist. She shoves the coin in the wound, then places it on the statue. Her blood pours down the statue.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA Stheno leaps to Dimitri, who is still prone. OLYMPIA Dimi!


Dimitri brings up the shotgun and blasts Stheno's legs. She falls howling to the ground. Several harpies dive onto her. Portia fires on the blood hydra, splattering one of its heads. Gregor dives for his gun. One of the Hydra heads latches onto his leg, lifting him off the ground. Jay pockets his gun and runs up behind Euryale, grabbing her arm. JAY Now Doctor! Theophilus runs straight for Euryale. He holds the bottle under her bleeding wrist. Euryale slashes at him with her knife. Jay manages to deflect the blow. JAY How much!? THEOPHILUS A few drops only! Done! Theophilus sprints to the door. JAY Doc, wait! Theophilus pauses at the doorway. Euryale hurls Jay over her shoulder. Jay manages to hold on to her knife. The coin, now head size, fuses with the statue. Two of the harpies try to dislodge it. Euryale turns to defend Medusa. EURYALE No! Get away from her!



She grabs one by the face and stares it down. It turns to stone. Wielding the stone harpy like a club, Euryale smashes the other harpy. Dimitri runs to Olympia, blasting a blood serpent on the way. JAY Doc, How do we know which one has the heart? THEOPHILUS I don't know! JAY Great! Go get Sam! Theophilus flees the chamber. Jay draws his gun and empties it into Euryale's chest. She slaps it out of his hand and knocks him down off the dais. JAY Don't think it's her! Portia is seized by one of the hydra heads. She fires splattering two more heads before her gun clicks empty. PORTIA Hurry! JAY Dimitri, Stheno! Stheno erupts from a pile of harpies. She charges Dimitri. He blasts her point blank in the chest, knocking her on her back. She roars, her chest a bloody ruin. Still alive, she struggles to rise. DIMITRI Now what? The Medusa statue, now with a full head begins to move.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA EURYALE I can feel her awakening. Such strength. We who were but shadows of our former selves, are born anew with you dear sister!


Both Gregor and Portia are almost completely lost in the coils of the hydra. Stheno gets to her feet. DIMITRI What do we do? We must find their heart! Flecks of stone crumble off Medusa. Olympia looks at the two Gorgons. She touches her hand to her breast. OLYMPIA Shoot me Dimi. DIMITRI What? OLYMPIA Shoot me. DIMITRI Are you mad? OLYMPIA Trust me. Portia is consumed in coils. Stheno is fast approaching. Medusa takes a deep breath. OLYMPIA Shoot ME!!!!!! DIMITRI No!! Stheno grabs Dimitri from behind. She lifts him over her head. Euryale laughs madly. Medusa steps off the dais.



Jay steps up behind Olympia and plunges the dagger into her heart. Everyone stops. DIMITRI No! Olympia collapses. Dimitri rushes forward to catch her. All three Gorgons scream. They turn to stone. The blood serpents melt into ichor. Portia and Gregor retch and gasp for air. DIMITRI Sis! Dimitri pulls the dagger out of Olympia's chest. She opens her eyes. She caresses her brother's cheek, then reaches into the wound. She pulls out a still beating, hemorrhaging heart. OLYMPIA Give me the knife. Dimitri hands her the knife. Olympia plunges the knife into the heart. It turns to a deep red gemstone in her hand. The petrified Gorgons crumble. DIMITRI But you're.. OLYMPIA Fine Dimi. Or I will be. Give me your hand. She takes Dimitri's right hand. She places it gently on the protruding knife blade, cutting it. She places his hand over her wound. The wound closes up. SAM (O.S.) What did I miss? Sam stands in the doorway supported by Theophilus.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA JAY Only everything. It's over.


Jay picks up the shotgun where Dimitri dropped it. He walks over to Gregor. JAY It is over right? You aren't going to have a thug vendetta or anything are you? GREGOR Just doing a job. Now I have a nice boat. JAY Good, cause this thing isn't loaded anyway. DIMITRI I don't understand. OLYMPIA We are like them, dear brother. We are their descendants. We are special. Very special. Portia stands up. PORTIA Well, I could do with a bath. And a cup of tea. SAM Tea? You guys just took out a pair of demigods! Let's get wasted! EXT. SEAHORSE SUNSET The Seahorse is anchored off of the Island. The sky is clear and streaked with red. Everyone is on deck. Jay is at the bow. Olympia joins him.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA OLYMPIA Thank you. JAY For stabbing you in the chest? OLYMPIA For trusting me. JAY Anytime. OLYMPIA Still, what made you so sure I was correct? JAY It just made sense. Their heart had to be somewhere else. And what you told me earlier, about your condition. Were you actually born without a heart? OLYMPIA Though I didn't know it. The foster parents would never fully discuss my illness. Jay takes her hand in his. JAY But I can feel your pulse right now. It's quite strong. And a little fast. OLYMPIA Dimi lent me his heart for awhile. JAY (disturbed) You mean that literally, don't you?


THE SHIELD OF ATHENA OLYMPIA I feel more alive than ever before. My blood is singing in my body. I'm tingling all over. JAY I'd like to help with that.


An eerie disembodied voice rings out over the sea. Jay puts his hand to his temples. JAY Do you hear that?

OLYMPIA Hear what? JAY We need to set sail. Now. OLYMPIA Why? JAY The music! We need to go. OLYMPIA Oh! I forgot. Olympia draws a small knife and cuts her thumb. Jay heads for the wheel. Olympia grabs him. OLYMPIA Look at me. She dabs a drop of blood on each ear. Jay visibly relaxes. OLYMPIA Just to be sure. Close your eyes.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA She dabs a drop of blood on each eyelid. Then his nose. Finally she gently touches his lips. The music fades. OLYMPIA Feeling better? JAY Yeah. What the heck was all that? OLYMPIA Remember those men who chased your naked body through that village a few days ago? JAY Who could forget the Eduardos. OLYMPIA They kept shouting that you had been a Siren. JAY You mean Sirena... OLYMPIA Needs a more creative name. JAY Thank you. OLYMPIA I can't believe you fell for a Siren. JAY Oh, I am way over Sirens. OLYMPIA Yes? JAY Gorgons are much more appealing.


They lean into each other, almost kissing. Jay pulls back.

THE SHIELD OF ATHENA JAY You won't turn me to stone, right? OLYMPIA We'll see.


They kiss. The last rays of the setting sun cast them in a silhouette. A harpy soars by, dips down and steals Dimitri's bottle of ouzo. It soars off, cackling. FADE OUT THE END

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