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An article is a kind of adjective which is always used
with noun and gives some information about noun.
There are only two articles a,an and the, but they
are used very often and are important for using
English accurately.
There are two types of article:
 Indefinite Article
 Definite Article
Indefinite Article
There are two type of indefinite article i.e a and an.
The article “a” meaning is similar to one.
i. I have a car.
ii. I have a pen.
iii. I have a bag.
It means that I have only one car, one pen and one
bag. It doesn’t means that I have two cars, pen or
bag. Article “a” is use when next word starts with a
Article “an” is use when the next word starts with
vowels (a,e,i,o,u).
i. I saw an elephant.
ii. It was an interesting drama.
iii. They bought an umbrella.
So, we use article “an” only if next word starts with
Indefinite article(a,an) indicates that a noun refers
to a general idea rather than a particular thing.
Definite Article
There is only one definite article i.e the. It limits the
meaning of noun to a particular thing. It only refers
to a specific thing.

i. I am going to the party this weekend.
ii. Please give the red hammer.
iii. I am enjoying the meal.
It means that I am going to specific party, enjoying
specific meal or asking a specific hammer.
So, we use definite article “the” only if we are
talking about a particular thing.
For example:
i. My mother is a honest women.
ii. My mother is an honest women.
The first sentence is incorrect and the second one is
correct. The reason is that the word “honest” starts
with consonant but it is pronounced with a vowel
Articles with uncountable nouns:
For Example:
i. Please give me a water.
ii. Please give me a bottle water.
The second sentence is correct. Because water
belongs to uncountable things. We can only count
bottles or buckets of water.

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