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Higher Nationals in Computing

Managing Successful Computer Project


Learner’s name: Vũ Hữu Nghĩa

ID: GCS190654

Class: GCS0803_NX

Subject code: 1625

Assessor name: LE THI BICH KHOA

Assignment due: Assignment submitted:


Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and title Unit 06: Managing a Successful Project

Submission date Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Vũ Hữu Nghĩa Student ID GCS190654

Class GCS0803_NX Assessor name Le Thi Bich Khoa

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand
that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature

Grading grid

P1 P2 P3 P4 M1 M2 D1
❒ Summative Feedback: ❒ Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Signature & Date:


Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number Unit 06: Managing a Successful Computing Project

Assignment title Plan and conduct a small-scale research activity

Academic Year 2020 – 2021

Unit Tutor Le Thi Bich Khoa

Issue date Submission date

IV name and date

Submission format

Format: The submission is in the form of an individual written report that shows how you have manage
the project. This should be written in a concise, formal business style using single spacing and
font size 12. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections as
appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard
referencing system. Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system.
Submission Students are compulsory to submit the assignment in due date and in a way requested by the
Tutors. The form of submission will be a soft copy in PDF posted on corresponding course of
Note: The Assignment must be your own work, and not copied by or from another student or from

books etc. If you use ideas, quotes or data (such as diagrams) from books, journals or other sources, you
must reference your sources, using the Harvard style. Make sure that you know how to reference
properly, and that understand the guidelines on plagiarism. If you do not, you definitely get fail
Assignment Brief and Guidance

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the term which refers to the ever-growing network of physical objects with
embedded sensors which can connect together via the internet allowing communication to occur
between these objects and many other Internet- enabled devices and systems.
The IoT is quickly becoming a necessary aspect of people’s daily lives. Physical items can now sense and
collect data which can be controlled through digital and smart technology. The IoT extends internet
connectivity beyond traditional devices like desktop and laptop computers, smartphones and tablets to a
diverse range of devices that can utilize embedded technology such as security systems, thermostats, cars,
electronic appliances, lights, medical equipment etc. These devices, often called "connected" or "smart"
devices, can talk to other related devices (machine-to-machine (M2M) communication) and act on the
information they get from one another

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction

LO1 Establish project aims, objectives and timeframes based on the LO1 & LO2
chosen theme D1. Critically evaluate the
P1 Devise project aims and M1 Produce a comprehensive project management
objectives for a chosen project management plan, process and appropriate
scenario. milestone schedule and project research methodologies
P2 Produce a project schedule for monitoring and
management plan that covers completing the aims and objectives
aspects of cost, scope, time, of the project.
quality, communication, risk
and resources.
P3 Produce a work breakdown
structure and a Gantt Chart to
provide timeframes and stages
for completion.
LO2 Conduct small-scale research, information gathering and data
collection to generate knowledge to support the project
P4 Carry out small-scale M2 Evaluate the accuracy and
research by applying reliability of different research
qualitative and quantitative methods applied.
research methods appropriate
for meeting project aims and
Table of Contents

THEME. ........................................................................................................................................................... 2

I. Project Charter: ...................................................................................................................... 2

II. GANTT Chart: ........................................................................................................................ 4


COLLECTION TO GENERATE KNOWLEDGE TO SUPPORT THE PROJECT. ..................................... 5

I. Research Methods in Project: ................................................................................................ 5

II. Why Choose This Research Methods in a Project? ................................................................ 5

III. The Reliability and Validity of a Project: .............................................................................. 6

IV. The Accuracy of a Project:.................................................................................................... 6

V. Process Model in a Project:................................................................................................... 7

VI. Why Choose This Process Model in a Project: ..................................................................... 7

REFERENCE.................................................................................................................................................... 8
List of Figures
Figure 1. GANTT Chart ........................................................................................................................... 4

List of Tables

Table 1. Project Chapter ........................................................................................................................ 2

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I. Project Charter:
There the project chapter:
Table 1. Project Chapter


Project Name Smart Pet Care Project Manager Nghia Vu

Project Start Project

10/1/2020 Project End Date 11/4/2020 Nguyen Nguyen
Date Sponsor

The internet of things application for pet care, which is the system of equipment such as health/activity
monitors, smart feeders, interactive cameras, etc. Smart collars and wearable tags can be used to keep
track of your pet’s wellbeing that are equipped with various sensors including temperature, heart rate
and respiration, activity and calorie intake, they can provide comprehensive information on the spot,
Project Scope Deliverable

Create a system of IoT Pet Care which include:

⎯ Health and Activity Monitors: In order to keep

track of the health of pets, smart collars and
wearable tags can be used much like human ⎯ Oct 3, 2020: Topic Selection,
devices. ⎯ Oct 17, 2020: Assignment 1,
⎯ Smart Feeders: These devices are continuously ⎯ Oct 22, 2020: Presentation ASM 1,
linked to mobile devices, in addition to being ⎯ Oct 31, 2020: Assignment 2,
able to conveniently arrange the feeding of ⎯ Nov 3,2020: Presentation ASM 2.
⎯ GPS Tags: Usually, tiny wearable tags that can
be added to a collar help the owner keep an
eye on the position of the pet.

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Risk and Issues Assumption or Dependencies

Security issue which the cyber-terrorist can access

and get the information about the location of pet

Budget to complete the project about $4000.

Milestones Schedule
Milestone Target Completion Date Actual Date

Phase 1 Initiation Oct 7, 2020

Phase 2 Planning Oct 14, 2020

Phase 3 Analysis Nov 1, 2020

Phase 4 Review and Delivery Nov 4, 2020

Project Team Approval

Sponsor Nguyen Nguyen

Nghia Vu
Business Division Head Binh Vu

Chien Nguyen Business Unit Head Nhan Vu

Team Member
Huynh Nguyen Financials Manager Nao Vu

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II. GANTT Chart:
There are GANTT Chart of this project:

Figure 1. GANTT Chart

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I. Research Methods in Project:
The research method used in this project is qualitative research methods which also known as the
research used the word to identify concepts, ideas, or experiences.
In more details, there are three main ways which information gathering and data collection to generate
knowledge to support the project:

 Interviews: Asking respondents open-ended questions verbally.

 Focus Groups: Discussion on a subject between a group of people to gain views that can be used
for further research.

 Existing Documents: Survey of other authors' published works.

II. Why Choose This Research Methods in a Project?

The following reason for choosing qualitative research in the project:
The main reason for the use of qualitative research methods is it’s very suitable for understanding the
concepts, thought, and experience which is based on the answers to ask follow-up questions to clarify
things and it also helps to know clearly what the customer wants by talking with them.

The second one, qualitative research may identify evolving attitudes within a target group and also, it’s
not bound by the constraints of quantitative methods that mean if answers do not match the
assumption that qualitative knowledge is equally valuable to add meaning and maybe explain
something that numbers alone are unable to show.
Third, A much more flexible approach is provided by qualitative research. Researchers may easily alter
questions, change the environment, or some other variable to enhance answers if valuable insights are
not collected.
The last reason is qualitative research can be more targeted which can be more concentrated, sampling
specific groups, and key points to collect meaningful information. This will help accelerate the process
of data capture and keep the costs of data-gathering down.

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III. The Reliability and Validity of a Project:
This is a reliability and validity project because:

 Research is Transferable:
In the broader context of other individuals and settings, it is important to understand the results
of the qualitative analysis and similar initiatives and approaches carried out in different
environments will be of benefit.

 The Process is Dependable:

The processes inside the analysis should be outlined in-depth, allowing a prospective researcher
or evaluator to replicate the work.

 The Findings Can be Confirmed:

Steps are taken to help ensure that the outcomes of the work are the product of the informants'
experiences and ideas as far as possible and that appraisal results are achieved by considering
solid facts.

IV. The Accuracy of a Project:

This is an accuracy of the project because:
 This project maximizes the accuracy of the data which is also known as the acquisition of
knowledge as close as possible to what the study subject feels or experiences at any moment in
time that is very important in smart pet care projects.
 In this project, a project manager is skilled at listening to discrepancies or contradictions in order
to follow up on the remarks of each participant, ask for clarification, and eventually come up
with an accurate image of that participant in relation to the subject as conveyed in that specific
space and time.
 The last reason is qualitative researchers in this project constantly query the results, scrutinize
outliers also in the negative cases, and take other measures to verify contextuality, social
constructionism, and subjectivity.

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V. Process Model in a Project:
In this Smart Pet Care project, I apply the linear-sequential life cycle model which is also known as the
waterfall model that is easy to understand and use. In a waterfall model, before the next step can
begin and there is no overlap in the phases, each phase must be completed.
The reason why it chooses this model is the Smart Pet Care project followed based on the internal and
external factors of the waterfall model:
 The requirements are displayed, documented, clear.
 There are no ambiguous requirements.
 This is Small-Scale Research which is very suitable for the linear-sequential life cycle.

VI. Why Choose This Process Model in a Project:

With waterfall model, the development of this project moves from concept, through design,
implementation, testing, installation, troubleshooting, and ends up at operation and maintenance. Each
phase of development proceeds in strict order.
The following list advantages of waterfall model in Smart Pet Care project:

 Due to the rigidity of the model, it is simple to handle. Each stage has unique deliverables and a
process of review.

 Stages that are specifically described.

 Well established milestones.

 Simply to organize the task.

 The process and results are documented very clear about such as logbook.
But because of using waterfall model, the Smart Pet Care project not allow much reflection or revision
which very difficult to customize and the excellent of documentation is extremely important

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[1]. Base, K. and research, Q., 2020. Qualitative Vs. Quantitative Research | Differences & Methods.
[online] Scribbr. Available at: <
quantitative-research/> [Accessed 14 October 2020].

[2]. Poppulo. 2020. 10 Advantages And Disadvantages Of Qualitative Research. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 14 October 2020].

[3]. 2020. SDLC - Waterfall Model - Tutorialspoint. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 15 October

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