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The Sabre of Lighttm Elven Pixie Shoes of Rod of Ensorcelled The Perry’s Axe

Speed Mercury

+1Attack, +1 Save
Wizard Only.
+1 Movement – whole unit. Once per turn, in the shooting Legend tells of twin dwarven brothers,
Strength 5, -3 Save Modifier. phase, the bearer of the rod great smiths and warriors. When one
Passed down from father to son, Wearing these shoes makes you may use it to cast the spell lost an arm fighting goblins the other
when activated this blade hums with feel like you could skip and ‘Lightning Bolt’ at level 2. fashioned this axe for him; to be both
a bright blue glow and only the prance all day. When given to weapon and shield.
heaviest armour is any defence. Throws thunderbolts and
cavalry they become Pixie Horse
lightning – very, very
Shoes of Speed.

Mithril Armour Banner of the Obstinate Green Density Sword Bow of the Urruks

S4 Longbow.
+1WS, +1I, +1S, -1 Save Modifier,
Friendly dwarf units within 12” can reroll Any to hit roll of a 6 becomes S6 and
+1 Save - whole unit. -2Int
failed fear and panic tests. does D3 wounds with a -2 save
Dwarven smiths weave strands of Mithril This mighty sword originated in far Cathay modifier.
into the best dwarf armour. Dwarves also This banner was commissioned by Ruthrin,
– where it is known as ‘Green Destiny’.
weave shards of stone into their first queen of Stannaheim after the flight It was a shaft from this bow that killed
Unfortunately something in its enchantment
undergarments. This doesn’t increase their from Carak Eight Peaks. It embodies the the Dwarf Lord Borrik Black Fist at the
has a debilitating effect on the already
stubborn and unyielding nature of the
protective qualities; the dwarves just like limited Greenskin intellect... Battle of Slate Vale.
how it feels. dwarves.

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