Gi-Fi Technology

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Gi-Fi Technology

By: B.Teja Naga Sri

Reg No:18K61A1205
• Abstract
• Introduction
• History
• Network Evolution
• Why Gi-Fi ?
• Structure of Gi-Fi
• Working
• Comparision between Bluetooth,Wi-Fi and Gi-Fi
• Features of Gi-Fi
• Applications of Gi-Fi
• Benefits
• Conclusion
• References

Gi-Fi will helps to push wireless communications to faster drive. For many
years cables ruled the world. Optical fibers played a dominant role for its
higher bit rates and faster transmission. But the installation of cables
caused a greater difficulty and thus led to wireless access. The foremost of
this is Bluetooth which can cover 9-10mts. Wi-Fi followed it having
coverage area of 91mts. Gi-Fi allow the transfer of wireless audio and
video files within a range of 10 meters and data up to 5 gigabits per second.
It operates at 60 GHz on the CMOS process.
➢GI-FI or Gigabit Wireless is the world’s first transceiver integrated on a single chip

➢It operates at 60GHz on the CMOS process.

➢It will allow wireless transfer of audio and video data up to 5gigabits per second

➢It is ten times the current maximum wireless transfer rate, usually within a range
of 10 meters.

➢It utilizes a 5mm square chip and a 1mm wide antenna burning less than 2watts
of power to transmit data wirelessly over short distances, much like Bluetooth.

➢ It was developed at the National Information

and Communication Technology Research
Center in Melbourne University , Australia.

➢ It can have a span of 10metres.

Why Gi-Fi ?

• The reason for pushing into Gi-Fi technology is because of

-Slow Rate.
-High Power Consumption.
-Low Range of frequency operations of earlier technology.

• It consists of
-Measurement of 5mm^2.
-With antenna 1mm.
-Manufacturing cost Rs.38
-Made of silicon.
➢ In this technology Time division duplex (TDD) is used for transmitting
and receiving. Data files are converted from IF range to RF60GHz range
with the help of 2 mixers; the output is fed into a power amplifier,
which feeds millimeter wave antenna.
➢ The incoming RF signal is first converted to an IF signal at 5GHz and then
to normal data ranges. To avoid leakage due to direct conversion,
heterodyne construction is used for this process. The total data is transfer
within few second due to availability of 7GHz spectrum.
Features of Gi-Fi

➢ High speed of data transfer.

➢ Low power consumption.
➢ High security.
➢ Cost effective.
➢ Small size.
Applications of Gi-Fi

➢ House Hold Applications.

➢ Office Applications.
➢ Video Information Transfer.
➢ In Wireless PAN Networks.
➢ Huge Data File Transfer.

➢ Removing Cables.
➢ Cost of chip is low.
➢ Privacy and security.
➢ Flexibility.

Gi-Fi technology is defined that will allow wireless transfer of audio

and video data up to 5 gigabits per second, ten times the current
maximum wireless transfer rate, at one-tenth of the cost, usually within
a range of 10 meters that operates at 60GHz on the CMOS process. This
technology removes cables that for many years curled the world and
provides high speed data transfer rate. This chip could also replace
HDMI cables and develop wireless home and office .
• Ross, John, ―The Book of Wireless: A Painless Guide to Wi-Fi and
Broadband Wireless, Second Edition, San Francisco, CA: No Starch
Press, 2008.
• J. Karaoguz. High-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (2001).
IEEE Communication Magazine (vol. 39 Issue 12, pp.96-102).
• Rakesh Kumar Jha, Upena D Dalal (2012). A Journey on WiMAX and
its security issues. In International Journal of Computer Science
and Information Technologies, 2012 (vol. 1, pp.256-263).

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