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After I recorded the points I scored in the various categories I realized that the lowest

performing one is the basic academic skills. There are challenges I face in my writing skills,

reading and making notes. When it comes to my writing I find it difficult to easily communicate

my ideas in an essay. I write complicated sentences that lead to ambiguity. Also, I lack ideas to

write on the various topics given. I would love to improve my skills by writing as many essays as

possible and request the educator to countercheck and correct them. In the reading sector, I find

it difficult to pronounce some words that have silent letters. The effects of this challenge are

clearly indicated in the essay as I write mis-spelled words. I will improve my proficiency by

reading more articles and books. Also, I will actively participate in the reading classes. In

making of notes am challenged by my handwriting, being lazy and a negative attitude towards

note making. During the semester I will change my lazy habits and be a hard worker. Also, I will

use my friend who is proficient in the handwriting to assist me to write tidy and well organized

notes. I should strive to have a positive attitude towards making notes. This category being the

only one I have scored below average it will receive my full attention and record better scores

before the end of the term.

In choosing the college of my choice I will choose that provide written hand outs of the

notes of the course. Also, the teachers should give attention to students with similar challenges to

mine and assist them in improving. The educators should not look down upon students like me.

Even though I have a weakness in this area I am an above average students and am proficient in

all the other categories.


The school enthusiasm category I scored thirty six points. This means that I focus on the

major purpose of a school that is learning. After evaluating the participation level of the learner

the points I achieved are thirty nine. This implies that I am an active participant in class. In the

category of the knowledge affection the scores are forty eight. This is a clear indication that I do

not settle for the theory taught in class but widely search for knowledge. The basic academic

skills score is thirty. This shows I have an inadequacy of academic literacy skills such as

reading, making notes and writing. After analyzing the independent level the score recorded was

fifty seven. This suggests I do not depend highly on others. In the eagerness for college I

achieved fifty seven points. This implies that am eager and really looks forward to joining the


The ability of the student to balance the academic and social life is recorded at a score of

fifty four. This means that I actively participate in co-curriculums activities such as sports,

singing and drama. The category of the career orientation I scored fifty seven points. This shows

that I have a high regard for the university education and expects it to give me the necessary

skills for my career. After examining the self-consciousness of the learner the points achieved is

forty eight. This suggests that I am sensitive to the occurrences around world. The level of the

way I understand myself is forty two. This is an implication that I have a very high self esteem

and I appreciate myself.

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