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Module 7

SEM: Live Project

SEM & Display

Name: Rajvi Vaidya

Student ID: {}
Q1: Your campaign problem statement and information provided (Budget provided, Campaign objective)

Problem statement – how to run google ad

Budget provided – Rs.1700 (Rs. 500 for search ad and 1200 for display ad.)

Campaign objective – to run successful google ad campaign, to learn how to create search ad and display

My blog -
Q2: Here you need to list out the keywords which you have used in the search campaign. You need to
justify the reason behind choosing these keywords.
Topic: how Robotics and AI is impacting human life.
1) Robots
2) Artificial intelligence
3) Robotics
4) Impacting human life
5) Robotics robot
6) What is artificial intelligence
7) Making robots Reason behind using these keywork was it was
related robotics and AI so I use keyword suggestions
8) Machine intelligence
and add preference like education, status, filed
9) AI development (science and technology) most used keywords was
10) Artificial intelligence future robots and AI. Then I put keywords like searching AI
11) Online AI and robotics and people who read articles related
12) AI articles to robots and AI.
13) AI program
14) AI application
15) AI intelligence
16) Robotics robot
17) Robot technology
Q3: What approach/steps would you take to increase the Quality Score of a low-performing Keyword? Mention atleast
two steps.

Examples like 1) Artificial intelligence future 2) Artificial intelligence new

These two keyword only got 1 or 2 impression so we can improve it by,
• Modifying the keyword, try and error keywords we should put keywords in easy language.
• We can improve it by including more relevant keywords by using suggestions, also we can apply low CTR to that and
high CTR to high performing keyword.
Q4: Here you need to share the screenshot of search campaign summary (including your search ad copy).
Q5: Here you need to share the screenshot of search campaign result summary.
Q6: Here you need to list out the keywords which you have used in the display campaign. You need to justify the
reason behind choosing these keywords.

How does Robots and AI is impacting human life – using exact same keyword as title was not a good idea it
did not give me high impression
Impacting human life – just if someone types robots with life
Robots – main context of my article was related to robot and it gave me highest clickcs
Robotics – it was a related keyword so I choose it
Artificial intelligence – another main topic from my article.
Q7: Here you need to share the screenshot of your display campaign summary.
Q8: Here you need to share the screenshot of display campaign result summary
Q9: Here you need to share the screenshot of the display ad which you had created.
Q10: You are running an ad campaign to increase awareness for the website and bring in more quality traffic. The
metrics to track are Impressions, Clicks, Search Impression Share and Click through Rate (CTR). Now, assuming that the
industry average CTR for your industry is 2% and yours is lower than that. What are the possible actions that you can
take to improve the CTR? Mention atleast two actions.

1) Try to create more appealing ad, display of the ad should be attractive and appealing to viewers. (like use logo and
images) create more than 1 ad.
2) Improve ad group and bidding strategy but utilizing keywords. By the experience of my ad I have realized that
more keywords will not give more clicks and impressions, appropriate keyword will give you more clicks.
Q11: Identify at least three possible websites where your display ads for your blog should run and also give reasons
for the same.
1) - they publish latest blogs relate robots.
2) - they
publish tutorial and how AI and robots works.
m_campaign=je6NUbpObpQ – coursera provide courses related to AI so if my blog suggested their it
will improve my performance.
Q12: Describe your approach to search and display campaign in 250 words or less. Discuss what target audience you
have identified for your landing page and how you have approached targeting, campaign structure and your ad copy.
(Your description must include which blog and location you were assigned.)

Search ad: setting up search ad was comparatively easy than Display ad but setting up keyword was a
difficult task. I put around 20 keywords in search ads but it did not give me good results as all were not
appropriate and biding of all words were same so it gave me CPC Rs. 8 that was not good. I put callout
extension and but words like robots, AI and future of work.

Display ad: as I made mistake in search ad I redefined my keywords and I put appropriate and less no. of
keywords so that biding price of each utilize well and I got successful result in that with CPC of Rs. 1.32 and
CTR of 3.42%. I put image that relates to my topic and I create a logo for my blog page so that people got
to know my blog page so Display ad was successfully held. And I got more response in Display ad than
Search ad.

My blog:

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