Menstruation Bill

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Please Save A Soul Of My Grandmother.

Hello Honey ,
How are you doing today ? I hope all is well with you , am happy that we meet each
other and i will like you to know that am not feeling good today because of what
happen to me , i rush my grandmother to hospital TODAY in the morning that is why i
could not get to you quick , I want you to know that am having serious problem here
wish i could solve it myself here if i could do that i won"t let you know what
happen but i could not do it myself babe , My grandmother is in hospital and she is
in serious condition which could lead her to death but right now i could not afford
to lose her because she is the only one left for me in my life , i talk to her in
the afternoon at hospital i explain everything to her and she made me know that i
should try and explain everything to you maybe you could help us , I will like you
to know that i have never ask a man for money before or i don"t want you to think
that am that kind of girls on internet that asked a lot of man for money , i want
you to know that i have never did this before but there is no means for me to get
the money for my grandmother hospital bill and drugs so that she can get well
please try and understand me , help me out with little money for me to pay her
hospital bill and get her drugs which will cost me little sum of $500 and i will
like you to let me know how much you could afford to help me out of the money ,
please and please help me out with the money because i have no one to help me out
expect you that is why i asked you for help , I promise you that you won"t regret
helping me out with this babe , please don"t think am here after money or here to
play games with you ....
Hoping you could do this for me , please give me a trial and i want you to know
that we are talking about someone life and please try and save the soul of my
grandmother so that you can make me happy for the rest of my life , because i have
no one left for me to be there for expect this my grandmother she is the one left
for me since i lost my parent please and please help me out ....
A little bit okay something just happen to me few moment ago and makes me feel
sad,unhappy,horrific,horrible, also being devastated that takes out water from my

how are u doing over there and how is work i really hope all is going on smoothly
over there with u but dear right now am in my MENSTRUATION PERIOD i mean my period
and i'm having bleeding disorder and its really paining me..
I have gone to the Doctor here to get some drugs just to get over it but no luck so
I visited the clinic and i was put through some Thyroid hormone testings and
discovered that its too stress that caused it.
.I was prescribed some medications and its expensive they are Zoloft - Generic
tablet,diuretics and Antifibrinolytic which they'll cost me like $300.
.Please i want you to help me with some money so that i can get out of this pain
babe cos i have loose so much Blood here my darling in fact i have lost so much
weight so pls my darling and future husband to be soon u are my last hope so u
really need to help me with this money cos am not ok here at all hope I'm not
inconveniencing you.
.I impatiently hope to hear from you soon..

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