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Faculty of Business and Law

Bristol Business School


ASSESSMENT BRIEF: Coursework 1: Learning Portfolio Summary Essay

Module Code: UMOD68-30-3, UMOD69-30-3, UMODDQ-30-3

Module Title: Managing Organisational and Individual Change
Submission Deadline: 8th November 2018
Assessment Component B (Coursework 1)
Assessment Weighting: 28 per cent of total module mark

Assessment Instructions

Learning Portfolio Summary Essay Question

Informed by relevant theory and research, critically analyse your learning about your strengths
and weaknesses regarding change management, and the implications of this for your future
career plans.

Guidance – individual work in essay format 1,500 word (+/- 10%) submit via Bb as a single word
1. Maintain a focus on answering the question throughout. Keep checking your work to make
sure you are discussing:
 Your learning about your personal competence for change management
 The implications of this for your future career
2. Think of yourself as the CASE STUDY to be analysed – read the assignment question above,
the marking scheme, and this brief to decide how to do this.
3. In each of the first five study units are covered relevant materials, theories, and exercises to
help you complete this assignment. We recommend you review these and keep a record
using the Learning Portfolio pro forma to capture relevant information. [Note: you do NOT
hand in the pro forma - the assignment is to write a summary essay].
4. Illustrate your analysis with examples of your competence and personal experiences of
change management. Remember to earn good marks you MUST use relevant theories/
approaches to support your self-evaluation and insights.
5. Description should be kept to a minimum: see the marking scheme.
6. The marking scheme describes the assessment marking criteria in detail. This can guide you
on the standard of work expected and how you construct your answer
7. Use the full word count to maximise your marks
8. Read the Coursework 1 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ given at the end of this document)
AND make sure that you attend the Q&A lecture and seminar for this coursework. Lecture on
29th October 2018 and seminars that week.

Reference Sources
These are given in the Reading list within the Blackboard Course Site, and within each Study Unit
1-5 that covers this assignment. There are lots of materials to support your learning and writing of
this assignment in each of the study units including many relevant references. The minimum level
of reading is also given in the teaching plan for 2018-19 (available in Study Unit 1) that tells you
which week each study unit is covered and what you should pre-read for the lecture and the

For full Learning Outcomes and Module Specification use the links below




Marking Criteria (Marking Scheme/Feedback sheet pages

Later in this document you will find the marking scheme and marks feedback sheet that contains
the full details of assessment criteria which will be used to mark your coursework.

In summary tutors will mark the essay with equal weighting based on the following assessment
 Knowledge and understanding of relevant theories (T)
 Analysis linking theory and practice (A)
 Critical evaluation and coherent argument (C)

Meeting these assessment criteria will require the following:

T (Theory) Relevant theories and models are selected
 Read extensively and use a wide range of theories
 Demonstrate understanding without describing in detail
A (Analysis and Application) Detailed aspects of theories and models with evidence of why
and how these apply to the examples from your experience. Based on this, develop the
discussion of the implications for your future. For example you might focus on:
 What are your strengths and weaknesses relevant to managing change that you have
developed up to this point in your life?
 How can you develop these strengths and address the weaknesses?
 What are the implications for your personal and professional development in your
future career
C (Criticality) Demonstrate critical thinking. This means making clear arguments that
emphasise the relevance and importance of particular insights. For example:
 Develop a line, or lines, of reasoning or argument
 Make points that are evidenced with details from examples from your experience and
discuss relevant aspects of your chosen theories/ approaches
 Question the applicability and usefulness of the theories and literature: did it help you
to analyse ‘yourself’ and your situation?
 Compare and contrast the relevance of your chosen theories/ models. Are they useful
in answering the question about your learning?
 Comment on the limits and relevance of different theories and models to help you
answer the question

Formative Feedback and within Module Assignment Support

Formative feedback provides opportunities to reflect on your ongoing work and preparation for
your assignment. This is given within your MOIC SEMINARS (two-hour workshops) which run
every week; all students are timetabled to be able to attend one of these. Every seminar will
include some work on the assignment, this will include: how to answer the question, what is
expected of you, assistance with writing, and constructing/planning your answers, so please
 DO attend all seminars including the dedicated Q&A seminars in the week of the 29 th
October 2018
 DO think about your piece and ask the questions you need to ask within your seminars
 You can also arrange to discuss your assignment with your seminar tutor however we do
not read drafts

All work should be word processed in 12 point font Calibri, Times New Roman or Arial and double

Please use the following file format(s): .doc / .docx (please note that files submitted in formats
associated with Apple Mac computers are not able to be opened, and thus, not able to be
marked. It is your responsibility to ensure that you submit your coursework in the appropriate

Please ensure that you provide the following details on the first page of your coursework:
 Student ID Number
 Module Name and Code
 Word Count
 Coursework question

Learning Portfolio Summary Essay Question

Informed by relevant theory and research, critically analyse your learning about your strengths
and weaknesses regarding change management, and the implications of this for your future
career plans

Word Limit
 1500 words (+/- 10% which is a minimum of 1350 words and a maximum of 1650 words).
Writing beyond this maximum limit will not be read or marked
 Word count includes everything in the main body of the essay (including headings, tables,
citations, quotes, lists, acronyms and numbers expressed as digits or in words. etc.)
 The reference/ bibliography pages and any Appendix at the end are excluded from the
word count.
 Appendices are not expected, if you do decide to use appendices remember these will
NOT be marked. The marker may or may not refer to the Appendices: do not depend
upon material contained in Appendices to develop the discussion in the main body of your

You can view the UWE word count policy here:


Please ensure you adhere to the principles of good academic practice and ensure you use the
UWE Harvard system to reference your work. Failure to properly reference your work to original
source material can be grounds for the assessment offence of plagiarism and may result in failure
of the assessment or have more serious implications.

For further guidance on correct referencing go to:

Details of what constitutes plagiarism and how to avoid it can be found here:

For general guidance on how to avoid assessment offences see:

Instructions for submission

You must submit your assignment before the stated deadline by electronic submission

through Blackboard. Notification that the electronic submission portal is open for your assignment
is displayed (usually two weeks before the submission date) in the Coursework tab in myUWE, the
Assignment Coursework tab in Blackboard and via an announcement in the Blackboard course.

Please allow enough time to upload your assignment, noting that the system becomes busier and
slower as the deadline approaches. Only your final upload will be counted. Ensure all your
information is submitted at one attempt to avoid ‘overwriting’ your intended submission. Always
check and retain your receipts.

Late submission in the 24 hours following the deadline will be accepted but the assignment mark
will be capped at 40%. Submissions after 24 hours will not be accepted. For full guidance on online
submission through Blackboard, see:

Submissions of coursework by any other method (including a paper copy, on disk or by email) are
NOT permissible for this module unless specifically agreed in advance of the submission date.

Before submitting your work, please ensure that:

 You have proof read you work thoroughly to ensure your work is presented appropriately
 You have addressed all the required elements of the assessment
 You have referenced in accordance with the guidance provided
 You have addressed each of the marking criterion
 The submission is in the correct format

Safe Assign
Make sure you submit your own work and do not plagiarise from other sources or students. All
modules within FBL have the option to use Safe Assign software. Within MOIC we use Safe Assign
for this coursework. When you submit your assignment, Safe Assign will compare you work to
those of other students (current and past) as well as other materials available on internet. UWE
will act if Safe Assign suggests your work includes material that is ‘copied’ from other sources.

Component B:

Coursework One – Learning Portfolio Summary Essay

8th November 2018 at 1.59 pm online via blackboard

Please upload your completed essay and any appendices as a SINGLE Word document

Final feedback and marks release

Students will normally receive marks and feedback on their submission within 20 working days of
the submission deadline (not including any public holidays or closure days). Any delay in returning
students’ work will be communicated by the module leader via Blackboard. Your individual
submission will receive comments on your script and feedback on the marking scheme (see

Additionally, following the release of marks we offer students’ the opportunity to meet on a 1to1
basis with their first marker to build their understanding of their feedback and marks.

Feedback and marks for this module will be available by late afternoon on the 7 th of December

Further Guidance and Support

Guidance on study skills:

Support from the FBL Academic Success Centre:

Writing skills

Guidance on UWE assessment regulations and terminology:

Guidance on using the library:

Personal Circumstances
If you are experiencing difficulties in completing a piece of assessment on time due to unexpected
circumstances (for example illness, accident, bereavement), you should seek advice from a
Student Support Adviser at the earliest opportunity.

Please note the module leader cannot grant personal circumstances or extensions.

Appointments with a student adviser can be made via an Information Point or online at:

The Student Support Adviser will advise as to whether you should submit an application for
‘Personal Circumstances (PCs)’, how to do so and what evidence is required to support the

Further details on ECs can be found here:

Coursework 1 Learning Portfolio Summary Essay – Marking & Feedback Sheet 2018-
Managing Organisational and Individual Change

Student Number: …………………………………………………………….

Feedback From [Tutor’s FULL name and email address here] Date:

Tutors have marked your essay based on the equally weighted T A and C assessment criterion; so, you
may see T A and C in your feedback on your script (as the three columns on next page). You will need to
read the feedback on your script with a device that supports word documents.
Tutor overall comment/ feedback
Main area/s of strength:

Two main areas for improvement:

In addition to the above, the main ways to improve this assignment are:
Other ways to improve this assignment:
Be more reflective/ analytic
To give your work greater credibility support your assertions with references
Focus more closely on addressing the question.
Link the theory to your own experiences
Define the key terms
Signpost the reader so that they know how your discussion relates to the question
Be clear so the reader understands the point that you are making
Improve the structure and flow of arguments
Critically evaluate the material
Wider reading may have enabled you to have included more critical evaluation
Less description of theory and/or experience, more analysis and discussion
More specific examples from practice
Accurate and/or more consistent referencing

Managing Organisational and Individual Change 2018 - 2019 Marking Criteria
for CW1
(All 3 criteria are equally weighted)
Demonstrates an outstanding Outstandingly insightful analysis Outstanding evidence of sound judgement,
knowledge and understanding of that highlights and exposes key critical thinking and well supported
theories and concepts used. issues. evaluations.

85 + Shows outstanding evidence of Outstandingly extensive Outstanding development of strong, coherent

reading widely. integration of theory with
Outstanding address of the purpose of the
Outstandingly extensive reference to
wide range of relevant literature Outstandingly well-chosen
beyond the core text. number and quality of examples. Outstandingly adept handling of the material,
well-reasoned, with a clear line of thought.

Demonstrates an excellent Insightful analysis that highlights Excellent evidence of sound judgement,
knowledge and understanding of and exposes key issues. critical thinking and well supported
theories and concepts used. evaluations.
Extensive integration of theory
70+ Shows excellent evidence of reading
with practice. Development of strong, coherent argument.

Consistently addresses the purpose of the

Well-chosen number and quality
Extensive reference to wide range of assignment.
of examples.
relevant literature beyond the core
text. Adept handling of the material, well-reasoned,
with a clear line of thought.
Referencing is exemplary.
Demonstrates a good knowledge Perceptive analysis that explores Good evidence of judgement, critical thinking
and understanding of theories and important issues. and support for evaluations.
concepts used.
Good integration of theory and Development of a coherent argument.
Shows good evidence of reading. practice.
Addresses the purpose of the assignment.
60+ Reference to a good range of Good number and quality of Material is well-handled, with clear evidence
relevant literature beyond the core examples used. of reasoning and narrative thread.
Well written with a coherent structure.
Referencing is consistently accurate.
Demonstrates an adequate Reasonable analysis but in places Adequate evidence of sound judgement with
knowledge and understanding of lapses into description of practice some attempt at evaluation.
theories and concepts used. rather than analysis.
Has an argument but sometimes difficult to
Adequate evidence of reading. Reasonable integration of theory follow.
50+ and practice.
Generally addresses the purpose of the
Some reference to relevant
literature. Adequate number and quality of
examples. Satisfactory handling of the material, but the
Core text and essential reading only reader may sometimes have to work to follow
the line of thought.
Referencing is accurate in the main.
Reasonable structure and written presentation
Demonstrates a weak knowledge Some analysis but tends to be Poor judgment and some unsupported
and understanding of theories and descriptive of practice. assertions.
concepts used.
Weak linkage between theory and Weak argument – not developed.
Limited evidence of reading. practice.
40+ Few references to relevant literature.
Does address the purpose of the assignment in
parts, but often strays off the point.
Weak or few examples.
No more than core text/lecture Poor handling of the material and the reader
material has to work to follow the line of thought.

Some attempt at accurate Some structure and/ or weak written

referencing. presentation
Knowledge and understanding of Limited analysis and is Some unsupported assertions and value
theories and concepts is very weak predominantly descriptive of judgments.

Little evidence of reading Little obvious argument.
Minimal linkage between theory
35 + Very few references to relevant and practice. Fails in large part to address the purpose of the
literature. assignment.
Margina Very poor or very few examples.
Handling of the material is weak, with little
l Fail Inaccurate referencing.
obvious line of thought.

No obvious structure and/ or inadequate

written presentation.
Knowledge and understanding of Extremely limited mention of Many unsupported assertions and value
relevant theories and concepts is application and/or description that judgments.
extremely limited and almost non- is undeveloped.
existent. Difficult to identify or unclear argument.
20+ Unclear and extremely limited
linkage between theory and
Overwhelmingly fails to address the purpose
Extremely limited and almost no of the assignment.
evidence of relevant reading –
including limited from the core text. Handling of material is very weak, with no
Irrelevant or extremely weak obvious line of thought.
Extremely limited references to examples.
relevant literature. Unstructured and/ or poorly written.

None or extremely limited

Knowledge and understanding of No analysis and is void of Mainly unsupported assertions and value
relevant theories and concepts is application. judgments.
No linkage between theory and No obvious argument.
0+ practice.
No evidence of relevant reading – Fails to address the purpose of the assignment.
not even the core text. Irrelevant or no examples.
Handling of material is extremely weak, with
No references to relevant literature. no clear line of thought.

No referencing. Incomplete and too brief and/or poorly written

to earn more marks

MOIC Coursework 1 – Learning Portfolio Summary Essay

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Q: I understand that I must analyse my own experience but how many examples of
experience should I use?

A: The assessment criteria make reference to the ‘number and quality of examples used’, to ‘analysis
that highlights and exposes key issues’, and to the ‘development of a coherent argument’. This
suggests more than the one example but not too many that you cannot develop depth in your analysis.
Think about the story you want to tell and how the experiences you choose demonstrate how you deal
with change, and the implications of this for your future choices.

2. Q: I don’t have any work experience. What examples of personal dealing with change and
change management should I use?

A: In this essay you can use examples of experience from any aspect of your life, not just in
organisations. For example, you could analyse experiences from childhood, your schooling and
education, your social life, your experience as a customer, or anything else that you can think of.

3. Q: Do I need to use theory?

A: You need to draw on relevant theories, concepts and models from the literature (books, journal
articles, and other online resources). If you refer to the lectures, seminars and materials for Study
Units 1 - 5 you will see examples of the type and range of theory and literature that we are expecting.
This is a good starting point but we also expect you to be researching additional literature that is
relevant to the analysis and discussion of your particular experiences.

4. Q: How much theory should I use?

A: This is difficult to answer simply. It is particularly important that when you use theory and
literature that you use it well to demonstrate a good understanding and that it contributes to your
analysis and critical evaluation. Some theories and literature you will use extensively – others you
might just refer to briefly. All references help us to assess your understanding and breadth of reading.
We have seen some excellent work with about 15 references that are used well but sometimes more.

5. Q: Is it necessary to use specific models to analyse my strengths and weaknesses in regard to

change management (e.g. the model of four Interpersonal Influencing Styles covered in the
lecture of Study Unit 3)

A: You have the freedom to choose which theoretical concepts will best support your analysis. The
assessment criteria indicate that you should use theory and literature to contribute to an insightful
analysis. However, it is not essential to use models.

6. Q: Are we expected to define and explain the theories? The 1,500 word limit will make this

A: The emphasis should not be on defining and explaining the theories but you will need to
demonstrate that you understand them by the manner in which you use the ideas in your analysis and

7. Q: I am planning to discuss some aspects of the three psychometric instruments that have been
made available through the UWE Careers ‘Profiling for Success’. Could you advise if this is
enough theory?

A: We are glad to hear that you are making good use of the psychometrics. Your reflections on these
may contribute to your analysis and critical evaluation. However, psychometrics are not ‘theory’ as
such. – so this will not be sufficient. As explained above, we expect you to use relevant theories from
the literature to develop your analysis.

8. Q: Is it okay just to use more ‘popular’ books and literature on self-help and personal
development, which I find much more useful than more academic books and journal articles?

A: The popular literature can be useful and it is certainly okay to reference such work. However, we
also expect you to engage with relevant academic literature as well, demonstrating your knowledge
and understanding of material that is underpinned by rigorous research and peer review. There are
many examples of good academic literature provided in the Study Unit materials and in the core text.

9. Q: Can you explain what is meant by Awareness / Personal Resilience / Emotional

Intelligence / etc. as there are many different definitions online and in the literature.

A: The ideas and theories that you are asked to reflect on in this assignment are covered within Study
Units 1-5. Please attend lectures and seminars and refer to the materials on Blackboard. You are
also encouraged to read more widely to see what others have to say – this will develop your

understanding and improve your ability to engage in critical evaluation. Your ability to critically
evaluate, compare and contrast the different interpretations of ideas is a part of what will be
assessed. We also recommend you attend Study Unit 6 the Q&A lecture to answer any final queries.

10. Q: Can I include in my future career plans my intentions to work in my family business
after I graduate, or must it be in another company?

A: You are free to develop your career plans in any way that you choose.

11. Q: I don’t yet have clear career plans. What should I do?

A: This is not a problem. You can use this essay as an opportunity to explore possible career paths,
discussing the implications of your learning about your strengths and weaknesses in regard to change
management. For example, if you have a good aptitude for change management, you could discuss
the career options that this might support.

12. Q: How do you suggest we reference our results from the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
(MBTI) test?

A: If you are referring to the Type Dynamics Indicator (Profiling for Success) then we suggest that
you reference it in the way that you would for any online resource For example: Profiling for
Success. (2015). Value Based Indicator for Motivation, Explorer Report. Available: Last accessed 4th Nov 2017.

If it is a test that you have done elsewhere then you will need to refer to the relevant information
provided with the test (see library guidance on referencing).

13. Q: I don’t really understand what I am supposed to do. Everyone seems to be doing, or
advising, something different. Please can you explain exactly what is required?

A: There are a number of ways to respond to the task set and meet the assessment criteria. This is a
Level 3 module and students are expected to work with the complexity that this brings, exercising
critical judgement in the development of their Learning Portfolio Summary Essay. You should use the
written briefings and guidance, plus the support provided in seminars, to write a draft. If you are still
confused, you are advised to arrange to see your seminar tutor and discuss your planned assignment
with them to gain relevant advice.

14. Q: What structure should I use for my essay?

A: This is a judgement that you must make – there are a number of ways that you can approach this.
We would advise is that you provide a brief introduction that summarises the structure and approach
that you have taken, explaining the main thrust of your discussion and argument.

15. Q: I don’t really know how to go about writing this type of essay. Can you give me some

A: This type of work is sometimes called reflective writing with the addition of analysis with theories.
Within study unit 1 we introduced you to a model called the ‘reflective cycle’. Using this to develop
your assignment can help you build the skill of writing and thinking about your own experiences of,
and competence in, change management. Please be aware writing self-evaluation and doing this with
relevant theories will be a time-consuming process. Don’t miss out the third draft where you add
theories and approaches (with references) to support your analysis of yourself. We advise you to
leave enough time which is probably more than you think to write this essay. We suggest the
following writing process:

 First draft – record your personal experiences and evidence (this will probably be long and
 Second draft – begin to focus on the key experiences and arguments you want to make in
your essay that answer the assignment question
 Third draft – find relevant theories/approaches to support the arguments you are making
and that support or contradict your self-evaluation and insights
 Fourth draft – work towards your final version: keep checking that it answers the question,
and ensure that it addresses the task set, and that it meets the marking criteria. Be aware of
the word count.
 Fifth draft – write your introduction (within the word count) that tells us how you answer the
question and what you discuss in the essay. You can even include a short summary of your
final conclusion in this introduction.
 Sixth draft – final checks: have you used Harvard referencing? Is spelling and grammar
correct? Is your essay clear and understandable (reading aloud can help you do this check).
 Assess your sixth draft using the marking criteria for each of the T A C columns. What
would you give it? Can you improve it?

Submission Queries
16. Q: The briefing tells me to submit the Learning Portfolio Summary Essay as a single Word
document. A lot of the resources I have used (e.g. the psychometric reports) are pdf files.
How can I include these as Appendices?

A: You might choose to include your learning notes in the Learning Portfolio proforma as an
Appendix, although this is not compulsory, and, like any appendix, it will not be marked. However,
we do not advise overloading your appendices with additional evidence of resources you have used.

17. Q: In the past I have been penalised for failing to submit my essay on time, even when I had
problems with my computer/internet connection. Will you be more lenient?

A: Sadly every year we have good students who, for one reason or another, fail to upload their
assignment on time. The University policy is very clear that it is your responsibility to ensure that you
meet the deadline. On the MOIC module we cannot make any exceptions to this. You are advised not
to leave submission of your assignment to the last minute and make sure you give yourself some
leeway to cope with difficulties that you don’t anticipate. Remember that you can upload your script
at any time and then upload again before the deadline to replace it with an improved version. Please
ensure you allow sufficient time to upload your script, noting that the system becomes busier and
slower as the deadline approaches. Only your final upload will be counted. Ensure all your
information is submitted at one attempt to avoid ‘overwriting’ your intended submission. Always
check and retain your receipts. Late submission in the 24 hours following the deadline will be
accepted but the assignment mark will be capped at 40%. Submissions after 24 hours will not be
accepted. For full guidance on online submission through Blackboard, see:

18. Q: Will this piece of coursework go through Safe Assign?

It is FBL/UWE policy to put all coursework and assignment submissions through Safe Assign
therefore like all your other level 3 submissions (and potentially your level 2 submissions) will go
through Safe Assign.


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