KY - Organization and Management Structure

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Organization and Management Structure

Choosing the project organization is an important phase in the whole project. The stakeholders and
project team members should be chosen in such a way that it includes the views of all the villagers
and also supporting organizations agencies and institutional bodies which will help us to filter out
the feasible and viable projects that could help the village meet their sustainability goals. The project
team will also seek to include few specialists from the chosen domain in the team. This will help us
understand the technical possibilities and constraints that are present in the project and how do we
handle these hindrances by utilizing the available resources optimally.

The project organizations should then be integrated with the existing structures that are already
available in the village. For example, the project organization can be linked with the village
panchayat which would serve as platform for timely reviews and seeking support from the other
village members or the external bodies. This would create a sense of responsibility among the team
and it is easier to monitor and control the overall project progress. However, the existing structure
should be decided as per the selected project. It is better to have an existing structure that has its
interests and capabilities align with our project.

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