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Action plan

Topic: Animals
Age group: 2th from
Activity 1.
Description: Teacher comes to the class and greets students. S/he is wearing a mask of an animal.
She asks students to make a circle using gestures. She says: “I’m a fish. Nice to meet you.”In the
form of dialogue she asks students typical questions such as:”How are you? Are you happy today?
How old are you?” and they answer: “Hello, fish (for example). I’m fine. Thank you. And you?”
Mode of interaction: group work.
Type of task: stirring
Equipment: mask of any animal
Instructions: Boys and girls, please, make a circle. I’m a fish . Nice to meet you. are you? Are you
happy today? How old are you?
Anticipated difficulties: It may be strange for students to see a teacher in a mask of an animals and
they may not answer the questions actively. The teacher task is to create a friendly atmosphere and
motivate students to speak.
Activity 2.
Description: a teacher turns on a song which is called “Animals. Yes, I can” She asks students just
listen it for the first time.
Mode of interaction: individual work.
Type of task: settling
Equipment: a laptop or TV where students will watch the video.
Instructions: Students, be very attentive. You should listen the song and name animals you saw. Are
you ready?
Anticipated difficulties: Students may be distracted by other things or by speaking with each other.
The teacher should draw their attention by clapping hands or giving a command.
Activity 3.
Description: The second listening: the students listen the song and repeat the mimic and gestures of
the animals.
Mode of interaction: group work.
Type of task: stirring
Equipment: a laptop or TV where students will watch the video.
Instructions: Listen the song one more time and repeat the actions and gestures of each animal.
Anticipated difficulties: The teacher should show the example of acting and control the while
process otherwise the students will be distracted and may not follow the animals’ actions.
Activity 4.
Description: The third listening: The teacher asks students to act out the video. Each student takes
cards of an animal and gets the role of it. S/he gets the mask of the animal. The teacher turns on the
video. After each animal’s phrase the teacher stops the video and a student should repeat its phrase.
Also he should try to act out: repeat the gestures of the animal.
Mode of interaction: group work.
Type of task: stirring
Equipment: a laptop or TV where students will watch the video; masks of all animals; flash-cards
with animals.
Instructions: Take a card, please. You got a fish/buffalo/bird/gorilla/elephant. Here is a mask of this
animal, put it on. I will turn on a video. Your task is to repeat the words and actions of your animal.
You will listen first and then I stop the video and you should repeat your animal’s words.
Anticipated difficulties: Children may not understand the task from the first time. As a usual they
take part actively after the 2nd try. The teacher may demonstrate the way he will stop the video and
show what students should say.
Activity 5.
Description: The teacher has flash cards with verbs and names of animals. The student picks one
card with a verb and one card with an animal. The task is to say whether the exact animal can do the
action or not. For, example the student gets “bird” and “clap” and makes a sentence “A bird can’t
Mode of interaction: individual work.
Type of task: settling
Equipment: flash-cards
Instructions: Take one card from each bunch. You have one animal and one action. Make up a
sentence if this animal can do it or not.
Anticipated difficulties: As the students can’t read all the words they should memorize most of the
words during listening. Teacher has to correct their mistakes in pronunciation. They also may not
memorize what each animal was doing in the video but they may guess logically or the teacher may
give them a hint.

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