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UNIT 1-Section 2.

How I Taught My Grandmother to Read

I. Meanings
1. Magazine - a publication that is issued periodically, usually bound in a paper cover,
and typically contains essays, stories, poems, etc.
2. Struggle - make a very great effort in order to do something
3. Orphan - a child whose parents are dead
4. Ardent - very enthusiastic or passionate
5. Convincing - capable of causing someone to believe that something is true or real.
6. Protagonist - leading character or one of the major characters in a play, film, novel, etc.
7. Concentration- the action or power of focusing all one's attention.
8. Recite - to repeat the words of, as from memory, especially in a formal manner
9. Regret - feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over something
10. Obstacle - a thing that blocks one's way or prevents or hinders progress.
11. Debate - a formal discussion of the opposing sides of a specific subject.
12. Courtyard - an open area of ground which is surrounded by buildings or walls.
13. Terrace - a relatively level paved or planted area adjoining a building
14. Nod - to make a slight, quick downward bending forward of the head

II. Synonyms
1. Eagerly - keenly
2. Popular - famous
3. Wonderful - amazing
4. Convincing - persuasive
5. Complex - intricate
6. Interesting - fascinating
7. Struggle - strive
8. Describe - define
9. Appreciate - respect
10. Concentration- attentiveness
11. Savouring - adoring
12. Surprised - amazed
13. Affectionate - fond
14. Determination- resolution
15. Independent - free

III. Antonyms
1. Immediately - eventually
2. Respect - disrespect
3. Amazing - ordinary
4. Harder - easier
5. Forget - remember
6. Protagonist - opponent
7. Immensely - slightly
8. Popular - unpopular
9. Appearing - disappearing
10. Eagerly - dispassionate

IV. Make sentences using the following words.

1. Eagerly -
2. Overcome -
3. Immensely -
4. Essential -
5. Insist -

V. Short answer questions.

1) What were the two reasons that made Triveni a popular writer?

Two reasons that made Triveni a popular writer were: a. Her style was easy to read and very
convincing. b. Her stories usually dealt with complex psychological problems in the lives of ordinary
people and were always very interesting.

2) What was the story in Karmaveera? Why did grandmother identify with the story?

The story that appeared in Karamveera was an episodic version of the novel Kashi Yatre
written by Triveni. It was the story of an old lady and her ardent desire to go to Kashi to worship Lord
Vishweshwara. In the story, there was also a young orphan girl who falls in love but there was no
money for the wedding. In the end, the old woman gave away all her saving's for the girl's wedding
instead of using them to go to Kashi.
The grandmother identified with the story because like the old woman in the story, she too had never
been to Kashi and had a desire to do so.

3) 'In those days, a wedding was a great event.' Why does the narrator feel so?

The narrator feels that in those days a wedding was a great event because being a child, she
enjoyed herself thoroughly with other children at the wedding. They could eat and play endlessly,
enjoying the freedom because all the elders were busy.

4) Why could the grandmother not pursue her education?

The grandmother could not get proper education for various reasons. When she was a young
girl, she lost her mother. There was nobody to look after and guide her.
Her father was a busy man and got married again. In those days people never considered education
essential for girls, so she was never sent to school. She got married very young and became very busy
as she had children, and later grandchildren. Because of these reasons, she could never get proper

5) Why did the grandmother feel dependent and helpless?

When the magazine arrived in the narrator's absence, the grandmother was eager to know the
next part of the story. She looked at the pictures but could not understand the text. That is
when she felt a sense of dependence and helplessness for not being able to read on her own.

6) Why and how did the narrator reward the grandmother?

When the grandmother started learning how to read, she had set Saraswati Pooja day during Dassara
as the deadline when she should be able to read a novel on her own. When Dassara arrived and the
grandmother had been able to learn how to read, the narrator rewarded her grandmother by gifting
her a copy of the novel Kashi Yatre.

7) How did the grandmother show her gratitude towards her granddaughter?

The grandmother showed her gratitude towards her granddaughter by touching her feet as a
mark of respect for a teacher.

8) What important message did the story of Kashi Yatre convey?

The story Kashi Yatre conveys the message that if one can help someone else or give them
happiness in any way then it is of much more importance than prayers and worship. It also shows the
value of selflessness.

VI. Long Answer questions.

1) How does the story bring out-

a. an ideal relationship between a granddaughter and grandmother?

b. the value of education?

a. This story brings out the ideal relationship between a grandmother and a granddaughter. The
grandmother's love for her granddaughter and her dependence upon her can be seen clearly. The
granddaughter too loves her grandmother and takes it as her duty to read to her, and later teach her
how to read. It is apparent from their conversations and the way the grandmother confides the story
of her life in her granddaughter that the two are very close.

b. The story brings out the value of education by depicting the illiterate grandmother's helplessness
and dependence upon others and how she resolves to learn how to read, thereby making herself

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