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Barfung Block, Ravangla Sub Division,
South Sikkim-737139  
End-Semester Examination, 7th July- 2021  

Programme: B.Tech. Year: 1st  

Branch: Section A&B Semester: 2nd  
Subject: Engineering Chemistry Subject Code: CY12101  
Duration: 10:am – 11:30 am (90 Minutes) Maximum Marks: 25  
Students should follow the File naming format (RollNo._Exam_SubjectCode.pdf). Students can
use calculator  

Attempt all questions (5 x 5 = 25 Marks)

Q1a) Which of the following compounds is a primary fuel? a) Coke b) Coal gas c) Coal d) Charcoal

b) Why gross calorific value is greater than net calorific value – explain with example?

c) Calculate the gross and net calorific values of a coal sample having the following compositions. Latent
heat of steam is 587 Cal/g.

Element Presence (%) Calorific value (kcal/kg)

Hydrogen 5.5 34500

Carbon 84 8080

Nitrogen 0.6 ----

Oxygen 8.4 ----

Sulphur 1.5 2240


c) Calculate C, H and N % from the following observation for a coal sample.

i) 2.5 gm of the coal is burnt in presence of O2 in combustion tube. The increase in weight of
anhydrous CaCl2 and KOH U-tube are 0.7 and 5.9 gm respectively.

ii) 0.85 gm of the coal in Kjeldahl’s experiment release NH3, which is passed in 50 mL 0.15 N HCl.
The HCl requires 29 mL of 0.15 N NaOH to neutralize in back titration. [1+2+2]

Q2a) Write the increasing order of octane number of the following hydrocarbons.

i) straight chain hydrocarbon, ii) branch-chain hydrocarbon, iii) cyclic hydrocarbon and iv) aromatic

b) What is petrol knocking and how can it be reduced?  

c) What is the relation between cetane number and diesel knocking? [1+2+2]


Q3a) What are the differences between Frenkel and Schottky defect ?

b) How many and what types of voids are present in FCC unit cell ?

c) If the formula of a compound is A2B. Which sites would be occupied by A ions in spinel structures.
Give a suitable example for normal and inverse spinel. [2+1+2]

Q4a) In Delhi one pillar has not yet experienced any corrosion since last 1600 years. What is the plausible
explanation for the same?

b) Consider two galvanic corrosion systems – (i) Fe-surface is covered by Sn, and leaves small pinhole
area on surface, and (ii) Fe-surface is covered by Zn, and leaves small pinhole area on surface. Which
system shows smaller anodic area or larger cathodic area and higher corrosion rate?

Given; E0Fe(II)/Fe = -0.44 V, E0Sn(II)/Sn = -0.14 V and E0Zn(II)/Zn = -0.76 V

c) The EMF of a cell corresponding to the reaction Zn (s) + 2H+ (aq.) → Zn2+ (0.1 M) + H2 (g,1 atm) is
0.28 V at 25 °C. Write the half-cell reactions and calculate the pH of the solution at the hydrogen
electrode. Given, (E0)Zn = 0.76 V and (E0)H = 0 V.


c) Give the electrode reactions during charging and discharging process of lead-acid battery. [1+2+2]

Q5a) Write a short note on applications of nano materials in modern science.

b) What is the role of capping reagent for the synthesis of nanoparticle – explain with example?

c) What is lubricant ? what is the working principle of lubricant ?


c) i) Using Kohlrausch law, explain why soaps are more efficient in dilute solution, rather than
concentrated solution. ii) Calculate the molar conductance of infinite dilution of acetic acid at 298 K
using the given data:

Molecule Λ0 (*10-3 Sm2/mol) Temperature (K)

HCl 42.62

CH3COONa 9.1 298

NaCl 12.65
[2 +1+2]


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