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Name: Dexcell Rave C.

Bayobay Date Performed: May 13-15, 2021

Course & Year: BS ABE – First Year Date Submitted: May 18, 2021

SSC001 / Soils 1.1

Activity No. 1



 Soils are not rocks but rocks can develop into soil. It forms at normal earth surface
temperature and pressure.
 Soil development includes reducing the size of the parent material particles, rearranging the
mineral particles, adding organic matter, changing the composition and structure of the
minerals through physical and chemical weathering, and the formation of soil horizons.
 Individual soil is characterized by a unique soil profile and exposing all of its horizons or layers
parallel to the land surface. Soil development or soil genesis is a continuous but slow process.
 Five soil forming factors influence the type of soil that develops in different locations –
climate, living organisms, relief (topography), parent material, and time (CLORPT).

II. Objectives
1. Explain the different processes in soil genesis or development.
2. Discuss the influence of soil forming factors in the type of soil formed.
3. Identify the visible differences of soil profile in your place / location.
III. Procedure:
1. Read your handouts (Soils 1 - Chapter 1 & 2) which discusses the factors of soil formation
including the description of soil profile and recognizable horizons.
2. Observe a soil profile in your place and take note of the influence of the various soil forming
factors. Study each profile and provide the required information (write all answers in the table
3. Take pictures of the soil profile selected and label its parts.

Table 1. Influence of parent material on soil formation

Soil Profile Recognizable soil layers based on soil solum Solum features
(identify the presence of major A, E, B (color, thickness of residual and
horizons) transported parent materials)

 Black
 Brownish
 Yellowish
 Grey
It has this big rocks which
brought by strong floods. And it
Purok Buntod,
Poblacion, Dimataling, ZDS has also these white stones
under it.
a. How many horizons within the solum can you identify from each soil profile?
A, E, and B horizons are recognizable. Since it’s just a half-meter soil profile, C horizon is
hard to be seen.

b. Compare the degree of development between soils formed from residual and transported parent
material (based on the number of distinct horizons).

Since residual soil remains above its parent rock and transported soil is blown or washed away
from its parent rock. Soil horizon for residual soil has the ordinary horizons—recognizable A, E,
B, or even parent material horizon or the C horizon. However with transported parent material
A horizon is kinda thicker than the residual. Since it has the transported soil mixed on its A or O

Table 2. Influence of climate on soil formation

Soil Profile Recognizable soil layers based on soil solum Solum features
(presence of major A, E, B horizons) (color, thickness of residual and
transported parent materials)
(Specific profile location ex.
road cuts, soil pit)
Same features on the above.
It’s been raining for the
past months, as you can see COLOR:
in the soil profile, it’s still  Black
has water in it. We have  Brownish
encountered two strong  Yellowish
typhoons already. And that
 Grey
describes the rainfall we’ve
had. It has this big rocks which
brought by strong floods. And it
has also these white stones
(Give description of the rainfall under it.
experienced in your place for the past
weeks/ month)
Note: Rainfall intensity can be heavy or strong downpour, moderate and lighter or less downpour (shower only) for certain
duration. While rainfall frequency refers to the occurrences of rains for certain period (weeks, months or year).

a. What is the role of climate in the solum features and layer formation?
Climate plays a vital role in sulom features and layer formation, as it speeds up the
weathering process. The better the climate—good rainfall with good hot weather—the well
recognizable or well developed a soil is.

b. Compare solum development in areas with strong rainfall and less rainfall.
Since rainfall plays great role in hydrolysis which also helps greatly on the weathering
process, areas with strong rainfall tend to have more mature soils than with less rainfall—they
mostly just have young soils.
Table 3. Influence of vegetation on soil formation
Soil Profile Recognizable soil layers based on soil solum Solum features
(presence of major A, E, B horizons) (color, thickness of residual and
transported parent materials)
Poblacion, Dimataling ZDS
(roadside) Color:
 Black
 Brown
 Greyish

It is recognizable that I still

has this large bolder of rocks
The vegetation present is means amidst it being
not that heavy because it’s vegitized it still has lack
only because of small plants influence of time.
and not big tress.

(Give description of the vegetation or

plants present in the profile)

a. Which profile has thicker dark surface layer? Why?

In the case of the soil I have taken picture I believe it’s still a mature soil since the tress
are still so young also, meaning there is not that much vegetation happened. In this case C
horizon is still thicker maybe also with some influence of topography. But there is often a close
relationship between the vegetation and the soil, the vegetation supplying its dying remains to
the soil and the soil converting them into nutrients so the vegetation can continue to survive
and develop in years ahead. Different types of vegetation give rise to different forms of organic
matter in soils. With this A horizon would be more thicker.

b. What is the source of dark color for both soils?

The sulum is the primary source of the darkness of a certain soil. It is from the
decomposition of animal and plant residues. Also with my answer on the top, vegetation also
plays the role in having way more dark soil as vegetation supply its dying remains to the soil
and the soil converting them into nutrients so the vegetation can continue to survive and
develop in years ahead this forms different organic matter to soil and that’s also why it’s
Table 4. Influence of topography on soil formation.

Soil Profile Recognizable soil layers based on soil solum Solum features
(presence of major A, E, B horizons) (color, thickness of residual and
transported parent materials)

Side lane, Sumpot,

Dimataling, Zamboanga del Color:
sur. (roadside)  Black
 Brown
 White

It is so young that the C

horizon is still so
It’s a 2-meter topography compressed it’s like no
with having a long C history of weathering yet.

(Give description of the topography

the profile)
Note: Topography : well –drained, moderately drained, somewhat poorly drained and poorly drained.

a. What is the meaning of “g” and “t” in the label of horizon? Explain how the “g” and “t” in the
horizons forms.
“g” is for Gleyed or waterlogged soil. It is a horizon characterized by gray colours, or
prominent mottling, or both, indicating permanent or periodic intense reduction and form on the
process of eluviation. On the other hand “t” is Accumulation of silicate clays. Clay may have
formed in horizon or moved into it by illuviation.
b. Differentiate Eluvial and Illuvial horizon development in relation to topography or relief.
Eluviation is the transport of soil material from upper layers of soil to lower levels by
downward percolation of water across soil horizons, and accumulation of this material (illuvial
deposit) in lower levels is called illuviation.

Table 5. Influence of time in soil

Soil Profile Recognizable soil layers based on soil solum Solum features
(presence of major A, E, B horizons) (color, thickness of residual and
transported parent materials)
Location: Poblacion
Dimataling ZDS (Farm pit)
Same features on the above.
The profile is a mature soil. It
has a very recognizable or COLOR:
developed horizons. Amidst its
 Black
being reddish it is not that
deep thus it is not that old.  Brownish
 Yellowish
 Grey
It has this big rocks which
brought by strong floods. And it
has also these white stones
under it.

(Give description of the profile if its

young, mature and old profile)
Note: Time refers to the period of soil development and can be classified as” old, mature, young and very young soil
depending on the color and horizon formation.

a. Which soil profile have shown reddish brown or yellowish brown color? What is the source of
reddish or yellowish brown color of the soil?
Yellow or red soil indicates the presence of oxidized ferric iron oxides. The red color
might be mainly due to ferric oxides occurring as thin coatings on the soil particles while the
iron oxide occurs as hematite or as hydrous ferric oxide, the color is red and when it occurs in
the hydrate form as limonite the soil gets a yellow color.

b. What is the relationship of color to the age of the soils?

The older the soil the older it gets. This is because as soils pass through time, more and more iron
are being oxidized through the soil. As iron molecules becomes oxidized, it will create Fe2O3 also
known as rust. And when rust combines with soil particles, it will have a distinct reddish color
(which also means lesser nutrients and minerals available for plant consumption).

Summary and Conclusion:

With an area which is so mountainous in nature, I have realized how hard it is to find mature
soils, as most of what I found was young soils—A and C are the only recognizable horizons. I had to
extra effort finding pits that has mature soil. This activity also made me engaged to SOIL that I only
just unconsciously step every day and only taken for granted to appreciate its importance. As an BS-
ABE student this activity develops me an interest to study further with this greatest gift of nature, the

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