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My future plans

Hello everyone, my name is Susan. I am thirty years old. At the moment I am

in the second year in the university and I often dream about my future. I have
big plans and I like to tell you.

My most immediate plans are holiday plans.

I am going to visit my brother; he is working
in Brazil. My mother and I are going to spend
Christmas with him in the summer. I am very
excited about that.

When I return I am going to continue my studies, I am

going to study other subjects, I am interested in English
and Portuguese. I am going to finish my career. I want
to work; I am going to work with my friend Jasper in a
construction. He is very helpful and we have already worked together. It was
great fun and we get on very well.

In five or ten years I am going to have my own business and work for myself,
like my father. He has his own building business.

I am going to marry and have children, ideally before I

am thirty years old. But I can’t plan when I am going to
meet the right person and I haven’t had a boyfriend at
the moment.
In my dream I see myself at 40 running my own company with employees, I
am going to build big buildings for people. And I am going to have a beautiful
house and two children.

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