What Did Mohammed Do?: 50 Things Muslims DON'T Want You To Know

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What Did Mohammed Do?

50 Things Muslims DON'T Want You to Know

Flabby Arms?
Need a Workout? Missed Appointment?
Nothing better than the Blame it on the puppy.
beheading workout. Kill all dogs.
Behead 600 - 900 Just Like Mohammed
captives in one day. Ordered.
Just Like Mohammed Did.

Want a Cute 6-year old Girl? Divorce a Child?

Marry her at 6. Pre-pubescent divorce is OK.
Deflower her at 9. Koran 65:4.
He was 6 x 9 = 54 Just Like Mohammed Ordered.
Just Like Mohammed Did.

Want a New Wife?

Kill husband, take wife.
Just Like Mohammed Did.
Bored with a Dozen Wives?
Get yourself some Sex Slaves.
Want to Marry Your Son's Beautiful Wife?
(Koran 4:23-24).
Allah ordered it (Koran 33:37).
Just Like Mohammed Did.
Just Like Mohammed Did.

Prove Rape?
She needs 4 male
Muslim witnesses.
Koran 24:13. Someone Making Fun of You?
Just Like Mohammed Said. Kill them.
Just Like Mohammed Ordered.
Wives and Sex Slaves
Causing Trouble? Don't Like Your Uncle and Aunt?
It's OK to beat them. Curse them to hell (Koran 111: 1-5).
Koran 4:34. Just Like Mohammed Did.
Just Like Mohammed Did.

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1. When Mohammed was 51-years old, he married Aisha. How old was Aisha?
2. Mohammed waited 3 long years to have sex with Aisha when she was how old?
3. How old was Mohammed when he had sex with Aisha who was only 9? Hint: think 69 (6 x 9 = ?).
4. Divorcing pre-pubescent girls is allowed in the Koran (65:4). Was Aisha ever divorced?
5. Allah ordered Mohammed (Koran 33:37) to marry the strikingly beautiful woman (named Zaynab bint Jahsh)
that he saw earlier in a revealing and sexy chemise. Who was this relative?
6. Allah allowed one person and only one person in the world to marry as many women as he wanted (Koran 33:50),
who was this man?
7. Muslim men are allowed to have sex slaves (concubines) according to the Koran (4:23-24), these sex slaves
are referred to as “Possessions of the --------.
8. When Muslims kill non-Muslims, they are guaranteed to go to heaven (Koran 9:111). How many virgins
(they’re always reflowered after deflowering) are awaiting them?
9. Female Muslims can only marry Muslim men. Muslim men (4:3) can marry anyone, Muslims or non-Muslims,
and are allowed how many wives?
10. How many male Muslims in good standing are required to witness a rape to prove rape in Islam (Koran 24:13)?
1 2 3 4 5
6 years old 9 years old 54 years old no son’s wife

6 7 8 9 10
Mohammed right hand 72 virgins 4 wives 4 witnesses

11. Some Muslim women tried and failed to prove rape and were convicted, jailed or killed for what crime?
12. Under Sharia (Islamic) law, women convicted of adultery can be buried in the dirt and killed by which method?
Hint: Mohammed sentenced a pregnant woman from Ghamid to death this way after having the baby.
13. Chapter 2 (The Cow), verse 223 allows men to have sex with their wives and rape their sex slaves.
Women are referred to as what?
14. Chapter 4 (Women), verse 34 in the Koran allows Muslim men to do what to their wives and their sex slaves?
15. Aisha (69- married at 6, deflowered at 9) said: “I have not seen any woman suffering as much as the believing
woman.” What group does believing woman refer to?
16. In Islam (Koran 2:282), for legal matters other than rape, a woman’s testimony is worth how much compared
to a man?
17. In Islamic law (Sharia), a man can divorce his wife by uttering which 3 words, 3 times?
18. In which very wealthy Islamic country, are women not allowed to vote and not allowed to drive?
19. In March 2002 in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, how many school girls were forced to burn alive as they weren’t
allowed to leave because they weren’t wearing the required outer garments as they were escaping?
20. In Islam (Koran 4:11), a son’s inheritance is how much larger than the daughter’s inheritance?

11 12 13 14 15
adultery stoning to death a tilth beat them Muslim women

16 17 18 19 20
half of a man I divorce you Saudi Arabia 14 burnt alive twice as large
21. In Islam, female Muslims are treated better than non-Muslims in one regard. They are allowed to visit which
two cities that are off-limits to all non-Muslims? Hint: think Apartheid, Islamic Apartheid where even
presidents, prime ministers, diplomats, etc. are forbidden to go because they’re the wrong religion.
22. One of Mohammed sex slaves (by definition - rape is implied as slaves can’t refuse), Mary the Copt, gave birth
to Mohammed’s son who died in infancy. What was the name of this illegitimate child (out of wedlock)?
23. Allah, through Gabriel, to Mohammed (Koran 33:53) didn’t allow Mohammed’s 10 widows to do what?
24. Killing women for the crime of getting raped to maintain the family honor in Islam is called what?
25. How long did the angel Gabriel “relay messages from Allah” to Mohammed for the Koran?
26. Which drink is forbidden on earth as being Satan’s beverage (5:90), yet allowed in heaven as a reward (37:47)
for not drinking it here on earth?
27. Many verses in the Koran conflict, so later written verses nullify earlier written verses. What’s this called?
28. The Koran has 114 Chapters. What was the last Chapter written that cancels all other contradictory verses?
29. The Koran, Hadiths, and Muslims often refer to Jews and Christians as which 2 animals?
30. Muslims can lie to non-Muslims to advance Islam, according to the Koran. What is this called?

21 22 23 24 25
Mecca and Medina Abraham remarry honor killing more than 23 years

26 27 28 29 30
alcohol abrogation Chapter 9 monkeys and pigs Taqiyya

31. Muslims can omit the truth to non-Muslims to advance Islam. What’s this called?
32. Leaving Islam often results in death. What is leaving Islam called?
33. 9/11 guaranteed the Muslim terrorists a ticket to heaven, per Koran 9:111, the verse that says what?
34. Muslims MUST treat non-Muslims as inferior or 2nd class citizens called what (Koran 9:29)?
35. Mohammed allowed Muslims to pray to Allah, and 3 other Goddesses called: al-Lat, al-’Uzza, and Manat.
These verses came out of Mohammed’s mouth from Satan and these verses are called what?
36. After Mohammed allowed Muslims to pray to 4 Gods and Goddesses in what’s known as the Satanic Verses,
the Koran 17:73-75 gave him a what?
37. Koran, Chapter 8 (Booty) 8:41, allows for Muslims to steal property that belonged to the recently slaughtered.
What percent of the booty was Mohammed allocated (the rest to be divided up amongst the others)?
38. Koran Chapter 111, Verses 1-5 curse Mohammed’s aunt and uncle to where?
39. Koran 98:6 says that Infidels (non-Muslims) are the vilest of creatures and deserve no what?
40. Koran 2:256 says “no compulsion in religon” but is ---- (made null and void) by verses 9:29, 8:39 and others.

31 32 33 34 35
Kitman Apostasy Slay or Be Slain for Allah Dhimmis Satanic Verses

36 37 38 39 40
stern warning 20% to Mohammed hell mercy abrogated
41. Koran 2:65 and 7:166 calls Jews apes, and 5:60 calls Jews apes and what other animal?
42. Koran 5:32 says basically “if you kill one person, you kill all of mankind.” This verse was written by Muslims,
but not for Muslims. This verse was a warning to which group not to cause trouble for Mohammed?
43. Numerous verses in the Koran (ex. 47:4) refer to beheading the Infidels, known as ---- their necks?
44. Infidels must dress differently than Muslims in Islamic lands to show their inferior status.
What is the name of the wide cloth belt that Infidels must wear to show that they’re inferior?
44. What is the name of the animal that Mohammed rode from Mecca to Jerusalem and back again in one night.
He made a brief stop in heaven where he came across Moses many times.
Hint: it’s that half-donkey, half-mule with wings and a human head (female of course).
45. Mohammed ordered that all dogs be ______ because Gabriel didn’t enter the house because a puppy
was hiding under the bed.
45. Persecution of Infidels by Muslims is obligatory (Dhimmis, Jizya, etc.). Muslims however believe that
---------- Infidels is better than being persecuted by Infidels (Koran 2:214).
46. The majority of Muslims worlwide cannot read, write or understand the Koran. They memorize verses and are
provided with translations because the Koran is written not in modern, but difficult, classical ---------.
47. Peaceful and equal coexistence between Muslims and Infidels is impossible in Islamic lands because Infidels
must be subjugated and treated as 2nd-class citizens, pay the jizya (extortion tax), dress differently,
and acknowledge the ------- of Islam.
48. Insulting Mohammed or Islam requires death (Koran 47:4) as Mohammed himself personally ordered the
*** of men and women such as female poetess Asma bint Marwan, Abu ‘Afak, and the Kab bin Al-Ashraf.
49. Chapter 5 (The Table), verse 51, forbids Muslims from having Jews, Christians and all non-Muslims as what?
50. Imams (Islamic clerics) sometimes issue death warrants for those who offend Islam. What are these called?
41 42 43 44 45
pigs Jews (Children of Israel) smite/smiting buraq killed

46 47 48 49 50
Arabic superiority assassination friends fatwas

To learn more about the real Islam, including:

More Quizzes (Another 50 things Muslims don’t want you to know)
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Word Scrabble
Jokes and Riddles
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and much, much more.
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