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Assignment-1 BUS251: Introduction to Human Resources

Date Issued: July 07, 2021 Due Date: July 13, 2021 (8:00 pm)
Professor Name: Mohammad Al Mamun Achieved Grade:


Student Name Student ID

Assignment Topic:

Maximum points- 10
1. After months of insufficient recognition (and 2 years without a raise), you accept an
offer from another firm for a $2,000-a-year raise. When you tell your boss you are
resigning, you are told how crucial you are to the business and are offered a raise of
$2,500 per year. What do you do? Why? What problems might exist if you accept the

2. In small businesses, managers usually handle their own recruiting. What methods would
you use for the following situations? Why?
(a) The regular janitor is going on vacation for three weeks.
(b) Your office assistant who manages all appointments and handles all filing in your office
has the flu and won’t be in the office for two days.
(c) Two more salespersons are needed: one for local customers and one to open a sales
office in Victoria, British Columbia.

(d) Your only chemist is retiring and must be replaced with a highly skilled individual.

(e) Next week, your only computer programmer/analyst plans to begin on a three-week
leave to visit his sick mother in India. If his mother’s health turns for the worse, he may be
delayed by another week or two.
Assessment Criteria
Level-1: (1-5) Marks:

1. Introduction, basic understanding of theory, document structure and follow assignment

2. Have the standard assignment cover sheet.
3. Include a title page stating the module name, title of assignment, name of the student
and ID NO and word count. Word limit (500-600 each question)
4. Be word format and double spaced in black print no smaller than point 12.

Level-2: (6-7) Marks:

1. Introduction, demonstration of critical understanding, relevance of theory, reference.

2. Demonstrate a familiarity with Human resources management strategy in the context of
different situation.

Level-3: (8-10) Marks:

1. Introduction, demonstration of critical understanding, relevance of theory, reference

and follow assignment guidelines.
2. Document structure, coherence and presentation, justification and use reference
relevant textbook, newspaper and other sources.
3. Evaluate how the business environment, resources and competences, stakeholders and
organizational culture have an impact on strategy

Guidelines for an Assignment

1. Hand writing is not acceptable

2. Format should be word / Microsoft word as per format is given. PDF, JPG, WordPad, notepad
will not be acceptable.
3. Assignment answer based on your thinking, logic, reason, practical experience as well as online
research. You may include examples. Do not write anything vague, which is not relevant to your
4. Copy and paste from other students will not be accepted, you may get ‘0’ in that case.

Do your reading an assignment about instruction

- Font size should be 12 or 14 not more that…

- Uppercase is not acceptable just follow your basic rules
- You can use color but not necessary
- You can use different chart, table any structure depending how you approach and how is
logical related to your assignment
- Assignment should not more than 1000-1200 words ( Each topic-500-600)
- Use assessment top sheet as cover page

Check the deadline

Plan your time

Plan your assignment structure

Ask for help (if you need it)

Structure your argument

Make sure you’ve answered the question

Check and double-check your spelling

Do not copy and paste from online or from others use your own words but you can use

Make sure your assignment topic support your answer


Your own justifications what do you understand from assignment topics.


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