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GATE NoteBook

Target JRF - UGC NET Computer Science Paper 2

1000 MEQs
100 Qs on SOFTWARE
Most Expected Questions Course
701. The software life cycle can be said to consist of a series of phases. The
classical model is referred to as the waterfall model. Which phase defined
as “The concept is explored and refined, and the client’s requirements are
(A) Requirements
(B) Specification
(C) Design
(D) Implementation
701. The software life cycle can be said to consist of a series of phases. The
classical model is referred to as the waterfall model. Which phase defined
as “The concept is explored and refined, and the client’s requirements are
(A) Requirements
(B) Specification
(C) Design
(D) Implementation
Waterfall Model
 Simple and easy to understand and use
 Easy to manage due to the rigidity of the model. Each phase has specific
deliverables and a review process.
 Phases are processed and completed one at a time.
 Works well for smaller projects where requirements are very well understood.
 Clearly defined stages.
 Well understood milestones.
 Easy to arrange tasks.
 Process and results are well documented.
702. In the maintenance phase the product must be tested
against previous test cases. This is known as _________ testing.
(A) Unit
(B) Integration
(C) Regression
(D) Module
702. In the maintenance phase the product must be tested
against previous test cases. This is known as _________ testing.
(A) Unit
(B) Integration
(C) Regression
(D) Module
Individual modules are tested to determine if there are any issues by the developer
It is concerned with functional correctness of the standalone modules.

Verify the functional, performance, and reliability between the modules that are

 Checks individual subprograms, subroutines, classes, or procedures in a program.
 Instead of testing whole software program at once, it testing the smaller building
blocks of the program.
 white box oriented.
703. In the classical chief programmer team approach, the team member
responsible for maintaining the detailed design and coding is
(A) The chief programmer
(B) The programming secretary
(C) A specialized function that exists outside ‘the team’
(D) The individual coder
703. In the classical chief programmer team approach, the team member
responsible for maintaining the detailed design and coding is
(A) The chief programmer
(B) The programming secretary
(C) A specialized function that exists outside ‘the team’
(D) The individual coder

1. The Chief programmer : It is the person who is actively involved in the planning,
specification and design process and ideally in the implementation process as well.

2. The project assistant : It is the closest technical co-worker of the chief programmer.

3. The project secretary : It relieves the chief programmer and all other programmers
of administration tools.

4. Specialists : These people select the implementation language, implement individual

system components and employ software tools and carry out tasks.
704. What is the essence of software engineering?

(A) Requirements Definition, Design Representation, Knowledge Capture

and Quality Factors

(B) Maintaining Configurations, Organizing Teams, Channeling Creativity and

Planning Resource Use

(C) Time/Space Tradeoffs, Optimizing Process, Minimizing Communication

and Problem Decomposition

(D) Managing Complexity, Managing Personnel Resources, Managing Time

and Money and Producing Useful Products
704. What is the essence of software engineering?

(A) Requirements Definition, Design Representation, Knowledge Capture

and Quality Factors

(B) Maintaining Configurations, Organizing Teams, Channeling Creativity and

Planning Resource Use

(C) Time/Space Tradeoffs, Optimizing Process, Minimizing Communication

and Problem Decomposition

(D) Managing Complexity, Managing Personnel Resources, Managing Time

and Money and Producing Useful Products
705. What are the major activities of the spiral model of software

(A) Planning, Risk Analysis, Engineering, Customer Evaluation

(B) Defining, Prototyping, Testing, Delivery
(C) Requirements
(D) Quick Design, Build Prototype, Evaluate Prototype, Refine Prototype
705. What are the major activities of the spiral model of software

(A) Planning, Risk Analysis, Engineering, Customer Evaluation

(B) Defining, Prototyping, Testing, Delivery
(C) Requirements
(D) Quick Design, Build Prototype, Evaluate Prototype, Refine Prototype
 Provides support for Risk Handling.
 It looks like a spiral with many loops.
 No. of loops of the spiral is unknown and can vary from project to project.
 Each loop of the spiral is called a Phase of the software development process.
 The Radius of the spiral at any point represents the expenses(cost) of the project so far, and
the angular dimension represents the progress made so far in the current phase.
 Advantages :
a) Risk Handling
b) Handling large projects
c) Flexibility in Requirements
d) Customer Satisfaction
706. Which of the following projects would be a good one for adopting the
prototyping paradigm for software development?

(A) Accounting System

(B) Spreadsheet
(C) Automobile Cruise Control
(D) Algebra Tutor
706. Which of the following projects would be a good one for adopting the
prototyping paradigm for software development?

(A) Accounting System

(B) Spreadsheet
(C) Automobile Cruise Control
(D) Algebra Tutor

minimizing the execution errors would not

included in views of quality software.
• Prototyping : process of developing a working replication of a product or
system that has to be engineered.
• It offers a small scale facsimile of the end product and is used for obtaining
customer feedback.
• used when the customers do not know the exact project requirements
707. A process view in software engineering would consider which of the
following ?
(A) Product performance
(B) Staffing
(C) Functionality
(D) Reliability
707. A process view in software engineering would consider which of the
following ?
(A) Product performance
(B) Staffing
(C) Functionality
(D) Reliability
 Deals with the dynamic aspects of the system
 Explains the system processes and how they communicate
 Focuses on the run time behavior of the system. The process view addresses
concurrency, distribution, integrator, performance, and scalability, etc.

 It deals with the appoint personnel for the position that is identified by the
organizational structure.
 It involves:
a) Defining requirement for personnel.
b) Recruiting , identifying, interviewing, and selecting candidates.
708. Which of the following is not a description of planning?

(A) Planning is used to find credible ways to produce results with limited
resources and limited schedule flexibility

(B) Planning is finding new personnel resources to support labor intensive


(C) Planning is identifying and accommodating the unforeseen

(D) Planning is negotiating compromises in completion dates and resource

708. Which of the following is not a description of planning?

(A) Planning is used to find credible ways to produce results with limited
resources and limited schedule flexibility

(B) Planning is finding new personnel resources to support labor intensive


(C) Planning is identifying and accommodating the unforeseen

(D) Planning is negotiating compromises in completion dates and resource

709. What do you call, when the elements of a module, all operate on the
same data?

(A) Functional cohesion

(B) Temporal cohesion
(C) Procedural cohesion
(D) Communicational cohesion
709. What do you call, when the elements of a module, all operate on the
same data?

(A) Functional cohesion

(B) Temporal cohesion
(C) Procedural cohesion
Cohesion is a measure that defines the degree of
(D) Communicational cohesion
intra-dependability within elements of a module.

The greater the cohesion, the better is the

program design.
1. Co-incidental cohesion – It is unplanned and random cohesion, which might be the result of breaking the
program into smaller modules for the sake of modularization. Because it is unplanned, it may serve confusion to
the programmers and is generally not-accepted.

2. Logical cohesion - When logically categorized elements are put together into a module, called logical cohesion.

3. Temporal Cohesion - When elements of module are organized such that they are processed at a similar point in
time, it is called temporal cohesion.

4. Procedural cohesion - When elements of module are grouped together, which are executed sequentially in order
to perform a task, it is called procedural cohesion.

5. Communicational cohesion - When elements of module are grouped together, which are executed sequentially
and work on same data or information, it is called communicational cohesion.

6. Sequential cohesion - When elements of module are grouped because the output of one element serves as input
to another and so on, it is called sequential cohesion.

7. Functional cohesion - It is considered to be the highest degree of cohesion, and it is highly expected.Elements of
module in functional cohesion are grouped because they all contribute to a single well-defined function. It can
also be reused.
710. Which of the following items should not be included in the software
project management plan?

(A) The techniques and case tools to be used

(B) Detailed schedules, budgets and resource allocations
(C) The life cycle model to be used
(D) None of the above
710. Which of the following items should not be included in the software
project management plan?

(A) The techniques and case tools to be used

(B) Detailed schedules, budgets and resource allocations
(C) The life cycle model to be used
(D) None of the above
711. A design is said to be a good design if the components are

(A) Strongly coupled

(B) Weakly cohesive
(C) Strongly coupled and weakly cohesive
(D) Strongly cohesive and weakly coupled
711. A design is said to be a good design if the components are

(A) Strongly coupled

(B) Weakly cohesive
(C) Strongly coupled and weakly cohesive
(D) Strongly cohesive and weakly coupled
712. Work that continues throughout the project and does not relate to any
specific phase of software development is termed as

(A) Milestone
(B) Project function
(C) Activity
(D) Task
712. Work that continues throughout the project and does not relate to any
specific phase of software development is termed as

(A) Milestone
(B) Project function
(C) Activity
(D) Task
713. Which of the following is a life-cycle concern?

(A) Testing
(B) Portability
(C) Programming
(D) Planning
713. Which of the following is a life-cycle concern?

(A) Testing
(B) Portability
(C) Programming
(D) Planning
714. In choosing a development life-cycle model, one would consider the

(A) Development Group Expertise, Problem Characteristics, User Expectations

(B) Languages, Development Schedule, Competition
(C) System Context, User Population, Platforms
(D) Organizational Structure, User Tasks, Performance Criteria
714. In choosing a development life-cycle model, one would consider the

(A) Development Group Expertise, Problem Characteristics, User Expectations

(B) Languages, Development Schedule, Competition
(C) System Context, User Population, Platforms
(D) Organizational Structure, User Tasks, Performance Criteria
715. A systematic approach to software development, as epitomized by the
various life-cycle models, is useful in

(A) Helping us understand the nature of the software product

(B) Convincing the customer that we know what we are doing
(C) Filling texts on software engineering
(D) Managing the various activities necessary to get the job done
715. A systematic approach to software development, as epitomized by the
various life-cycle models, is useful in

(A) Helping us understand the nature of the software product

(B) Convincing the customer that we know what we are doing
(C) Filling texts on software engineering
(D) Managing the various activities necessary to get the job done
716. What do you call when two modules are coupled, when they
communicate via a composite data item?

(A) Content coupling

(B) Common coupling
(C) Control coupling
(D) Stamp coupling
716. What do you call when two modules are coupled, when they
communicate via a composite data item?

(A) Content coupling

(B) Common coupling
(C) Control coupling
(D) Stamp coupling
Coupling is a measure that defines the level of inter-dependability among modules of a

It tells at what level the modules interfere and interact with each other.
The lower the coupling, the better the program.

1. Content coupling - When a module can directly access or modify or refer to the
content of another module, it is called content level coupling.

2. Common coupling- When multiple modules have read and write access to some
global data, it is called common or global coupling.

3. Control coupling- Two modules are called control-coupled if one of them decides the
function of the other module or changes its flow of execution.

4. Stamp coupling- When multiple modules share common data structure and work on
different part of it, it is called stamp coupling.
717. How does a software project manager need to act to minimize the risk
of software failure?

(A) Double the project team size

(B) Request a large budget
(C) Form a small software team
(D) Track progress
717. How does a software project manager need to act to minimize the risk
of software failure?

(A) Double the project team size

(B) Request a large budget
(C) Form a small software team
(D) Track progress
718. The rapid application development model is

(A) Same as component-based development

(B) A useful approach when a customer cannot define requirements clearly
(C) A high-speed adaptation of the linear sequential model
(D) Same as incremental model
718. The rapid application development model is

(A) Same as component-based development

(B) A useful approach when a customer cannot define requirements clearly
(C) A high-speed adaptation of the linear sequential model
(D) Same as incremental model
719. The tools for computing critical path and project completion times
from activity networks is/are


(A) Both (I) and (III) above

(B) Both (I) and (IV) above
(C) Both (II) and (IV) above
(D) Both (II) and (III) above
719. The tools for computing critical path and project completion times
from activity networks is/are


(A) Both (I) and (III) above

(B) Both (I) and (IV) above
(C) Both (II) and (IV) above
(D) Both (II) and (III) above
Major steps of the Critical Path Method:
 Identifying the activities FPA (Function Point Analysis)
 Construct the project network It provides standardized method to
 Perform time estimation using forward functionally size the software work product.
and backward pass
 Identify the critical path

Defect Removal Efficiency (DRE)

 It gives a measure of the development Project Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)
team ability to remove defects prior to  It is a procedure through which activities of a
release. project are represented in its appropriate
 It is calculated as a ratio of defects sequence and timing.
resolved to total number of defects  It is a scheduling technique used to schedule,
found. organize and integrate tasks within a project.
 It is typically measured prior and at
the moment of release.
720. Identify, from among the following, the correct statement.

(A) One of the main challenges Software Engineering facing today is the
requirement of most software systems to work with a multitude
homogenous systems

(B) ‘Legacy systems’ are custom developed software systems for the legal

(C) Software does not wear-out in the traditional sense of the term, but
software does tend to deteriorate as it evolves

(D) Since software is essentially ‘intangible’ it is relatively easy to manage

software projects
720. Identify, from among the following, the correct statement.

(A) One of the main challenges Software Engineering facing today is the
requirement of most software systems to work with a multitude
homogenous systems

(B) ‘Legacy systems’ are custom developed software systems for the legal

(C) Software does not wear-out in the traditional sense of the term, but
software does tend to deteriorate as it evolves

(D) Since software is essentially ‘intangible’ it is relatively easy to manage

software projects
721. Views of quality software would not include

(A) Optimizing price and performance

(B) Minimizing the execution errors
(C) Conformance to specification
(D) Establishing valid requirements
721. Views of quality software would not include

(A) Optimizing price and performance

(B) Minimizing the execution errors
(C) Conformance to specification
(D) Establishing valid requirements
722. Which tests are designed to confront the program with abnormal

(A) Recovery testing

(B) Security testing
(C) Stress testing
(D) Performance testing
722. Which tests are designed to confront the program with abnormal

(A) Recovery testing

(B) Security testing
(C) Stress testing
(D) Performance testing
723. To be an effective aid in process improvement the baseline metrics
used must be

(A) Based on reasonable estimates from failed projects

(B) Measured consistently across projects
(C) Drawn from large projects only
(D) Based only on successful projects
723. To be an effective aid in process improvement the baseline metrics
used must be

(A) Based on reasonable estimates from failed projects

(B) Measured consistently across projects
(C) Drawn from large projects only
(D) Based only on successful projects
724. What is the fundamental reason that software cannot be considered to
be engineered?

(A) It is designed by humans and therefore flawed

(B) Software engineering (as opposed to other forms of engineering, such as

Civil) is an art – not a science

(C) The discipline is relatively new, say in comparison to bridge building that
is an activity that has millennia of practice

(D) The complexity of systems and their interaction continues faster than we
can understand it
724. What is the fundamental reason that software cannot be considered to
be engineered?

(A) It is designed by humans and therefore flawed

(B) Software engineering (as opposed to other forms of engineering, such as

Civil) is an art – not a science

(C) The discipline is relatively new, say in comparison to bridge building that
is an activity that has millennia of practice

(D) The complexity of systems and their interaction continues faster than we
can understand it
725. What would be investigated during Requirements analysis?

(A) System performance, Test Scheduling, Organizational Structure

(B) Languages, Platforms, Competition
(C) System Context, User Populations, User Tasks
(D) Verification, Formal Methods, Accuracy
725. What would be investigated during Requirements analysis?

(A) System performance, Test Scheduling, Organizational Structure

(B) Languages, Platforms, Competition
(C) System Context, User Populations, User Tasks
(D) Verification, Formal Methods, Accuracy
Complete study, analyzing, describing software requirements so that
requirements that are genuine and needed can be fulfilled to solve problem.

There are several activities involved in analyzing Software requirements :

1. Problem Recognition
2. Evaluation and Synthesis
3. Modeling
4. Specification
5. Review
726. Which of the following is not the guiding principle of software project

(A) Compartmentalization
(B) Market assessment
(C) Time allocation
(D) Effort validation
726. Which of the following is not the guiding principle of software project

(A) Compartmentalization
(B) Market assessment
(C) Time allocation
(D) Effort validation
727. Which of the following interface design principles reduces the user’s
memory load?

I. Define intuitive shortcuts

II. Disclose information in a progressive fashion
III. Establish meaningful defaults
IV. Provide an on-line tutorial

(A) Only (I) above

(B) Only (II) above
(C) Only (III) above
(D) (I), (II) and (III) above
727. Which of the following interface design principles reduces the user’s
memory load?

I. Define intuitive shortcuts

II. Disclose information in a progressive fashion
III. Establish meaningful defaults
IV. Provide an on-line tutorial

(A) Only (I) above

(B) Only (II) above
(C) Only (III) above
(D) (I), (II) and (III) above
728. In Intermediate COCOMO the mode that represents complex products
is referred to as

(A) Embedded
(B) Semidetached
(C) Organic
(D) Multiplicative
728. In Intermediate COCOMO the mode that represents complex products
is referred to as

(A) Embedded
(B) Semidetached
(C) Organic
(D) Multiplicative
In Intermediate COCOMO there are three modes:
organic, semidetached and imbedded .
729. In planning a software project one would

(A) Find ways to produce results using limited resources

(B) Pad the schedule to accommodate errors
(C) Overestimate the budget
(D) Structure the team to prevent administrative interference
729. In planning a software project one would

(A) Find ways to produce results using limited resources

(B) Pad the schedule to accommodate errors
(C) Overestimate the budget
(D) Structure the team to prevent administrative interference
730. Which configuration objects would not typically be found in the project

(A) Design specification

(B) Marketing data
(C) Executable code
(D) Test plans
730. Which configuration objects would not typically be found in the project

(A) Design specification

(B) Marketing data
(C) Executable code
(D) Test plans
731. A simple way of looking at the spiral software life-cycle model is as a
waterfall model with each phase proceeded by

(A) Build-and-fix
(B) Freezing
(C) Synchronization
(D) Risk analysis
731. A simple way of looking at the spiral software life-cycle model is as a
waterfall model with each phase proceeded by

(A) Build-and-fix
(B) Freezing
(C) Synchronization
(D) Risk analysis
732. Software configuration activities would not include

(A) Identify change

(B) Control change
(C) Ensure improper implementation of change
(D) Report change to interested parties
732. Software configuration activities would not include

(A) Identify change

(B) Control change
(C) Ensure improper implementation of change
(D) Report change to interested parties
733. The purpose of earned value analysis is to

(A) Determine how to compensate developers based on their productivity

(B) Provide a quantitative means of assessing software project progress
(C) Provide a qualitative means of assessing software project progress
(D) Set the price point for a software product based on development effort
733. The purpose of earned value analysis is to

(A) Determine how to compensate developers based on their productivity

(B) Provide a quantitative means of assessing software project progress
(C) Provide a qualitative means of assessing software project progress
(D) Set the price point for a software product based on development effort
734. Which of the following task(s) is/are not part of software configuration
I. Change control
II. Reporting
III. Statistical quality control

(A) Only (I) above

(B) Only (II) above
(C) Only (III) above
(D) Both (I) and (II) above
734. Which of the following task(s) is/are not part of software configuration
I. Change control
II. Reporting
III. Statistical quality control

(A) Only (I) above

(B) Only (II) above
(C) Only (III) above
(D) Both (I) and (II) above
735. Which best captures the nature of the quality paradigm?

(A) The Nature of Quality, A Process Perspective, Defect Elimination

(B) Process, Product, People, Problem
(C) Measurement, Quality Control, Validation
(D) Feasibility, Requirements, Economics, Customer’s Needs
735. Which best captures the nature of the quality paradigm?

(A) The Nature of Quality, A Process Perspective, Defect Elimination

(B) Process, Product, People, Problem
(C) Measurement, Quality Control, Validation
(D) Feasibility, Requirements, Economics, Customer’s Needs
736. Which property of the rapid prototype is not important?

(A) The speed with which it can be developed

(B) The speed with which it can be modified
(C) Its ability to determine the client’s real needs
(D) The insights that the design team can gain from it, even if they are of the
‘how not to do it’ variety
736. Which property of the rapid prototype is not important?

(A) The speed with which it can be developed

(B) The speed with which it can be modified
(C) Its ability to determine the client’s real needs
(D) The insights that the design team can gain from it, even if they are of the
‘how not to do it’ variety
737. Which of the following is not a ‘concern’ during the management of a
software project?

(A) Money
(B) Time
(C) Product quality
(D) Product quantity
737. Which of the following is not a ‘concern’ during the management of a
software project?

(A) Money
(B) Time
(C) Product quality
(D) Product quantity
738. Which of the following is not an objective for building analysis models?

(A) Define set of software requirements that can be validated

(B) Describe customer requirements
(C) Develop a solution for the problem
(D) Establish basis for software design
738. Which of the following is not an objective for building analysis models?

(A) Define set of software requirements that can be validated

(B) Describe customer requirements
(C) Develop a solution for the problem
(D) Establish basis for software design
739. Which of the following are direct measures?
I. Size
II. Effort
III. Schedule
IV. Quality

(A) Both (I) and (II) above

(B) Both (I) and (III) above
(C) Both (I) and (IV) above
(D) All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above
739. Which of the following are direct measures?
I. Size
II. Effort
III. Schedule
IV. Quality Direct Measurement:
the product, process or thing is
measured directly using standard
(A) Both (I) and (II) above scale.
(B) Both (I) and (III) above
(C) Both (I) and (IV) above Indirect Measurement:
(D) All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above the quantity or quality to be
measured is measured using related
parameter i.e. by use of reference.
740. An example of the risk involved in software development is

(A) Key personnel may resign before the product is complete

(B) The manufacturer of critical components may go bankrupt
(C) Technology changes may render the product obsolete
(D) All of these are risks involved in software development
740. An example of the risk involved in software development is

(A) Key personnel may resign before the product is complete

(B) The manufacturer of critical components may go bankrupt
(C) Technology changes may render the product obsolete
(D) All of these are risks involved in software development
741. Coupling is a qualitative indication of the degree to which a module

(A) Can be written more compactly

(B) Focuses on just one thing
(C) Is able to complete its function in a timely manner
(D) Is connected to other modules
741. Coupling is a qualitative indication of the degree to which a module

(A) Can be written more compactly

(B) Focuses on just one thing
(C) Is able to complete its function in a timely manner
(D) Is connected to other modules
742. The Incremental Model is a result of combination of elements of which
two models?

a) Build & FIX Model & Waterfall Model

b) Linear Model & RAD Model
c) Linear Model & Prototyping Model
d) Waterfall Model & RAD Model
742. The Incremental Model is a result of combination of elements of which
two models?

a) Build & FIX Model & Waterfall Model

b) Linear Model & RAD Model
Each linear sequence
c) Linear Model & Prototyping Model produces a deliverable
increment of the software
d) Waterfall Model & RAD Model and particularly when we
have to quickly deliver a
limited functionality
743. Which of the following is not viewed as a primary mover in improving
the software process?

a) Increased Effectiveness
b) Better Product Quality
c) Improved Staff Satisfaction
d) Reduced Costs
e) Tighter managerial control.
743. Which of the following is not viewed as a primary mover in improving
the software process?

a) Increased Effectiveness
b) Better Product Quality
c) Improved Staff Satisfaction
d) Reduced Costs
e) Tighter managerial control.
744. Which of the following is true for a thin-client?

(A) Processes application logic

(B) Performs data management task
(C) Places heavy processing load on the server
(D) Makes use of processing power of the client
744. Which of the following is true for a thin-client?

(A) Processes application logic

(B) Performs data management task
(C) Places heavy processing load on the server
(D) Makes use of processing power of the client
 It is a computer that runs from resources stored on a central server instead of a
localized hard drive.
 It work by connecting remotely to a server-based computing environment where most
applications, sensitive data, and memory, are stored.
745. Which of the following is not an area of concern in the design model?

(A) Architecture
(B) Data design
(C) Interfaces design
(D) Project scope
745. Which of the following is not an area of concern in the design model?

(A) Architecture
(B) Data design
(C) Interfaces design
(D) Project scope
746. Which is not involved in software development process?

(A) People
(B) Problem
(C) Practice
(D) Process
746. Which is not involved in software development process?

(A) People
(B) Problem
(C) Practice
(D) Process
747. Problems with using Lines of Code to measure the size of a product include(s)
(a) The creation of source code is only part of the development effort
(b) The Lines of Code (LOC) will differ between languages and cannot be
measured for some languages
(c) Should comments, data definitions etc (i.e. non-executable LOC) be included
as well?
(d) The final size (kLOC) can only be determined once the product is delivered
(e) All of the above.
747. Problems with using Lines of Code to measure the size of a product include(s)
(a) The creation of source code is only part of the development effort
(b) The Lines of Code (LOC) will differ between languages and cannot be
measured for some languages
(c) Should comments, data definitions etc (i.e. non-executable LOC) be included
as well?
(d) The final size (kLOC) can only be determined once the product is delivered
(e) All of the above.
748. How does a software project manager need to act to minimize the risk
of software failure?

(A) Double the project team size

(B) Request a large budget
(C) Form a small software team
(D) Track progress
748. How does a software project manager need to act to minimize the risk
of software failure?

(A) Double the project team size

(B) Request a large budget
(C) Form a small software team
(D) Track progress
749. Black box testing is also called

(A) Specification-based testing

(B) Structural testing
(C) Verification
(D) Unit testing
749. Black box testing is also called

(A) Specification-based testing

(B) Structural testing
(C) Verification
(D) Unit testing
Black Box testing White Box testing
used to test the software without the knowledge of the internal structure internal structure is known to the tester.
of program or application.
It also knowns as data-driven, box testing, data-, and functional testing. It is also called structural testing, clear box testing, code-based testing, or glass
box testing.
Testing is based on external expectations; internal behavior of the Internal working is known, and the tester can test accordingly.
application is unknown.
ideal for higher levels of testing like System Testing, Acceptance testing. Testing is best suited for a lower level of testing like Unit Testing, Integration
Programming knowledge is not needed Programming knowledge is required
Implementation knowledge is not requiring Complete understanding needed
Test and programmer are dependent on each other, so it is tough to White Box testing is easy to automate.
The main objective of this testing is to check what functionality of the The main objective of White Box testing is done to check the quality of the
system under test. code.
Testing can start after preparing requirement specification document. Testing can start after preparing for Detail design document.
Performed by the end user, developer, and tester. Usually done by tester and developers.
Granularity is low. Granularity is high.
It is based on trial and error method. Data domain and internal boundaries can be tested.
It is less exhaustive and time-consuming. Exhaustive and time-consuming method.
Not the best method for algorithm testing. Best suited for algorithm testing.
Code access is not required for Black Box Testing. requires code access. Thereby, the code could be stolen if testing is outsourced.
Well suited and efficient for large code segments. It allows removing the extra lines of code, which can bring in hidden defects.
Low skilled testers can test the application with no knowledge of the Need an expert tester with vast experience to perform white box testing.
implementation of programming language or operating system.
Update to automation test script is essential if you to modify application Automated test cases can become useless if the code base is rapidly changing.
750. Software measurement is useful to

(A) Indicate quality of the product

(B) Track progress
(C) Assess productivity
(D) All of the above
750. Software measurement is useful to

(A) Indicate quality of the product

(B) Track progress
(C) Assess productivity
(D) All of the above
Software is measured to:
 Create the quality of the current product or process.
 Anticipate future qualities of the product or process.
 Enhance the quality of a product or process.
 Regulate the state of the project in relation to budget and schedule.

Direct Measurement: process or thing is measured directly using standard scale.

Indirect Measurement: quantity or quality to be measured is measured using related
parameter i.e. by use of reference.
GATE NoteBook
Target JRF - UGC NET Computer Science Paper 2

1000 MEQs
100 Qs on SOFTWARE
Most Expected Questions Course
748. When to Re-Engineer?
I. When the system changes are mostly confined to part of the system then re-
engineer that part.
II. When hardware or software support becomes obsolete.
III. When tools to support re-structuring are available.

a) I & II
b) I & III
c) II & III
d) All of them
e) None of them
748. When to Re-Engineer?
I. When the system changes are mostly confined to part of the system then re-
engineer that part.
II. When hardware or software support becomes obsolete.
III. When tools to support re-structuring are available.

a) I & II
b) I & III
c) II & III
d) All of them
e) None of them
751. Legacy system is a system that is hard to maintain.
So it involves:-
1) Re-documenting the system.
2) Organizing but not re-structuring the system.
3) Modifying and upgrading structure and value of the system data.

a) 1 and 3
b) 2 and 3
c) 1 and 2
d) All of them
751. Legacy system is a system that is hard to maintain.
So it involves:-
1) Re-documenting the system.
2) Organizing but not re-structuring the system.
3) Modifying and upgrading structure and value of the system data.

a) 1 and 3
b) 2 and 3
c) 1 and 2
d) All of them
752. A company needs to develop digital signal processing software for one of
its newest inventions. The software is expected to have 40000 lines of code.
The company needs to determine the effort in person-months needed to
develop this software using the basic COCOMO model. The multiplicative
factor for this model is given as 2.8 for the software development on
embedded systems, while the exponentiation factor is given as 1.20.
What is the estimated effort in person-months?

a) 234.25
b) 932.50
c) 287.80
d) 122.40
752. A company needs to develop digital signal processing software for one of
its newest inventions. The software is expected to have 40000 lines of code.
The company needs to determine the effort in person-months needed to
develop this software using the basic COCOMO model. The multiplicative
factor for this model is given as 2.8 for the software development on
embedded systems, while the exponentiation factor is given as 1.20.
What is the estimated effort in person-months?

a) 234.25 Effort Applied (E) = ab(KLOC)bb

b) 932.50
c) 287.80 = 2.8 x(40)1.20
d) 122.40 = 2.8 x 83.65

= 234.25
753. Which one of the following is NOT desired in a good Software
Requirement Specifications (SRS) document?

a) Functional Requirements
b) Non-Functional Requirements
c) Goals of Implementation
d) Algorithms for Software Implementation
753. Which one of the following is NOT desired in a good Software
Requirement Specifications (SRS) document?

a) Functional Requirements
b) Non-Functional Requirements
c) Goals of Implementation
d) Algorithms for Software Implementation
 A requirements specification for a software system
 It is a complete description of the behavior of a system to be developed and may
include a set of use cases that describe interactions the users will have with the
 In addition it also contains non-functional requirements.
 Non-functional requirements impose constraints on the design or implementation
such as performance engineering requirements, quality standards, or design
754. What is the appropriate pairing of items in the two columns listing various activities
encountered in a software life cycle?
P. Requirements Capture 1.Module Development and Integration
Q. Design 2.Domain Analysis
R. Implementation 3.Structural and Behavioral Modeling
S. Maintenance 4.Performance Tuning
A) P-3, Q-2, R-4, S-1
B) P-2, Q-3, R-1, S-4
C) P-3, Q-2, R-1, S-4
D) P-2, Q-3, R-4, S-1
754. What is the appropriate pairing of items in the two columns listing various activities
encountered in a software life cycle?
P. Requirements Capture 1.Module Development and Integration
Q. Design 2.Domain Analysis
R. Implementation 3.Structural and Behavioral Modeling
S. Maintenance 4.Performance Tuning
A) P-3, Q-2, R-4, S-1
B) P-2, Q-3, R-1, S-4
C) P-3, Q-2, R-1, S-4
D) P-2, Q-3, R-4, S-1
755. Consider the following statements about the cyclomatic complexity of the control
flow graph of a program module. Which of these are TRUE?

I. The cyclomatic complexity of a module is equal to the maximum number of linearly independent
circuits in the graph.

II. The cyclomatic complexity of a module is the number of decisions in the module plus one,where
a decision is effectively any conditional statement in the module.

III. The cyclomatic complexity can also be used as a number of linearly independent paths that
should be tested during path coverage testing.

a) I and II
b) II and III
c) I and III
d) I, II and III
755. Consider the following statements about the cyclomatic complexity of the control
flow graph of a program module. Which of these are TRUE?

I. The cyclomatic complexity of a module is equal to the maximum number of linearly independent
circuits in the graph.

II. The cyclomatic complexity of a module is the number of decisions in the module plus one,where
a decision is effectively any conditional statement in the module.

III. The cyclomatic complexity can also be used as a number of linearly independent paths that
should be tested during path coverage testing.

a) I and II
b) II and III
c) I and III
d) I, II and III
756. Match the following :
1) Waterfall model a) Specifications can be developed incrementally
2) Evolutionary model b) Requirements compromises are inevitable
3) Component-based c) Explicit recognition of risk software engineering
4) Spiral development d) Inflexible partitioning of the project into stages

A) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d

B) 1-d, 2-a, 3-b, 4-c
C) 1-d, 2-b, 3-a, 4-c
D) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b, 4-d
756. Match the following :
1) Waterfall model a) Specifications can be developed incrementally
2) Evolutionary model b) Requirements compromises are inevitable
3) Component-based c) Explicit recognition of risk software engineering
4) Spiral development d) Inflexible partitioning of the project into stages

A) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d

B) 1-d, 2-a, 3-b, 4-c
C) 1-d, 2-b, 3-a, 4-c
D) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b, 4-d
Waterfall Model Component based Model

We can not go back in Reuse-based approach to defining,

previous project phase as implementing and composing loosely
soon as as we proceed to coupled independent components
next phase , into systems
So inflexible
Spiral Model

It is the most advanced .

Evolutionary Model It includes four faces one of which is
It keeps changing with Phases:
evolution so incremental in Planning, Risk
nature Analysis, Engineering and Evaluation
757. Match the following :
(1) Product Complexity (a) Software Requirements Definition
(2) Structured System Analysis (b) Software Design
(3) Coupling and Cohesion (c) Validation Technique
(4) Symbolic Execution (d) Software Cost Estimation

A) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d

B) 1-d, 2-a, 3-b, 4-c
C) 1-d, 2-b, 3-a, 4-c
D) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b, 4-d
757. Match the following :
(1) Product Complexity (a) Software Requirements Definition
(2) Structured System Analysis (b) Software Design
(3) Coupling and Cohesion (c) Validation Technique
(4) Symbolic Execution (d) Software Cost Estimation

A) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d

B) 1-d, 2-a, 3-b, 4-c
C) 1-d, 2-b, 3-a, 4-c
D) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b, 4-d
758. Which one of the following is not typically provided by Source Code
Management Software ?

a) Synchronization
b) Versioning and Revision history
c) Syntax highlighting
d) Project forking
758. Which one of the following is not typically provided by Source Code
Management Software ?
Syntax Highlighting
 Strategy to improve the readability and
a) Synchronization context of the text; especially for code
b) Versioning and Revision history that spans several pages.

c) Syntax highlighting  The reader can easily ignore large

sections of comments or code,
d) Project forking depending on what they are looking for.

 Also helps programmers find errors in

their program.
Source Code Management (SCM)
 Used to track modifications to a source code repository.
 Tracks a running history of changes to a code base and helps resolve conflicts when
merging updates from multiple contributors.
 Also synonymous with Version control.
 As software projects grow in lines of code and contributor head count, the costs of
communication overhead and management complexity also grow.
 A critical tool to alleviate the organizational strain of growing development costs.
 It is a huge aid to engineering teams that will lower development costs by allowing
engineering resources to execute more efficiently.
 SCM is a must have in the modern age of software development.
759. Which of the following models used for software reliability ?

a) Waterfall
b) Musa
d) Rayleigh
759. Which of the following models used for software reliability ?

a) Waterfall
b) Musa
d) Rayleigh
Rayleigh Model COCOMO
• Predicts fault detection over the life of The constructive cost model was developed as a
the software development effort. model for estimating effort, cost, and schedule for
• This model assumes that over the life of software projects.
the project that the faults detected per
month will resemble a Raleigh curve. Waterfall Model
It is the software development life cycle model
Musa Model which depicts the phases of conception, initiation,
• Used to predict, prior to system testing, analysis, design, construction, testing, deployment
what the failure rate will be at the start and maintenance.
of system testing.
• Then later be used in the reliability
growth modelling. Musa model is also used for software
• For this prediction method, it is
reliability testing
assumed that the only thing known
about the hypothetical program is a
prediction of its size and the processor Rayleigh model is very popularly used with
speed. higher accuracy.
760. In unit testing of a module, it is found that for a set of test data, at the
maximum 90% of the code alone were tested with the probability of success
0.9. The reliability of the module is

a) Greater than 0.9

b) Equal to 0.9
c) At most 0.81
d) At least 0.81
760. In unit testing of a module, it is found that for a set of test data, at the
maximum 90% of the code alone were tested with the probability of success
0.9. The reliability of the module is

a) Greater than 0.9

b) Equal to 0.9
c) At most 0.81 Code tested maximum 90% = 0.9
Probability of success = 0.9
d) At least 0.81 So, reliability of the module = at most 0.9 x 0.9
= 0.81
761. Maximum possible value of reliability is

1. 100%
2. 10
3. 1
4. 100

a) 1 or 4
b) 1 or 3
c) Only 2
d) Only 3
e) All of the above
761. Maximum possible value of reliability is

1. 100%
2. 10
3. 1
4. 100

a) 1 or 4
b) 1 or 3
c) Only 2
d) Only 3
e) All of the above Max possible reliability is 1 or 100 %
762. Which of the following is used for extending the UML language ?

a) Backward compatibility
b) Stereotype
c) Software metrics
d) All of them
762. Which of the following is used for extending the UML language ?

a) Backward compatibility
b) Stereotype
c) Software metrics There are three type of stereotypes :
d) All of them 1. An boundary often represent a user interface (GUI).
2. A controller is responsible for representing the
business logic between boundary and data entity.
3. An entity is a data object or persistent data object.
763. Which of the follwoing is carried out to port the existing software to a new
environment ?
a) Corrective maintenance
b) Adaptive maintenance
c) Perfective maintenance
d) Preventive maintenance
763. Which of the following is carried out to port the existing software to a new
environment ?
a) Corrective maintenance
b) Adaptive maintenance
c) Perfective maintenance
d) Preventive maintenance
764. A software design is highly modular if cohesion is ________ and coupling is

a) Functional , Data type

b) Coincidental , Data Type
c) Sequential, content type
d) Functional , stamp type
764. A software design is highly modular if cohesion is ________ and coupling is

a) Functional , Data type

b) Coincidental , Data Type
c) Sequential, content type
d) Functional , stamp type
765. Which of the following is a group based tool for collecting user
requirements and creating system design, Mostly used in analysis and design
stages of SDLC ?
a) Component based technology
b) Agile development
c) Computer Aided Software Engg
d) Joint Application Design (JAD)
765. Which of the following is a group based tool for collecting user
requirements and creating system design, Mostly used in analysis and design
stages of SDLC ?
a) Component based technology
b) Agile development
c) Computer Aided Software Engg
d) Joint Application Design (JAD)
766. Consider the statements :

S1 - Computer Aided Software Engineering is a reusable applications generally with one

specific function which is closely linked with idea of web services and service oriented

S2 - Computer Aided Software Engineering Delivers functionality in rapid iteration

measured in weeks and needs frequent communication, development, testing and

Which statement(s) is/are FALSE ?

a) ONLY S1
b) ONLY S2
766. Consider the statements :

S1 - Computer Aided Software Engineering is a reusable applications generally with one

specific function which is closely linked with idea of web services and service oriented
architecture. (Agile development)

S2 - Computer Aided Software Engineering Delivers functionality in rapid iteration

measured in weeks and needs frequent communication, development, testing and

Which statement(s) is/are FALSE ?

a) ONLY S1
b) ONLY S2
767. Which of the following is the tools to automate many tasks of SDLC ?

a) Component based technology

b) Agile development
c) Computer Aided Software Engg
d) Joint Application Design (JAD)
767. Which of the following is the tools to automate many tasks of SDLC ?

a) Component based technology

b) Agile development
c) Computer Aided Software Engg
d) Joint Application Design (JAD)
768. Which of the following is/are a UML DIAGRAM?

1. Use Case
2. Class Diagram
3. Analysis Diagram
4. Swimlane Diagram

a) 1, 2 and 3
b) 1, 2 and 4
c) 2, 3 and 4
d) Only 1 and 2
e) All of them
768. Which of the following is/are a UML DIAGRAM?

1. Use Case
2. Class Diagram
3. Analysis Diagram
4. Swimlane Diagram

a) 1, 2 and 3
b) 1, 2 and 4
c) 2, 3 and 4
d) Only 1 and 2
e) All of them
769. figure represents which one of the following UML diagram for a single send
session of an online chat system?

a) Package diagram LOGIN SEND LOGOUT

b) Activity diagram
c) Class diagram
d) Sequence diagram
769. figure represents which one of the following UML diagram for a single send
session of an online chat system?

a) Package diagram LOGIN SEND LOGOUT

b) Activity diagram
c) Class diagram
d) Sequence diagram
Sequence Diagram Activity Diagram  Using class diagram you can draw
the sequence diagrams to show
Represents the UML, used to
Also represents the UML, the interaction between classes.
visualize the sequence of calls
used to model the
in a system that is used to
perform a specific functionality.
workflow of a system.  Activity diagram is focused on
Actions within the behaviour.
Shows the message flow
Shows the message flow from
from one activity to  Sequence diagram is focused on
one object to another object.
Interactions between objects
Used for the purpose of Used for the purpose of within the behaviour.
dynamic modelling. functional modelling.
Package Diagram
Describes the general
Describes the behavior of
 Used to simplify complex class diagram.
several objects in a single use  It can group classes into packages.
of actions for several
objects and use cases.  A package is a collection of logically
related UML elements.
Mainly used to represent
Mainly used to represent the
the execution of the
 Packages are depicted as file folders and
time order of a process. can be used on any of the UML diagrams.
770. Which of the following statement(s) is/are CORRECT about rental and
leasing methods to acquire computer systems for a Management Information
System (MIS) ?
I. No capital is tied up
II. Financing is required
a) Only I
b) Only II
c) Both
d) None
770. Which of the following statement(s) is/are CORRECT about rental and
leasing methods to acquire computer systems for a Management Information
System (MIS) ?
As compared to rental and leasing methods to acquire
I. No capital is tied up computer systems for a Management Information System
(MIS), purchase method has following advantage it is a
II. Financing is required business investment.

a) Only I Other Advantages of renting and leasing :

 No capital is tied up
b) Only II  No financing is required

c) Both Disadvantages:
 Expensive
d) None  Company doesn't own the system when the agreement
771. Consider the statements:
1. Warnier/Orr Diagram is a kind of hierarchical flowchart that allows the
description of the organization of data and procedures.
2. Warnier/Orr Diagram enables analyst to represent information hierarchy in
a detailed manner.

a) 1 and 2 are TRUE

b) 1 and 2 are FALSE
c) 1 is TRUE but 2 is FALSE
d) 1 is FALSE but 2 is TRUE
771. Consider the statements:
1. Warnier/Orr Diagram is a kind of hierarchical flowchart that allows the
description of the organization of data and procedures.
2. Warnier/Orr Diagram enables analyst to represent information hierarchy in
a detailed manner.

a) 1 and 2 are TRUE

b) 1 and 2 are FALSE Warnier/Orr Diagram enables analyst to

c) 1 is TRUE but 2 is FALSE represent information hierarchy in a compact

or summarized manner.
d) 1 is FALSE but 2 is TRUE
772. The Cyclomatic Complexity metric V(G) of the following
control flow graph :

a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 6
772. The Cyclomatic Complexity metric V(G) of the following
control flow graph :

When a Control-flow graph is given,

The Cyclomatic Complexity of a graph
= e − n + 2p
e = total number of edges in the graph.
n = total number of nodes in the graph.
p = total number of connected components.

The given graph has:

e = 7, n = 5 and p = 1

Cyclomatic Complexity = 7 - 5 + 2(1) = 4

772. The Cyclomatic Complexity metric V(G) of the following
control flow graph :

a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 6
773. Consider the statements about Pareto Analysis :

1. It is a statistical method used for analyzing causes.

2. It is one of the primary tools for software configuration management.

a) 1 and 2 are TRUE

b) 1 and 2 are FALSE
c) 1 is TRUE but 2 is FALSE
d) 1 is FALSE but 2 is TRUE
773. Consider the statements about Pareto Analysis :

1. It is a statistical method used for analyzing causes.

2. It is one of the primary tools for software configuration management.

a) 1 and 2 are TRUE

b) 1 and 2 are FALSE
c) 1 is TRUE but 2 is FALSE
It is one of the primary tools for quality
d) 1 is FALSE but 2 is TRUE management.
774. The reliability of a system can also be specified as the
a) Software Requirement Specification
b) Cyclomatic Complexity
c) Mean Time To Failure
d) Constructive Cost Model
774. The reliability of a system can also be specified as the
a) Software Requirement Specification
b) Cyclomatic Complexity
c) Mean Time To Failure (MTTF)
d) Constructive Cost Model
775. Activities which ensure that the software that has been built, is traceable
to customer requirement is covered as part of

a) Verification
b) Validation
c) Maintenance
d) Modeling
775. Activities which ensure that the software that has been built, is traceable
to customer requirement is covered as part of

a) Verification
b) Validation
c) Maintenance
d) Modeling
776. Which statement(s) is/are CORRECT about verification ?

1) refers to the set of activities that ensure that software correctly

implements a specific function
2) gives answer to the question - Are we building the product right ?

a) Only 1
b) Only 2
c) Both
d) None
776. Which statement(s) is/are CORRECT about verification ?

1) refers to the set of activities that ensure that software correctly

implements a specific function
2) gives answer to the question - Are we building the product right ?

a) Only 1
b) Only 2
c) Both
d) None
776. Which statement(s) is/are CORRECT about verification ?

1) it does not requires execution of software.

2) it requires execution of software.

a) Only 1
b) Only 2
c) Both
d) None
776. Which statement(s) is/are CORRECT about verification ?

1) it does not requires execution of software.

2) it requires execution of software.

a) Only 1
b) Only 2
c) Both
d) None
777. Requirements elicitation consists of :

1) Requirements prioritisation
2) Requirements negotiation

a) Only 1
b) Only 2
c) Both
d) None
777. Requirements elicitation consists of :

1) Requirements prioritisation
2) Requirements negotiation

a) Only 1
b) Only 2 Requirements Elicitation Methods
a) Interviews
c) Both b) Brainstorming Sessions
c) Facilitated Application Specification Technique (FAST)
d) None
d) Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
e) Use Case Approach
778. Mutation testing is a fault simulation technique. In this technique,

a) The fault is introduced in the program by creating the mutant of the

replicated program.
b) Mutant programs are the inverted version of the actual program.
c) Both a) and b) are correct
d) Both a) and b) are incorrect
778. Mutation testing is a fault simulation technique. In this technique,
a) The fault is introduced in the program by creating the mutant of the
replicated program.
b) Mutant programs are the inverted version of the actual program.
c) Both a) and b) are correct
d) Both a) and b) are incorrect

a) The fault is introduced in the program by creating the mutant of the actual program.
b) Mutant programs are the version of the actual program.
When the testing is performed on actual program and its mutant program with the same test cases
than the actual program and mutant program should generate at least one different output which
leads the mutant program to get failed and show the effectiveness of the test cases.
779. If a program P calls two subprograms P1 and P2 and P1 can fail 50% of the
time and P2 can fail 40% of the time, what is the failure rate of program P

a) 50%
b) 60%
c) 70%
d) 10%
779. If a program P calls two subprograms P1 and P2 and P1 can fail 50% of the
time and P2 can fail 40% of the time, what is the failure rate of program P

Assume we run this program 100 times.

a) 50%
50 times it fails at p1 and only 50 times the
b) 60% control reaches to p2.
c) 70% and P2 fails at 40 %
d) 10%
40% of 50 is 20

Therefore out of 100 times it fails 70 times


1. FAULT I. Human mistake that causes disturbance

2. ERROR II. External behavior is incorrect
3. FAILURE III. Discrepancy in code that causes an obstruction.

a) 1-I, 2-II, 3-III

b) 1-III, 2-II, 3-I
c) 1-III, 2-I, 3-II
d) 1-II, 2-I, 3-III

1. FAULT I. Human mistake that causes disturbance

2. ERROR II. External behavior is incorrect
3. FAILURE III. Discrepancy in code that causes an obstruction.

a) 1-I, 2-II, 3-III

b) 1-III, 2-II, 3-I
c) 1-III, 2-I, 3-II
d) 1-II, 2-I, 3-III
Fault : It is a condition that causes the software to fail to perform its required function.
Error : Refers to difference between Actual Output and Expected output.
Failure : It is the inability of a system or component to perform required
function according to its specification.

Error is terminology of Developer.

Bug is terminology of Tester

Error leads to fault and fault leads to failure.


1. Robustness I. software performs its intended functions without failures

2. Correctness II. The ability to overcome adverse conditions or rigorous testing.
3. Reliability III. the quality or state of being free from error
4. Accuracy IV. the degree of result measurement conforms to the correct value

a) 1-I, 2-II, 3-III, 4-IV

b) 1-III, 2-II, 3-I, 4-IV
c) 1-II, 2-III, 3-I, 4-IV
d) 1-II, 2-I, 3-III, 4-IV

1. Robustness I. software performs its intended functions without failures

2. Correctness II. The ability to overcome adverse conditions or rigorous testing.
3. Reliability III. the quality or state of being free from error
4. Accuracy IV. the degree of result measurement conforms to the correct value

a) 1-I, 2-II, 3-III, 4-IV

b) 1-III, 2-II, 3-I, 4-IV
c) 1-II, 2-III, 3-I, 4-IV
d) 1-II, 2-I, 3-III, 4-IV
782. Consider the following pseudo code :

while (m < n)
if (x > y ) and (a < b) then
end if
end while

What is cyclomatic complexity of the above pseudo code?

a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
while (m < n)
if (x > y ) and (a < b) then
end if
end while

Cyclomatic Complexity = e − n + 2p
e = total number of edges in the graph.
n = total number of nodes in the graph.
p = total number of connected components.

According to the question :

e = 8, n = 6 and p = 1
Cyclomatic Complexity = 8 - 6 + 2(1) = 4
782. Consider the following pseudo code :

while (m < n)
if (x > y ) and (a < b) then
end if
end while

What is cyclomatic complexity of the above pseudo code?

a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
783. There are 5 levels of Capability Maturity Model.
Find out the CORRECT sequence from LEVEL 1 to LEVEL 5.

a) Optimizing - Managed – Defined - Repeatable - Initial

b) Initial - Defined – Managed - Repeatable - Optimizing
c) Initial - Defined – Repeatable - Managed - Optimizing
d) Initial - Repeatable – Defined - Managed - Optimizing
783. There are 5 levels of Capability Maturity Model.
Find out the CORRECT sequence from LEVEL 1 to LEVEL 5.

a) Optimizing - Managed – Defined - Repeatable - Initial

b) Initial - Defined – Managed - Repeatable - Optimizing
c) Initial - Defined – Repeatable - Managed - Optimizing
d) Initial - Repeatable – Defined - Managed - Optimizing
Level 1 - Initial
Level 2 - Repeatable
Level 3 - Defined
Level 4 - Managed (Capable)
Level 5 - Optimizing (Efficient)
784. Which statement(s) is/are INCORRECT ?
1) Wizards are Forms that provide structure for a document
2) Macros are Step-by-step guides in application software
3) Software Suite is bundled group of software programs
4) Integrated Software is a single program that incorporates most commonly
used tools
a) 1 and 2
b) 3 and 4
c) 1 and 4
d) 2 and 3
784. Which statement(s) is/are INCORRECT ?
1) Wizards are Forms that provide structure for a document
2) Macros are Step-by-step guides in application software
3) Software Suite is bundled group of software programs
4) Integrated Software is a single program that incorporates most commonly
used tools
a) 1 and 2
b) 3 and 4
c) 1 and 4
Wizards is Step-by-step guides in application software
d) 2 and 3 Templates are Forms that provide structure for a document
785. There are 2 types of quality of software products named as internal and
external quality. Which one of the following is INCORRECT about quality of
software product types ?

i. Robustness, Efficiency & Usability are external qualities of software product.

ii. Portability and Interoperability are internal qualities of software product.
iii. Maintainability and Reusability are external qualities of software product.
iv. Correctness and Reliability are external qualities of software product.

a) Only 1 & 3
b) Only 2 & 4
c) Only 2
d) Only 3
e) None of them
785. There are 2 types of quality of software products named as internal and
external quality. Which one of the following is INCORRECT about quality of
software product types ?

i. Robustness, Efficiency & Usability are external qualities of software product.

ii. Portability and Interoperability are internal qualities of software product.
iii. Maintainability and Reusability are external qualities of software product.
iv. Correctness and Reliability are external qualities of software product.

a) Only 1 & 3
b) Only 2 & 4
c) Only 2
d) Only 3 Maintainability and Reusability are internal
e) None of them qualities of software product.
External qualities of a software product:

1) Correctness
2) Reliability
3) Robustness
4) Efficiency
5) Usability

Internal qualities of a software product:

1) Maintainability
2) Reusability
3) Portability
4) Interoperability
786. Generally, process models end when software is __________ and in case of
spiral model stops when the software product is __________

a) expired, delivered
b) delivered, expired
c) delivered, retired
d) retired, risk analysis completed
786. Generally, process models end when software is __________ and in case of
spiral model stops when the software product is __________

a) expired, delivered
b) delivered, expired
c) delivered, retired
d) retired, risk analysis completed
787. Which of the following divides the development process into four distinct
phases named as business modeling, analysis and design, implementation,
testing, and deployment ?

a) Rapid Application Development

b) Rational Unified Process
c) Evolutionary Model
d) Waterfall Model
787. Which of the following divides the development process into four distinct
phases named as business modeling, analysis and design, implementation,
testing, and deployment ?

a) Rapid Application Development

b) Rational Unified Process
c) Evolutionary Model
d) Waterfall Model
788. Software safety is quality assurance activity.
Which statement(s) is/are CORRECT about Software safety?
1) Software safety focuses on hazards that may cause an entire system to fail.
2) It is related to marketing or input errors or affection of reliability.
3) If system fails all things related to system will be affected.

a) Only 1 and 2
b) Only 2 and 3
c) Only 1 and 3
d) All of them
788. Software safety is quality assurance activity.
Which statement(s) is/are CORRECT about Software safety?
1) Software safety focuses on hazards that may cause an entire system to fail.
2) It is related to marketing or input errors or affection of reliability.
3) If system fails all things related to system will be affected.

a) Only 1 and 2
b) Only 2 and 3
c) Only 1 and 3 It is not related to marketing or input errors or
d) All of them affection of reliability.

1. Data dictionary I. collection of descriptions of the data objects or items in a

data model for the benefit of programmers and others who
2. Reference mechanism need to refer to them.
II. program that infers and manipulates existing knowledge in
3. Inference engine order to generate new knowledge
III. sorts of relations underlie the reference relation-to wonder
4. Control strategy IV. specific action plans for bringing a process back into control.

a) 1-I, 2-III, 3-II, 4-IV

b) 1-III, 2-II, 3-I, 4-IV
c) 1-II, 2-III, 3-I, 4-IV
d) 1-II, 2-I, 3-III, 4-IV

1. Data dictionary I. collection of descriptions of the data objects or items in a

data model for the benefit of programmers and others who
2. Reference mechanism need to refer to them.
II. program that infers and manipulates existing knowledge in
3. Inference engine order to generate new knowledge
III. sorts of relations underlie the reference relation-to wonder
4. Control strategy IV. specific action plans for bringing a process back into control.

a) 1-I, 2-III, 3-II, 4-IV

b) 1-III, 2-II, 3-I, 4-IV
c) 1-II, 2-III, 3-I, 4-IV
d) 1-II, 2-I, 3-III, 4-IV
790. What is the cyclomatic complexity of a module
which has seventeen edges and thirteen nodes?

a) 4
b) 5
c) 6
d) 7
790. What is the cyclomatic complexity of a module
which has seventeen edges and thirteen nodes?

a) 4
When a Control-flow graph is given,
b) 5 The Cyclomatic Complexity of a graph
= e − n + 2p
c) 6
d) 7 The given graph has:
e = 17, n = 13 and p = 1

Cyclomatic Complexity = 17 - 13 + 2(1) = 6

791. Which of the following statement(s) is/are TRUE about data coupling ?
1. It is the strongest coupling.
2. It is most desirable coupling in a software.
3. It is having low degree of coupling which is not good for a software.

a) 1 and 2
b) Only 2
c) Only 3
d) 2 and 3
e) All of them
791. Which of the following statement(s) is/are TRUE about data coupling ?
1. It is the strongest coupling.
2. It is most desirable coupling in a software.
3. It is having low degree of coupling which is not good for a software.

a) 1 and 2
b) Only 2
c) Only 3 1. It is the weakest coupling.
2. It is most desirable coupling in a software.
d) 2 and 3 3. It is having low degree of coupling which is
e) All of them good for a software.
792. ERP automates and integrates majority of business processes which is
expensive to implement. It provides access to information in a Real Time
Which of the following is FALSE regarding ERP ?

1. This system helps in Shortening the throughput times.

2. There is sustained involvement and commitment of the top management.
3. Lower total costs in complete supply chain.

a) 1, 2 and 3
b) Only 1 and 2
c) Only 2 and 3
d) Only 1 and 3
e) None of these
792. ERP automates and integrates majority of business processes which is
expensive to implement. It provides access to information in a Real Time
Which of the following is FALSE regarding ERP ?

1. This system helps in Shortening the throughput times.

2. There is sustained involvement and commitment of the top management.
3. Lower total costs in complete supply chain.

a) 1, 2 and 3
b) Only 1 and 2
c) Only 2 and 3
d) Only 1 and 3
e) None of these
793. No doubt that data is integrated within the system in ERP, but

a) there is no integration of data with other enterprise or division systems

b) it does not include external intelligence.
c) a) and b)
d) None of these
793. No doubt that data is integrated within the system in ERP, but

a) there is no integration of data with other enterprise or division systems

b) it does not include external intelligence.
c) a) and b)
d) None of these
794. Consider a software program that is artificially seeded with 100 faults.
While testing this program, 159 faults are detected, out of which 75 faults are
from those artificially seeded faults. Assuming that both real and seeded faults
are of same nature and have same distribution, the estimated number of
undetected real faults is ____________.

a) 28
b) 175
c) 56
d) 84
794. Consider a software program that is artificially seeded with 100 faults. While testing
this program, 159 faults are detected, out of which 75 faults are from those artificially
seeded faults. Assuming that both real and seeded faults are of same nature and have
same distribution, the estimated number of undetected real faults is ____________.

a) 28
b) 175 Total faults detected = 159
Real faults detected among all detected faults = 159 - 75 = 84
c) 56
Since probability distribution is same,
d) 84 Total number of real faults is (100/75)*84 = 112
Undetected real faults = 112- 84 = 28
75% of faults are detected because 75 artificially seeded faults are detected out of 100.
Given that the total faults detected = 159
Real faults detected among all detected faults = 159 – 75= 84
Since probability distribution is same, total number of real faults is (100/75)*84 = 112
Therefore undetected real faults = 112-84 = 28.
795. In a software project, COCOMO Model is used to estimate ____________
a) effort and duration based on the size of the software
b) size and duration based on the effort of the software
c) effort and cost based on the duration of the software
d) size, effort and duration based on the cost of the software
795. In a software project, COCOMO Model is used to estimate ____________
a) effort and duration based on the size of the software
b) size and duration based on the effort of the software
c) effort and cost based on the duration of the software
d) size, effort and duration based on the cost of the software

Applied (E) = ab(KLOC)bb [ person-months ]

Development Time (D) = cb(Effort Applied)db [months]
People required (P) = Effort Applied / Development Time [count]
796. A software project involves execution of 5 tasks T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 of
duration 10, 15, 18, 30 and 40 days, respectively. T2 and T4 can start only after
T1 completes. T3 can start after T2 completes. T5 can start only after both T3
and T4 complete. What is the slack time of the task T3 in days?
a) 0
b) 3
c) 18
d) 30
796. A software project involves execution of 5 tasks T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 of duration
10, 15, 18, 30 and 40 days, respectively. T2 and T4 can start only after T1 completes. T3
can start after T2 completes. T5 can start only after both T3 and T4 complete. What is
the slack time of the task T3 in days?
a) 0
b) 3
c) 18
d) 30
Slack Time = LS-ES
ES of T3 is after completion of T1 and T2 so
T5: ES =10+15+18=43
T3: LS =43-18=25
Slack time = ES-LS =25-25=0 // For T3
797. Consider the following program module : What is Cyclomatic complexity
of the above module?
int module1 (int x, int y) a) 1
{ b) 2
while (x! = y) c) 3
{ d) 4
if (x > y)
x = x – y;
return x;
797. Consider the following program module : What is Cyclomatic complexity
of the above module?
int module1 (int x, int y) a) 1
{ b) 2
while (x! = y) c) 3
{ d) 4
if (x > y)
x = x – y;
else Condition nodes :
2. if
return x; Therefore,
} Cyclomatic Complexity
= no. of condition nodes + 1
= 2+1=3
798. Which is of the following having objective is to bridge the expectation gap
– difference between what the developers think they are supposed to build and
what customers think they are going to get ?

a) Facilitated Application Specification Technique

b) Quality Function Deployment
c) Use case diagram
d) a) and b) both
e) a) and c) both
798. Which is of the following having objective is to bridge the expectation gap
– difference between what the developers think they are supposed to build and
what customers think they are going to get ?

a) Facilitated Application Specification Technique

b) Quality Function Deployment
c) Use case diagram
d) a) and b) both
e) a) and c) both
799. In QFD technique, customer satisfaction is of prime concern, hence it
emphasizes on the requirements which are valuable to the customer.

Which of the following is the appropriate example of Exciting requirements ?

a) protection from unauthorized access.

b) entry of marks, calculation of results.
c) when unauthorized access is detected, it should backup and shutdown all
d) All of the above
e) None of the above
799. In QFD technique, customer satisfaction is of prime concern, hence it
emphasizes on the requirements which are valuable to the customer.

Which of the following is the appropriate example of Exciting requirements ?

a) protection from unauthorized access. (Normal requirements)

b) entry of marks, calculation of results. (Expected requirements)
c) when unauthorized access is detected, it should backup and shutdown all
d) All of the above
e) None of the above
800. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Use Case Approach ?

1. This technique combines text and pictures to provide a better

understanding of the requirements.
2. The use cases describe the ‘what and ‘how’ of a system.
3. They only give a functional view of the system.

a) 1 and 2
b) 1 and 3
c) Only 2
d) Only 3
e) All of them
800. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Use Case Approach ?

1. This technique combines text and pictures to provide a better

understanding of the requirements.
2. The use cases describe the ‘what and ‘how’ of a system.
3. They only give a functional view of the system.

a) 1 and 2
b) 1 and 3
c) Only 2
d) Only 3 The use cases describe the ‘what’, of a system
e) All of them and not ‘how’.

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