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1. The so-called digital divide is actually several gaps in one.

 List, in order of priority, the various gaps

(factors) you would like to address in the context of your country.

Developing technology and the Internet have created a digital divide between the underprivileged, poor
and the wealthy right across the world. More than 80% of the world population have never heard the
term or phrase surf the Web. The gap between the information haves and have-nots is widening
(Bridging the digital divide 1999). The digital divide refers to the gap between those people who have
access to digital technologies and information on the Internet, and those who do not. Having a look at
Figure 1, we can see that the most Internet users come from first world countries and developed
countries, not third world countries. (Bridging the digital divide 1999).Figure 1 Internet users worldwide
(adapted from Bridging the Digital Divide 1999

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