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Business Rule Framework Plus

(BRF+) Output Management in

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DEFINITION- BRF+ stands for Business Rule Framework Plus which

provides a comprehensive Application programming
interface and User interface for defining business rules. It
enables you to define business rules without the need of
writing ABAP code.

The generated Business Rules can be incorporated

into other SAP programs or Substitution/Validation rules.

How does BRF+ manage business rules?

BRF+ can manage the business rules in a decision table
where it is scalable and transparent to the business analyst
making updates per business needs. This is where all of the
components related to your application resides. i.e.
Components: (Data Elements, Functions, Rulesets,
Expressions, etc). contact:+916360959192 P a g e 1 | 20
Input (Business Side) to Output (Vendor/ External Agency) flow of Output

Biliing Document PrintOut

or or
Purchase Order Email (Vendor)
or OUTPUT or
Request for Quotation MGMT Fax
or or
Purchase Contract EDI
or or
Sales Document Idocs

BRF + Version-1511 is also called the New Output Management.

Let us do the Configuration of BRF+ in SAP S4 HANA 1909 System,
Product Version- Component is S4CORE ; Release-104.
We will go through the below steps to achieve this objective-
Manage Application Object Type Activation.
Path – SPRO-> IMG ->Cross- Application Components-> Output Control ->
Manage Application Object Type Activation. contact:+916360959192 P a g e 2 | 20 contact:+916360959192 P a g e 3 | 20
Normal PO Creation via Tcode ME21N we get Print Preview and Messages ,

But with Step1 Configuration , the above highlighted ( Print Preview and
Messages )would be absent while creating PO via Tcode ME21N. contact:+916360959192 P a g e 4 | 20
Define Output Types. contact:+916360959192 P a g e 5 | 20
The above Class is assigned to the Object type PURCHASE_ORDER. contact:+916360959192 P a g e 6 | 20
Define Business Rules for Output Parameter

On clicking the above , it gets directed to FIORI screen. contact:+916360959192 P a g e 7 | 20 contact:+916360959192 P a g e 8 | 20
Show Rules for :Purchase Order selected.
Determination Step: Output Type selected.
Next we get the Table Contents below.
Press the Edit button to change from Display button.

Press the Table Settings contact:+916360959192 P a g e 9 | 20
Click Insert Column and we can have any combination of Decision
Parameters as well as Result Column.

We have selected in our case Columns as

Document Type- which is Decision Parameter.
Output Type and Dispatch Time – which is Result.
in the Table Contents below- contact:+916360959192 P a g e 10 | 20
Click pointer under Document Type-
- We can pick ( Select Control Parameter) to include our Controls. contact:+916360959192 P a g e 11 | 20
- OR We can pick ( Select Expressions) to include our Expressions.

- We Pick ( Direct Value Input) here-- contact:+916360959192 P a g e 12 | 20 contact:+916360959192 P a g e 13 | 20
Check Receiver, Channel , Printer Settings etc. contact:+916360959192 P a g e 14 | 20
Then press Activate contact:+916360959192 P a g e 15 | 20
Then Start Simulation contact:+916360959192 P a g e 16 | 20
Mr.Kumar is a Procurement officer of J &M Company.
He has arranged to configure BRF+ Output Management in S4 HANA 1909
system using Decision parameter – Document Type (NB). contact:+916360959192 P a g e 17 | 20
Required Material is Cable Tray 100mm width , Qty- 100metres required in
J & M Company Plant (JMPL).

Company Code is JMCO , Purchasing Organisation is JMPO.

Now , the Cable tray vendor M/s Rishi Electricals requires Printout of the
Purchase Order.
(Vendor 64000 -M/s Rishi Electricals is created as Business Partner in the

Hence , Mr.Kumar after saving the Purchase Order No- 4500001133 obtains
the necessary Purchase Order release Approvals and then after PO is
released , searches the Message Outout section in Display PO. contact:+916360959192 P a g e 18 | 20
We get Message Output as- contact:+916360959192 P a g e 19 | 20
Conclusion: Mr. Kumar (M/s J & M Company) uses the Printout Output
(Medium) to give the Purchase Order Copy to M/s Rishi Electricals
( External Vendor).

© Copyright SAP GURU INDIA

The copyright in this work is vested in SAP GURU INDIA. Please note and
abide by copyright laws. This presentation is for educational purposes only.
All logos, photos and information etc., used in this presentation are the
property of SAP GURU INDIA

-----------------------------------THANK YOU------------------------------------------ contact:+916360959192 P a g e 20 | 20

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