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TAK0010.1177/1753944715578405Therapeutic Advances in Cardiovascular DiseaseM George, E Shanmugam

Therapeutic Advances in Cardiovascular Disease Original Research

Value of pentraxin-3 and galectin-3 in

Ther Adv Cardiovasc Dis

2015, Vol. 9(5) 275­–284

acute coronary syndrome: a short-term DOI: 10.1177/


prospective cohort study

© The Author(s), 2015.
Reprints and permissions:

Melvin George, Elangovan Shanmugam, Varsha Srivatsan, Karunamoorthy Vasanth,

Balaji Ramraj, Muthukumar Rajaram, Amrita Jena, Aruna Sridhar, Minakshi Chaudhury
and Ilango Kaliappan

Background: Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) continues to be a leading cause of morbidity and
mortality worldwide. Galectin-3 and pentraxin-3 are two prognostic biomarkers that have been
studied in heart failure (HF). However, there are limited data on these biomarkers in the ACS
population. The objective of the study was to determine the variables that are most affected by
high concentrations of pentraxin-3 and galectin-3, and the influence they have on outcomes of
all-cause mortality in patients with ACS.
Methods: We included a total of 160 patients [ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI),
n = 64; non STEMI/unstable angina (NSTEMI/UA), n = 38; and control subjects with chronic
stable angina (CSA)/microvascular angina (MVA) n = 58]. Plasma pentraxin-3 and galectin-3
levels were assessed from these patients at the time of hospital admission. Major adverse
cardiovascular events including all-cause mortality, rehospitalizations and coronary artery
bypass graft surgery (CABG) were assessed at 6 months.
Results: The median concentration of pentraxin-3 and galectin-3 were significantly higher
in STEMI than in NSTEMI patients (p < 0.005) or controls (p < 0.005). Greater numbers of
deaths (4 versus 0) were observed in STEMI patients with higher levels of these biomarkers. In
Correspondence to:
addition, ACS patients with high levels of pentraxin-3 and galectin-3 had lower left ventricular Melvin George, MD, DM
ejection fraction (LVEF) (p < 0.005), and a moderate correlation was observed between LVEF Department of Cardiology,
SRM Medical College
and pentraxin-3 levels (r = -0.45, p < 0.005). Patients with higher galectin-3 levels were Hospital & Research
also observed to have a lower estimated glomerular fraction rate (eGFR), and a moderate Centre, Kattankulathur,
Kancheepuram, Chennai,
correlation was observed between them (r = -0.34, p < 0.005). Tamil Nadu 603203, India
Conclusion: Pentraxin-3 and galectin-3 hold much promise in the ACS population as
prognostic biomarkers. Elangovan Shanmugam,
Varsha Srivatsan, MSc
Keywords:  acute coronary syndrome, all-cause mortality, estimated glomerular filtration rate, Muthukumar Rajaram,
galectin-3, left ventricular ejection fraction, pentraxin-3 Amrita Jena, MSc
Aruna Sridhar, MSc
Department of Cardiology,
SRM Medical College
Introduction patients die within 24 hours of onset, and 15% of Hospital & Research
Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) remains a major the patients with UA/NSTEMI die or experience Centre, Chennai, India

public health problem causing significant mor- reinfarction 30 days post diagnosis. Once diag- Karunamoorthy Vasanth,
bidity and mortality. The spectrum of ACS nosed with ACS, approximately 30% of the Minakshi Chaudhury,
includes ST segment elevation myocardial infarc- patients are rehospitalized within 6 months [Go MTech
Ilango Kaliappan, PhD
tion (STEMI), non-ST segment elevation myo- et  al. 2014]. Forecasts covering 10 years in the ISISM, SRM University,
cardial infarction (NSTEMI) and unstable angina US, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the UK and Chennai, India
Balaji Ramraj, MD
(UA). They share common pathophysiological Japan observe that the incidence of hospitalized Department of Community
origins related to plaque vulnerability with or cases of ACS will increase from 1.29 million cases Medicine, SRM Medical
College Hospital &
without luminal thrombosis and vasospasm. It in 2012 to 1.43 million cases in 2022 at the rate of Research Centre, Chennai,
has been estimated that about a third of STEMI 1.04% per year [Market Research Reports, 2014]. India 275
Therapeutic Advances in Cardiovascular Disease 9(5)

In India, the mortality attributed to cardiovascu- Galectin-3 has been approved by the FDA as a
lar diseases (CVD) alone is expected to rise by prognostic biomarker in CHF to be used in con-
104% in men and 90% in women between 1985 junction with clinical evaluation [Yin et al. 2014].
and 2015 [Bulatao and Stephens, 1992]. The data Galectin-3 is a soluble β-galactoside binding lec-
from the CREATE (Treatment and outcomes of tin that mediates profibrotic pathways [Sharma
acute coronary syndromes in India) registry et al. 2004]. A number of studies have evaluated
showed that the percentage of STEMI cases were the utility of galectin-3 in heart failure (HF) pop-
significantly higher in the Indian population ulations, but only a handful of studies have been
(61%) compared with the Western population conducted in ACS populations. Grandin and col-
(30–40%) despite them being 5–10 years younger leagues observed that, in patients with acute myo-
[Xavier et al. 2008]. cardial infarction (AMI), those with galectin-3
greater than median had a higher risk of new or
In 1998, the Biomarkers Definitions Working recurrent HF [Grandin et al. 2012]. Tsai and col-
Group at the US National Institutes of Health leagues found that patients with STEMI had
defined a biomarker as ‘a characteristic that is higher circulating levels of galectin-3 than healthy
objectively measured and evaluated as an indica- controls, and STEMI patients with high galec-
tor of normal biological processes, pathogenic tin-3 levels experienced a greater rate of 30-day
processes, or pharmacologic responses to a thera- mortality [Tsai et al. 2012].
peutic intervention’ [Biomarkers Definitions
Working Group, 2001; Atkinson et al. 2001]. A number of studies have investigated the role of
Cardiovascular biomarkers have been increas- pentraxin-3 and galectin-3 in HF. However, there
ingly used in the past few years to facilitate the is a dearth of data in the ACS population, giving
screening, diagnosis or prognosis of disease. For us the impetus to perform this study. We thus
instance, troponins and creatine phosphokinases sought to determine the variables that are most
are indicative of the extent of myocardial damage. affected by high concentrations of pentraxin-3
B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) and N-terminal and galectin-3, and the influence they have on
pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-pro BNP) have outcomes of all-cause mortality in ACS patients.
been approved by the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) for the diagnosis and man-
agement of congestive heart failure (CHF). A Methods
number of biomarkers such as myeloperoxidase, The study protocol was approved by the Institution
metalloproteinase, soluble CD40 ligand, ischemia Ethics Committee, SRM Medical College
modified albumin, pregnancy-associated plasma Hospital and Research Centre, Kancheepuram,
protein-A, cystatin C, fatty acid binding protein, and was conducted between April 2013 and June
and placental growth factor (PlGF) are under 2014. Written informed consent was obtained
investigation for diagnostic/prognostic use in dif- from all patients who participated in the study. We
ferent stages of ACS [Nagesh and Roy, 2010]. included a total of 160 patients, of whom 64 were
While a combination of biomarker results and diagnosed with STEMI, 38 with NSTEMI/UA,
standard testing aids the diagnosis of ACS, pre- and 58 were control subjects with chronic stable
dicting the prognosis of ACS patients remains a angina (CSA)/microvascular angina (MVA).
challenge. Thus there is ample scope for develop- Patients with prior HF, severe valvular heart dis-
ing biomarkers that can accurately predict cardio- ease, coexisting cancers, connective tissue diseases
vascular outcomes. and cirrhosis were excluded from the study.
Demographic characteristics, clinical variables
Pentraxin-3 is an inflammatory biomarker from
the C-reactive protein (CRP) family which has and patient history were obtained from patient
been shown to be expressed at the site of athero- interviews and medical records.
sclerotic plaques and cardiac myocytes [Kunes
et  al. 2012]. A significantly higher level of pen- A total of 5ml of peripheral blood was collected in
traxin-3 was found in ACS subjects than in ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) coated
healthy controls [Ustündağ et  al. 2011]. Vacutainer tubes from each patient within 48
Complementarily Matsui and colleagues found hours of admission to the cardiac intensive care
that a higher level of pentraxin-3 in their cohort of unit (ICU). Plasma galectin-3 and pentraxin-3
NSTEMI and UA patients efficiently predicted levels were assessed using an enzyme linked
6-month cardiac events of death or rehospitaliza- immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (R&D Systems,
tion [Matsui et al. 2010]. USA). Patients were followed up at 6 months

M George, E Shanmugam et al.

Table 1.  Baseline characteristics of study patients.

Variables STEMI (n = 64) NSTEMI and UA (n = 38) Controls (n = 58)

Age 51.48 ± 10.60 54.82 ± 10.03 53.22 ± 9.45
Gender (male, %) 84.4* 63.2 67.2
BMI, kg/m2 24.99 ± 2.85 25.84 ± 3.85 25.64±3.8
LVEF, % 44.18 ± 9.20 53.30±11.38 52.82 ±12.87**a
Killip class (I/II/III/IV) 89.06/6.25/3.12/1.56 NA NA
eGFR, ml/min 80.30 ± 27.24 80.88 ± 24.62 81.66 ± 28.84
Risk factors, %  
Diabetes mellitus 43.8 50 48.3
Hypertension 40.6 39.5 48.3
Dyslipidemia 46.9 39.5 39.6
Smoking 45.3** 18.4 12.5
Family history of CAD 28.1 34.2 20.7
Galectin-3, ng/ml 12.3 (9.63–14.65) 9.44 (7.8–11.09)**a 9.71 (7.78–12.15)**a
Pentraxin-3, ng/ml 6.77 (3.54–13.93) 2.46 (1.71–4.31)**a 3.99 (1.92–7.2)**a

Data expressed as mean ± standard deviation, percentage or median with interquartile range. *p<0.05;**p<0.005;
a compared to STEMI group;

ACS, acute coronary syndrome; BMI, body mass index, CAD, coronary artery disease, eGFR, estimated glomerular filtra-
tion rate, LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; NA, not applicable; NSTEMI, non-ST segment elevation myocardial
infarction; STEMI: ST segment elevation myocardial infarction; UA: unstable angina.

through telephonic interview by investigators sex, body mass index (BMI), left ventricular ejec-
blinded to the biomarker levels to assess major tion fraction (LVEF), estimated glomerular filtra-
adverse cardiovascular events that include all- tion rate (eGFR) and risk factors such as diabetes,
cause mortality, rehospitalizations and coronary hypertension and dyslipidemia. Family history of
artery bypass graft surgery (CABG). coronary artery disease (CAD) and their smoking
status were also recorded and compared between
Data were expressed as mean ± standard devia- the groups. Between the three groups, LVEF and
tion (SD) or median with interquartile range smoking emerged as being significantly different
(IQR). The differences in the patient characteris- (Table 1).
tics between the three study groups were com-
pared using one way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
for continuous variables or Pearson’s chi-squared Galectin-3, pentraxin-3 and LVEF
test for variables with frequency distribution. In the cohort of ACS patients, the cutoffs derived
Pearson correlation was used to measure correla- from receiver operating characteristic (ROC)
tion between different variables. Data were log curves for galectin-3 and pentraxin-3 were 11.02
transformed when they did not follow a Gaussian ng/ml and 6.45 ng/ml, respectively. Patients were
distribution. A p value <0.05 was considered as divided into two groups based on galectin-3 and
statistically significant. Statistical analysis was pentraxin-3 levels greater and lesser than the cut-
performed using computer software programs off (Table 2).
such as Statistical Package for Social Scientists,
SPSS version.16 (Chicago, IL, USA) and In patients that had biomarker levels greater than
GraphPad Prism version 5.01 for Windows (San cutoff, LVEF was found to be significantly lower.
Diego, CA, USA). However, in those that had greater pentraxin-3
levels, a higher percentage of these patients were
found to be diabetic and hypertensive.
An ACS cohort consisting of patients with STEMI Consistent with the impact of galectin-3 and pen-
(n = 64), NSTEMI (n = 38) and non-ACS popu- traxin-3 on LVEF, both the biomarkers were
lations consisting of a small cohort of patients found to be negatively correlated with LVEF in
with CSA/MVA (n = 58) were compared for age, ACS and myocardial infarction (MI) patients. In 277
Therapeutic Advances in Cardiovascular Disease 9(5)

Table 2.  Comparison of ACS patient characteristics based on the cutoff derived from ROC curve of the biomarkers.

Characteristics Galectin-3 ⩾ 11.02 Galectin-3 < 11.02 Pentraxin-3 ⩾ 6.45 Pentraxin-3 < 6.45
Age 54.19 ± 10.04 51.39 ± 10.84 54.24 ± 9.53 52.40 ± 10.46
Gender (male, %) 72.3 83.3 78.4 75.9
BMI, kg/m2 24.80 ± 3.0 25.70 ± 3.45 24.68 ± 3.00 25.67 ± 3.45
LVEF, % 43.14 ± 8.66 51.14 ± 11.45** 42.40 ± 8.43 51.04 ± 10.94**
eGFR, ml/min 73.69 ± 25.16 86.35 ± 26.11* 73.97 ± 26.39 82.37 ± 24.03
Risk factors (%)  
Diabetes mellitus 51.1 42.6 62.2 37.9*
Hypertension 46.8 35.2 56.8 32.8*
Dyslipidemia 42.6 46.3 45.9 44.8
Smoking 31.9 37 29.7 34.5
Family history of CAD 25.5 33.3 27.0 32.8
Data expressed as means ± standard deviation, percentage or median with interquartile range.
*p < 0.05;**p < 0.005.
ACS, acute coronary syndrome; BMI, body mass index, CAD, coronary artery disease, eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate, LVEF, left
ventricular ejection fraction; NSTEMI, non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction; STEMI: ST segment elevation myocardial infarction; UA:
unstable angina.

MI patients, both the biomarkers observed a sig-

CABG surgery. The four patients that died had
nificant association with ACS patients. In ACS
higher levels of both pentraxin-3 and galectin-3.
patients, there was a weak association between
It was observed that LVEF was significantly lower
galectin-3 and LVEF (r = -0.2392, p < 0.05),
and that BMI was higher in those patients who
while a relatively stronger association was detected
experienced events Table 3.
between pentraxin-3 and LVEF (r = -0.4539,
p < 0.005). In the MI subcohort, a weak associa-
tion between the biomarkers and LVEF was
observed (galectin-3: r = -0.3483, p < 0.05,
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first pro-
­pentraxin-3: r = -0.3232, p < 0.05) (Figure 1).
spective study conducted in Indian populations
which evaluates the levels of pentraxin-3 and
galectin-3 in ACS. Our study demonstrated that
Galectin-3 and eGFR the median concentrations of the biomarkers pen-
When the ACS cohort was divided based on traxin-3 and galectin-3 were significantly higher
galectin-3 levels, a significant difference was in the MI population and that the cohort with
observed between the two groups, with the group biomarker levels greater than the cutoff derived
with higher galectin-3 level having a significantly from ROC had greater number of deaths, thus
lower eGFR. eGFR was negatively associated indicating that their measurement may be suita-
with galectin-3, showing a moderate but signifi- ble indicators of poor prognosis.
cant correlation when analysed in the cohort of
ACS patients (r = -0.2881. p < 0.005) (Figure 2). Earlier studies in HF populations suggest that
higher levels of pentraxin-3 and galectin-3 are
indicative of advanced disease progression and
Events reduced response to therapy. In our study per-
In our study, we defined higher levels of bio- formed in ACS populations we found that pen-
marker as concentrations greater than the optimal traxin-3 levels were significantly higher in the
cutoff value derived from the ROC curve (Figure STEMI population compared with NSTEMI/
3a,b). A total of 24 events occurred during the controls. The median pentraxin-3 concentration
study, with 17 events occurring in ACS patients. observed in our study was comparable with other
Among the patients that experienced ST-ACS, studies in the ACS population [Matsui et al.2010;
four of them died, five underwent CABG surgery Lee et  al. 2010]. Galectin-3 was significantly
and three were rehospitalized. Among the non higher in the STEMI patients than in the control
ST-ACS patients, five were rehospitalized for population and these findings concurred with

M George, E Shanmugam et al.

Figure 1.  Galectin-3 and LVEF in (a) ACS patients and (b) MI patients. Pentraxin-3 and LVEF in (a) ACS patients
and (b) MI patients.
ACS, acute cardiac syndrome; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; MI, mycardial infarction; Ln, Natural Logarithm.

patients that died had elevated levels of pen-

traxin-3 measured within 48 hours before acute
event. While the role of the inflammatory bio-
marker pentraxin-3 in atherosclerosis is still
unclear, studies do suggest that pentraxin levels
are higher in ACS populations. After an acute
event, a study reported that the expression of
pentraxin-3 increased over time in patients with
AMI, and peaked at 7.5 hours post AMI and
returns to normal levels after 3 days [Peri et al.
2000]. We collected samples from our patients
within 48 hours of the acute event, and the raised
Figure 2.  Galectin-3 and eGFR in ACS patients. concentration of pentraxin-3 may reflect the
ACS, acute cardiac syndrome; eGFR: estimated glomerular triggered inflammatory process during myocar-
filtration rate; Ln, Natural Logarithm.
dial infarction. CRP and pentraxin-3 belong to
the same family of proteins. An earlier study
found that CRP was markedly elevated in
that of Tsai and colleagues [Tsai et  al. 2012]. STEMI patients compared with NSTEMI
Although most studies report levels greater than patients [Habib et al. 2011] and the level of CRP
those reported in our study, comparable concen- was hypothesized to reflect the degree of intrac-
trations have also been reported [Milting et  al. oronary thrombosis[Arroyo-Espliguero et  al.
2008; Van Kimmenade et al. 2008]. 2004; Zairis et al. 2005; Zouridakis et al. 2004].

When patients in the ACS cohort were divided It was also observed that LVEF, diabetic and
based on their pentraxin levels, it was found that hypertension status significantly differed between
a greater number of events occurred in the the two groups divided based on pentraxin-3 lev-
cohort with pentraxin levels greater than cutoff els. A greater percentage of patients with higher
derived from ROC (6.45 ng/ml). The STEMI levels of pentraxin were found to be hypertensive, 279
Therapeutic Advances in Cardiovascular Disease 9(5)

Figure 3.  Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) for baseline (a) pentraxin-3 and (b) galectin-3 in prediction
of adverse events at 6 months.
For (a): AUC = 0.62; 95% CI - 0.46 to 0.78; optimal cutoff 6.45 ng/mL; sensitivity 58.8%; specificity 65.4%.
For (b): AUC = 0.50; 95% CI - 0.37 to 0.64; optimal cutoff 11.02 ng/mL; sensitivity 56.3%; specificity 55.3%.
AUC, area under curve; CI, confidence interval.

Table 3.  Comparison of ACS patient characteristics based on event status.

Events (+) Events (-)

n 17 85
Age 54.06 ± 8.26 52.46 ± 10.88
Gender (% male) 78.40 78.80
BMI, kg/m2 26.73 ± 3.30* 25.03 ± 3.21
LVEF, % 38.80 ± 8.50** 49.013 ± 10. 56
eGFR, ml/min 74.22 ± 17.60 81.73 ± 27.46
Risk factors  
Diabetes mellitus (%) 58.80 43.50
Hypertension (%) 41.20 40.0
Dyslipidemia (%) 35.30 45.90
Smoking (%) 17.60 37.60
Family history CAD (%) 35.30 29.40
Galectin-3, ng/ml 11.31 (8.90–13.75) 10.64 (8.86–14.10)
Pentraxin-3, ng/ml 6.64 (2.81–26.55) 4.25 (2.15–8.41)

*p = 0.05; **p = 0.001

Data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation, median (interquartile range) or percentage;
ACS, acute coronary syndrome; BMI, body mass index; CAD, coronary artery disease; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtra-
tion rate; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction.

diabetic and having a lower LVEF. Another study study found pentraxin-3 to be 15 times the normal
also found that a significantly large number of limit of the upper range in newly diagnosed
hypertensive patients had high pentraxin levels hypertensive patients. As suggested by Parlak and
[Matsui et  al. 2010]. Hypertension and diabetes colleagues, vascular inflammation could link
are low-grade inflammatory processes and the hypertension to atherosclerotic process driving
release of pentraxin suggests the occurrence of cardiovascular disorders [Parlak et  al. 2012]. A
vascular inflammatory processes. An observational direct association between insulin resistance and

M George, E Shanmugam et al.

pentraxin-3 has been found in other populations. high galectin-3 levels. Also, in our study we found
However, to the best of our knowledge, this has that the cohort with higher galectin-3 levels had a
not been documented in ACS populations. lower LVEF and observed a greater number of
events. Furthermore, galectin-3 and LVEF showed
Furthermore, when we explored the relationship a weak correlation in the ACS cohort and in the
between LVEF and pentraxin-3, we found a sig- MI subcohort. Similar findings were observed by
nificant moderate correlation between the two in Weir and colleagues where baseline galectin-3 lev-
ACS populations. However, we found a weak but els negatively correlated with 24-week LVEF [Weir
significant correlation between LVEF and pen- et  al. 2013]. In a community study by Motiwala
traxin-3 in the MI subcohort. To the best of our and colleagues, higher baseline galectin-3 pre-
knowledge, the association between LVEF and dicted a decrease in LVEF with an odds ratio (OR)
pentraxin-3 has not yet been studied in the ACS = 8.11 (p = 0.02) [Motiwala et al. 2013]. However,
populations. However, Matsubara and colleagues studies such as the ones by Mayr and colleagues
observed that there is no association between and Szadkowska and colleagues found no correla-
LVEF and pentraxin in HF population [Matsubara tion between LVEF and galectin-3, although we
et  al. 2011]. We found that the eGFR did not should note that both these studies were per-
emerge to be significantly different between the formed in post percutaneous coronary interven-
groups with high and low pentraxin-3 levels. tion (PCI0 patients. Therefore, there is a need to
Furthermore, no correlation was observed perform more studies to assess this relationship,
between the two variables in ACS populations. and the role of galectin-3 as a fibrosis marker
However, in a cohort of NSTEMI patients from [Mayr et al. 2013; Szadkowska et al. 2013].
the GUSTO-IV study, multiple linear regression
analysis found a significant association between We found a significant moderate correlation
eGFR and pentraxin-3 [Eggers et  al. 2013]. A between eGFR and galectin-3. The cohort of
study by Kanbay and colleagues found that pen- patients with high galectin-3 levels had signifi-
traxin-3 levels was associated with CAD risk in cantly lower eGFR. Such an association has also
stage II and III chronic kidney disease (CKD) been found by Anand and colleagues in whose
patients [Kanbay et al. 2011] study 20% variability in baseline galectin-3 levels
could be attributed to the strong association
In our study, when ACS patients that experienced between galectin-3 and eGFR [Anand et  al.
events were divided based on galectin levels (cut- 2013]. Gopal and colleagues found that plasma
off based on ROC: 11.02 ng/ml), a greater num- galectin-3 levels were 2 fold higher in HF patients
ber of people died at 6 months in the group with with eGFR <30 ml/min than in normal controls
galectin levels greater than cutoff. In fact, all [Gopal et  al. 2012]. Meijers and colleagues
patients who died had STEMI at the time of observed that, while plasma galectin-3 levels were
admission, and elevated galectin-3 levels when significantly higher, fractional galectin-3 excre-
measured within 48 hours of the acute event. In tion was lower in HF patients compared with
the PRIDE study, galectin-3 levels were higher in healthy controls. The authors speculate that the
HF than non-HF patients; 29% of the acute heart high plasma levels of galectin-3 could be due to
failure (AHF) patients experienced recurrent HF, the impaired renal clearance of the biomarker in
while 8% of them died. Based on the sensitivity HF patients. Mechanistic studies that may serve
and specificity of galectin-3, the authors defined a to disentangle the seemingly complicated bio-
cutoff of 9.58 (ng/ml) to predict 60-day mortality chemistry behind the role of galectin along the
[Van Kimmenade et al. 2006]. Galectin-3 has also cardio renal axis may serve as an important tool
been implicated in inflammatory processes to reduce disease burden [Meijers et al. 2014].
[Sharma et al. 2004; De Boer et al. 2010] and it is
possible that the raised levels indicate the inflam- Pentraxin-3 is a biomarker of the CRP family,
mation that occurs during atherosclerosis. sharing 98% identity with tumour necrosis factor
However, it is also possible that its raised levels (TNF) stimulated gene 14 [Breviario et al. 1992;
may reflect the initiation of a cascade of events Lee et  al. 1994]. Endothelial cells, macrophages,
resulting in fibrosis. myeloid cells and dendritic cells produce PTX3
upon stimulation by cytokines and endotoxins
We further looked into other factors that may be such as interleukin 1 (IL-1) and TNF. Several
influenced by galectin-3 levels and we found that studies have examined the role of pentraxin-3 in
LVEF was significantly lower in the cohort with CVD, and studies conducted in mice suggest that 281
Therapeutic Advances in Cardiovascular Disease 9(5)

the plasma levels of the biomarker may increase as would have been ideal, we used patients with
a protective mechanism against cardiac tissue MVA and CSA as controls. We have also not
damage. Exogenous pentraxin-3 has been shown accounted for the influence of drug therapies on
to reverse the phenotypes of increased inflamma- biomarker levels and other procedures such as
tory response characterized by increased neutro- PCI on the event rate.
phil infiltration and apoptotic cardiomyocytes in
pentraxin-3 knockout mice induced with AMI by
coronary artery litigation [Inoue et al. 2012; Salio Conclusion
et al. 2008]. Maugeri and colleagues showed that Pentraxin-3 and galectin-3 are novel circulatory
lowest PTX3 expression was found in early MI biomarkers found to be elevated in cardiovascular
(< 6 hours) and the released PTX3 was found to diseases. In our study, we found that patients with
aggregate with platelets thereby inhibiting their ACS had higher levels of these biomarkers.
prothombotic and proinflammatory activity, Patients with elevated levels of these biomarkers
and possibly illustrating its cardioprotective experienced higher number of deaths and had a
activity[Maugeri et al. 2011]. Galectin-3, however, lower mean LVEF. Furthermore, there is a dearth
belongs to the evolutionary conserved family of of studies investigating the role of pentraxin-3 in
the soluble β-galactoside binding lectin, which are ACS and this area calls for more research. Finally,
expressed in macrophages, neutrophils, mast cells, determining the role of pentraxin-3 and galec-
fibroblasts and osteoclasts. The lectin is found in tin-3 in ACS patients is worth investigating using
the nucleus, cytosol and extracellular space, where larger populations.
it plays numerous roles as a mediator of pre
mRNA splicing in the nucleus, as a factor inhibit- Funding
ing apoptosis, controlling survival, regulating exo- We thank the Office of the Honorable Pro Vice
cytosis in the cytosol, and exhibiting numerous Chancellor of SRM Medical College Hospital,
autocrine and paracrine properties [Dagher et al. Kattankulathur, Kancheepuram, for funding the
1995; Hughes, 2001; Sato and Hughes, 1994] study.
While galectin-3 has not been found in cardiomy-
ocytes, it is found in high levels in cardiac fibro- Conflict of interest statement
blasts. Animal model studies by Sharma and The authors declare no conflicts of interest in
colleagues showed that rat models that progressed preparing this article.
to HF expressed high levels of galectin-3, and the
infusion of galectin-3 in the pericardium of rats
induced myocardial collagen deposition and
remodeling. These effects were reversed by the References
antifibrotic peptide, N-acetyl-seryl-aspartyl-lysyl- Anand, I., Rector, T., Kuskowski, M., Adourian, A.,
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A number of studies have thus investigated the treatment with valsartan in the Val-HeFT. Eur J Heart
role of galectin-3 as a diagnostic and prognostic Fail 15: 511–518.
marker for cardiovascular diseases. Considering
that the disparate pathways through which pen- Arroyo-Espliguero, R., Avanzas, P., Cosín-Sales, J.,
Aldama, G., Pizzi, C. and Kaski, J. (2004) C-reactive
traxin-3 and galectin-3 operate, we found a weak
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While our study contributes to the growing wealth
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