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Due April 20th

1. What is the purpose/goal of this organization? What do they provide?

Nestlé is a multinational company that sells food and drinks etc.. The image
Nestlé is trying to portray for the customers is “good food, good life” from day
tonight. Nestlé was fortunate enough to become a big successful corporation
through merging with big companies, and through shares in holding with other
companies such as a beauty brand L’Oreal.

2. Does your TNC have any subsidiaries?

Nestlé has 406 Subsidiaries around the whole world, as of today.

Few Subsidiaries/products
● Baby food: Gerbers, NaturNes
● Bottled water: Nestlé pure life, S.Pellegrino
● Chocolate: Aero, KitKat, Smarties,
● Ice cream: Dreyer’s, Haagen-Dazs

3. How much money does the TNC make per year?

Annual sales
- 90.83 million U.S dollars

4. Find a map or maps of countries in which your TNC operates,

including where its headquarters are
and where it manufactures its products.
Nestle world headquarters is in Vevey, Switzerland

5. What impact has your TNC had on the environment?

Nestel for many years have had control over many towns water supply, but
they take it for granted not only by taking 1250 gallons of water a minute, but
also making communities sign unfair contracts. In the poor country of
Venezuela, Nestlé had added to the communities disgusting climate change,
do you not properly disposing of waste, they had polluted China’s water
system, and they had caused major deforestation in Indonesia and Malaysia,
do you set the heaping demand of palm oil for the chocolates and candies.
And going back to learning task #1, Since Gerbers is under Nestlé they have
misinformed mothers of the importance of breastfeeding, just so they would
buy their products, Leading to many infants' illness and death. Nestel pollution
demonstrates how globalization can cause a collapse of an environment when
wealth-obsessed corporations with the widespread A production facilities,
Don’t deal with garbage properly.

6. Why might people support your TNC? How does your TNC benefit the
countries where it operates?

Nestlé is showing improvement in progress every day in their involvement in

corporate responsibilities, even though they have been involved in many
unethical issues concerning the production of their products in the past. Nestlé
has started to use eco-friendly alternatives for the items, they are reducing
waste and making different formulas so that they are more nutritious for
consumers. The company is also trying to build on there “created shared
value” by ending child labor. And aiding to those children. Nestlé is really
trying to strive to benefit the environment and it’s consumers that’s why
individuals should support them.

7. What complaints have been made about your TNC? Why might people
critique or oppose your TNC

While researching I saw that on Nestlés Website strictly only positive things
concerning the company have been displayed, nine from past radians to Co.
wooden display the dark side of the past. from this perspective of individuals
“Nestlé is not always a superhero”. Nestlé has been accused of child labor for
the demand of chocolate for many years, They continue to purchase cacao
beans from uncertified farmers, just recently Nestle was sued for using child
labor to make chocolate, this just shows that the problem is still outgoing.
Even though Nestle promised to fix it in the past. I know that Nestlé is a large
corporation and all, but they really need to start valuing individual’s lives,
making money is an excuse to bypass basic human rights.

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