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Microbe Mission 2007 Indiana State C trial

Complete School Name_________________________________ SCORE_________

Team Members 1._______________________________ PLACE_________

You have 50 minutes to complete this exam. If the answer asks for a letter, the letter MUST BE
WRONG. The test has 64 questions.
1._________ 17_________ 33_________ 49_________

2_________ 18_________ 34_________ 50_________

3. _________ 19_________ 35_________ 51_________

4. _________ 20_________ 36_________ 52_________

5. _________ 21_________ 37_________ 53_________

6_________ 22_________ 38_________ 54_________

7. _________ 23_________ 39_________ 55_________

8_________ 24_________ 40_________ 56_________

9. _________ 25_________ 41_________ 57_________

10_________ 26_________ 42_________ 58_________

11. _________ 27_________ 43_________ 59_________

12_________ 28_________ 44_________ 60_________

13. _________ 29_________ 45_________ 61_________

14_________ 30_________ 46_________ 62_________

15_________ 31_________ 47_________ 63 _________

16_________ 32_________ 48_________ 64_________

1.What is the approximate diameter of the organism in the picture?

50µ m

2. What is the function of the cells in the picture below?

3-5. A new single celled organism is found and studies show that it contains chloroplasts inside. What
type of organism has probably been isolated?

4. Provide one place from which this organism could have been isolated.

5. What process probably occurs in the above cell cell?

6-8 Plates A, B, C in the front of the room were exposed to different environments.

6. Based on the results of these plates, which plate shows the most diversity?

7. Which source seems to have the most number of organisms?

8. How many different kinds of organisms seem to be present on plate B?

9-12 What kind of microscope would you use to do each of the following processes?

9. Look for structures such as mitochondria, and endoplasmic reticulum in cells

10. Examine bacteria

11. Examine algae

12. Examine viruses

Questions 13-16 pertain to the microscope that is set up on the front of the room.
13. What is the total magnification in its present setting?

14. Identify the indicated part.

15. Provide one function of the part in 14.

16. Which labeled part of the scope would you use to bring the image into clear view?

17-18. Lichens are composed of __________ AND _________ cells

19 . Fill in the missing part of the following table.

time # microbes present
0 50
20 min 100
40 min 200
60 min 400
120 min ?

20. Which of the following groups of organisms represent the main decomposers in the soil?
A. bacteria and viruses
B. bacteria and fungi
C. fungi and viruses
D. algae and fungi

21.You discover something green and fuzzy on some food that has been in the refrigerator for a long
time. This organism is most likely a(n)
A. Archae B. bacterium C. alga D. fungus
22. A scientist discovers some cells underneath the surface of Antartica. This organism is most likely
A. Archae
B. bacterium
C. alga
D. fungus

23-40. Matching. Each statement will have ONLY one answer. Some answers will be used more than
once; others answers may not be used at all. USE CAPITAL LETTERS; LOWER CASE LETTERS

23. Has cell wall, but is not photosynthetic A. viruses

24. Found in extreme environments B. Archae
25. Mushrooms are an example C. Bacteria
26. Contain only nucleic acids and proteins D. Algae or plant like protists
27. Photosynthetic E. Fungi
28 Used to make most cheeses F. Animal protists
29. Used to make bread G. Answer not given
30 Can not grow by themselves
31. Cause of AIDS
32. Cause of athlete’s foot
33. Cause of strep throat
34. Cause of the flu
35. Produce much of world’s oxygen
36. Capable of phagocytosis
37. Smallest of all forms listed
38 May contain many cilia or may be able to change shape
39. Contain chloroplasts
40 Cause of Mad cow disease.

41. What is the best way to prevent the spread of the agent that causes influenza?

A. Frequent and proper handwashing.

B. Making sure that all food is thoroughly cooked.
C. Frequent use of antibiotics
D. Avoiding serving bagged lettuce and spinach
Questions 42-45, refer to the following figure

42. Write the letter that corresponds to nucleus.

43. Write the letter that corresponds to where energy is produced.
44. Write the letter that corresponds to endoplasmic reticulum.
45. Write the letter that corresponds to the cell membrane.

46-50 Match the following diseases with their usual mode of transmission.

46. malaria A. Ingestion of contaminated food

47. influenza B. Inhalation
48. AIDS C. Animal bites
49. rabies D. sexual fluids
50. common cold

51-52 A gram stain is a stain used to put bacteria into two different categories. The organisms are classified as gram+ or
gram –

51. What color will a gram negative organism appear?

52. What color will a gram positive appear?

53. All of the following types of microbes have a cell wall except

A Bacteria C. Fungi

B. Algae D. Animal like protists

54. A plant is found that has fungi (mycorryhzae) associated with its roots. Which of the following statements best applies
to this plant?

A. It will be more resistant to cold temperatures than a plant without the fungi.

B. It will be more resistant to herbicides that a plant without the fungi.

C. It will grow better and taller than a plant without the fungi.

D. It will die sooner than a plant without the fungi, for the fungi have damaged the xylem and phloem.

55. A patient is suspected of being poisoned by a bacterium that is found in his blood. Based on the information in the
following table, what is the probable identification of the bacterium?


E. coli - + + -
S aureus + - + +
V. cholerae - + - -
C. botulinum + + - +
unknown - + - -

56-58. Identify the following bacterial shapes.

56. 

57. 

58. 

59. All of the following statements about the causative agent of AIDS are true except

A. It contains RNA instead of DNA

B. It infects cells of the immune system

C. It produces double stranded nucleic acids that replicate in the cytoplasm

D. It mutates while in the body of a victim.

60. Which group of microbes does not have a cell wall?

A. Fungi B. Archae C. Eubatreria D. Animal-like protists

61. You have found a single cell that is mobile, and when you examine it in the microscope you
discover a small and a large nucleus. What is the most likely type of microbe that you have found?

62-64. Organism A is found to be resistant to high temperatures and acid conditions. Organism B is
found to be capable of movement by a long way appendage.
62. What structure is probably the cause of the properties of organism A?

63. What structure is responsible for the property of organism B?

64. Organism B could belong to all of the following groups except

A. Fungi B. Bacteria C. Animal like protists D. Plant-like protists.


1.___100µm_____ 17_fungi 33_____C____

49. C
2___carry oxygen 18 algae or bl-gr. alga 34______A___
50. B
3. ___algae 19_3200 35____D_____
51. pink
4. __in water 20 B 36_____F____
52. purple
5. _photosynthesis 21__D_______ 37____A_____
6 22___A______ 38_____F____
54. C
7. 23___E______ 39_____D____
55. V. cholerae
8 24____B_____ 40_____G____
56. coccus
9. electron 25___E____ 41______A___
57. streptococcus
10_light 26____A_____ 42__E_
58. bacillus
11. light 27_____D____ 43__A
59. C
12_electron 28______C___ 44__J
60. D
13. __100x 29______E___ 45__G
61. ciliate
14 iris diaphragm lever 30_______A__ 46. C
62. spore
15 regulate light 31___A______ 47. B
63. flagella
16 D 32____E_____ 48.D
64. A

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