The Virgin of The: Da Vinci Studied Philosophy, Natural History

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About Painting

Da Vinci was born April 15, 1452, and died May 2,

1519. He would wear pink to make his complexion look
fresher. Leonardo never attended public school. He
was raised by his single father. When Leonardo was
fifteen he joined the studio of Andrea Del
Verrocchio in Florence.
Leonardo had no interest in women; he spent most
of his time painting. Five years later he became a
member of the guild of St. Luke, a painters' guild in
Florence. Four years later he worked as an
The independent artist at his own studio in Florence.
of the
In 1483 he started to paint the first version of
theVirgin. He finished it in 1485. In 1495 he made a
clay model for the statue of Francesco Forza, and put
it on display. In 1486 he began to explore human
flight. In 1500 he went to Mantua.
Da Vinci studied philosophy, natural history,
anatomy, biology, medicine, optics, acoustics, science,
mathematics and hydraulics.

Vitruvian Man
The Proportions of the Human Figure

Leonardo Da Vinci's Mona Lisa is one of the most

famous and most celebrated works of all time. The
mastery of the painting lies in its subtle detail,
including the faint smile, and Mona Lisa's distinctive
The work is said to have been commissioned by a
gentleman named Francesco del Giocondo, who hired
Leonardo to paint a portrait of his wife, and this is
why The Mona Lisa is sometimes referred to as La
Gioconda. While this is a theory on the origination of
the painting, scholars have disagreed throughout the
Mona Lisa
ages about how factual this story really is.
Now, answer the questions: f) What did Leonardo Da Vinci study?
a) Who was Leonardo Da Vinci?
g) When did he start to paint the first
b) When was Leonardo Da Vinci born?
version of theVirgin?
c) When did he die?
h) When did he finish?
d) Where was he born?
i) Did Leonardo attend public school?
e) Did Leonardo da Vinci have family?

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Who is the Mona Lisa?


Who is the La Gioconda?


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