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Week one Assignment-Carlos Reyes

Week one assignment

Carlos Reyes

Florida National University

Health Care Marketing

Week one Assignment-Carlos Reyes

Healthcare in the US is not protected by the American Constitution itself. In fact, neither

the 1787 United States Bill of Rights nor the rest of the articles or amendments talk about the

health of the population.

The North American health system is governed by a complex public-private payment

structure where the private sector dominates all public reimbursement mechanisms. This can be

summarized in the interaction between 4 main infrastructures: government, private insurance,

providers and regulators. Since the creation of health care in 1930, the private sector has led the

creation of private health insurance systems, as well as federal programs.

As part of the measures of the first week of Government and at the height of the

pandemic, the president of the United States, Joe Biden, reversed the health policy of Donald

Trump and signed a decree to reopen the federal markets for the purchase and sale of plans of the

health system known as Obamacare, in addition to a memorandum to reduce the requirements to

access Medicaid, the public health program for the most vulnerable sectors.

The question of public health was central to the Democrats in the electoral campaign and,

once Biden became the official candidate of the party, his proposal prevailed over that of a

universal public system of Senator Bernie Sanders: add to the Obamacare markets a good and

affordable public health insurance option, pushing the private sector to lower its prices.

The decree signed by Biden orders all competent federal agencies to reverse the measures

imposed by Trump on the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, bypassing

Congress, mainly the weakening of the virtual health insurance market on the site

and the obstacles created to make it difficult to access Medicaid benefits. Some 15 million

people without health insurance could benefit, of which almost 9 million could qualify for free or

subsidized coverage.
Week one Assignment-Carlos Reyes

In the US, medical coverage can be obtained in 3 ways: through the programs financed

with public money, the employer or by purchasing individual insurance. In 2011, 55% of

working-age Americans received employer-sponsored insurance, 10% purchased individual

insurance in the private market, and 12% received help through public programs. The rest of the

working-age population did not receive health coverage. Anyone can remain in the insurance of

her parents being a beneficiary until the age of 26

For healthcare to be sponsored by the employer, the employer must meet a number of

criteria, as well as offer to pay your healthcare premiums since your employer is not required to

pay for your healthcare. Regarding the contracting of individual insurance, it occurs when

normally your employer does not provide you with health coverage. This system has several

disadvantages such as the payment of administrative costs, the necessary health examinations,

less coverage of services and the inclusion of the insured in an actuarial group characterized by

poor health.

The US spends far more money on healthcare per capita than any other country, in fact its

spending is 53% higher than the second largest country in the world which is Norway. However,

there are big differences depending on the state you are in, while in Utah the per capita spending

is $ 5,000, in the District of Columbia it is more than $ 10,000. In 2018, health spending per

capita stood at $ 9,536 1

In total, the United States spends 16.8% of GDP on health spending, which translates into

3.11 trillion dollars. In fact, with North American health spending, it could cover 34 OECD

countries, its combined population being triple that of the US Of the total health spending, 48%

is assumed by the government, 40% is paid by private insurance companies and 12% is paid

Week one Assignment-Carlos Reyes

Public spending is financed through taxes on millions of taxpayers and private spending

through monthly or annual payments made by the insured and by the thousands of companies.
Week one Assignment-Carlos Reyes




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