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This house believe that Online Class is better than offline class during Pandemic because

social distancing is the most impotant key to prevent the spreading of Covid-19, and by
turning the form of the class into online class is the best system in this case. Online Class was
first launched by Kemenristekdikti since 2014 (with the nam SPADA or Sistem Pembelajaran
Daring Indonesia), so online class is not a new thing for college student.

Offline class is not perfect, so do online. But here are 3 reasons why online class can be
considered as a positive system for college student to study in this pandemic:

1. Virtual Lessons help student turn into self-sufficient with good habits

According to, Virtual lessons can turn students into a self-sufficient

beings that can thrive in society. Virtual lessons also teach and model good study habits. By
learning virtually, students are sued to have a responsible to their study and theirself in
studying. The repetition of this activity for a momment during Pandemic can build a new
habit that grow positive in each personal.

2. Triggering the acceleration of educational transformation

Covid-19 has affect a lot of aspect including education in Indonesia. It caused 58

universities to change their system from offline class into virtual class temporarily. In the
other side, virtual class require Institution and the students to be competent using technology
such as smartphone, laptop, or computer. So how can it work for Indonesian college student?
According to the data in Datavoks, 175,3 million people in Indonesia have already use
internet in 2020. It is reveal a growth from 2019 that only 95,2 million Indonesian who use
internet. It means, most of college student have an access to the internet. The coming of many
online learning applications is also indicate the high demand from students. This occurence
during Covid-19 Pandemic can also support the proggress of Indonesia in 4.0 era.

3. Online Class is More Efective

Kemendikbud made a survey of 237,163 people about online class for college student
and it shows that 60% of the respondent said that online class is more effective to deliver the
theory. The fact that college is not like school where teacher gives everything to the students,
in college, students only get the main point of the theory from the lecturer and explore by
theirself, so online class must be more effective in time and cost consuming than offline
In conclusion, online class might have a negative view from public, but from college
students view, it’s instead give a positive effect for them such as build a good habit, more
effective in time and cost consuming, and also help triggering the accceleration of
educational transformation. In this 4.0 era, internet is a primer needs and educational system
should also grow to provides students with the chance to get more opportunities. So can start
to reach their opportunities through networking because the flexibility of online class during
the Covid-19 Pandemic.

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