Ulo - 2C Let's Check

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DALI-ON, LOVELYN ENGR. SHOWNA LEE SALES LET'S CHECK ULO-20 You will create. an essay about te Civil Engineering Law. You need $0 elaborate ac be why it is important to apply the civil engineering law at work. Te essay must have at leort S00 words and must be Turnitin checked, Civil Engineering Law stater every law or remincler for everyone on what shoul be done by a aivif engineer, what should 't taker to be @ Avi] engineer, amc many more. It is important te follow this people whe has swvived the Journey in baking up the courre if anyone can provite the Services a civil engineer must provide. Even if the person it very high skilled tn the engineering field, if he or the diel aol Fintoh ar does not qualify in the requirements to 86.0 civil engineer, still be oF she needs bo undergo the process a licensed Civil Engineer hod lone, am not saying that he er che should not be given a chance to provide his or her service to the public, but still be or che should coordinate #0 a Licenced Civit Engineer so the yalue of the profesion would aot be comproms real The Civil Engineering Law ae well it a reminder that taking He path the Jeade to becoming a Licensect Civil Engineering ir aot cary. lt makes the value of the Profercion even higher [eis important fer us to follow there laws or precqubions £0 that everything will come 0 i8s proper place, what I mean is, so that everything will be dene by people that is experts in the field. For example, the law states that structural plans shoul be provided by cn expert in the fielol, saya structural clvil engineer. Jt is important so that what eer happens on the ctracture, on the Client side, there will be a person who is responsible for te Hinge that happens on the building. Say, an eartaquake occurred Hhat causec! your building be be destroyed, the Shuckurol civil engineer will be the one Who would be rapensible fr the damage of your buileling. If you clit not ovil te service that a ctruchurol engineer offered, it te you that woulel be responcible for the destruction of your own building. Getting a “structural engineer te provide fer your ctructural plans ie a great idea, becoure a structural engineer will do hit or her bert to provide the designs for your tuilcling that is capale of eamying the Inode that wit be put your butleling, andl a uileling that is capable of withstanding o certain magnitude oF o ceirmic action. Without these laws being followed in our work place, it woul not be a gooo! place to practice your profestion. Without tere lows, the profession would be taken for gran bec Ibis good to rave there laws. It helps people realize how important a crifengineen ic to o country, #0 0 community, le gives more value tothe profession ond reminds people that elvit engineers chouldl not token for granted. for raving tis profession requires a '9t of hara work. There will be wlinited challenges that an ospiring elvil engineer, or even a licented civil engineer will be Facing. During the Waining in oun universities, and during our practice in the Field

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