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Rol Questions

1 1. What is VPN? How does it prove an advantage for an enterprise wide
application deployment? Identify the issues governing such a deployment.
What are the protocols that would be applicable in the implementation of an
enterprise wide network for a large corporation? D05

2. Discuss designing of campus network environment. Your answer should be

w.r.t. LAN switching, mix of routing and switching activities. D05

1R. Explain FDDI media access control with different timers. D04/D05/M09

2 3. Consider large corporate scattered across world. Consider 3 cases and show
the resp. connectivity depending on requirements list. M04

4. With ref. to fig 1, Design a suitable n/w using standard networking products.
All windows clients should have access to internet. Lines between buildings
indicate distances. D05
2R. What is B-ISDN? (M03 2mks) Explain layers in the B-ISDN technology.

3 5. Short Note: D04

a. RTP over VOIP c. WAN topology
b. ITU-H.323 standard d. VP switches vs VC switches

6. Explain the M/M/1 queuing system in brief. D04

3R. Explain VOIP in detail. D05/M09/M10

4 7. How transmission Convergence is carried out in the B-ISDN physical layer?


8. Consider a large corporate scattered across world. Consider 3 cases and

show the respective connectivity depending on requirements list. M04
4 Explain what is a routing loop. How it occurs? What are the techniques to
avoid this? D05/M09/M10

5 9. Explain the internetworking between novel netware and unix networks M04

10. Explain layers in ATM networks. M04

5. Explain issues in the load analysis for networking. D05/ D04/M04/M10

12. Explain different WAN-WAN design strategies. M04

11. Discuss SONET architecture (& application M03)and structure. Also draw
the SONET frame format.D04/ M09/M10
12. Write short notes on Frame relay. Draw its frame format and explain FR
components. D04/M09/M10

7 13. Prepare production selection guide for your choice of the following
product: D05
a .Switches b. Routers c. CSU/DSU d. Bridges
Identify the operational and configuration features of any one router u have

14. Briefly describe various protocols that are applicable in a enterprise

network. M03 8mks
7. What are networking principles? List n explain. D04/M04/M09/ M10 5 mks

8 15.Clearly identify your design choices in selecting:

1) switches 2) Routers 3) Bridges 4) Gateways
For implementing a campus wide n/w. 03 8mks

16. Motels have setup a chain of hotels across the country. Each of the hotel
uses an advanced computerized system which manages the day to day
operations like front desk mgmt, reservation mgmt, restaurant mgmt, room
service mgmt, HR mgmt , inventory. The group wishes to have integrated
system which enables a consolidation of all these applications and its clientele
IT services through the web. Identify a suitable networking scheme with
relevant system, to implement this proposal. M03 16 mks
8. What are the basic functions of ATM switching unit? Discuss VP and VC
switches D04/M09

9 17. What do you understand by hierarchical partitioning of n/ws? Indicate how

it is done to implement i)LAN-WAN design ii) WAN WAN design. M03

18. Clearly identify the major design goals, constraints and design issues in
load balancing/ load analysis of WAN based n/w. M03 6mks
9. Explain n/w partitioning in detail. M09/M04

10 19. What do understand by UPN? How is security implemented to ensure

reliable access for an enterprise wide application. M03 8mks
20. ABC computer systems, a leading h/w manufacture plans to implement an
interactive voice response based service facility. This facility will enable its
clients an access to trouble shooting and service related services from the
company from the normal telephone. Identify a model with list of components
that will facilitate such a system. M03 8mks
10.Write short notes on: 5 mks each
a.Satellite networks M09/M10 b.IPv4 Vs IPv6 M09/M10 c.Heterogeneous
n/ws M09/M10
d.SMDS M09/M10 e.X.25 protocol M09/M10 f.Backbone n/ws

11 21. Write notes on any 3: M03 18 mks

a) Automated tools for traffic mgmt on high speed n/ws.
b) Impact of broad band in “Direct to home digital services”
c) VOIP and its impact to telephone.

22. What are the ATM n/w specific signaling capabilities? M03 6mks
6. Define different network variables which are important in the traffic on the
network. How data size is important in the network traffic? D05/ D04

12 23. Explain difference between single mode optical fiber multimode fiber. M03

24. Consider a ring with 16 stations and a total fiber length of 20km. Using a
two fiber cable, this world correspond to a cable length of 10km. light waves
travel along fiber at a speed of the order of µs per station..Calculate ring
latency, efficiency, max access delay. Assume TTRT=5ms. M03 8mks
11. What are backbone networks? Explain all the types of backbone n/ws.
13 25. Draw the reference model of fast Ethernet(i.e. mbps n/w) M03 6mks

26.Why Radia Perlman says “transparent bridge” is like translucent bridge (ie.
Semitransparent)? 4mks
13. Explain what r different network performance parameters. M04/M09/M10

14 27. What are the issues in remote bridges. M03 6mks.

28What are 4B/5B codes and NRZI encoding? Why are these used in FDDI
n/ws? M03 6mks
14. There are four general layers of n/w design , Applications, Premises,
Access and backbone. Give details abt design of each layer i.e technology,
topology, devices & protocols needed at each layer.D04/M09/M10

15 29 Why “loops with bridges” is a more serious problem then “loop” with
routers? M03 6mks

30. When there are many learning bridges in the n/w, how does the bridging
works? M03 4mks
15. Design network security process for an organization. M09/M10 5mks

16 31. What is FDDI? M03 2mks

32. What is “jitter” in a FDDI n/w and what methods are used to correct this?
M03 6mks
16. Explain buffer mgmt in switches. M04/M10

17 33. Explain Claim process in FDDI. M03 6mks

34. Explain motivations to incorporate broad band features into ISDN. M03
17.What is hierarchical network partitioning for WAN-WAN/WAN-LAN design?
Identify appropriate components that would be used in such a design.
Illustrate clearly the difference between layer 2 and layer 3 partitioning
principles. D05/M10
18 35. Distinguish between synchronous and asynchronous frames transmitted
by FDDI and why useful? M03 4mks
36. What is beaconing process? M03 6mks
18.How transmission convergence is carried out in the B-ISDN physical layer.
D04/ M10

19. Consider a big org having branches at New Delhi, Mumbai, Navi Mumbai
an Nagpur . They want to setup a complete connectivity between these
branches. Show the connectivity as well as give details of the components etc.
The org want the cost effective solution as well as optimum performance.

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